Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Pat Robertson wants you to know that demons are real and he would like you to stop treating them like "playthings."

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:  

We guess the newest craze among kids these days is the “Charlie Charlie Challenge,” basically a homemade Ouija board made out of pencils that will supposedly “summon a Mexican demon” to answer your pressing yes-or-no questions. 

Pat Robertson’s “The 700 Club” ran an alarmed segment about this “new social media trend” today, citing “spiritual experts” who warn that there are “clear warnings” against such activities in the Bible. 

Robertson was also not amused, warning that “like it or not, demons are real” and “they will possess and they will destroy” those who mess with them.

Wait did Robertson say that children used to practice levitation and things like that? 

Okay seriously who are these kids?

After I read Stephen King's book "Carrie" I spent hours trying to knock a book off of my bookshelf. All I got was a bloody nose and a killer headache.

Demons. Next thing you know Robertson will be telling us that there is a magic man in the sky constantly watching us and using weather to murder us if we do something gay.



  1. Anonymous4:29 AM

    With religion it's all about fear. Keeping them fearful keeps them under control. Actually, works in politics too. Keep telling people they're in danger and that you're the only one who knows how to save them.... Especially if you send them money. Pat Robertson, Sarah Palin. - not much difference.

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      I've always maintained that when he kicks the bucket, she would be his "perfect" replacement.

    2. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Or Donald "Dead Weasel" Trump. He knows how to either get ISIS to the table, or how to defeat them, but he's not gonna tell us unless we elect him.

    3. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Nice little summation of the old bat:


    4. Anonymous9:35 AM

      {{{ wildly waving hand }}} LINDSEY GRAHAM LINDSEY GRAHAM
      Ms. Graham's entire speech declaring his bid for the presidency was hell fire and damnation unless he was elected President.

    5. Anonymous10:16 AM

      "“My guess is, looking at her recent history, that her suggested ambitions to run for office are all just publicity stunts to keep her name alive nationally,” said Marc Hellenthal, a Republican strategist and pollster in Alaska."
      Thanks that is a awesome link....

  2. Anonymous4:46 AM

    I was one of those kids. All the girls did it at slumber parties. It only worked in "The Craft".

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      My friends and I tried it too as kids. Its just a phase most of us grow out of. But some never grow up, as Pat clearly demonstrates here.

  3. London Bridges5:02 AM

    Patty is correct: he is a heinous demon and villain of great magnitude.

  4. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Snort at your "Carrie" attempts, Gryph!

  5. Anonymous5:14 AM

    As John Oliver might say, "Pat Robertson - how is he still a thing?"

  6. Anonymous5:35 AM

    Piss off.

  7. Balzafiar5:42 AM

    Many decades ago, someone attempted to summon a demon from the bowels of hell -- and they were successful. On that date, Pat Robertson was born.

  8. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Nearing Possible Government Shutdown, Alaska Governor Issues Layoff Notices To 10,000 State Employees


  9. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Robertson is a Neanderthal.Adds zero value to society.

  10. Anonymous6:09 AM

    The christianists are all in a tizzy because the devil is too hot and sexy in this new Fox show. They want the show cancelled. They can't handle that they think he's hot and appealing, it makes them squirm.


    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      I'm confused. Isn't the devil supposed to be alluring? I mean, who's going to be tempted by, say, some old stinky belching bum?

    2. And then there's the slick car salesman version from Reaper.
      M from MD

  11. Boscoe6:23 AM

    This kind of story always confuses me... I mean, if this were really happening, wouldn't that mean that, like toddlers with bone cancer, kids being fed to Mexican demons was all a mysterious part of God's wondrous, unknowable, glorious plan?

    I mean, it would HAVE to be, wouldn't it?

  12. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I watched the first bits of Robertson's 700 Club for a few weeks. Nearly every day the message was clear - if you don't have enough money it's because you're not sharing enough of it with Pat, 'cause if you were, God would be making sure you were not left wanting. The testimonials were a hoot. All of them sent the same message to those who were paying attention - when you get desperate enough that you finally make the choice to learn how to manage money, your money will go further. Praise Pat.

    After Robertson's stupid remarks about Haitians having made a deal with the devil, this letter appeared in the Star Tribune. The author handed Robertson his ass. (Scroll down to the second letter.)

  13. Anonymous7:27 AM

    JRD1 • 2 hours ago

    DrLager is a notorious anti-Palin FUD.

    FUD is the practice of sowing disinformation, insinuation and half truths
    into the public’s mind about the value of a product. Thus destroying that
    products market share.

    The Clinton’s brought the practice of FUD into the political sphere with
    their politics of personal destruction. It’s high level politic politicking at
    it’s most dishonest and ugly level.

    The majority of anti-Palin posters are professional political operatives waging
    a FUD campaign on behalf of one political camp or another.

    They bring nothing of value or substance to any political discussion, their
    only goal or objective it to destroy support for any candidate other then their

    They do this through lies, distortions innuendo’s, insinuations half truths
    and insults. These vile Leftists are a textbook example of how a professional
    political FUD master works.

    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      I'm a professional political operative?
      Yay, something to add to my resume!!

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      that is hilarious.

      no one has to help palin torpedo herself - she does quite splendidly all on her own.

      we are just spectators with opinions at this point.

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Yeh, you must be standing at a mirror discribing yourself to yourself. Only takes one to know Fuck you...

    4. Anonymous8:49 AM

      Go, DrLager and renalin! hahaha
      Guest • 2 minutes ago

      Well it looks like this Shamensty is a Big Fail here at C4P, comprehensive Shamesty never works, causes chaos and disorder!

    5. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Damn! I haven't received this month's check yet! I need to call George Soros immediately to complain!!

    6. Anonymous10:24 AM

      If we're political FUDs, then they're Elmer Fudd and we're Bugs Bunny..

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Just stop it, Gryphen!!!

    Nobody is going to believe you wide-eyed chicken little claim that Pat Robertson is still alive, much less broadcasting on a program that was tiresome and irrelevant 20 years ago!! Seriously, dude, do you ever do any research before you write these posts??? A simple visit to Satanpedia would tell that Pastor Pat would be more than 150 years old today if he had somehow survived the devastating Demonic Awakenings of 1947 and 1978 plus the Mini-Demonic Mini-Awakenings of 1983 and 1991, which he most certainly did not!!

    You are at great risk of losing the tiny shred of credibility that remains for the last few libtard deadenders still visiting your defunct blog that literally no one reads!!!

    Furthermore, to add injury to insult, you insist on mocking PROVEN Ouiji technology while completely oblivious to the irony that trans-realm spectral multi-dimensional communications devices like the Ouiji Board are the ONLY ways to have a meaningful dialog with the departed spirit of the 20th century's greatest exclusive direct conduit to the all mighty, all powerful Creator of The Universe.

    I feel sorry for you. smh

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Muah, Beldar!

    2. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Beldar, I kneel in your multi-dimensional unicorn dung, you are the direct conduit to the all mighty, all powerful master of Bullshittttt
      I need your guidance are i earthy enough to go on my quest to the peepond?

    3. Anonymous10:51 AM

      "your multi-dimensional unicorn dung,"

      Oh, DrL, what a flatterer you are! I'm certain you are more than earthy enough to troll amongst the oxygen-deprived former-foetuses of The Pond. In fact, I insist that you do!.
      doGspeed, DrL

    4. Anonymous11:30 AM

      it is all for knot (ya ya, I know) ....they banned me again but it maybe still a free for all if you have dicuzs

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Ah, but mission accomplished, DrLager! You had them all a lather and so early in the morning, too! Now they're all upset that this amnesty thing is going to turn them into GretaWire. HA! The sad part is that they can't see they are exactly the same!

    6. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      Is there a "Beldar's Pearl of Daily Wisdom" app? Bravissimo!

  15. El Diablo says; "Lighten up Francis"

  16. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Don't those Christian fools know that "charlie" is @merican? The Mexican demon is named Carlos, duh! And instead of pencils, they use "Mexican" jumping beans.

  17. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Who would I rather fuck?

    Well, I'd rather FUC_ You. (Add two gun sights, as desired.)

  18. WA Skeptic8:48 AM

    Good grief. Scaring ignorant peasants is sooo 16th century. But I guess with home-schooling in the USA, ignorant peasants are making a comeback. (sigh)

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    she is thinking you could be her "bow"

  20. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Aside from Pat's obvious ramblings, why are Mexicans always painted as the "bad guy"? Jesus Christ. Why can't it be a "Swedish Demon" or a "Lithuanian Demon"? But nooo...gotta keep those negative stereotypes going about brown people.

  21. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Has anything Robertson said ever come true?

  22. The 700 club is still on?

    Pat Robertson is still alive?

    Will the show finally fold when Robertson finally gets called home? Hopefully soon.

  23. You know, I wonder if this old fossil falls asleep right in the middle of his meals, and some poor fool has the task of wiping up the drool and half-chewed food that falls out of his mouth?

  24. Anonymous3:35 PM

    People people...you have positive and negative properties in life. Keep them balanced and you will be the Energizer bunny! Any imbalance causes problems! Religion is a FORM of belief in God! Stop trying to freak out humanity! Nothing to fear! Believe what you believe! Just leave me out of your way of beliefs and we'll get along fine!

  25. Anita Winecooler5:33 PM

    It's not "Charlie Charlie", it's "Carlos Carlos" and he's REAL. Now send your best offering to 700 club, go to your demon shelter, wear garlic around your neck and read your Bible until you receive notice that the "Carlos Carlos" alert is over and the angels have done their jobs.
    The seven hundred club is good for entertainment, in very small doses, and even funnier if you watch while drinking the adult beverage of your choice.

    It's fear that drives folks to madness.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.