Monday, June 29, 2015

Radar Online calls bullshit on Bristol Palin's claims that she was never paid to be an abstinence spokesperson.

Courtesy of Radar Online:

Just days after announcing her second pregnancy out of wedlock, mama bear Bristol Palin was back on the defensive, addressing the wave of critics who have called the former abstinence advocate a hypocrite in a blistering blog post. “I have never been paid as an ‘abstinence spokesperson,'” she said, although has learned she earned more than $300,000 spreading that very message. 

Palin admits she was employed by “the great people at the Candies Foundation [sic],” and according to tax records obtained by Radar, she was paid $262,5000 in 2009 for her work as an advocate, and $70,000 the year after. 

While Palin insists that her focus, and that of the organization’s, was simply to prevent teen pregnancy, her statements in those years were stridently pro-abstinence. 

In 2009, she told Good Morning America, “regardless of what I did personally, I just think that abstinence is the only … 100 percent foolproof way to prevent pregnancy,” and promised a magazine in that year, “I’m not going to have sex until I’m married: I can guarantee it.” 

And when Palin made an appearance with the head of the Candie’s Foundation on Greta Van Susteren‘s On The Record in 2010, Van Susteren introduced her by saying, “”Bristol is promoting abstinence for the Candie’s Foundation.” What’s more, her listing on the webpage for the Single Source Speakers Agency lists “abstinence” as the very first topic of her expertise.

This is obviously bullshit, and Bristol is an idiot to deny the facts when they are so easily to locate online.  

In fact the folks at the Inquisitr have determined that Bristol made somewhere in the vicinity of one million dollars as a direct result of her time as a abstinence spokesperson.

By the way if you want to hear Bristol Palin delivering a speech to a pro-life group in 2010 as a direct result of her work as an abstinence spokesperson then here you go. (However I must warn you that she is an absolutely TERRIBLE speaker.)

You will notice that Bristol had no problem lying to these people about "accidentally" becoming pregnant when we all know that she planned that pregnancy as well.

P.S. This is the most recent post on Bristol's Instagram:

 Here is what she wrote to go along with it: 

AKA every negative comment on my IG 😂 .. Don't people have work? Or kids? Or hobbies other than trolling? #mustbeafulltimejob

Really not doing herself any favors here is she?


  1. Anonymous4:35 PM

    I'm so glad that Chinzilla is finally reaping what she's sown. And her evil mother also too.

    1. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Palins: Liars. Hypocrites. FRAUDS.

      That's a fact.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      The more the Sno Ho talks the worse she and her family look.

    3. Anonymous5:27 PM

      Why is she posting those old pictures of her DWTS self on her Social Media account?

    4. Anonymous6:55 PM

      How exactly is the chin able to extract the high child support from LEVI when she is pulling down this serious Ca$H?
      WTF? Are the judges blind or just bought?

    5. Anonymous6:58 PM

      BrisDULL is just that: speaks in a monotone, has zero vocabulary, no educated responses about anything, a total lack of awareness or curiosity about anything, never travels, never volunteers time with any organization,never donates to charity -- it's all about shoes, sunglasses, sex, pouty mouths, crossed eyes, me me me me me me.

      Once the dust settles about who's the baby daddy, she will offer nothing to the tabloids. She has NO media or speaking prospects because she is as dull and as dumb as a rock. You'd think she might be "aware" enough to take some speaking lessons or something ... but it's all just more of the same, dull, boring, victimized shit.

    6. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I have to say, Bristol is a better speaker than the goon who introduced her!

    7. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Sarah and Todd should have their butts kicked for not making sure that their children were educated. Were the parents so into themselves and their own addictions that they didn't care? Or are their both so stupid that they didn't see a need for any development of skills or even basic education? Or selfish and addicted and stupid themselves? Whatever the cause, they have raised at least a couple of kids who are living sad, messed up lives. Shame on Sarah, shame on Todd. Bad, bad parents.

    8. Anonymous8:42 PM

      6:55: +++++++++++++!!!

    9. Anonymous9:52 PM

      FWIW: after the 8th week of pregnancy, a paternity test using blood samples from the mother and possible fathers can be performed. It is 99.9% accurate. Bristol is well over eight weeks pregnant and thus she should know with certainty who the baby's father is.

  2. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Hey Bristol, just wondering of your second pregnancy that produced son Tripp was also planned for maximum political effect? Btw, what ever happened to your 2007 pregnancy child and the one you carried while on DWTS?

    1. Anonymous10:27 PM

      Just responding here at the top of the article - not necessarily responding to what 4:39 wrote.

      I just feel like I have to say this. I started watching the clip - but couldn't stomach it past the first minute. It's too painful to watch Bristol try and carry the moment.

      Bristol, if you read these comments, then this is for you. I live out here in the Valley. I saw you and your gang at the theater out here on Saturday night. Your Russian friend was there, and yes, she seems very kind to Tripp. It made me wonder if she is kind of filling a mother/grandmother role for you and Tripp. She seems warm-hearted (and, IM'ers, I know the jokes write themselves; but maybe just once, can we take a breather?). Piper was there with her pink-ish hair and it appears you've colored your hair black. Anyway, you know you were there, and I saw you (just trying to credential myself as an actual Valley person).

      Bristol - you need to take steps to get help. You can reach out to the pastors at Church on the Rock - the last I heard Molly was sometimes attending there, right? - and ask them to refer you to a good counselor. There are a couple reputable counselors out here. You need someone to talk to and to process with.

      From your kind of out of control postings the past few days, it appears you're on the outs with your mother. Fine. So be it. But get help. Find someone who is confidential who can help you talk through and walk through this chapter of your life.

      Your mother abandoned you when she ran for governor when you and Track and Willow begged her not to. And she abandoned you when she left you to fend the international press by yourself in August of 2008. You need to go and get help on your own initiative. I think your grandmother and your Aunt Heather will support you. Please reach out. Help is here for you.

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    She is going to hang herself with these facebook and instagram comments. She's showing her true self and it aint pretty.

    All it will take is a few more trolls commenting over there and she's blow her top. It's going to be a flood of fat-shaming and homophobia. That should look real good for poor little Bristol.

    Sunny and Levi being so nice might just put her over the edge.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      Hey! Hey! Don't you say that now! Ok! She's a pain in the ass! They all are! May be you should see the grizzly part of suicide! Gunshots are the worse! Think about that now!

    2. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Not literally hang herself. As the saying goes: "Give her enough rope and she'll hang herself." The rest of my comment puts my first sentence into context.

      Is there any part of suicide that isn't grizzly?

    3. Anonymous8:19 PM

      I believe the correct term is "grisly" 're: suicide. Call me a troll or whatever you want, but people attacking anyone's level of education, sophistication and whatnot might want to start by looking in their own mirrors.

  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Just because a pregnant girl says that her fiance is her baby's daddy doesn't mean he is. Let's say that a girl has one last fling with a guy she really loves and the pullout method didn't work. Now theirs a baby in the oven. The girl has to say it's her fiance's baby to save face.

    Don't just accept it.
    Request a DNA test.
    You don’t want to be 50 and the mother tells the boy the truth and you have given the mother child support for 18 years.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Good advice for any unmarried man to follow.

    2. The advice for any unmarried man is to USE A CONDOM.

    3. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Let's say that a girl gets so shitfaced drunk that she stumbles into bed with some guy she barely knows and doesn't use any protection. Because that's more likely what happened.

      If it were Dakota or even Junker, Brissy would be naming names. She doesn't know who it is or she'd say so.

  5. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Unleash the trove of emails you were given that show the real Bristol Palin in all her four-letter words glory. You mentioned these in your previous post.

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM

      Be patient.

  6. Anonymous5:03 PM

    yes - she's the pig daughter of the pig in lipstick that planned ALL of her pregnancies.

    She loves sex and is a LOUD one. Doesn't matter who, when, where or what. It's just fun...., but don't mess up her thong dress.

    1. Anonymous6:35 PM

      I don't think she necessarily loves sex, I think she equates sex with love and that is why she always ends up alone.

      Wanna bet she has big problems with daddy.

  7. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Kyla Grace is one of the hidden pregnancies. Trenton, Tristan and Tripp are the other 3.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM


    2. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Who are Trenton and Tristan? Where do they live now? (Hopefully with a more loving family that is not even CLOSE to being so disfunctional as the PayMes.)

    3. Anonymous6:18 PM

      Lovely. So when they grow up, and say "you had to hide me for money?" So much fior a loving mother, and she is a "mother" in every sense of the word urban dictionary.

      As one commenter suggested earlier, name the new one Trapp, because whomever is the father is' life just became a living hell.

    4. Anonymous7:21 PM

      They learned from someone! Who is it?

    5. Anonymous8:12 PM

      5:33 PM Have you seen Bristol's 2010 DWTS pictures? She was lucky that she was not disqualified for being too pregnant.

  8. Anonymous5:05 PM

    Sarah Palin is thin skin. Is thin skin hereditary or a contagious disease? Did Bristol catch it?

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      You can call it thin skin if you like, but I'd call it immaturity. Neither of these b!tches can let the slightest slight go by unanswered. That it a hallmark of immaturity. And I do believe that Brist got it from her mother. Children learn by watching. Sarah has always been this way.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Gryphen, I think that "someday" has come and it's time for you to post the texts that were forwarded to you from the unfortunate people who were pissed on by Brisdull's nastiness. I can only imagine what those texts contain. Thank you and also, too.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      I agree!!

    2. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Me too, I also too agree!

    3. Anonymous5:57 PM

      I agree too! I would also, too love it if babygate broke wide open in the next few days!

    4. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Yes, let's hear the rill dill!

    5. Anonymous7:26 PM

      I don't agree. Remember what happened when Joe McGinniss moved next door to the Palins? The story became about HIM and he was constantly forced in interviews to defend himself instead of exposing Sarah Palin. She milked Joe's"intrusion" with all her might, and she was quite successful in changing the negative focus from herself to him.

      The Palins may have been quite a bit tarnished since then, but almost everyone texts, and who doesn't text things that they would be humiliated to get out. If Gryphen goes public with Bristol's texts that were NOT sent to him, the worm will turn and she'll end up looking like the victim, with her privacy violated. Too many people will be able to relate to that.

    6. Anonymous7:58 PM

      7:26 PM
      Aww, she-it, I have to agree with you even though I'd love to read those emails or texts or whatever. The better side of my brain says you're right.

    7. Anonymous9:29 PM

      It'd be nice if he could convince the people who were sent the texts to release them. It would only take a few to be damning.

    8. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Someday might be July 4.

      July 3 will already be off the fucking hook!

  10. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Brissy better be careful. Most of the tea party looked like Mama June. Has she ever taken a gander at the palinquake photo albums on The Alabama group should have caused an "earthquake" just by moving enmass.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      That's why they are called an earthquake; the ground shifts when they walk together.

    2. Anonymous5:32 PM

      I thought it was one of the ladies that Sarah loves to pose with.

    3. Anonymous5:33 PM

      You will notice that Bristol had no problem lying to these people about "accidentally" becoming pregnant when we all know that she planned that pregnancy as well.

      Wasn't she date raped?

    4. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Does Mama June know that her picture is being used for this hateful message?

    5. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Oh you- 7:41 - your concern is touching and prescient! Mama June would be HORRIFIED to be associated with such Valley Trash.

    6. Anonymous9:31 PM

      I have no idea who Mama June is. I thought the photo was RAM or maybe her better looking sister.

  11. Anonymous5:14 PM

    We know where Kyla Grace is. Where are Trenton and Tristan? With the cousins?

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Cousin Lauden "had a baby" she probably took one of Bristol's.

    2. Anonymous7:46 PM

      I remember Tristan. That kid was during Life's a Tripp. Who's the daddy for that one? Is Kyla Grace DWTS baby and Dylan's kid?

  12. PalinsHoax5:14 PM

    Why Bri$tley, is that you in that striped top? It sure is an excellent likeness of you!!

    Well, except that person looks like they have more charm than you do.

    They do say that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world. Guess you found yours, Bri$$ey.

  13. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Oh my gosh, I'm from Visalia, CA, the center of California's bible belt. We proudly boast we have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the state. Our adjacent neighbor, Kings County (home of Corcoran Prison and Charles Manson), proudly boasts the highest rate in the nation. Maybe a few appearance by Bristol and we can beat those bums next door.

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Well, thank dog for that! Ridgecrest and Kern County are happy to pass that distinction on.

    2. Anonymous10:15 PM

      How do they do it?!

  14. This is why it is so smart of Levi to call Bristol "a good mother." It sets the stage for the rest of the watching public to 'correct' the poor 'misinformed' guy about what she's like. He's figured out to say the shrewd thing, which is never necessarily the correct thing. The point is to have nothing quotable from his lips that disparages his son's mother. He knows he can leave that to us.

    In a left-handed way, and certainly unintended, Bristol has handed Levi a golden opportunity to shine up his own public image, and he's not wasting it. Well played, young man.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      5:14 PM
      The problem with what he did is, how does he expect to get custody of Tripp if he calls her a "good mom" when he knows damn well that isn't true?
      I guess since he has two he knows are Really his he doesn't care about full custody anymore?

    2. Anonymous8:52 PM

      I don't think Levi is going to get full custody of Tripp no matter what he does or doesn't do. Palin influence is waning, but they probably still own the judge.

      And I'm really tired of people criticizing Levi for not fighting for his son, bringing in whatever evidence, blah blah. We have no idea what evidence Levi has presented. Hell, for all we know, he played the full brawl tapes for the judge. The fact that he is still trying to hammer out a custody deal speaks volumes for him and Sunny, as far as I'm concerned. If that isn't fighting for his son, what is?? He could have taken the easy route and done what the Palins wanted -- walk away. He would have saved a shitload of money and the angst of dealing with Bristol Palin. Stop criticizing Levi. Who knows what any of us would have done under the circumstances?

  15. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Doubtful, Bitchtol, because a) we either keep our private lives private or b) we haven't intiially been arrognat, obnoxious, bigoted, hateful, ignorant, and we have integrity - we act as we speak. Living and using social media responsibly tends to lessen any input or comments and the very existence of haters against us quite a oughta try it sometime.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      You betcha. You get what you give; you wanna be a nasty bitch to everyone, that's just what you get back. You wanna be kind and postive, you get that back. You chose to be a hateful bitch so now you are reaping the rewards.

  16. Anonymous5:19 PM

    So now the christian blooger is making fun of obese people?

    To quote The Church Lady "Well isn't that special".

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Not everyone can afford all the liposuction that Bristol has had. Arms, legs, neck, plus the chin implant and nose job. I think we all know why she "worked" at the clinic with "Dr." Cusack.

  17. Anonymous5:19 PM

    What's all this bullshit about her second pregnancy ? Everyone knows it's her fifth or sixth pregnancy.

    1. Anonymous9:37 PM

      It's the second one that she hasn't hidden.

  18. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Brisdull, when I look at Mama June, I see you in about 5 years. Only difference is Mama June knows who her kid's fathers are. Do you? Or will it take DNA tests to find out?

    1. Anonymous6:21 PM

      Jabba the Hut, aka Mama June actually doesn't know who all the kid's fathers are. Kind of funny that a woman who looks like Mama June can find more than one guy to stick it in her.

  19. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Shouldn't Bristle have been at work when she posted this? #howsThatFakeJob

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Good catch & tweet!

    2. Anonymous6:23 PM

      @anon, I'm not on twitter so I didn't tweet it, but if you are you are more than welcome to post it :)

    3. Anonymous6:42 PM

      Me neither. Any twitter users on IM? Somebody needs to tweet it!

  20. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Aww, Bristol, why the long face? btw the 2nd picture is what you are going to look like in 20 years after having a dozen more kids by a dozen more loser men who are looking for a good time but don't want to make a commitment. You're so good at picking them. May you have a daughter that looks like that picture also, will serve your hillbilly ass right for picking on the less fortunate. Where's your DWTS baby. Boy oh boy if any of the pissed off internet sites like Gawker or Daily Mail get a whiff that you have a DWTS kid they just might dig up Palin Gold! I mean how difficult was it for Radar On Line to discover that you were paid nearly a million dollars for your work on behalf of promoting abstinence? I guess you're hoping that Right to Life is your next million dollar meal ticket. I hope they have nothing to do with your nasty ass.

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Bristol is retarded, actually functionally retarded. She acts upon her most basic instincts, as all retarded people do. Problem is she has parents that are trying to pass her off as "normal" yet she has a big time sex addiction and her lack of basic human functionality leads her to always satisfy her "base" urges and no one in her family cares enough to "fix" her so that she doesn't keep getting pregnant. Sad.

    2. Anonymous6:50 PM

      In 20 years? She looked just like that pre- jaw surgery!

    3. Anonymous9:39 PM

      She's going to look like that in just a few months, given how she balloons when preggers, like on DWTS.

    4. Bristol might just be a fornicating prevaricator10:23 PM

      Bristol is functionally retarded?

      "Bristol boasted a 3.497 G.P.A., regretting only that she was "point zero-zero-something" away from graduating with Honors. A budding activist in the cause to prevent teen pregnancy, she says she hopes to go to an area college for a two-year business degree and then a job, possibly in real estate.",,20279197,00.html

      Aaaaaaand go to the article and click the hotlink for "budding activist" and you get to,,20276865,00.html

      "Bristol Palin Wants Levi Johnston in Son's Life"

      where also too is this descrioption of what she was doing while on the Candies Foundation payroll and media circus.

      "Bristol Palin promoted sexual abstinence for her fellow teens in dual appearances Wednesday on ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today – prompting her interviewers on both shows to question how she can preach something she obviously didn't practice.

      While declining to discuss what methods of birth control she might have used, Palin, 18, told GMA's Christopher Cuomo, "Regardless of what I did personally, I just think that abstinence is the only ... 100 percent foolproof way to prevent pregnancy." She also acknowledged that abstinence is "difficult."

      To Today's Matt Lauer, who asked what message she was sending teens by talking about not having babies while she was holding her sleeping son, Tripp, in her arms, Palin said, "I'm just here trying to tell teens this is a really hard job."

  21. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Aww she looks post-partum from the DWTS baby. She is speaking in the Dumbfuckistan area of CA.

  22. I think it's hilarious that this story has been all over the internet for days now, and I haven't seen any comments that were favorable to Bristol. She's a fraud and a liar and the entire world knows it. She keeps digging the hole deeper and deeper every time she posts.

    I don't feel an iota of sympathy for her, but I do for her baby (and all the acknowledged and unacknowledged children of hers.) Being born into that damaged, sociopathic family is a tragedy.

    1. Anonymous9:30 PM

      True that!

    2. Anonymous9:44 PM

      I feel some sympathy for her given that she didn't get to pick her parents, and ones that are THAT toxic will take a lifetime to get over.

      However, that tiny bit if sympathy is COMPLETELY negated because she freely chooses to be mean, nasty, foul-mouthed, shallow, vain, hypocritical, uneducated, slutty, and a whole bunch of other really unpleasant things. Sucks to be you, Brissy.

  23. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Good Lawd girl. SHUT UP. Your tongue is digging a hole faster than your ass can fill it up!

  24. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Wow, there is not one positive Bristol comment on that Radar Online article.

    1. Anonymous9:45 PM

      That's because there truly is nothing positive to say about such a person. Sucks to be you, Brissy. LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous10:26 PM

      No positive comments?

      There are a few trolls, they are spread mighty thin lately. I mean what with all the lamestream media coverage and h8trs to try to drown out. Not enough cut and paste to keep up!

  25. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Well, guess WHAT, BAR$TOOL: yes, WE do have work, and kids, and a full life. YOU, OTOH, do NOT! YOU - per your own words some time ago - QUIT your 'job'! I actually should say you quit your JINO - Job-In-Name-Only, because there is NO legitimate job where you can come whenever you feel like and disappear for months at a time so you can do a TV show or go to make-up school etc!!!
    Good luck from here-on-out, trying to find a decent paying job with NO job skills, and TWO brats that live with you (who knows where the others are - I guess you must have been able to sell them to the highest bidder at that time.

    1. Anonymous6:26 PM

      She answered the phone and did some light filing at her "job" in trade for all her plastic surgery.

  26. Anonymous5:32 PM

    O/T but Gryphen, it looks as if Sarah's best bud, Teddy is shitting all over DC and his Senate colleagues. Man, he is a piece of nasty work. This book he's about to release is so paranoid and victimized, it's really disturbing to think he has a shot at being president. He's really just a big whining baby, looking over his shoulder for the next chance to claim somebody was out to get him. Really a pathetic guy, as men go.

    Ted Cruz unloads on Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul in new book

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      He doesn't have a shot! Thankfully!!

    2. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Revealed: The tragedy of White House hopeful Ted Cruz's sister - how 'loving' girl became 'angry' prescription drug addict and serial shoplifter who died of overdose

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      I think he will be highly entertaining during the primary debates.

  27. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Red meat to the vets. Check

  28. Anonymous5:33 PM

    And there you are reading them all. Don't you have a job? Works both ways little Miss Hypocrite. Dontcha just hate it when your lies get called out? Hahaha. Suck it up buttercup.

    1. Anonymous6:29 PM

      There was a gal from Alaska named Shannon Moore (sp) and she used to say "suck it up buttercup". Not sure whatever happened to her she doesn't have a blog any longer and haven't seen any sign of her for a few years. I hope she's happy doing something else besides following Palins and I hope she's in a nice warm place and finally escaped Alaska!

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Check out the Alaska Dispatch web site, She writes occasional opinion pieces.

    3. Anonymous6:43 PM

      Shannon is still here in Alaska.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Shannyn Moore writes a weekly column for Alaska Dispatch News ( and is still very popular on her own radio show. She is one of Alaska's most popular writers, still living here and doing well.

    5. Anonymous7:10 PM

      Shannyn Moore is very much still around, and has NOT escaped Alaska.

      Shannyn Moore is a radio broadcaster. You can hear her show, "The Last Word," Monday through Friday 4-6 p.m. on KOAN 95.5 FM and 1080 AM and 1480 We Act Radio in Washington, D.C., and on Netroots Radio.

      Shannyn Moore (born June 12, 1970) is an American political blogger based in Alaska. Moore is a writer for The Huffington Post and has been a prominent critic of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. She has appeared on such television shows as The Rachel Maddow Show and Countdown with Keith Olbermann.[1][2] Moore also launched her own political talk show, Moore Up North, in November 2009.[3]

      After Sarah Palin announced her resignation as Governor of Alaska, Palin and her attorneys released a statement threatening legal action to those who "propagate defamatory material" about her. The statement added "To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation", her attorney said. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."[4]

      Moore responded in a press conference that Palin is "a coward and a bully" and that she never claimed the rumors were fact but only pointed out they existed.[4]

    6. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Shannyn Moore is a born and bred Alaskan. Unlike Sarah and her horrible family from Idaho.

      Shannyn Moore doesn't have homes and properties in a half dozen other states. Unlike Sarah and her horrible family from Idaho.

      Shanny6n Moore has only and will only ever call Alaska home. Unlike Sarah and her horrible family from Idaho.

      Shannyn Moore's father is a man of the cloth. Shannyn was raised to be independent and she fishes and hunts and smokes her own fish and makes her own sausage. Shannyn Moore is a true blue Alaskan. Unlike Sarah and her horrible family from Idaho.

    7. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Nice to know she is still around, I don't have twitter or Facebook so I'll see what channel she is on the radio. I thought she'd just gone off to "greener" pastures.

  29. Anonymous5:35 PM

    I bet the IRS would have a field day digging into her tax returns. If she ever filed, that is.

    1. Anonymous10:37 PM

      Ask her about that off shore account!

  30. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Has it been confirmed? Is it a Cletus fetus or Junk Spunk?

  31. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Bristle would be better served if she spent her time trying to figure out who dat baby daddy is.

  32. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I am not from the Mat- Su Valley or Wasilla, but how does it work there? Does the county come in and just run a paternity test on every guy who hangs out at Mugshots?

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      The guys who hang out at Mug's can't get sex.

    2. Anonymous9:15 PM

      Didn't Mugs have a $arah barstool?

    3. Anonymous10:37 PM


  33. Anonymous5:49 PM

    They even covered Bristol's hypocrisy on TMZ. tonight. It just keeps getting better.

    Over at at the pee site, they are saying that Sarah is in Ohio and they think she is about to announce her run for presidency. Can't believe that there are actual people that dumb!

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      I am in Ohio and have not heard a single word about her being here. Maybe she is setting up her den for the upcoming Republican Convention in Ohio. Didn't she rent a space last election, but then never went any further. Shows how far she has fallen, that no one reports on her any more.

    2. Anonymous6:56 PM

      For Heavens Sake people, if she declares--in the immortal words of Nancy Reagan "JUST SAY NO". I'm an independent conservative and there's no way in hell I'd vote for her crazy ass.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      If she's setting up a den to run, the world will HOOT! But there has to be a reason why Brissy announced this baby and not the the others in an "aw shit, here we go again" way and then changed it to be proud.

      $arah couldn't BE that stupid, could she??
      Man, this family is so totally out there.

    4. Anonymous8:09 PM

      There is some wingnut screech she's doing. Nada, really.

  34. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The naming of the dad must be some big assed news, or it would've been done. Holy hell, hold on tight! -sjp

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Hi sjp, I was thinking about you yesterday when someone said "the belly of the plane".

      Hope you're well.

  35. Anonymous6:04 PM

    THIS is what Candies is about. THIS is who Bristol was a spokesperson for. THIS is a company who promotes ABSTINENCE?

    I mean their shoes are fun, but can't they find another way to promote them?

    1. angela6:42 PM

      And that is exactly why they had to set up a fund to educate young women about teen sexual behavior, etc.
      The images of extremely young girls in overtly skimpy clothes in highly sexualized images.

    2. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Toxic Sludge is Good For You: Lies, Damn Lies and the Public Relations Industry

    3. Has anybody worn Candies since the 80s? They were the rage then, but not since.

      Maybe because they made our feet hurt.

  36. Anonymous6:10 PM

    I'm curious about the word "WAITING" that was written on the bottom of Dakota's photo the other day. Was that a message sent to Bristol that he's sitting at home, reading a book, waiting for her announcement that he's the father? Or that he's waiting for her to announce that somebody else is the father?

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      My money says he is waiting on her to announce who the father is and it isn't him and he knows it.

    2. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Me too, have been curious since I saw it. Waiting for her to tell him why she left? Waiting for an answer to a pointed question, about...?

      I'd like to know more about the no-show at the horse race dinner thingy that she announced she had three tickets for, and he was to be an honored guest. What happned there? We're all still kind waiting...on a lot of stuff.

    3. Anonymous6:26 PM

      If you notice he has a big sword/sabre in his lap. He's taunting ISIS to 'come and get him', and he's 'still waiting' because they haven't come yet. He's trying to look all tough and chill with his pipe and his implied sabre threat. It has nothing to do with Bristol at all.

    4. Anonymous6:39 PM

      That photo was an old one that Gryphen actually used in a story awhile back. The "waiting" is a taunt to ISIS, kind of an "I dare you" thing. It has nothing to do with Bristol, unless he now sees her and her family as terrorists and is sending them a message.

    5. Anonymous6:49 PM

      >> He's taunting ISIS to 'come and get him', and he's 'still waiting' because they haven't come yet.

      "Let me say what a lot of us are thinking...If ISIS is using social media to track me, that's a dream come true in my book. These guys are a bunch of bullies that just prey on the weak," says Meyer. "I can't travel over there anymore now that I'm out of the Marine Corps, so having them come to me would help out a lot. ISIS targeting the U.S. military is like a sheep targeting a lion. Hopefully one of these assholes actually shows up. They'll definitely get more than they want at my place!"

      He continues, "Actually, I think this warning should be taken seriously by all military members. I would hate for ISIS to go to anyone else's home and for me to miss the opportunity to meet and greet them. I'll take the responsibility to be the liaison for the military. I live in Columbia, Kentucky—oops, is that too much information? Oh well."

      Update: Dakota Meyer tweeted this photo out last night. In the words of many commenters, "Oorah!"

    6. Anonymous6:58 PM

      Never bring a knife to a gun fight

    7. Anonymous7:41 PM

      For his sake I hope he is able to express the pain he felt in all this. What he believed. His faith in Bristol and Sarah. How he feels about his family and how it all effected his love ones. So much he needs to express one day soon.

      I think he wants to be a father.

      If she used him and plotted with her mother to take him and suck him dry, that would hurt. He needs to get it all out to truly live again.

    8. Anonymous7:45 PM

      What. He's "taunting ISIS"? Delusions of grandeur, can we say?

    9. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Go right ahead and smoke your pipe, Dakota, you don't know shit and you'd be crapping your pants like a choir boy.

    10. Anonymous9:55 PM

      @ 7:41 - Duhkota was using or trying to use the Palins just as much as they were using him. He wasn't in love with Brisket any more than she was with him. Just a couple of grifters, doing what they do.

    11. Anonymous10:34 PM

      745 you betcha! Dumbshit kids!

  37. Anonymous6:13 PM

    What an angry, vicious and confused little girl you are Brissy. The sad part is you are too stupid to do anything about it. Like STFU and let it blow off.

  38. A nony mouse6:17 PM

    Poor Pouty Princess. Ever heard the expression, 'what goes around comes around'?

    You are a slut. There I said it. Now deal with the results of your sluttiness. Unfortunately there are children who will be hurt by your actions, either now or in the future.

    NO one believes you. You lie like a rug, just like your nasty-ass mama griz.

  39. Janice A Soderquist6:23 PM

    Explain this to me. Bristol said she worked full time at a dermatologist for 6 years. She was on the road with dancing with the stars, reality shows, traveling with mom etc. during this time. She indicated at the custody hearing she had no money.
    So what is her story.....

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      She was only "employed" there occasionally so that her plastic surgeries could be paid for. Dr. Cusack was a big Sarah Palin fan and donor, so he took Bristol on both as a very part time worker and a client, so he could stay close to Sarah.

    2. Anonymous6:34 PM

      A story.

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      The doctor may be in the same business as Todd, so he covers for Bristol's lack of employable skills.

    4. Anonymous7:16 PM

      She is a liar

    5. Anonymous7:45 PM

      She 'worked' because the Kelly Cusack office would travel to LA and all have a grand old time and make sure they did their part for Bristol to get all those votes. Undeserved votes, that is how the Palins roll.

  40. Anonymous6:30 PM

    He is waiting for ISIS. It is a repeat from post 4-6 weeks ago.


    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      Who? Tawd? He is AIP. Blow it up.....

    2. Anonymous10:32 PM

      Todd got a visit from Homeland security!

  41. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Poor little Bristol always the victim, what a bitch. Also too if she made close to $1million for lying, why is Levi paying so much in child support?

    I find it hilarious the lying palins have not figured out the Internet thingy is forever !!!

    1. Anonymous10:00 PM

      The victim is this unborn baby who will be ushered into one of the most violent, dysfunctional families I've ever heard of.

  42. Anonymous6:33 PM

    How come the mama grizzly's not coming out to protect her precious cub?

    1. Anonymous7:42 PM

      That is the number one question today.

    2. Anonymous8:29 PM

      Okay, I'll give this a shot. There are many atheists and agnostics here, but we were all born with a spirit and we know right from wrong. Gryph has spoken of this many times. Karma, what goes around, comes around.

      In the Christian world, when you put God/Jesus in the name of underhanded things you are doing and continue to, and claim His name, you are going down and He'll see to it. Not reaching, just fact, and look at how many GOP have.

    3. Anonymous8:38 PM

      How did Sarah get everyone to go along with her boycot?

    4. Anonymous8:49 PM

      Is Sarah Palin boycotting Bristol?

    5. Anonymous9:08 PM

      Seems Bristol screwed up Mommie's plans. 8:49 PM! The first announcement and. "WTF what am I going to do" apology, then changed to "happy, giddy @ssholes." Oh please.....waiting to watch how they spin this.

    6. Anonymous9:57 PM

      Even a precious cub can get thrown under the bus, apparently.

    7. Anonymous10:30 PM

      She's probably locked up somewhere!

  43. Anonymous6:33 PM

    My, my...she is setting a new standard of low class behavior for the Wasillabilly Clan. We've all recognized for quite some time that they were Wasillabilly trash but she is setting a new low standard among a family with extremely low standards. Someone in the bunch needs to get their act together and shut down her social media. She's not smart enough to shoot herself in only one foot, she's blasting them both to oblivion. It's refreshing to see Sunny and Levi walk the high road. Hope all potential baby daddies do so also. Bristol needs to start living by the Samuel Clemens quote, "It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt." May be too late after the roll she's been on!

  44. Anonymous6:37 PM

    So when was the picture she just posted taken? - probably not recently. Notice she is standing in an area littered with spent shells. Is the air she is breathing safe to breathe, let alone breathe when you are pregnant?

  45. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Don't people have work? Brisdull bleats?
    Yes, everyone but you, you lying, hypocritical, dull loser.

    1. Anonymous9:57 PM

      There are so many IMers that it takes any single one just a few minutes to comment. And we don't all comment on each post. When the topic is Bristol's outrageous lies and behavior -- from the Hodown to Las Vegas to the shotgun wedding that wasn't to the second unwed pregnancy -- it hasn't been an outstanding year for a young woman who should be training, learning, working, bettering herself for the years ahead when there will be no Candies Foundation or DWTS or one-season reality show. All that's over, and now she must support two children.
      Life's suddenly going to become very real for Bristol.

      Your hypocrisy and bad behavior simply cry out for comments beyond Wasilla. You might pick up some real knowledge from us.

  46. Yes, I work. I'm in my 41st year working in a hospital as a Registered Nurse. I work out at the gym regularly. I'm attending classes. I manage my home, and I read a lot,and I'm an excellent cook, and I'm a loving attentive grandmother to my grandchildren.

    And I still have time to laugh at you, Slutty McSlutterson!

  47. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Bristol is just like her stupid mother. Wants to be adored by all (for no reason). Then she throws a hissy when she realizes that people sees through her facade and recognize her for the ugly creature that she really is.

    Ironically, Bristol spends most of her waking hours reading what people online write about her. (Yes, Bristol, you do.) Yes, #fulltimejob.

  48. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I have never in My LIFE seen a pair like $arah and Bri$tol.
    LOOK at me! Look at MEEEE! I still ask, "for what?"

  49. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Good grief, love her latest post blathering about "dignity" as she stands in a pile of garbage.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      You know, 7:13 PM, we all have our inner struggles as humans, but what is up with this bunch? The only press they get is because they're a train wreck, but they seem to enjoy it and their private life is nothing what they portray. I'm baffled.

  50. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "Don't people have work? Or kids?"

    Not as less and/or more than you do, you slimy, conniving, dishonest little asshole.

  51. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Normal people would have left social media long ago if they led such embarrassing lives. The Palins, of course, are as dysfunctional as they come so they lecture and insult those calling them out on their bullshit rather than simply living their lives out of the media spotlight. If you don't like the soup, get out of the f'ing kitchen, ladies!

    1. Anonymous8:12 PM

      And yet they're counting on the "lame stream" media to cover their every move. What the HELL is wrong with this tribe? Conservative values? Holy shit. Pardon the swearing, but really, seriously?.

  52. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Bristol doesn't understand how she is just another Mama June to the reality entertainment industry.

  53. Anonymous7:40 PM

    Anonymous6:46 PM

    Shannyn Moore writes a weekly column for Alaska Dispatch News ( and is still very popular on her own radio show. She is one of Alaska's most popular writers, still living here and doing well.


    There was a time when Shannyn Moore was an outspoken person leading the charge against Sarah Palin.

    From what I remember, Shannyn Moore was hired by a FOX affiliate radio station and that's the time someone must have shut her up because her criticism of FOX's Sarah Palin ended. I was very disappointed. When was the last time you heard a peep from Shannyn Moore towards Sarah Palin?

    1. Anonymous8:36 PM

      I haven't seen or heard anything from Shannyn Moore for a few years.

    2. Anonymous8:40 PM

      That FOX affiliate radio station changed hands or management, and the new crowd didn't care to have any non Right-Wing talk shows on, not even one tiny off-peak one at dinner time on Saturdays when nobody listens to the radio. They wanted Maximum Hate.

    3. Anonymous9:35 PM

      Shannon moved back to Homer to be with her family. I suspect it's because her mother has been fighting cancer. She posts sometimes on The Mudflats.

  54. Anonymous7:44 PM

    It's the end of the Palins, just a matter of time. What happened to all the postage stamps? Are they hidden in trash bags?

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      We'll find out later this week.......

  55. Anonymous7:55 PM

    So Bristles, how's that never thinking that you'd become a statistic thingy workin' out for ya...a-again?

  56. Anonymous7:56 PM

    hoo boy, you were right about the boring part- but I'm sure Bristol was only so boring because she knew those rubberneckers only wanted a look at her up close. Nobody is interested in her "message", America is always knee-deep in pregnant teenagers, Bristol was just another teenager opening her legs for boys in tents and trucks.

  57. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Somewhere out there, there is a talented person who can put together the two video clips on a loop with the first showing her saying, "I'm not going to have sex until I'm married; I can guarantee it," with the video of her saying, "Abstinence is not realistic."

    I just know there is someone more talented than I to put this together.

  58. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Bristol did you get pregnant on your pontoon party boat?

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      The boat is now parked at her mother's house on its trailer because Bristol no longer lives on a lake.

  59. Anonymous8:05 PM

    No Bristol, I have nothing to say. I just wanted you to read one more comment at IM.

  60. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Gryphen, as the father of a girl, please watch this and do a post on it before it disappears again. It won't last.

    I went looking for it on the offchance that someone might have uploaded it in the last few weeks.... I was thinking about the slutty clothes that Candies markets to young girls.

    It won't stay up long. Your daughter and her friends should see it too.

    1. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Wow, an hour and a half, thanks but no thanks, and I'm a woman!

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      It's on netflix and it's very good!

    3. Anonymous10:41 PM

      A woman who can't focus for an hour and a half and is happy being seen as a vagina on legs?

      The documentary is not for you, you're part of the problem.

  61. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Hey Bristol, CAN I GET A WOOT WOOT? Countdown to wedding day has changed to Countdown to Bastard birthday.

  62. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Is the 3rd picture Bristol Palin when she was pregnant on Dancing With The Stars?

  63. Anita Winecooler8:56 PM

    Damn, that speech was disgusting. She imagined her dad field dressing Levi? The dad that had a TRIPP license plate before his grandchild was born, oddly similar to his bff Shailey Tripp? How gauche, at a pro-life rally? And no reaction from the audience?

    Yep, she's not doing herself any favors, especially posting "Our Resident Troll's" photo on her instagram. You know the old adage, "First comes love, then comes baby, then comes love, then comes baby to be" She's such a role model!!

    Seeing that pre-implant bad speech clip is just sad. She looked kind of cute the way she was. Why the long face?

  64. Anonymous8:57 PM

    I watched that video of her speech (I'm a glutton for punishment) and all I could think about was all the lies she told. I mean blatant in your face lies! There is definitely something very wrong with that whole family. Pathological liars ANY AND ALL OF THEM BEFORE US ALL THESE YEARS!

    The other thing that stood out was Bristol was one very very naive teenager!

  65. Since when are we comparing what Sarah or Bristol says to reality? Futility is not my thing.

  66. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Visalia, one of the last right wing holdouts in California. Whoops, no, Siskiyou and Shasta Counties too. Bristol or her mother spoke in all three counties at pro-life or pro-logging events.

  67. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Just read something that makes a lot of sense: the Palins put out the story about Dakota having the secret ex-wife to make it easy for Bristol to walk away from the marriage once they found out she was pregnant with another man's baby. This was a ploy to make it look like the break up was Dakota's fault so they planted the story about the secret wife, and now the truth has come out that Bristol is at fault, the baby is not Dakota's and the break up had nothing to do with Dakota's ex-wife.

    1. Anonymous9:41 PM

      I do not do rumors, we will never know the truth. For whatever reason, I still say Dakota dodged one hell of a bullet and the true baby daddy is screwed.

    2. Anonymous10:11 PM

      The evidence also suggests that Bristol was screwed also too!

  68. Anonymous9:36 PM

    "Don't people have work? Or kids?"

    Yep, we do, and we can multi-task. Nothing more fun than calling Bitchy Britches out on her ginormous hypocrisy.

  69. Anonymous9:37 PM

    O/t: does anyone here have a picture of the ultrasound image that Levi used to have in his truck from Tripp?
    I believe there was one here on IM, but I can't find it...

    1. Anonymous10:23 PM

      I found this entry from 6/2013:
      "You know I have wondered about the birth date as well, however I must tell you that Sherry provided me with the sonogram images dated 7/23/2008 a while back that make it kind of hard to suggest that Tripp was born earlier than December 2008.

      I had them authenticated the best that I could from the photos, and they seemed legitimate to the doctor. (Update: Images have been removed due to personal information contained on them that I did want to share. Sorry.)"

      So, Gryphen, could you please post that ultrasound picture again, but take out the personal information? Maybe do a side-by-side image.
      It would be interesting to compare that old picture with this newest one!

  70. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Eventually Tripp will realize he has the same name as his pimping grandpa's prostitute. Wonder how you explain that with dignity and grace.

  71. Anonymous10:10 PM


  72. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Goodnight Gryph, thank you for all you do.

  73. Anonymous10:29 PM

    Who is the Daddy? Do you even know, Bristol?

  74. Anonymous10:32 PM

    Where's Marina? Is she keeping her distance from the Sarah Palin Curse?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.