Friday, June 19, 2015

Jon Stewart puts all joking aside as he addresses the murders in Charleston, South Carolina.

Click image to watch video.
Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Jon Stewart apologized to his audience tonight for not having any jokes for them, as he just dropped the comedy to get serious about Charleston. He said, “I honestly have nothing, other than just sadness.” 

“By acknowledging it,” Stewart pointed out, “by staring into that and seeing it for what it is, we still won’t do jackshit. Yeah, that’s us. That’s the part that blows my mind.” 

He contrasted how the U.S. does whatever it can to protect everyone from foreign threats, but has an “eh, what are you gonna do?” attitude to domestic threats.

People like to pigeonhole Jon Stewart as nothing more than a comedian who mocks politicians and uses current events as fuel for his comedy.  But this segment once again proves that he is much more than that.

I urge you to watch this, even though it is not what you would usually expect from Jon Stewart.

Actually you should watch it precisely because it is not what you would usually expect from Jon Stewart, and that is what makes it so incredibly powerful.

Oh and his interview with Malala Yousafzai is pretty damn impressive as well.


  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I just read the post that Sarah had someone write on her behalf. It infuriated me. That stupid bitch should keep her f'ing mouth shut about this. After the shootings Jan 8, 2011, she has no right to enter the national conversation about this. The blood of those six dead people will forever be on her hands

  2. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Oh, Gryph, thank you for including the interview with Malala and I, for one, will be in the theater on October 2nd!

  3. We are really going to miss John Stewart.

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I thought that Jon Stewart's comments were so apt. I wonder what he thinks of the GOP presidential candidates' take on the Charleston massacre. Thus far, Rand Paul thinks everyone should have had a gun; Rick Santorum and Lindsay Graham think that it had nothing to do with racism but was an attack on Christianity; and I haven't yet heard what the other GOP lunatics think. Probably not much different. And then there's Sarah who wants "forgiveness" for the murderer! Is she suddenly Christ - in a transgender version????

  5. Maple1:57 PM

    I wondered how JS was going to handle his show last night. I wasn't at all surprised - his natural caring thoughtfulness, not to mention his rage about the Charleston event came through loud and clear. Every single American should have watched his show. I hope it gets shared far and wide, and gets viewed by the people (especially the politicians) who need it most.

  6. Anonymous2:28 PM

    How eloquent.

  7. I think the Jewish term is "Mensch";
    noun; NORTH AMERICAN informal
    a person of integrity and honor.

  8. Anita Winecooler8:41 PM

    continued, had trouble seeing the keys... They told their stories and gave forgiveness, something I'd find very difficult to do, and yet, while channel surfing, some asshat bigoted idiots on an "entertainment onews show" were intimating there were actors, and that the gov mint was involved to rile up the African American votes for political gain. It just boggles my mind that people could be so heartless and kick human beings down in their most difficult time of grief.
    My daughter's college had a moment of silence for each victim, while people took turns reading excerpts from speeches given at that very church by many leaders, religious and secular, of all races and creeds. They also happened to have grief counselors because of the death of one of their classmates to cancer, and they're staying for those who need to talk about their feelings.
    I don't want to hear anymore about the killer and anyone apologizing for his actions in any way shape or form.

    Here's a link to some of the bs.


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