Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Sarah Palin morphs from politician and partisan attack dog, to movie and book critic?

So yesterday Palin posted her personal review of a movie she watched on a plane, and pimped a book from Chris Kyle's widow.

Courtesy of Facebook: 


If you need some spirit-lifting all-American true story telling, watch the great new movie “McFarland, USA”! Granted, my favorite movies are sports related (it's all about the underdog, the unconventional, the character revealed in overcomers), and I found this one on an Alaskan redeye flight to be one of the best. Rarely do I want to sit long enough to watch a movie (though I could recline for days with a good book – in the sun, toes in the sand – that'd be my heaven on earth!), but I’m thankful Disney made this one. 

Perhaps this cross-country themed film resonated because sweat is my sanity. (Well then lady you are not sweating nearly enough.) I've been a (slow, dogged) distance runner for more miles than my enduring knees owe me. I'm not good, but I know the guts it takes to run. (No folks it's not your imagination, Palin is definitely leaving little, not so subtle, hints that she might run for office in order to excite the five people who still want her to do so.) Additionally, attribute my enthusiasm here to personal connectivity to the inspiring film because every day I get to witness the positive influence my dad, Coach Heath, has had on his students and athletes. Without a doubt the life lessons Dad taught on the court, the field, and in the classroom changed lives for the better. Filmmakers and the actor Kevin Costner grandly captured the same in McFarland's Coach White. White and his teams' stories exemplify what coaching with integrity is all about. 

You don't have to be a sweat-obsessed sports nut to love this movie. It's all good with virtuous tenacity woven through a plot that's applicable to all our lives. Loved it! Makes me want to run. 

- Sarah Palin

But of course not for office.

This is Palin so she cannot pass up an opportunity to interject the fact that she was a runner, and to show a picture of her dad as a coach.

I have no idea if this movie is any good, though it does have a 79% over at Rotten Tomatoes, however I know that Palin likes this movie mostly because it gives her yet another opportunity to polish up the old family mythology.

And speaking of mythology she also does book reviews:

For a very good summer read, please get Taya Kyle’s wonderful book “American Wife.” Her personal story connects deeply with the experiences of many military families. It puts things in perspective and reminds us of the enormous sacrifices made for our freedom. The book powerfully combines tragedy that touched a nation with an ongoing personal, hope-filled outcome based on Taya's faith. And, bluntly, the beautiful widow of American Sniper Chris Kyle also awakens us to the lessons in the adage "Don't sweat the small stuff." Great job, Taya; we love you!

This one is a no brainer, and I mean that in every sense of the word. 

Palin has been worshiping at the feet of Chris Kyle ever since he worked on that "Stars Earn Stripes" show with Todd.

We remember Todd doing that show right?

Besides the book not only has all kinds of rooting tooting military anecdotes in it, but also contains references to religion and faith, which Palin needs to keep associating with in order to convince the fundamentalists that she is one of them.

So to be clear Sarah Palin will support any movie or book that allows her to polish her image as a former athlete or help to convince people that even though her daughter moves in with a man before marriage, her family cusses like a boatload of sailors on leave and picks fights at birthday parties, and she dresses like a aged hooker at a Vegas convention, she is STILL a good Christian woman despite all evidence to the contrary.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Variety calls "McFarland USA" --"A well-intentioned mix of compassion and condescension."

    Palin's self-referential "review" fails to mention the plot, the characters, the intricacies of the story. All I got from her screed was lots, and lots, and lots about Sarah Palin. I also learned that she can't sit still for a 90-minute movie, but can read "for days" if she's in Hawaii, with someone bringing her a Mai Tai after each chapter.
    Which brings us to tonight's question; "What books and newspapers do you read to keep informed?"

    She says she loves to read, so that isn't a gotcha question at all.

    1. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Why, the BIBLE of course, silly!!

    2. Boscoe10:17 AM

      It's only a gotcha question if you didn't give her a week's notice in advance that you were going to ask it...

    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Lol...they got her locked in a box cell some where! She must have sneeked out!

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      The last book that Sarah read? Little House on the Prairie.

    5. Anonymous6:02 PM


  2. Anonymous9:25 AM

    A book? And payme? Only in her insanity world. LMAO at sp.
    I imagi e she just colored it. LMAO at sp.

  3. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Post her post yoga picture. The real scary one.

  4. Anonymous9:30 AM

    FOREVER hope that the power couple will work out their issues and be all Sarah's dreams come true for her daughter.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Remains one of the creepiest photos EVAH!

    2. Anonymous10:36 AM

      who ya talkin to? Respect is earned, not given.
      #NeverOutGunned #MorningMotivation #dakotameyer0317

      2015-06-02, 13:01 In this day and age people seem concerned only with things like Dancing With the Stars and Bruce Jenner, discussion held to the trivial matters of pop culture. At what point, Nero, do you put the violin down and notice that Rome is burning?

      I love Lucy!!!!

    3. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Is that one of Marina's trucks or another rental?

      Owned by: Exotix LLC Trademarks

      Lucy and I bsmp2

      Is this where she stays now or is she living with Marina?
      marina_exotix_llc And now my bestie is home @bsmp2

  5. "though I could recline for days with a good book"
    Ha. She might recline for days on a good book.

    "Don't sweat the small stuff."
    Well, I was reading Colonel Chris Hadfield's book and he says we should sweat the small stuff, and he is one hell of a lot more qualified than that chittering dipshit Palin to hand out life advice.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Sarah Palin reads? What friggin' baloney!

      Watch how she never allows herself to be questioned about a book she professes to have read. It's never occurs and never will!

      Sarah Palin doesn't read folks! She doesn't know how (and most assuredly doesn't) due to having a very low comprehension level!

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Remember Katie Couric's question of Palin many years ago? Katie could ask it again (today) and she'd receive the same response!

      We all know Sarah Palin doesn't read and would never be able to prove she does if asked random questions!

      Palin has a retention problem!

    3. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Considering that Sarah wears eyeglasses, maybe she should sit up straight when she reads a book for days-- to avoid eye strain.

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      Her "eyeglasses" are for effect. They do not have a prescription in them.

  6. E.B. White9:34 AM

    Sarah Palin definitely wrote this herself. Who but Palin could put words in this order and pretend that they made sense in English?

    "Additionally, attribute my enthusiasm here to personal connectivity to the inspiring film because every day I get to witness the positive influence my dad, Coach Heath, has had on his students and athletes."

    "...attribute my enthusiasm here to personal connectivity to the inspiring film ...."

    We can tell that Coach Heath didn't teach the English language.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      T thought Chuckles Sr was a science teacher, part time? Where did he graduate from, or didn't he? HE never struck me as being especially athletic.

    2. Anonymous11:28 AM

      At the high school level, many times a sport coach will also teach another subject.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      He's part of that Idaho Aryan nation! Been building up crew in AK ID OR AK! Good ol Amerikkkan for sure! Hu Sarah?

    4. Anonymous11:51 AM

      "Hottest Governor"

      About 1985 Chuck Heath Sr. was about saving pedophiles. Pals have to stick together, you know? He cared not for the students.
      What a pathetic example and role model.

      Searching for the Real Sarah Palin

    5. Anonymous12:36 PM

      @11:51 am


      I'd never seen that very creepy photo of Chuck and his team (2nd link). And the information about his effort to support Ray Carter's protection of a pedophile is critical to any consideration of Heath's 'influence.'

    6. Crystal Sage12:37 PM

      A wag announced that Sarah Palin is speaking in "Yoda." I am offended on Yoda's behalf. He was wise. although he talked backwards.

    7. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Everyday Sarah Heath Palin thinks about the negative influence her Dad had on her when he hid her panties. Old Chuck Heath is a pervert.

    8. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Ray Carter was a bestie of Chuck Heath. Both went to the same school in Idaho and moved to Alaska. Ray Carter was shameful and Chuck Heath was every bit as rotten.

      Ray Carter was also close to the family and baby sat Track and Bristol. I don't think those kids ever had a chance.

    9. Anonymous1:38 PM

      How does Sarah manage to keep up with all of the students that Chuck Heath coached and taught in order to see his positive effects? I got one look at him pawing Sarah on the night of the election and that was enough for me.

    10. Anonymous3:21 PM

      If you reflect to your high school days, the majority of coaches always taught some type of history class. They never headed math or science classes.

    11. Anonymous6:07 PM

      Well then she needs to call Oprah!

    12. Anonymous7:01 PM

      Chuckles Sr's entire science curriculum consisted of bringing dead animals to school to show to his students.

    13. Anonymous10:05 PM


  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    She does realize that the runners in the movie were poor Mexican farm worker kids, right??? Right?? lolol. I thought she didn't like "those people".
    Sarah, honey, you are NOT an athlete. You have never BEEn an athlete. You are an athletic wannabee.
    If you tried to run a mile right now you'd go into v tach so fast......hey wait!! Go run Sarah!! Run as fast as you can for as long as you can!!
    Loser. Loser Loser.
    That's all you ever were and ever WILL be.
    And a small loser in a small pond.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      she did run in high school but she never won anything, never placed. Even her coach/dad said in an interview that she wasn't athletic but she had a competitive spirit and worked hard.

  8. Cckids9:36 AM

    McFarland is a decent movie (though not really "new", it's been out for months. I call BS that she reads, even trashy novels on the beach. Who's ever seen her with a book?

    Also, no way did she write that. Too many complete sentences.

    I'll pass on Tara Kyle's book. Too preachy for me, plus I still dislike her spouse. But she's got a right to get her story out. And FSM knows, military families regularly get the shaft. THAT would be a great book.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Military ho-ho's who twirl their ta-ta's to score a soldier boy! Then screw him good on the money part! Wink!

    2. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I agree Cckids....she didn't write was more a review by someone else and never in palin's ability to write that well. lol

    3. Anonymous12:22 PM

      sarah reads.....celebrity magazines and every post with her name in it....remember todd set up their phones to alert whenever her name showed up on the web....and we do know that she read every book about her including mcguinnes and others revealing her lies and fraud.

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Who has seen Sarah with a book? Why she reads any and all of them.

    5. Anonymous2:04 PM

      It is hard to believe Bristol would leave Dakota. They were on their way to writing books that would be made into movies.

      Sara was smart to keep both families and Dakota happy so they can still work together.

    6. Anonymous3:35 PM

      $arah reads... 'Green Eggs and Ham'!

    7. Anonymous3:45 PM

      She sells books.

      Remember when she was helping her friend sell his book?

    8. Anonymous6:09 PM

      Or Playboy! I use to look like that! I think? Lol..wait I need to remember!

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sarah Pac report is due at the end of this month. There will be no denying the decline in Palins political influence when all will be able to see the drought of donations. Like mans effect on the climate, we will witness mans effect on Pailns political influence. Also, it seems the Palin spin machine is attempting to dampen down the crazy for a while. Sarah has been laying low, and she seems to be, as Gryphen states, trying to project a more folksy image. We all know how that will work out for her ignorant, socially inept, family.

    1. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Can't wait to dissect that one!

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      The pastor sarah hit the skids,gotta try another grift. How about a maid at motel 6?

    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Yes! There must be a money connection somewhere with the movie/book promoting.
      Sarah does NOTHING for free.

    4. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Audit and get every recipient! Smile!

  10. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I would like to recommend a book for Sarah's summer reading, it is a short book by a well known author that Sarah has been known to enjoy, is an easy read and has roots in politics and scandal. "Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now!", by Dr.Seuss. I enjoy replacing "Marvin K. Mooney", with " Sarah Lou Looney"...."the time had come, so Sarah went!". A very happy ending!

  11. Anonymous9:44 AM

    (though I could recline for days with a good book – in the sun, toes in the sand – that'd be my heaven on earth!)

    Hahahahaha, she really does have sense of humor after all. I'm guessing the book is for shading her face when it gets too hot!!!


    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I vote for years or even decades rather than days.

    2. Anonymous11:36 AM

      They got her locked up somewhere?

    3. Anonymous1:36 PM

      How long does it take Sarah to read a book? Days?

  12. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Oh, and Sarah Palin loves sweat!!! And, she was caught lying about being in a running race years ago - they actually showed her on video entering the race (from the sidelines) that had already been underway!

    She doesn't deserve being referred to as 'governor' with a capital 'g'! She quit and obliterated herself from the role many years ago!

    She's a lying fraud, which has been proven time and time again.

    1. Anonymous10:26 AM

      Sweat and not with toad.

    2. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Stinky sweat.

  13. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I find it interesting that she always praises Chuckles but never, ever says a single word about her mother.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM


    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      If the mother ignored vital matters Sarah could blame and hate her mother for what another did to Sarah.

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      She has always been desperate for his approval. I'm sure when he called her "the hottest governor" it gave her a special little thrill. Why do you think her entire schtick is to be both "sexy" and "tough" (failing on both counts)?

      There's a lot of weirdness in that family.

    4. Exactly, 10:38 am.

    5. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Rape is God's will! How's that working out for you Sarah? Happy nightmares!

    6. Anonymous12:14 PM

      And he saw her "pop" out trig. Ewwwwwww

    7. Anonymous5:30 PM

      That's a particularly calloused and depraved remark. You are no better than the Palins.

    8. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Well considering she made rape victims buy their own kit or the cops would not go further? Fits like a glove for her!

  14. Anonymous10:00 AM

    She's so irrelevant, she has to grasp what little she can off the coattails of others' accomplishments.

    She can't just train and run. She has to talk about it and post an old photo of herself appearing to be part of some running team. She can't just write a book about losing a loved one. She has to glom onto Taya Kyle's thunder.

    Sarah refuses to put on drop of sweat on herself, but takes the glory from other's pain. Once they 'gain' from their pain, she jumps on their bandwagon..........LOOK AT ME!.......I WAS SOMEBODY IMPORTANT ONCE!! LOOK OVER HERE!!

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Well, we can't take it away from her. But i think alaska towns and close neighbors know truths about running everyday or once a year.

  15. Boscoe10:12 AM

    LOL So $arah's "review" ends up being one sentence mentioning the title and that it's about sports and then nine paragraphs about herself.


  16. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Damn but she's looking OLD.

    1. Anonymous10:44 AM

      fukin' fat too !

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      The picture is at least a year old - Sarah looks even worse now.

  17. Just remember that Denny Hastert was also a high school coach...

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Great point!

    2. Anonymous1:07 PM

      Sandusky also too

    3. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Heath was hardly qualified. He went to Alaska because they would take anything they could get in those days.

      Would like to know why he really left Idaho. To work he would have possibly needed an education.

    4. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Heath went to Alaska because they did not require a degree from a 4 year college. He seems to have taught both science and track. Pass me them eyeballs, Sarah, they'll make a great show-and-tell for science class.

    5. Anonymous6:28 PM

      Link please?

  18. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Branch was pimping they book on Bristols blog the other day and also mentioned that movie on her own blog. This post is Nsncy's work. Perhaps she's working her next gig as movie and book critic for evangelicals what with the Palin gravy train coming to an end. Similar to her mentor Sarah Palin trying to get in on the military gig more to replace the end of the GOP and Fox gigs.

  19. Anonymous10:43 AM

    crosseyed whacked out skank's so gawd-damned wholesome ..

  20. Who buys that can't sit through a movie but could recline and read a good book forever?


    Does anyone actually believe Palin has read any books? Even her own?

    1. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Well, she did get paid to read it for audiobooks. Does that count?

    2. Doesn't mean she was paying attention.

  21. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah is trying to shore up the Palin "brand." In the past Sarah used Todd and her children to polish up the folksy narrative. The "Aww shucks, ain't I a good wife and mother" posts can't be used anymore. Todd and the children have become embarrassments, especially the older daughters who can't find husbands.

  22. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Mrs Dakota (Cassie Wain) Meyer, whatever, probably doesn't have enough material to write a book about her experience as a military wife. However, she could earn a few bucks and set a few things straight with an Enquirer interview. Everyone else that has been involved with the Wonder Woman from Wasilla has cashed in. Or tried too.

  23. Anonymous11:01 AM

    "Makes me want to run."


    Sarah will cock tease her handful of supporters until election day.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      And you know they were all over that sentence yesterday squealing like pigs!

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Actually went over to the Pond and looked over the comments on her post about McFarland (you're welcome!), and there were only 4... one was the standard "Run, Sarah, run!" and the rest were praising the book, the movie and or defending poor Dennis Hastert (coaches get no respect). Even the faithful aren't responding to this latest turn on the pole.... what's a girl to do?

  24. "Rarely do I want to sit long enough to watch a movie (though I could recline for days with a good book – in the sun, toes in the sand – that'd be my heaven on earth!)"

    Yep, I suppose meth would make it difficult for you to sit still Sarah. I won't comment on the read part, too easy.

    Love the picture of famous tough guy and action figure Todd "Here's your Purse Sarah" Palin. He almost looks like the male of the species in the photo.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      That pose...poor little thing in his mom jeans. Silly Sarah's gaurd dog.

  25. "every day I get to witness the positive influence my dad, Coach Heath, has had on his students and athletes."

    "...and you know how kids are always losing their underwear."

    -Coach Heath

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Yea I saw it up close and personal! It was a weird environment! I can see why Sarah and Company is so fucked up! People are strange!

  26. Anonymous11:26 AM

    She's going to regret that movie review, because C4P thinks it means she's running.

    They've posted that it was not a coincidence, she "knew what she was doing", and they're now even more worked up for her to run, with a hard let down in their near future. It's like she's poking rabid dogs.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Hope she gets bit!

  27. "Sarah Palin morphs from politician and partisan attack dog, to movie and book critic?"
    She can morph into Dick Cheney's face shooter gun, it won't change the fact that no one that matters gives the tiniest shit what she has to say about anything.

    She thinks she was left on the sidelines in 2012 when she was not welcome at the RNC?

    Well, boy howdy, Tundradunce, you ain't seen nothing' yet.

    But by all means, keep pretending to watch movies and read books. {rolls eyes}

  28. Anonymous11:43 AM

    "virtuous tenacity", puhleees. Sarah couldn't spell those words let alone write them in a sentence.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Why do Sarah's supporters(Nancy Horse-faced French and RAM/Penguin) continue to push this fraud upon all of us?

    2. Cracklin Charlie9:07 PM

      It's for the dollars in it.

  29. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Palin's public praise of a family member is sometimes (usually?) a passive-aggressive finger-wag with a specific agenda. I wonder how Daddy Heath displeased her this time.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      Sent her another picture of .... No, I won't go there.

  30. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I love it when $arah pretends like she's read a book since teachers stopped telling her she had to.

  31. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Sarah Palin wants us to believe she is a book critic?
    Sarah remember this?

    “And when it comes to establishing your world view, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this — to stay informed and to understand the world?” Couric asked.

    “I’ve read most of them again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media,” Palin said.

    “But which ones specifically?” Couric continued.

    “Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years,” Palin replied.

    “Can you name any of them?” Couric asked.

    Sarah Palin can you name anything you fucking read?

    Now you're a book critic? Give us a fucking break.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      My thoughts exactly. What a dip.

    2. Anonymous1:32 PM

      Didn't Sarah say that she saw the movie on a red eye flight back to Alaska?

    3. Anonymous1:56 PM

      The only thing she reads are short romance novels. anything else is over her head,including Dr.Seuss.

  32. Anonymous12:23 PM

    That finger!

    1. Anonymous12:34 PM

      That wussy pic of Tawd!

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Toadie in his 'girl' jeans! Exactly the same topic she once ridiculed President Obama!

      Hey, idiot Sarah- isn't what's good for the goose - - - - - - - -?

      I truly think she is embarrassed at having Todd as her husband and has treated him thusly for many years! IF, in fact, they are still married.

  33. Anonymous12:25 PM

    as you can see by her pic on the running team that she wasn't very fast.....she was short and plump, not thin like dedicated good competitive runners.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      She was only on the team because her pervert father was a coach. The only running she did was to get water for the 'rill' runners.

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Lol...well may be those effected by pervert came come foward before he croaks! Better hurry up Sarah!

    3. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Yea Sarah and stop being such a bitch!

  34. Anonymous12:48 PM

    That finger Sarah is pointing, is it the one Sarah fingers Todd's pussy with?

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Go back to C4P with your Palin sex fantasies, ya perv!

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Ewwwww. Really...some of us still have weak stomachs.

  35. Anonymous12:55 PM

    O/T but damned entertaining. He's even getting mocked by his fellow Marines...

    ‘F*CK ISLAM!’ Protest Organizer Blames Everyone But Himself For His Life Being Ruined (VIDEO)

    Nothing is going Arizona bigot Jon Ritzheimer’s way these days. After organizing and carrying out an armed protest of peaceful Muslims at a mosque in Phoenix, Ritzheimer’s life has been turned upside-down.

    He blames the media, all liberals, internet hackers, and anyone else whose name ISN’T Jon Ritzheimer.

    The first rule of keeping your life private is to stop posting publicly on Facebook that you want your life to be private. Either too dumb or too obstinate to use Facebook’s security features, Ritzheimer continues to whine on his page about how unfair his life is since becoming the most recognized intolerant bigot in the country:

    "I’ve had enough media BS for the day. Hackers have now stolen my identity. Not one news out let will interview me. I just want my life back. I just want me and my family to disappear."

    Poor Jon is now a victim. His GoFundMe campaign, where he begged for $10M to “fortify his house” was shut down within hours. He says his identity has been stolen. He fears for not his own life, because he’s such a big bad mofo, but for the lives of his family.

    He doesn’t understand why he isn’t news. He wants to be left alone, yet in a four and a half-minute Facebook video he repeatedly asks why nobody wants to interview him:

    “Why hasn’t CNN or Fox News contacted me for an interview? I would gladly do a 60 Minutes episode with the leader of that mosque.

    Nobody has contacted you, Jon, because nobody cares what you think. Your ridiculous opinions have already been spread far and wide; there’s plenty of material to use if people feel the need to point at you and laugh, which is all you’re really good for.

    In his video tantrum, Ritzheimer admits that the ‘F*CK ISLAM!’ shirt he wore was stupid and distasteful, as was the cartoon contest he organized to incite violence. He also explains the need for the protesters to be armed:

    “I went there that night with a gun on my hip, fully thinking that I was going to die; that a terrorist was going to try to kill me…for exercising my 1st amendment.”

    Ritzheimer says fellow Marines are criticizing him for “going into hiding.” He just doesn’t get why everyone is treating him this way.

    Let me spell it out for you, Jon:

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      It sounds like palling with the Palins is just what he needs. Hasn't Sarah contacted him? You know who is available for whatev. Maybe they can make signs.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Dumb@ss dickwad has now privatized his account.

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Aw shield me from reality he screams!

    4. Anonymous10:09 PM


  36. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Oops, forgot the video:

    He says he’s been threatened, his GoFundMe was shut down, his identity was stolen, and he’s upset that the media won’t interview him. Poor little bigot.

  37. Anonymous1:11 PM

    The track picture with Chuckie and the girls. Is Sarah in the top row, second from the left? One of the ones without a letter jacket?

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      That's the person Sarah Palin sees when she looks in the mirror and why she continues to starve herself, stretch her face, lick her lips, stuff her bra, and wag her ass like a dog in heat.

  38. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Can we assume Sarah was not pregnant in the track picture?

  39. Anonymous1:28 PM

    No letter on her jacket and she was chubby! Doesn't appear to be a runner - wasn't then and isn't now! No one lies like Sarah Palin!

  40. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Sarah's cute little tease was that the movie was about running so maybe she should run. LOL. Did she mean run as in run for
    President or run as in running for a track meet? Isn't that cute?
    Somehow, Coach Heath manages to look creepy then, too.

    1. I got the same little snarky vibe from that illiterate verbiage as she never misses a chance to tease about "running."
      (for the Benjamins, ya' think?)
      The only running in Sarah's life is her mouth.

      Hey, Sarah, 'cause you and your minions don't miss a comment!
      Toxic runners like you always lose, lose, lose.

    2. There's also Never Outrunned, whom SOMEONE signed in to the Louisville Ironman. He might not o' done it himself...

    3. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Always a *runner,never a Winner.

  41. Caroll Thompson1:39 PM

    That dog don't hunt, read, run, sweat, or anything else she says. She cons fools out of their money. That is her chosen vocation now. Hell, the woman doesn't even support her daughter when she called the wedding off. No emotional support (since she attended the non reception), and no logistical support (helping Bristol get her things since she was there anyway).

    The PAC donations must be down to nothing.

    And where oh where is Todd these days? He seems to have left the building.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      $he spent $3.5+ million last quarter to syphon out the cash reserves of her PAC. At the end, $he only had some $825K in that kitty.

  42. Anonymous2:01 PM

    omg - her face looks like it is full of Fix-A-Flat

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Outstanding. Fix a flat. She needs that for her chest and her scrawny stinky ass also too.

    2. Anonymous3:48 PM

      And her knuckles - every single one of them - in that OLD picture of hers look almost beyond painful!

  43. Anonymous3:28 PM

    No real endurance runner would make that knee comment. We know that running does not cause knee damage (yeah, I know you don't believe me, but believe study after study) and we never propagate the myth. The fastest way to piss off a runner is to ask about our knees (ask me about other injuries, sure! But my knees never felt better than after I started running real miles). The surest sign of a fake runner is vague knee comments.

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      World class orthopedist at Cedars Sinai will disagree with you about knees and running as will at least two orthopedists that I know at Kerlan and Jobe. Try again. If you think ground pounding on your cartilage is great over time, you are mistaken.

  44. "Rarely do I want to sit long enough to watch a movie (though I could recline for days with a good book – in the sun, toes in the sand – that'd be my heaven on earth!)"
    She can read? I'm speechless.

  45. Janice A Soderquist3:59 PM

    You notice half the girls have letter jackets on, not Sarah. Dad couldn't even help her. She didn't make it in the beauty contest either. Nor college, and on and on.

  46. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Sarah might have sketched out what points she wanted to make in the post but some else--probably Nancy French--wrote it for her. The writing style is wordy and amateur but the vocabulary is way beyond Sarah's capabilities.

  47. PalinsHoax5:54 PM

    "(though I could recline for days with a good book – in the sun, toes in the sand . . .)
    - - - -

    Hold it right there! We saw pictures of the Ol' Scritchy Scrootchy on the beach in Hawaii from after the 2008 election:

    ~ with a chest so scrawny at first I thought her breasts were actually her shoulder blades sticking out the front side of her torso
    ~ an uncomplimentary face, devoid of makeup, and awfully bumpy, lumpy & misshapen by her tongue sticking in her cheek
    ~ a wobbly bobbly head encircled by a visor that had the word "McCain" childishly Sharpied out.

    Gaccckkk!!!! Those beach images will always vacillate between being something to snicker at and something to make one retch.

  48. Anita Winecooler6:51 PM

    Hey, Sarah, have you thought of stand up comedy? "Makes me want to run". Reliving the glory daze. Sarah without her panties (for health reasons) and good ole Daddy "Coaching". Remember the cover of runner magazine? Dayum, girl, you shoulda got a medal for that, crouching in greazy nylons with the flag draped partiotically down the edge of a table, pooled on the floor.

    Gottal love Sarah, never let someone's tragedy get in your way of getting attention. To quote a famous philosopher, foghorn legorn, "I say I say you're as sharp as a bowling ball"

    Run Sarah, whose stopping you? Find a short pier and take a long run!

    OT LOD just sqewered Meghan Kelly's pedophile parent interview. He called her their "new lawyer" JimBob's new cause is the protection of juvenile records from being released. ARE U FRIGGIN KIDDING???? He went for "christian couseling" and the girls cried, wondering where josh and daddy were going? Michelle, as she pushed out another baby, managed to cry a few tears and said "Josh did some bad things and he's vary vary vary sorry" Jim Bob said 'well, it wasn't RAPE" again, WTF???????


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