Thursday, June 04, 2015

There really is no other way to describe this than "Sarah Palin completely loses her shit in response to criticism directed at the Duggar family. "

Let me just preface this post by saying that though I believe that Palin had help from a ghostwriter, that the anger and vitriol that emanates from this Facebook post feels like it is all Palin.

You might want to sit down for this:


(Holy shit!)

Radical liberals in media who have total control over public narratives are disgusting hypocrites, so says my daughter. Go get 'em, Bristol!

(Here Palin links to a Nancy French post over at Brancy's blog. However while that post is ugly, is pales in comparison to what you are about to read.)

The intolerant left's destructive personal intrusions and narrow-mindedness applied to their chosen targets are bad enough, but their double standards are beyond the pale. I’m not defending the Duggar boy's obvious wrongdoing over a decade ago. The main victim in any story like this isn't the perpetrator, it's the innocent ones so harmfully affected. (Yes, I agree. The real victims in the Duggar case were the young girls that the parents failed to protect.)

I’m not an apologist for any sexual predator, but I’m sickened that the media gives their chosen ones a pass for any behavior as long as they share their leftwing politics. Case in point, they suggest Lena Dunham's sexual assault on her sibling is cute, and she's rewarded for it with fame and fortune. Meanwhile, they crucify another, along with an entire family. (To be clear Lena Dunham's incident took place while she was seven years old, when she examined her one year old sister's vagina. That is not legally considered sexual assault.)

The Duggar debate needs to shift from solely the boy's obvious wrongdoing when he was 14 years old to now include: 

1) The shocking, unethical leak of a private, legally protected counseling document by a politically motivated law enforcement official. Media - time to go after her or him for illegalities and for destroying the public's trust in law enforcement.  (So just like the Duggars Palin is more upset with the leaked police report rather than the fact that the assaults happened in the first place.)

2) The media's hell-bent mission to go after the entire Duggar family for one member’s wrongdoing, while giving a total pass to perverted actions of someone like Lena Dunham - or any other leftwinger celeb caught doing awful things. (The parents are actually the ones who deserve the criticism, not Josh or his victims, because THEY should have known better.) Remember reports of the pedophile billionaire our former democrat president has been friends with and hung out with on the pedophile's "orgy island” full of underage girls? (That last allegation remains unsubstantiated.)

Such obvious double standards applied to equally relevant stories underestimate the wisdom of the public, discredit the press, and spit on the graves of every American who fought and died for the press's freedom.  (What?)

I hate for anyone to go through this game liberals are allowed to play, relentlessly attacking on an uneven playing field until a conservative's career, relationships, and reputation are destroyed. To the media's targets I encourage, "Rise above by never claiming 'victim', tell the truth, and keep the faith!" 

And, for what it's worth, "Welcome to my world; believe me - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"  (Oh I forgot, everything is always about Sarah Palin.)

- Sarah Palin

Is it clear to come out yet?

Holy crap! Is she off her meds or what?

That response is so over the top I am quite literally shell shocked.

However let's straighten a few things up shall we?

Josh Duggar repeatedly molested his younger sisters and, at least once, a baby sitter while they slept between the ages of fourteen and fifteen. He also touched a much younger sister under her clothes while she sat on his lap and she was fully awake. His parents knew about these incidents and failed to get him the help he needed or to protect his sisters from his predatory impulses.

A few years after these incidents the Duggar family launched a reality show where they presented themselves to be a deeply religious, and morally upright family, and invited close public scrutiny knowing all along that they had a dark secret to hide. (They even had gay production staff fired because they saw them as deviant.)

Lena Dunham voluntarily wrote in her book that she inspected her sister's vagina when she was seven and her sister was a one year old, and then at thirteen masturbated herself while her sister slept beside her. (Remember she touched herself, and NOT her sister. )

Dunham also wrote that she bribed her sister to kiss her on the lips for five seconds. Still within the normal realm of childish exploration.

So no, Lena Dunham does NOT deserve to be labeled a pedophile.

Liberals are not being hypocrites, liberals are recognizing that there is an obvious difference between what Josh Duggar did TO his sisters and the normal exploration that Lena Dunham did with hers.

However the fact that Palin became THIS angry about all of this, certainly once again raises the question of her own childhood and what might have happened to her when she was young and vulnerable.


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Creepy Chuck Heath taught Sarah about PEDOPHILIA when she was young and LOSING her underwear. Sarah Palin feels guilty about her own family practices.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      You nailed it!

    2. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Nailed it, indeed!

    3. Anonymous2:37 PM

      I wouldn't doubt that Track was a diddler as well.

    4. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Yeah, something touched a REALLY raw nerve for Granny Palin.

    5. Boscoe3:27 PM

      Sounds like grooming behavior to me...

    6. Anonymous3:55 PM

      "Rise above by never claiming 'victim', tell the truth"
      ~S. Palin
      So Ms. Truth tell us about Tawd's Prostitution ring, murder, attempted murder kidnap and Rape just to name a few "truths"?
      Also why does your dad protect Pedophiles?
      Why do you call any one you don't like one?
      Why don't you like baby oil?
      Why did your kids keep losing their underwear?
      So ya Sarah lets have a "a little truth" as John Lennon said!!!

    7. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Oh how about her dad telling her to walk around naked, all "teen girls should"????
      Baby oil Sarah?
      Why do you h8 it? Why?

  2. Anonymous2:11 PM

    How many times did Josh Duggar molest his 5 year old sister? At least 7 times? Up yours, Sarah Palin, and your Husband is a Sex Trafficking Wimp.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      How many days did the Duggar parents fail to protect their daughters from sexual exploitation by their brother? How many babysitters and family acquaintances did the Duggar parents fail to protect? Up yours, Sarah Palin.

    2. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Every time and every one of them.

    3. Anonymous2:48 PM


  3. Anonymous2:12 PM


    Whew that felt good.
    Thank you for the words Sarah.

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I say again. How many "family values" groups did Lena Dunham work for?

    How many politicians wanted her endorsement? How many politicians couldn't wait to pose for a picture with her?

    Zero, $arah, zero.

    False equivalency, dumbass

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      No shit because at 7 you play doctor at 15 you are a pedophile molesting pervert. Who knows when his behavior actually started and if it has stopped... no one.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      A fifteen year old boy touching a five year old's vagina is not the same as a 7 year old girl exploring a 1 year old. Something is seriously wrong with Sarah Palin that she feels the need to try to make these things equal. I feel sad for the little child that was Sarah and who was very damaged by someone or something at a young age. It is really the only explanation for this rage.

  5. I remember reading the reports of several psychologist/therapist types writing about $carah Payme. Unanimously, they agree she is a victim of childhood sexual abuse.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Yes. Seems clear this Dugger digging has touched a raw nerve. Let it all out, Sarah. Tell us what happened; you'll feel better.

    2. Anonymous3:51 PM

      hrh - no, you didn't.
      No psychologist/therapists or similar "types" publish reports about such personal things. It was likely an opinion from someone who had never even spoken to Palin. Could still be true, but not from any real report.

  6. Anonymous2:14 PM

    Yea you are defending rapists! Like your Pa! Hmmm...oh then there is Male prostitute Danny boy! Gosh I could go on..and on..

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Anonymous2:14 PM

      Yea you are defending rapists! Like your Pa! Hmmm...oh then there is Male prostitute Danny boy! Gosh I could go on..and on..
      Isn't Danny the one Todd fucked and Danny has video of?

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      Lol...well that wont save Danny in court! Raping a child at age 4 cuz Todd told him to makes me think OMAK auntie of Sarah is gonna lead to Todd's involved in that murder suicide? That Danny?

    3. Anonymous5:07 PM

      So it sounds like long term stalking and conspiracy to commit...

  7. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sarah's real problem is that people are criticizing the Duggars for doing the TV show, and she is taking that as criticism of her pimping of her children and grandchildren on reality TV shows. So yes, it's always about her.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      And she's insanely jealous that the Duggars and Lena Dunham both have had TV shows and made tons of money doing so. Sarah's attempts at pushing herself and her family into TV on a permanent basis has been a huge fail. She's down now to a couple of minutes of opinions on the Sarah Palin Channel each week, and increasingly angry Facebook posts and hostile tweets. Her PAC is deflating and the future is bleak. Her fury at "the press" is really her fury at Fox for not renewing her contract, for the cable companies that didn't want a second "Life's a Tripp," or a third season of "Amazing America."
      Gryphen, we salute you for keeping an eagle eye on Palin. You provide probably the most public exposure that she has nowadays.

  8. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Why are the Palins so defensive of those people? Did they grow up in a similar environment and feel that it is okay?

    Can't wait until the Statute of Limitations is up for whatever it is they did or what was done to them if anything was done to them.

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Hey Sarah! WHO got Frank to reverse the statute of limitations on rape? That busted the Catholic church? WHO got his daughter to add an addendum to the Defense policy about sexual assault in the Alaska national guard? WHO wrote that email that made you resign??? Hey Sarah! I am coming and the law is coming with me! The law is coming with me! Hide in your hollow! I will catch you and I will prosecute you in the courts of law! All of em!

    2. Anonymous2:58 PM

      Lol...go get em Kid! Sounds to me like you have done your part for humanity. Thank you. Turn Anger into Activism. I recall a Parade story about that. Now, you settle matters and then take a vacation. We can take it from here the and do something to protect those assaulted. Sarah? Devour! Devour!Sufficates her own empire! What a way to go! She is off the meds for sure! Yiyi!

    3. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Wheee 2:23 Thank you for the brain-teaser haha :)

    4. Anonymous3:55 PM

      329 must be Skared Skarah! Boo! Lol...

    5. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Yo Sara ain't it yo nap time?

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Todd fucked Danny who raped a 4 year old girl and his 3 year old son! Ouch!

  9. The Duggars are sex addicted pieces of shit. They blame the girls for being molested. Josh Duggar molested a fricking FIVE year old, Sarahskank. In yours, and Barstool's retarded brains, it is okay to molest a child because someone else might have done something not even remotely similar. Were you molested as a child Sarah? Is that why you make excuses for Josh the Child Molester because you think it happens in all families? Is that why you had affairs? You are one sick fuck up.

    1. Anonymous2:39 PM

      Oh come on. God forgives and that child is suppose to forget it! Gag!

    2. Crystal Sage5:58 PM

      A poster on another thread talked about a video where Jim Bob and Michelle joined their teen-aged daughter on a date.

      I dare everyone to watch THIS and not be totally disgusted.

  10. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Yes, Sarah, your world consists of being give a free pass by the media for boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby when you were high risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) and then avoiding neo-natal intensive care unit equipped hospitals to supposedly be induced in a small hospital not even rated to to handle twins by a doctor that is not qualified for high-risk deliveries.

    Yes, Sarah, the media has treated you like a precious snowflake, not the sociopath that you are.

  11. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Well damn, Shit For Brains has totally forgotten that she hangs out with and morally supports pedophile Ted Nugent. What say you now, Shit For Brains? You rasie hypocrisy to an art form, asshole.

    1. Caroll Thompson2:46 PM

      I forgot about the draft dodging chicken Ted Nugent. Sarah obviously likes pedophiles. So that is why she defends them.

  12. Anonymous2:22 PM

    In Joe's book Sarah's first love was basketball but only ran cross country and track to please Chuck.

    I don't see any real closeness to them. Maybe Sarah harbors some deep resentment against him. Earlier I wrote a post discussing the possibility that Sarah was a sexual abuse victim and if Chuck was the abuser. Chuck has made bizarre comments about kids losing their underwear and he once wore a shirt that said Coldest State Hottest Governor. Also during the hunting episode of SPA Chuck called her "baby".

    Sarah ju got some splainin'to do

  13. Anonymous2:23 PM


    Google Jim Bob Duggar golf course putt putt and watch uber religious Jim Bob dry hump his wife from behind in front of his teenage daughter and her date. No joke. Really, Gryphen, you should put this up.

    1. I did.

      Click the "close public scrutiny" link.

    2. Anonymous3:11 PM


      If that's family values, lock that chit back in the closet!

    3. Anonymous5:08 PM

      Ok. I totally missed it. I wonder how many other readers missed the link too. I still think you ought to put the video up. It is such an eye-opener.

  14. Anonymous2:23 PM

    EVERYTHING! EVERYTHING! Is about SEX! and MONEY..In that order. PERIOD! This WORLD better start waking the FUCK UP and GET REAL people. Those parents should be in JAIL! The HEATHS, The PALINS & The DUGGARS. Most important, it is NOT just them, this lifestyle seems to be the new (exposed and louded) AMERICAN WAY....
    P.S. louded is spelled that way for a reason..

  15. Anonymous2:25 PM

    She's fucking unhinged. Dumb twunt is finally bursting into flames & crashing headfirst into Earth, about time. I hope Lena eggs her on. I'm no fan of Girls, but Lena has more brains in her little finger than the entire palin/heath family tree has.

  16. Anonymous2:25 PM

    So, do I get this right? The young babysitter was also asleep?

  17. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I wish someone would sue her for her last dime.

  18. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I am not a fan of Lena Denham but she is not a hypocritical fake-Christian fundamentalist. Josh Duggar molested his younger sisters, including a four year old. How would Sarah Palin feel if Track had molested his younger sisters? This stupid woman needs to learn how to think.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      I think that happened. If Gryphen gleaned the comments to see who saw what? Criminal minds. I see a pattern! She made rape victims pay for their own kit! Time to clean House and Senate in Alaska!

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Well, actually that was a theory once on how Trig came to be,

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      2:29 PM "How would Sarah Palin feel if Track - - - - - " Sarah Palin feels nothing except anger, hate and evilness. You never see a hint of the feeling of love from or around her - she's far from being touchy feely - would imagine she is one horrible partner in bed - and, she eludes zero happiness and/or kindness.

      Plus, she demonstrates no love to any of her kids - all she has done is 'use' them!

      In all the years we've watched and listened to her - she's gotten worse - which shows on her today both physically and mentally.

    4. Anonymous3:57 PM

      Track raped Bristol? Do you seriously believe that? Todd raped Bristol!

    5. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Probably both so it's a coin toss on whose the father!

  19. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Pretty obvious to ME that Palins over the top rant is because she's afraid of what might come out about her own family. A child of 7 does not legally know right from wrong. At that age sexual exploration is mostly normal. A 14 or 15 year old touching a YOUNGER child's genitals is wrong wrong wrong. It's wrong for a 14-15 year old to touch his sisters genitals no matter what their siblings age. A teen of 14 -15 legally knows right from wrong. If that same teen touched the genitals of the little girls living next door, he'd be arrested, possibly sent yo a juvenile facility, and be labeled a sex offender. At 14-15 a normal young man is either satisfying his curiosity with playboy magazine or some Victoria secret catalogues, or if especially precocious a willing 14-15 year old unrelated teen. Why do these idiot conservatives nit understand this?

    1. Anonymous2:59 PM

      Not protecting your daughters from more abuse after being told they have been abused is

      wrong wrong wrong

    2. Anonymous3:14 PM

      They said they set up "safeguards." I would imagine bedroom door locks? Yeah, nothing like having to lock yourself in every night in your own house.

    3. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Except they didn't put locks on the bedroom doors, in the police report ( page 16? I think) at the bottom half of the page it is quite clear they had molester Josh sharing a bedroom with at least one of his victims. The term used was "common bedroom".

    4. Anonymous4:01 PM

      Their safeguards consisted of: 1) No boys allowed to babysit; 2) No sitting on laps; and 3) No playing hide-and-seek (WTF)??

      Now, don't you feel safe?

    5. Anonymous4:15 PM

      The Duggar "safeguards" while requiring Josh and at least one of his victims -- a prayer...

      Now I lay me down to sleep
      I promise not to lay my sisters
      If I should try before you wake
      They promise to pretend to sleep

    6. Anonymous4:39 PM

      3:31 PM, thanks for your reply; I did not know that. So they lied! Imagine that!

  20. Anonymous2:34 PM

    The website below has some interesting info about Sarah. If Sarah knew Bristol was sexually active in high school then why didn't Sarah teach her daughter about the birds and bees. Some parents who did drugs when they were younger don't care about their children doing drugs. Same thing can be said about sex, if a mother was active in her youth she may not care about her daughters or sons.

    All the Trash Levi Johnston Has Talked About His Future Mother-in-Law

    I'm pretty sure she probably knew. Moms are pretty smart. —on Sarah knowing her daughter was sexually active


    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Presumably that article is referring to Sarah Palin and not Levi's mother-in-law.

      Every single thing Levi ever said about Sarah Palin was and still is 100% true.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      All the Trash Levi Johnston Has Talked About His Future Mother-in-Law.

      3:11 to me that sounds like Levi is talking about his future mother-in-law.

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Levi Johnston, at age 21, told us about Sarah Palin in his book "Deer in the Headlights".

      Now, he is an adult, has a family, more life experiences, a good job and most of all has had more negative experiences with Sarah and Todd Palin due to Bristol and their son, Tripp.

      One of these days, someone (perhaps Levi) will come after Sarah and Todd Palin and disclose information they have on them. Someday, someone will spill the beans!

      Those 'confidentiality agreements' Sarah Palin supposedly has had everyone sign assuredly have a shelf life. I'm sure some of the folks that signed them have, or will have, attorneys that give them the go ahead when they can talk!

      I can hardly wait for the time to come as I want to watch Sarah Palin lose her mind completely! The Palin klan will get theirs in the end! It's a given!

  21. Anonymous2:35 PM

    I REALLY, REALLY hope that Dunham sues both these bitches asses and takes them for everything.

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      So you know who leaked it?

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Who leaked what?

  22. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Did Sarah run around naked when she slept with her basketball team?

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      Well if she did TODAY they would grab their eyes! Oh my eyes! My eyes!

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM


  23. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Palin's supposed outcry makes me laugh! Just where is she coming from? Most think she has incest issues in her background with her creepy father. Plus, her brother has had issues too: A former teacher, married with kids, has affair with student (much younger!), gets her pregnant, divorces his wife and marries the student - - - -

    It has been apparent for years that Sarah is screwed up sexually! Look at her past and how she relates to men - what she has said - using their genitals in her language when going after them derogatorily. She's done it very publically and sent her words toward well known male entertainers and politicians!

    She had marital affairs and it's so apparent Todd hasn't had a thing to do with her sexually in years. He uses prostitutes and Sarah has known it and approved his doing so. i.e. "Boys Will be Boys" - Shailey Tripp author and prostitute Todd has used. (Verified in the book!)

    Sarah, you dumb ass, you don't protect family members when it comes to incest! You report them so there is criminal justice! The Duggars should have done so! Josh should not have been protected!

    The Christian values of the Duggar family are a joke and that is really why most Americans are offended.

    And, Sarah honey, you are no more a loving Christian than Satan. You spread hate and ugliness whenever you speak and the majority of Americans really are sick and tired of you!

    Please - for all of us - go play in the traffic on some dirt road in Wasilla, Alaska!

  24. Caroll Thompson2:43 PM

    My how the mighty have fallen. Sarah is down to defending a pedophile and his family of enablers.

    She really is that desperate for attention. Does Bristol know that on her so called blog, she also is defending a pedophile and his family of enablers?

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      "Does Bristol know...?"

      Maybe this will be the 'last straw' post that gives Bristol the guts to tell her mother to fuck off and stop setting her up for criticism.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      She does these embarrassing things in public and still her cult can't see that she can never run for public office.

  25. Anonymous2:48 PM

    That attitude you have for division and hatefulness is why you'll never be Vice-president let alone President. You need an intervention.

  26. Anonymous2:49 PM

    So in Palin's mind, when I changed diapers and cleaned my nieces and nephews up and checked their private parts out, that makes me a pervert? I was a young teenager and the family babysitter.

    1. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Yea that kind of is telling hu? When I babysat changing diapers was a Gone in 60 seconds! Diaper stinkage was nasty! If you can't change a baby without thinking like a pervert then you need some help! I

  27. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Holy Moose-Shit-on-the-Stars-and-Stripes!

    Palin's rant may be sufficiently over-the-top stupid and deranged to get some attention for her poor little self.

    And Dunham may have a slightly different perspective on whether she's been attacked by the media.

  28. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Reading this I had one recurring thought - this is really about sarah isn't it. SSDD. She is always the victim, NEVER the President.

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:19 PM

      Is she always the victim because she is unable to confront her attacker?

      What causes this perpetual victimhood?

    2. Anonymous5:12 PM

      Legal trick so your sentencing is less!

  29. How is Lena dunhams story anywhere near the duggars story and when did Lena Dunham become a liberal icon?

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I became a liberal so long ago Sarah Palin wasn't even crazy yet, and my first question was, "Who's Lena Dunham?"

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      This is classic Palin.

      When a conservative does something really bad (Trig standing on the dog, Jill, for example) CHANGE THE NARRATIVE and mention someone else to deflect the argument to that innocent person who is not at all connected to the incident in question (Ellen DeGeneres stood on a dog, for example).
      Palin hopes we will now talk about Lena Dunham instead of horrible Josh Duggar.

      Don't give her the satisfaction! It's about the Duggar's, not Lena Dunham.

    3. Cracklin Charlie4:17 PM

      Same here.

      And my teabagger sister in law posted to her face book today that even though she was fairly liberal, she didn't think Bruce Jenner should receive some award instead of a wounded veteran.

      "Even though she is fairly liberal" HA!

      My daughter blew up my phone with the LOLs! I told my girl that her aunt had been reading Bristol's blog!

    4. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Cracklin,' that made me hoot!

      It is obvious that Brancy knows nothing of the ESPYs.

  30. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I watched the Putt putt video on You Tube. That man is disgusting. His actions are obscene. There's more than one video of this on You Tube.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      That was rude! Even his daughter's boyfriend had to turn his head away from the idiotic display of humping in public! The Duggar couple are weird Christians!

  31. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Whatsamatter Sarah? Hitting a little close to home? Why were those heathen girls always losing their panties? As a family of 5 girls and 1 boy,losing girls underwear was never an issue in our home. By the way,who fathered trig?

    1. Cracklin Charlie4:13 PM

      Had my siblings and I lost our underwear, our dad would have never known about it, much less talked about it to fox news.

      So creepy!

  32. Anonymous3:03 PM

    As usual at the end of the rant, Skank makes it all about herself!

    Of course, she would defend the Duggars because they are hypocrites just as the Palins are.

  33. Anonymous3:05 PM

    O/T, hack gov't data? Why don't they hack AT&T, cable companies and credit our accounts by $20. I am sick of them doing overages. Just shut me off and don't charge me. Glad I never signed up for autopay.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      It's likely the Chinese military AGAIN.
      They've declared internet war on us a long time ago and our businesses and government aren't doing a good enough job to be ready for these threats.
      If it is China again, and they have something like a favored nation trade status, perhaps we should revoke it. They aren't even remotely friendly to anyone, not even to their own citizens.
      M. from MD

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Dragonfly! Don't take so long! Haha! More than likely they hacked it to expose the lies we all know exist! That will not put us in any danger! Just embarrass lots of criminals, that's all! China likes that shit! Fighting? Not so much! Cost them too much money! Crappy parts, yada yada yada!

  34. Anonymous3:06 PM

    O/T hack into into the car engine auto turn off and disable them on. Do some useful hacking!

  35. Anonymous3:06 PM

    O/T hack the superPACs!!

  36. Anonymous3:07 PM

    "Rise above by never claiming 'victim'....."
    Is that like "winners never quit," $arah?

    I won't even mention, "tell the truth."
    Oopsie, I guess I just did!

  37. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Ok, back to creepy leering molestor. Scarah, omg, is it because your dad did this?

  38. Anonymous3:08 PM




    1. Anonymous4:04 PM


    2. Cracklin Charlie4:10 PM

      Let it be BIG!

      Godzilla BIG!
      King Kong BIG!
      Thirty Point Buck BIG!

    3. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Maybe DuhKota is getting ready to spill something???

    4. Anonymous4:35 PM

      4th of July with fireworks!

    5. Anonymous5:16 PM

      433 well I should hope so to save his ass

  39. Anonymous3:13 PM

    It offends me that Sarah Palin feels that bringing up Ms Dunham justifies defending a phedophile. Why couldn't she either remain silent or actually denounce molesting children, regardless of the political leaning or religion of the pervert? Why does it always have to come down to a media attack or a political/religious attack?

  40. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Just run for president already. quit screaming sarah, of nothing to stir up your pic on the internet. I think running for president will get you some money. oh you look old and like a man now.

  41. Boscoe3:16 PM

    So, to summarize: Outraged by "liberal hypocrisy", Palin flies into an apoplectic fit of CONSERVATIVE HYPOCRISY.


  42. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Sarah, walk away from the computer and put-the-meth-pipe down!

  43. Janice A Soderquist3:20 PM

    Just look at Sarah good friends, Ted Nugent and Phil Robertson, they have horrible backgrounds. Twice she was seen with posters with crossbows, etc. against Americans. Bristol openly displayed pictures of herself and her best friend who is an exotic dancer among other things always with a smile on her face. Yes, Sarah has described mens genitals in humorous ways in her speeches. All these things the Palins do is for media attention. What does she expect. Yes, she should be pissed and Bristol too. The media is portraying them as they are, whores and trash. This is what they put out on their fb pages, etc. Lucky Levi, he is out with a fab wife and family who are completely ignoring the Palins. Looks like Dakota is done too and I don't think he is one bit afraid of them. The Palins have hit bottom now. Grab your popcorn.
    The only media news you hear about the Palins any more are Bristols planned no show wedding and her slutty best friend.
    Why? The media doesn't any anything else to print. They are done with their shows and politics.....

  44. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Gryphen, can't you at least give her credit for writing in a style that bravely - yet futilely - assumes that any sentient being in the real world gives a shit what she has to say? You think that kind of charade is easy to create, mush less maintain for 7 years?

    Seriously, dude, leave her alone! If this pointless prattling on of hers distracts her from the humiliating nighmare that is her life now - and forever into the bleak future - and earns her a little pin money grifting from the handful of demented pensioners still sending $4 money orders, who are you to rain on her parade?

    Screechy, on behalf of the last few remaining libtards who still visit Gryphen's defunct blog that nobody - besides you - reads, I want to apologize for Gryphen's cruel - yet fully justified - commentary about your sad vibrantly-lived life. As Jeebus is my witness, I promise you: starting the day you shut up and fade away into your inevitable and well-earned obscurity, I will make it my crusade to ensure that Gryphen never mentions you again (as if he would even want to) Deal?

    You betcha!

    1. Cracklin Charlie3:52 PM

      How come when I read her last few screeds, I visualize Alicia/Krusty/Brooklyn?

    2. fromthediagonal4:02 PM

      Beldar (or your impostor, whoever that may be), good to know your conehead is still screwed on somehow. Keep hangin' out, because some of us miss you when you don't.

    3. Anonymous4:20 PM


    4. Anonymous5:18 PM

      Like I keep saying"multiple personality disorder! Face palm! Cyber NCIS swipe upside yo head! Haha!

  45. Palin pals around with pedophile Ted nugent he even wrote a song about it

  46. Anonymous3:22 PM

    So, is Sarah defending child molestation? Good to know.

    1. Cracklin Charlie3:50 PM

      Yet somehow, not surprising.

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      We knew that! Welcome aboard!

  47. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Sarah Palin defends the likes of Duggar, Ted Nugent and Todd Palin.

    That Sarah Palin sure pals around with some shady characters.

  48. Anonymous3:23 PM

    And let's all remember folks, those are the assaults that the Duggars are admitting to. I doubt they were that infrequent, or that they didn't involve much more time , or that they were as quite so innocent as they are trying to make them.
    BTW I grew up with 8 siblings. I was the youngest so I had 4 older brothers( one actually a cousin that moved in at age 4 when his parents died in an accident) and 4 older sisters, never once did any of my siblings assault me.
    Sexual assault between siblings is very rare, even non related people growing up in a family develop a natural psychology that tells them incest is wrong, that even sexual contact of any type is wrong between family members.
    But count on "she's always losing her underwear" Palin to defend these molesters. Her level of anger seems to indicate she herself is living in denile about her own childhood.

    1. ...or that Josh is the only offender...

  49. No doubt about it. Sarah Palin is a bi-polar wacko.

  50. Anonymous3:24 PM

    "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

    1. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Lady?????? What "lady"?


  51. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I can't understand ANYONE who goes out of their way to defend the Duggars at this point.

    1. Anonymous5:19 PM

      Those that are guilty of it themselves!

  52. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Sarah Palin's outrage is about media hypocrisy-NOT pedophilia???

  53. Anonymous3:31 PM

    This is the same woman who accused Joe McGinnis of wanting to peep on her daughter, Piper, in an attempt to garner sympathy for herself and to attack Joe.

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Agreed! That was such a pathetic ploy. You don't toss accusations like that so frivolously. That shows how twisted and sick she is!

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Excellent point! Methinks the Heath/Palins are rife in molestation/sexual abuse and why she went off.

  54. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Barry Obama is a sissy
    Michelle Obama is a tranny
    Any wonder why the gay agenda
    Is their top priority

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Poor little troll, can't even get it up to be imaginative.

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Go to bed Sarah!

    3. Anonymous4:53 PM

      You are an uneducated moron that reads World Net Daily as if it were the gospel truth. Only an idiot tries to insult people by calling them a tranny or a sissy. Go back to the sea of pee and spread your pathetic little insults elsewhere.

    4. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Idiot. Their top priority is raising smart, educated, polite, classy daughters. Then comes the country. And they fight for gay rights because all people in this nation deserve respect, and the evangelicals can't find it in their Christian hearts to love everyone, as they were supposedly taught by Jesus. No, you have to judge and stomp your feet at perceived slights, and cry "Discrimination!" every time another group is granted what you have always had-- the freedom to believe whatever you want to in a free nation.

  55. Anonymous3:39 PM

    "once again raises the question of her own childhood and what might have happened to her when she was young and vulnerable."

    And to what possible abuse were Sarah's children subjected? She uses her children as props, puts thoughts in their heads and words in their mouths, and holds them responsible for her failures. It's...she's...not normal.

    1. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Is that why Bristol was blamed for Sarah's loss as VP in "08 and now she (Bristol) reaps all of the Sarah PAC grift for new vehicles and toys for the little Trippster?

  56. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Sarah, shut up! You do not represent the military, you never served so quit speaking for everyone who is currently serving and for those that did serve, especially those that have served and in the infrantry at that! Nobody i know made it political. Nobody sat around and said "We are fighting for freedom of the press!" all they ever did was fight for each other and try to get home, your politics can go to hell you dumb , uneducated, back woods, low brow , whiny piece of shit!

    And while your at it get Bristol or Willow to sign up, those diva's couldn't hack basic but until they washed out it may keep them out of bars, brawling and paling around with Exotic Russians who do soft porn and best of all it would give them a real job.

    1. Anonymous4:08 PM

      Does it surprise any of us, given what we know, that Bristol and soft porn queen are BFFs? That's why she's so pissed off. Records uncovered.....and she's skeered that she's next in line.

  57. Janice A Soderquist3:45 PM

    You notice all the major media and magazines are killing themselves to get the interviews of Jenner and the Duggars. Now, both stories are getting major interviews.
    Who is calling the Palins for their story on the no show wedding, hahahahahahahah.....

  58. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I don't know if you can/ or want to link to HuffPo, but they have an article and video up of Sheryl Underwood talking about the Duggars. Sheryl was molested at a very young age.
    If Gryphen can't link to it, I do urge all IMers to go and view it.

  59. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:49 PM

    Hmmmm...I think this little Duggar "morality play" hit a nerve with A Friend Of The Nooge, Rush Limpballs And Phil The Duck. What's SHE hiding?

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      A rape case that the RAPIST will turn the tables on her! If he is arrested and charged! Hu Sarah?

    2. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Sounds like it might be the same one who taped him and Todd? That's why he has registered a will...incase Todd takes him for a ride? Gee why doncha do another murder-suicide scene Todd? Worked out so well didn't it? Until they came to Alaska! Then it got real domestic terrorism tactical hu Sary? Gosh...if I could just remember...

  60. Cracklin Charlie3:49 PM


    This is a whole new level of cray!

    Sarah seems REAL upset about something, and I don't think it has anything to do with the Duggars.

    What's up, Sarah? Evertheen okay?

    1. Anonymous4:20 PM

      You ask a question that you know the answer to...

  61. And, for what it's worth, "Welcome to my world; believe me - what doesn't kill you makes you stronger!"

    Holy shit! Is she admitting to being sexually abused????

    1. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Why OMG, I believe she just did. Unfortunately, I believe the statute of limitations has run out and Chuckles Sr. can not be prosecuted.

  62. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I am deeply offended that the Palins are using the word "crucify" when speaking about this highly dysfunctional family and their obviously disturbed son.

    Comparing Josh Duggar to our Lord and Savior is blasphemous and unforgiveable. It demonstrates just how shallow their 'christian' beliefs are and how little they really understand the religion they purport to embrace.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      "our Lord and Savior"

      I do not have a "lord" or a "savior" and would be ever so grateful not to ever hear or see the possessive "our" with those terms. Thanx.

    2. Thank you 3:59.

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      She did that??? Sorry, I couldn't make it thru her post....
      It just shows, for all those religion whores it's all about the $$$
      They could not care less about actual practicing religion. They're the ones Jezus kicked out of the temple, if said Jezus actually existed.

    4. Anonymous4:36 PM

      3:59 and 4:05,

      Nobody ever said you were included in the 'our'. Stomping your foot over a perceived inclusion in something you don't accept is a little much.

    5. Anonymous4:38 PM

      They crucify those they cannot forget!

    6. Anonymous4:44 PM

      She uses crucify because she thinks she's Queen Esther.

    7. Anonymous4:50 PM

      "Nobody ever said you were included in the 'our'. "

      And nobody ever said you were the arbiter of the English language. But points for stupidity for sure.

    8. Anonymous5:09 PM

      4:50 -

      The comment had nothing to do with grammar, and everything to do with perception. Non-christians are no more included in the comment then the writer would presume to include jews or buddhists, or atheists, etc., etc. Getting all prickly about it makes no sense.

      The real issue here is that Sarah claims to be 'christian' yet she commits blasphemy as it is defined by the religion she claims to be so dedicated to.

      Chill, I don't assume everyone on here is speaking for me, why would you?

    9. Anonymous5:13 PM


      You are in a hole. Stop digging.

    10. Anonymous5:18 PM


      Not until I find you down there.

    11. Anonymous5:24 PM

      keep stomping those feet, it's entertaining to watch the tantrum

  63. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Hmmmmm? It is quite clear that palin is defending and reliving a childhood "event" that she "may" have experienced. She hangs with molestors, abusers and losers. I don't know but I see many victims. Even the undisciplined young man. The girls, their siblings. Having 2 goofy breeding parents lacking brains and shame? no law against that.!!! yet. Now for the sake of humanity. Humans are curious. Kids are curious, it is up to the reasonable parent to guide the child to a healthy adulthood. Understanding those funny little feelings can be explained to them.

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      All the parents explained was it was naughty and he shouldn't have done it then they looked the other way while they got ready for their close-ups for TLC.

  64. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Oh, you Stupid, Stupid Bitch !

  65. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Not just the left or liberal thing? Nice try you moron.
    Keep stirring the pot .Oh,
    I will make them pay.
    Give it rest Sarah,Everyone has your number. Idiot!

  66. FrostyAK4:07 PM

    This rant is showing the maggots crawling out from under her filthy wig. Brainless - and scavengers are all that's left.

    Talibangelicals gotta stick together.

  67. Anonymous4:21 PM

    You know what? The Trig truth is about to come out and she's freaking out. She's lost control of her family, she's getting old, she isn't wanted anywhere near any Repubs who are actually declaring their candidacy for office, and really, she has nothing left. When was the last time we heard Sarah Palin say or do anything loving, generous or kind? Her show is over.

    1. Anonymous5:46 PM

      "When was the LAST time..." ? How about "When WILL BE THE FIRST TIME we will hear her say or do something nice and positive?"!

  68. Anonymous4:25 PM

    There is another reason Palin's latest rant is over the top, she wants Fox News to call her since she hasn't been on Fox since Jan. 6th and that was on Varney And Co.

    She appeared in her best off the shoulder zippered sweater and a half way clean wig, apparently that wasn't enough for them to have her back on.She is home right now clutching her cell phone waiting for the call, surely this rant can't be overlooked? especially since she is such great pals with the Dugger cult.

    All Sarah all the time.

  69. Anonymous4:29 PM

    TMZ is quoting that the record was never sealed. Apparently it was never filed until Josh the molester was 18, thus he was an adult suspect, not a juvenile one.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      If these CRIMINAL offenses had been properly reported and dealt with WHEN THEY WERE DISCOVERED, then the records would probably not been subject to the public information access laws o0f Arkansas.

      But...since this was jammed under the rug instead of properly addressed in 2003, and the statute of limitations had run in 2006 when authorities actually investigated...the records were releasable.

      Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

  70. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Coming to the defense of those who protect pedophiles is a long standing Heath/Palin family tradition. Remember when Chuckie, Sr. organized angry demonstrations coming to the defense of the school principal who refused to fire the teacher who had molested many young girls right in the classroom? That principal was Chuckie, Sr.'s good friend who he followed to Wasilla, right? Those Heath/Palin family values!

  71. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Chuckles Sr. and Jr., I think Sarah is looking at you two.

    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      And why she never mentions her mother.

  72. Self-righteous anger is Sarah Palin's stock in trade. The first time most of us saw her on television, she was smug and snarky, and it went drastically downhill from there.

    I've read most of the books written about her, and many blog posts. I've seen her on Fox and I sometimes look at her facebook page. And while I admit that Sarah, as well as her father, seem like very strange people indeed, it seems a bit of a leap to reach any conclusion about abuse in her past.

  73. Anonymous4:49 PM

    She sounds like she is trying to defend her own sicko family where sexual abuse most likely happened. I was sexually abused for years by my own father and I had extreme anger against child molestors in general and I would never defend them. She seems to seek a way to justify her own sick father and family. She needs psychiatric care, but being a narcissist, she won't ever change. She cannot find it within herself to believe she is ever wrong about anything.

    1. Anonymous4:57 PM

      This comment is proof liberals falsely accus good people of bad things. Like how all those people desperately tried to twist an innocent childhood in Alaska because they're jealous of it

    2. Anonymous4:59 PM

      So you're saying it's ok for bloggers and people on the net to lie about ones family and childhood and their victim can't be outraged? Sarah had every right to be angry when people use double standards when there have been loads of lies written about her entire childhood for no reason

    3. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Bristol we can read you I mean see you! 457

    4. Anonymous5:31 PM

      Sarah is the epitome of "double standards." She is also a pathological liar, stunningly stupid about so many things, beyond hateful, and a drug addict. Wake the hell up.

    5. Anonymous5:52 PM

      So I guess it is normal for a father to insist his daughters don't wear underwear to bed? It's normal for a father to call his married daughter 'hot.' It's normal for a mother to ignore drug use in her son and keep enabling him through breaking the law, losing jobs, and having to live in the airplane hanger? Sorry,. 4:47 and 4:59, but Sarah exhibits all the signs of being abused as a child. She craves attention, especially negative attention, and everything in the world is about her. Something happened to her, and she cried out for help and was ignored, and now we all get to watch her narcissist personality on display.

    6. Anonymous5:57 PM

      Here's the bit, 4:57 PM, and I hope Gryph allows this comment through. This unfortunately does happen in many families, as the Duggars stated. It's the way they tried to depict themselves as the perfect family when they're not. Why do you think $arah is so upset?

      Answer: When you make yourselves public figures/celebrities and tout God for money, it's almost always that skeletons up the ying come out eventually, and the public you were courting say, "oh really?" We do have that right because you put yourself out there. Don't pontificate to us when we know you're just as human as the rest. You wanted the attention and fame, you got it!

  74. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Today, Vice President Joe Biden showed how one behaves with dignity and class during a time of terrible personal loss.
    In repulsive contrast , Palin again demonstrated that she was never remotely qualified, in experience or tenor ,
    to be anywhere near the Oval Office.
    Her incoherent rage may be the result of Rick Perry announcing today that he is running for POTUS
    and at the event ,
    surrounding himself with MOH winners and Taya Kyle , the wife of Chris Kyle.
    Palin obviously dreamed that Dakota Meyer would fast track her to relevancy.
    Not only Republicans, but , the far right , including Fox News refuses to touch Palin with a 10 foot pole.
    She's become the proverbial Tootsie Roll in the punch bowl.

    1. Anonymous5:28 PM

      Anything to divert from a memorial that honored a man of true public service and President Obama was eulogizing. $arah timing is always perfect. She could have waited until tomorrow.

      ME! ME! ME!

    2. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I like that, tootsie roll in the punch bowl. Ha!

  75. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Maybe she is motivated for the reasons others have given or maybe...she has lost so many followers (i.e. contributors), she has to scrounge up the vilely outlandish red meat to bring on more of the really sickos in the right wing fringe. Whatever...she's nutty as hell.

  76. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Liberals write far nastier things. That didn't even attack anyone. There have been far more false things written about sarah

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      That she's never rebutted because she can't.

    2. Anonymous5:30 PM

      I can smell your bullshit from here 4:56. Desperate wishful thinking on your part.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Name one false thing written about Sarah Palin, and include verifiable evidence that it is false. Please...proceed...

    4. Anonymous5:43 PM

      Like what, exactly?

      Nobody ever needs to write 'false things' about her...that woman and her family have exceeded the wildest imaginations of this liberal ever since they appeared on the national stage!

      ...can't stop watching a never ending train wreck, doncha know?!

    5. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Like what? What do we do that's worse than what Sarah calls our elected officials and their kids? Seriously. Sarah's kids are mostly of age now, and no one says boo about the younger ones (except to wish that Trig was getting his therapy, Tripp was in a stable environment with a mother who didn't get drunk, and Piper actually finishes high school with her class and goes to college.) Sorry, but the GOP hired Sarah to be their attack dog, and she has certainly played the part to the hilt (and to her own benefit financially.)

  77. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I think she's scared sh@itless that someone government or medical employee is going to leak her secrets.

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      Me, too. Man oh man, when she goes off like this, 'tis a thing of beauty!

  78. Anonymous5:17 PM

    1) The shocking, unethical leak of a private, legally protected counseling document by a politically motivated law enforcement official. Media - time to go after her or him for illegalities and for destroying the public's trust in law enforcement.

    Unfortunately for Palin -- and the Duggars, who made the argument last night -- there was nothing illegal about InTouch receiving the redacted police and sheriffs reports. They filed valid Freedom of Information requests to the relevant departments, and since the perp is no longer a minor they had to turn the information over.

    If Josh Duggar had been tried and convicted, then perhaps that record would have been sealed. But since charges were never even filed, there was no case to seal. There's just the evidence acquired in the course of an investigation.

    Maybe InTouch was tipped off that if they did a little digging they would find something interesting. Even so, their investigation and reporting is totally above board. Trying to make InTouch the bad guy in all this is just nonsense.

  79. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Josh Duggar has admitted to sexually molesting invdividuals, why isn't he being forced to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life?

  80. Anonymous5:55 PM

    E Online comments on the Palins' remarks:


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