Thursday, June 04, 2015

Rick Santorum, supposedly a faithful Catholic, tells the Pope to shut up about climate change. Not going to get into Heaven that way buddy.

Courtesy of Think Progress:  

On June 16, Pope Francis is expected to release an encyclical letter on the environment, the Catholic Church’s strongest statement to date on the moral issues associated with climate change. It’s a move that has environmentalists very excited — and one GOP presidential nominee less than thrilled. 

During an interview with a Philadelphia radio station on Monday, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum — a devout Catholic — said that while he loves Pope Francis, he thinks the Pope should leave discussions about climate change to scientists. 

“The church has gotten it wrong a few times on science,” Santorum told radio host Dom Giordano. “We probably are better off leaving science to the scientists, and focusing on what we’re really good at, which is theology and morality.” 

“When we get involved with controversial and scientific theories, I think the Church is not as forceful and not as credible,” Santorum continued. “I’ve said this to the Catholic bishops many times — when they get involved in agriculture policy, or things like that, that are really outside of the scope of what the Church’s main message is, that we’re better off sticking to the things that are really the core teachings of the Church as opposed to getting involved in every other kind of issue that happens to be popular at the time.”

First off when the Catholic church "has gotten it wrong a few times on science," THAT was when they were arguing against the science that was challenging what they saw as Biblical truths.

In this case Pope Francis is saying that the science is correct, and suggesting that Catholics dismiss the fact that it might question assertions made in the Bible.

Santorum, in response, is arguing the science denying religious side, which makes HIM, not the Pope, the one getting it wrong on science.

Furthermore Pope Francis has a master's degree in chemistry, while Santorum has a bachelor of arts degree in political science. So if I had to choose whose opinion to take seriously in this debate, that's a no brainer.

So this brings up an interesting conundrum for Catholic fundamentalists. When the head of your religion starts adopting points of view that are directly opposed to your deeply ingrained prejudices, what do you do in response?

Well if you are Rick Santorum you publicly call out the infallible Pope as being wrong, and suffer the humiliation that follows.


  1. Caroll Thompson4:43 PM

    Later this month, Pope Francis is going to give a well thought out teaching to the faithful on climate change. It is expected that the Pope will call for immediate and decisive action.

    I don't think that Pope Francis is paying much attention to the temper tantrums of little Ricky Santorum. Perhaps Ricky will leave the church and worship alongside the Duggars and the Palins.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Ricky could be excommunicated for the way he has spoken about the church. In the RCC the Pope IS the church.

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      4:43 PM
      I think the Pope most certainly aware of these FAKERS and he even called them out and said they were idiologs....
      And he has the ballz/cojones (for stupid sarah) to call them out on Climate change, also,too! Yes he is aware of them alright...
      Frothy ain't winning any points especially since his wife was previously married to a dr. who did abortions....
      go figure.

  2. Anonymous4:58 PM

    So Rick, you think only scientists should be allowed to talk about climate change? What a SNOB!!!!

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Pope Francis IS a scientist, he has a degree in chemistry.

    2. Yes, and then they refuse to listen to those scientists.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    A point here is that liberals are allowed to lie and brutally trash people with whom they disagree and no one else is allowed to be hurt from being lied about

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      You make no sense 5:00. What are you trying to say?

    2. Anonymous5:10 PM

      What the f are you talking about? Are you lost on the wrong thread?

    3. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Sarah go find your underwear, put down the crack pipe, and go make some moose stew for your family.

    4. Anonymous6:40 PM

      Your comment is as lost as you are.

    5. Anonymous7:07 PM

      5:00 PM You, Alicia, tell lies constantly. It must suck to be so lonely, and your only outlet being a Palin Troll. You have never grown up, you have no life, and there are no jobs that will hire you. It SUCKS, doesn't it?

    6. Anonymous11:55 PM

      Alicia, from Florida...AKA Brooklyn and a whole lot of other aliases.

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM

    The Catholic church learned long ago to be proactive on science so as not to be taken by surprise. The Vatican observatory, for example, says its mission is to explore the universe "while bearing witness to the Catholic Church’s commitment to dialogue with the sciences."

  5. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Santorum talking down to Pope Francis! Fucking idiot! Who in the Hell does he think he is?

    Pull his rancid tongue out of his mouth - get rid of him as a politician - he is an embarrassment to America!

    The guy truly sucks and makes my skin crawl!

  6. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Ricky just committed a mortal sin.
    Catholic doctrine is that the Pope is God's direct representative on earth. So, for a "good" catholic like Ricky that means told God to STFU.

    BTW Pope Francis has a science degree.

  7. Anonymous6:04 PM

    "We probably are better off leaving science to the scientists"….Ricky, you need to tell that to Inhoffe and the rest of the GOP climate change deniers.

  8. Anonymous6:09 PM

    So in other words, Frothy is a Catholic in name only. His real allegiance is to rich people's wallets, because protecting the earth from climate change doesn't come cheap.

  9. Anonymous6:38 PM

    What about the decree of papal infallibility?

    1. Anonymous7:31 PM


    2. It is actually quite narrow. Very little that a Pope says actually falls under infallibility, though Catholics are expected to give due respect and consideration to what he says.

  10. Anonymous7:17 PM

    As mentioned, the Pope has a Master's Degree in Chemistry and actually understands the literature and research regarding climate science on a microscopic scale. Santorum has never read any scientific papers at all. Not counting the bible of course.

    1. Anonymous8:13 PM

      They hate that when it happens!
      Science and creation can (gasp) mix????

  11. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Does not apply here.

  12. Anonymous8:02 PM

    There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts what any scientist has said about climate change. I don't know where the righties are getting their 'positional papers' (Koch Industries, no doubt), but it is definitely not from the Bible. In fact, just the contrary: there are many prophetic scriptures suggesting that in the end times there were be earth-shattering, severe, and irreversible climate changes, and that these climate changes will produce famine, pestilence, and wars. IOW, the same thing that the scientists other than an eensyy, teensy-tiny minority who are still on Exxon's payroll) – and our own Pentagon – are saying.

  13. The Catholic church and science have a long and complex history. Generalizations simply don't fit.

    The father of the Big Bang theory, Georges LeMaitre, was a Catholic priest. The father of genetics, Gregor Mendel, was an Augustinian friar. The logic principle of Occam's Razor is credited to a Franciscan friar. A number of Nobel prize winners have been Catholic.

    From the past to the present, where we find Dr. Martin Nowak, Harvard professor of biology and math, and computer scientist Melinda Gates--both practicing Roman Catholics--the church and science have been closely intertwined.

    There's a lot of confusion about Papal infallibility. The Pope is not personally infallible. Only on those rare occasions when the Pope speaks on matters of church doctrine "ex cathedra," meaning from (Peter's) chair, are his pronouncements considered infallible. Historically, this is rare, except for the designation of saints.

    Since most encyclicals are not issued "ex cathedra," they aren't considered infallible.

    It's fitting that Pope Francis has written an encyclical about climate change, since he took his name from the patron saint of ecology, St. Francis of Assisi.

  14. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

    I really like this Pope a lot, he's educated and concerned about global warming and science yet knows science is key to curing disease, helping raise the quality of life for a lot of people, etc.
    Santorum is a sanctimonious ass and a snob. I "believe" he belongs to one of the more stricter Catholic organizations, something akin to a strict cult.
    Gee, one would think someone's google name actually fits would know one of the cornerstone tenets of his own religion.

    In this corner, Science, Truth, and a Pope, in that corner, well, the best I can say is a fool in a sweater who smells kind of odd.

    Great post, Gryphen!!!

  15. Anonymous9:22 PM

    From what I understand,the Pope has a Masters degree in chemistry .Santorum does not.

    1. Anonymous1:50 AM

      I'm not Catholic, but I adore this pope...simply adore him.

    2. Anonymous6:13 AM

      Anonymous1:50 AM

      I'm not Catholic, but I adore this pope...simply adore him.
      Me too!
      He is the "Rill dill" as screech would say, really caring and walks the talk...

  16. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Sorry folks, it appears that Catholic Herald overstated the Pope's chemistry credentials

    Even so, Pope Francis is far more qualified as a scientist than Rick Santorum.

    If Ricky really means we should leave scienting to scientists shouldn't Congress be listening to all the experts in their field who say climate change is exacerbated by human activity? Humm? And shouldn't we be leaving decisions about birth control and abortion to medical doctors and their patients???? Hummmm????? Ricky wouldn't know a logical conclusion if it smacked him upside the head with a two-by-four.


    1. Thanks, Anon@11:07pm, for mentioning this. I'm seeing the same thing about Master's Degree bandied about, when it's not the case.

      The above reference mentions that though it's correct that Pope Francis doesn't have a Master's in Chemistry, he does have a "t'itulo" in the field from a post-secondary school; the closest equivalent in US-familiar terms would be a community college certificate.

      But Santorum is still an a-hole.

  17. Anonymous2:25 AM

    Per Snopes, the Pope does not have a Masters degree in Chemistry. He is/was a chemical technician. He has degrees in Theology and Philosophy. Santorum needs to just go away.

  18. Anonymous5:57 AM

    Of course all the evangelicals who don't think Catholics are real Christians will love Santorum for criticizing the pope. I've already seen some comments to that effect from Christians who think the pope should shut up.

  19. Anonymous5:58 AM

    How does Santorum reconcile his strict Catholicism with telling the Pope he's wrong and should shut his mouth?

  20. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I may be splitting hairs, but the pope is only considered infallible by Catholics when speaking "Ex Cathedra" (i.e. "from the throne [of god]"). During regular speeches he is speaking as the head of the Catholic Church and is generally deferred to in that capacity.

    On this issue, however, Santorum is clearly on the wrong end by virtue of his lack of credentials compared to the pope.

  21. Anonymous8:30 AM

    So the GOP can leave climate change to the scientists but they can't leave a woman's medical decisions to doctors.

  22. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Santorum should demand to see the pope's birth certificate. Trump can help him with that.


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