Sunday, June 21, 2015

Robert Reich presents "The Medicare Solution." Man do I like this!

This, of course, is what most of us liberals were hoping for when Obama first took on the health care crisis. 

However due to incredible blow back from the Republicans, trust issues among many Americans, and lobbying by health insurance companies, all the President could deliver was the Affordable Care Act.  Which has some very good qualities, but is nowhere near the fix that we really need in this country.

But Medicare for all? Now THAT is change we can believe in.


  1. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Love him, love the message. I hope this clip goes viral.

    Maybe even some of the Faux News viewers could understand it.

    Thanks for posting, G!

  2. SallyinMI5:37 AM

    There is a guy in my town who has been promoting this for is not a new idea, but maybe one whose time, at last, has come! We need the House, Senate, and Hillary, folks...GOTV!

  3. Maple5:48 AM

    Of course it's not a new idea -- other smarter countries have had it for years (Canada since 1963). But Reich doesn't say anything about how to keep hospitals and doctors from over-charging in your free market system. Until those two expensive situations can be mitigated somehow, your costs will still rise.

  4. O/T but Happy Father's Day, Gryphen. You seem to have done an excellent job with your daughter.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:01 PM

      I second that, and Happy Father's Day to all Great Fathers out there in IM land.

  5. Anonymous5:01 PM

    I've always said if you want to fix Medicare/Medicaid, make it the only medical insurance that members of Congress and their families can use. That would light a fire under them!

  6. Anita Winecooler6:07 PM

    I can vouch for the fact that Medicare works. My mother would have passed 15 years ago without it. I admire Reich's ability and eloquence while explaining what's working and dispelling the misinformation out there. Medicare for all makes sense and saves lives in the long run. It works in other countries.


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