Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Leave it to Mike Huckabee to creep everybody out with a tasteless joke at the expense of transgendered people.

[These] ordinances [say] if your 7-year-old daughter—if she goes into the restroom—cannot be offended and you can’t be offended if she’s greeted there by a 42-year-old man who feels more like a woman than he does a man. Now I wish that someone told me that when I was in high school that I could have felt like a woman when it came time to take showers in PE. I’m pretty sure that I would have found my feminine side and said, “Coach, I think I’d rather shower with the girls today.”

Slate has more:  

Huckabee has long enjoyed bashing gay people and marriage equality, but this disgusting joke suggests the former Arkansas governor has lately discovered the joys of ridiculing trans people—who already face a stunning amount of discrimination and harassment. For what it’s worth, no state that has passed trans protections has seen Huckabee’s bathroom fever dream come to pass. But, of course, Huckabee isn’t really concerned about facts: He’s concerned about finding the kind of red meat Republican voters still care about. It seems that, by his calculation, maligning one of the most reviled and marginalized groups in society will still push GOP voters to the polls. 

You only have to listen to the reaction of the crowd to realize that Huckabee is not alone in his feeling that transgender people are disgusting sexual predators looking for an opportunity to prey on small children.

Of course the sexual predators are almost never a transgendered person. Instead they are far more likely to look more like this:

And how did Huckabee respond to an actual child molester (Link has much more graphic report.) once he was outed?

Like this of course:

Janet and I want to affirm our support for the Duggar family. Josh’s actions when he was an underage teen are as he described them himself, 'inexcusable,' but that doesn’t mean 'unforgivable.' He and his family dealt with it and were honest and open about it with the victims and the authorities. No purpose whatsoever is served by those who are now trying to discredit Josh or his family by sensationalizing the story. Good people make mistakes and do regrettable and even disgusting things. The reason that the law protects disclosure of many actions on the part of a minor is that the society has traditionally understood something that today’s blood-thirsty media does not understand—that being a minor means that one's judgement is not mature. No one needs to defend Josh’s actions as a teenager, but the fact that he confessed his sins to those he harmed, sought help, and has gone forward to live a responsible and circumspect life as an adult is testament to his family’s authenticity and humility. Those who have enjoyed revealing this long ago sins in order to discredit the Duggar family have actually revealed their own insensitive bloodthirst, for there was no consideration of the fact that the victims wanted this to be left in the past and ultimately a judge had the information on file destroyed—not to protect Josh, but the innocent victims. Janet and I love Jim Bob and Michelle and their entire family. They are no more perfect a family than any family, but their Christian witness is not marred in our eyes because following Christ is not a declaration of our perfection, but of HIS perfection. It is precisely because we are all sinners that we need His grace and His forgiveness. We have been blessed to receive God’s love and we would do no less than to extend our love and support for our friends. In fact, it is such times as this, when real friends show up and stand up. Today, Janet and I want to show up and stand up for our friends. Let others run from them. We will run to them with our support.

To sum up, Christian child molesters are okay, but a transgendered woman who has to pee is a menace to society.


  1. Virginia Gentleman at C4P--who is one of the most vile online personas I've ever encountered--described Jenner as neither male or female but a thing. Just a thing. Not even a human! A thing!

    And he complained mighty that we should not have to be exposed to what VG characterized as Jenner's terrible perversion and freakishness.

    And yet, the Duggars are just fine . . . .

    1. Leland3:09 PM

      "Virginia Gentleman at C4P--who is one of the most vile online personas I've ever encountered--described Jenner as neither male or female but a thing. Just a thing. Not even a human! A thing!"

      Why so surprised? That tactic has been used since the south was challenged about keeping slaves. (Considerably before that as well, actually.) 'They're not human so why should I treat them as such?'

      Old tactic. Unfortunately, too many idiots actually swallow that crap.

  2. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Huckabee is the new Palin. he's a bad old ugly entertainer with nothing but his Schtick for a life. and it's not even a good schtick, not for either of them. sad mans. really sad.

    1. maple3:32 PM

      I suspect he has a very, very small "shtick".......

  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Fuckabee verbalizing his sexual phantasms and religiosity is guaranteed to harvest the sheeple vote.
    Go Big Mike!

  4. Our Lad2:14 PM

    This fat little bastard needs to just have the dogshit slapped out of him. Like all fake tough guys he talks that John Wayne jive but if he met Bruce Jenner or Caitlin Jenner or Elmer Fudd in a place where he was not insulated and protected from physical harm he would keep his mouth shut and his eyes cast downward. Big shot till he's face to face with an ass kicking. Fucker makes me laugh.

    1. Leland3:10 PM

      "This fat little bastard needs to just have the dogshit slapped out of him."

      But if you did that he'd disappear!

      Wait. That's not a bad idea.

  5. Anonymous2:26 PM

    We're having a drinking game at my house tonight. Every time Jim Bob Billy Boy or Michelle say "God and/or forgive(ness-or any other variable)" tonight on The Kelly File, we'll take a shot! Let the softball lobs begin!

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Just saw on Mediate that 2 of the molested girls will also be on the show tonight. What could they possibly say? Don't think I want to see this train wreck.

    2. They will say what they've been ordered to say. That they have moved on, grown spiritually, "forgiven" Josh, pray for him and their parents, kumbayah.

  6. Enjay in E MT2:34 PM

    Am so glad there are real leaders to emulate rather than this self-appointed Sack of Sh*t

  7. Anonymous3:46 PM

    It's no wonder the Christian numbers are dropping in the United States when you watch the likes of this asshole and other 'so-called' ministers spout their madness!

    All they do is vocalize hate and fear from via their 'supposed' god! And, to think there are actually some folks that believe their rhetoric!

    I don't think Huck is long for this earth because of his long-held obesity as well as the anger/hate he has held all these years.

    A heart attack or stroke will probably end his life (or cancer) and I sincerely hope he is ready to meet Satan in Hell per his 'godly' beliefs!

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    He is a squirrel and a legend in his pea brain. A genuine fraud.
    Go away ,go suck on Chuck Norris you,you. Moron.

  9. Anonymous3:53 PM

    What they really think.

    he Creepy Fundamentalist Homeschool Cult That Trained the Duggars

    Insane Duggar Cult Leader Posts "New Statement," Immediately Deletes It

  10. The public face of Christianity in the US: the Duggars, the (Duck) Robertsons, Mike Huckabee, Pat Robertson, Rick Santorum and Sarah Palin (and others).

  11. Anita Winecooler6:59 PM

    OT On the show "Now" on MSNBC, Alex said Rick Santorum wrote a letter to Pope Francis about taking a stronger stance on pro life issues and included his shock that Pope Francis mentioned global warming and science.
    Pope Francis wrote Frothy back. Said he has a degree in chemistry and what Frothy is putting down isn't truth. He went on and explained that science has the ability lift people from poverty, save lives with vaccines, hygiene, etc etc etc.

    Guess Pope Francis won't be seeing Rick Santorum when he visits! Alex Wagner was beaming from ear to ear.

  12. Anonymous7:38 PM

    I didn't watch the Duggar interview on Fox yet.

    Others are claiming is is a horrifying train wreck.

  13. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Apparently "lesbian agendas" and "gay agendas" were discussed by Duggar Dipshit Duo.


  14. Anonymous2:00 AM

    To be 100% clear, the Duggars are lying. This wasn’t a one time thing. And no it didn’t happen only while his victims slept.

    According to his own confession, Josh molested these girls repeatedly over 16 months, and at least twice he molested his victims while they were awake. Josh confessed to going into the girls’ room and going from sister to sister and touching each one on the breasts and vagina, touching his 5 year old sister’s chest and vagina while she sat on his lap for a story, putting his hands up his sister’s dress while she was in the laundry room and molesting a family friend while she slept on the couch. He was a minor at 14-15, but that does not mean his actions can be excused as those of a child. These were premeditated criminal acts that absolutely should have been immediately reported to and dealt with by the local police and child services authorities. Mind you, these are only the acts that Josh fessed up to during a 16 month period. Who knows how many times he crept into his sisters room to molest them. Considering how secretive and protective the Duggars are about any perceived failings to their family’s honor and money making abilities, it’s highly likely that his actions have been minimized and the true extent of his actions is much worse. Even with the police reports posted online, the parents Duggars are downplaying and minimizing Josh’s reported actions. What actually was reported is likely a much-watered down version of the true events.

    One thing is certain, though, if any suitor had done any of one these acts to the Duggar sisters, the suitor would be ostracized by the family and church and the Duggar girl would be severely punished for letting it happen. I doubt they would have been excused like Josh was. And just imagine if anyone from outside the church or family had going into the girls room while they were sleeping and molested them, or had molested their 5 year old while reading to her, or had trapped their daughter in the laundry room and reached under her dress. Imagine if it weren’t a family member - the Duggar parents would be at the police station in a hot minute to file a police report and prosecute. It shouldn’t have been any different with Josh.

    Here’s the latest police report:

  15. Not to be outdone, Ted Cruz has shot himself in the foot with a tasteless joke at the expense of Joe Biden just days after Biden's son has died.

    Yeah, the Republican clown car is gaining speed downhill towards the inevitable toilet.

    Now ex-governor Rick "Oops" Perry wants us to give him another chance. He's climbing on to the car as it whizzes by.

    Man, the debates are going to be awesome. Unless Fox runs it and it's just a few minutes of the candidates reciting their memorized talking points. Oh, that's right. Rick Perry can't even do that. What were those three departments again, Rick?

    Huckabee was never a serious candidate. I'm sure he knows he can't win as to many of the others. This is just a front to grift money hand over fist due to Citizen's United and Super Pacs. They have rigged the system to rake in millions with no accountability whatsoever.

    Huckabee has his base and this is an opportunity for him to squeeze them for every dime. He knows he'll never be nominated but that doesn't matter. So he can say any dipshit thing he wants, especially if it panders to his base. Won't hurt his election chances because he hasn't got any.


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