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"Oh God, she's even dumber than they say." |
@realDonaldTrump - Mr. Trump should know he's doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press! ("Malcontents?" Okay that hurts.) There is no denying Donald J. Trump's accomplishments and drive to create opportunity for every willing American to succeed. (Does she not realize that the ONLY success that Trump has ever created was for himself?) His own success is testament to the job-creating achievements made possible when one applies the courageous and tenacious pro-private sector precepts we need to fire up the economy. (Didn't hurt that his father was a real estate tycoon either.) Trump joins a competitive field of GOP candidates that will duke it out in the arena of ideas and track records, a field representing diverse achievements. This, in contrast with the pro-big government party's practice of merely anointing a chosen one, thus robbing voters of healthy debate.
Key to conservative's victory is to do our own vetting of each candidate, focus on their ability to unleash America's entrepreneurial spirit and dramatically shrink government in order to prioritize our nation's security. That means we ignore the media's participation in the liberals' Pantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction. (What the hell are "Pantsuit Politics?") THEN, on an even playing field, in 2016 we charge forward after the radical left hears America shout, "You're fired!"
- Sarah Palin
Well I think we can say with some certainty that tweedle dimwit here is still writing her own Facebook posts. That is pure undiluted Palin venom if ever I have seen it.
Look I am right with Palin in welcoming Trump to the party. Hell I am fairly giddy over his announcement.
And I am by no means alone.
Last night Jon Stewart had a "comedy-gasm" at the news and Larry Wilmore said that it was a gift from the comedy gods.
All I have to say is that as a political blogger 2016 could not have turned out better if I had sold my soul to the devil for a GOP lineup ready made for mocking.
There is really only one clown left that I want desperately to climb into the car.
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Courtesy of Politicususa. |
Apparently Trump hired actors to fill out the audience for his big announcement.
Well of course he did, because everything about this guy is phony.
Update 2: Unsurprisingly it looks as if Trump appreciated Palin's shout out.
Thank you Sarah--Let's have pizza in New York soon with you & your great family https://t.co/SQ6LsNZ6UC
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 17, 2015
Watching two attention seeking idiots like this stroking each others ego in public makes me a little nauseous.
She will kiss Trump's ass till he says she will be his vp....
ReplyDeleteGrab your popcorn
She'd Lewinsky him, too.
DeleteSorry, Sarah. Trump has already indicated he wants Oprah Winfrey as his VP candidate.
DeleteUsing "vetting" in a facebook rant about the presidential candidates is a loser expression for the most un-vetted vice-presidential candidate ever. The GOP knew that Sarah Palin was horribly unqualified, but hoped to use sex appeal and word salad to slide her into office.
DeleteIf she worked 'til Doomsday, Sarah Palin could never get properly vetted for anything other than dog catcher.
As usual the Repig rips off a Liberal song! Yep Trump ripped off Neil Youngs song "Rockin' in the free world" Don't use my song I support Bernie http://bit.ly/1N0vJrW Of course Fox news is claiming Trump had permission. Just like Sarah had permission to slap a sarahpac sticker on the 911 copywrite pic.
DeleteWhy are these fuckers always stealing our songs? Sarah stole
"Barbuda" and there was another last time around who stole a lib song. Its b/c WE fucking rock that's why!
They are a bunch of fuddy duddy losers. I hope Neil sues that fat fuck trump.
What have you got against dogs?
DeleteThat 'clown' photo of Palin is perfect! But, it is an old photo as she looks so much younger than she does today.
ReplyDeleteAre we surprised that she'd come out 'pro' Trump? This is going to be so damned much fun to watch!
Sarah Palin, circa 1941...
ReplyDelete"The Japanese should know they're doing something right when the malcontents go ballistic in the press!"
I thought it was the Germans who bombed Pearl Harbor.
DeleteSounds like something she'd say doesn't it?
They're evil doers, I tell ya. Wonder who's butt Sarah pulled the word "Malcontents" from?
DeleteShe doesn't want Donald Trump to turn his crazy nastiness in her direction.
ReplyDeletePantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction = Hillary
DeleteSarah you are a mean girl tween stuck in an old hag bulimic methed out bodied.
Suck it.
As opposed to the Hooker Shoes, Slut Shirt, and Hoohah Politics of Personal Self-Destruction....
DeleteGoing after Hillary? I wouldn't do that! That film you helped finance will bite u!
Delete$arah will NEVER run for political office again.
ReplyDeleteWhy should she give up free grifting money to the tune of 1 cool million a year from $arahpac?
If she was VP, or a Senator or US Rep, she'd have to show up each day, and actually do some work.
SOOOOOoooooo much easier to fleece the PalinDroids, bloviate on Facebook, travel around on the Pac, and spew venom, hate, and racist bullshit to the faithful White Christian Dominionist Teaparty oldsters.
How would $arah keep up with her enemy list, ride herd over her grifter family, and have enough time to read about herself online if she had an actual job?
Trust me, the Quitter Queen has everything she wants now.
She can wear leather skirts, fake tits, prance around on a few stages, get the adulation and worship from the gun nuts and church folks, and head back to her bunker filled with Adderall, Dr Pepper, and baby sitters for Trig.
Life has never been easier for Granny Grifter, and no way is she going to expose herself to the possibiltiy of hard work, or losing another electiion
I think the Slush Fund is drying up, nowhere near as lucrative as it used to be. No more paid speeches, private jets, bendy straw etc. Maybe she thinks if Oprah turns down Trump's offer as VP, he will turn to $carah? Maybe he will promote Melania, his blow up doll wife? They could all make total asses of themselves, grovelling for donations.
DeleteHey A.J.! Don't go knocking Dr Pepper...as a native Texan, I always keep my fridge full of it! Lol! Peace, my friend...Veronica
Delete"If she were a Senator or US Rep, she'd have to show up each day, and actually do some work."
DeleteExcept that there are lots of them that don't show up or if they do they don't do any work.
She can't.
DeleteAll this stuff about Duggars, Rachel, etc would be nothing compared to BABYGATE, PIMPGATE, ETC....the press would slay her like a salmon!
Sarah Palin would NEVER be elected Senator to represent Alaska. Alaskans detest the woman! She's brought nothing but embarrassment to their state and the majority of them wish she'd move permanently to AZ!
DeleteNo way. She is pure Alaskan toxic waste. She cannot be moved.
DeleteStupid is, as stupid does. Just another day in palin land.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin would be the ideal veep for The Donald... her 5 children will fit so well with Donald Trump's 5 children.
ReplyDeleteEric, 31, Barron, nine, Donald Jr, 37, Ivanka, 33, and Tiffany, 21
The kids are patient, his money made it tolerable to endure his hour-long speech at the Trump Tower.
His chinless daughter could recommend a surgeon to replace the hockey puck on the chinned daughter of screech.
DeleteTrump hired actors? Suggest he did so because he can! You know - he's rich!
ReplyDeleteWill be interesting to see what else he does as time moves toward the primary - he has the money to do and say whatever he wants with zero proof about anything!
Like the receipt he showed (although not close up!) saying it was 'proof' he paid for the right to use that specific song for his announcement. That is not proof!
Remember how he has gone after President Obama with zero proof of anything! He'll do it to others in the Republican clown car - just watch!
The guy is a rich lunatic! Will he pay folks to vote for him him? Wouldn't put it past him. Hope the media/real journalist are really watching him!
Super rich people rarely have to remind people how rich they are. I am suspicious when someone touts their wealth the way Trump does. He has been through 5 bankruptcies. There is no way to start over from scratch after that many failures. I suggest he is in it for the money, publicity, and to get a new TV reality show. He is fraud. W made the US the laughingstock of the entire world, Trump could outdo him, if that is possible.
DeleteI have never heard Warren Buffet, Steven Spielberg or Richard Branson (Virgin Airlines) bragging about their wealth. They just take it for granted, it is second nature to them. Why does "The Donald" have to constantly spout off about being wealthy? He is hiding something. Just a blowhard.
DeleteDonald and his hair have gone bankrupt 4 times.
DeleteI so want a good journalist to investigate the supposed wealth of Trump. Most don't verbally flaunt their wealth as they don't need to!
DeleteDon't trust Trump as far as I could throw him! He's friggin' jerk, loud mouth and bully! POTUS? What a joke!
I suggest that Sarah Palin is afraid of what Donald Trump could do and say about her. I'll wager he already knows everything about her life and the illegal doings of her and Todd!
ReplyDeleteAnd, I don't think he was too impressed with her when they met for that brief period of time in New York! (which included showing photos of them eating pizza together)
Pizza with plastic sporks!
Delete11:11 -- and with paper plates and napkins! That's how Sarah ranks in the The Donald's mind.
DeleteDo you think, by any chance, that Donald Trump was putting down the princess when he took her out for pizza (w/plastic forks) in New York, New York? Especially when we know he could have taken her to a first class restaurant - for a multi-course dinner - with his wife and/or family members?
DeletePalin is such an idiot that she probably thought she won Trump over!!! Haha!
Can't fix stupid!
DeleteSarah Palin is kissing all asses just incase they need an unvetted running mate. Plus Sarah Palin is waiting for any GOP candidate to say ComeOnDown and go to rallies for me.
ReplyDeleteThe real reason Sarah is kissing all that ass is fear. She has been publicly spanked, bitch slapped, and muzzled so much she can't put her wigs on straight.
DeleteFrom the pee pond earlier this morning:
ReplyDeletePete Petretich Guest
2 hours ago
Trump = John the Baptist
Palin = Savior
Oh my Darwin, that's just sick.
DeleteMaybe he's a troll. His posts are so astonishly stupid, it's hard to believe he's a real person.
DeleteOh, he's real all right!
DeleteOnly in his mind people! Only in his mind!
Delete"Pantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction"
The fuck?
Yeah, yeah, it's a stupid slap at Hillary who likes to wear comfortable, practical, well-fitted pantsuits appropriate for a busy professional woman, but in order to count as a witty and successful swipe, it has to make sense. In no corner of the universe does this make sense.
The whole thing is such a turgid ball of venom.
It is exactly the type of venomous 'cuteness' we have come to expect from the perennial 12 year old. The fact that it makes no sense in the real world means nothing to her. To simple Sarah, the world is just a bunch of sound bites. In addition, she thinks she is best buds with Trump.
DeleteNefer - as all IM'ers know, the village idiot NEVER forgets a slight! That was a personal dig at Mrs. Clinton in reference to her "i have never been a Quitter" comment in New York City last weekend. The same rally that drew 5,500 people; $arah is seething with jealousy since she can't draw more than 55 people! After the Iowa debacle, can you blame them?
DeleteI seriously doubt Hillary Clinton's comment, as to not being a quitter, had anything to do with Palin!
DeleteHillary was referencing all the things she has done - jobs she held that were difficult - etc.
Sarah Palin was the furthest thing from her mind!
Palin has a proven history of looking for anything/something in which to make her relevant! Poor baby!
Hasn't she figure out yet that the majority no longer give a crap about her? Those on the national scene and members of the Republican Party know she is the kiss of death!
Sarah's jokes at the SNL 40th Anniversary were not funny. She asked Lorne Michaels to pay her to run for President (presumably for the joke material for 2016 SNL). Sarah doesn't have to run for anything to continue to be a national joke. All that she needs to do is post a video of feeding a 7 year old DS child baby food while he is distracted by a video. Combine feeding and video with teaching and you have laughter, and then tears that Trig isn't getting much from Sarah who has assumed the role of his mother.
ReplyDeleteSarah wanted to tempt Lorne with an even better laugh combination-- Donald Trump as her VP. Now the laugh is on Sarah as Trump says that he is running for President, leaving Sarah to beg to be his VP. So far, all that Donald did was to tweet Sarah thanks for supporting him and an invitation to have pizza in NYC. Together, they really are joke material.
"Come here TriGVEE!!!
DeleteThat video is mental illness on display.
In future pathopsychology classes, that video and the Elan Frank " tight abs" video will be discussed for an entire week!!
Will definitely be on the final exam also, too!
Don't hold your breath waiting for the Quitter clown to throw her wig into the ring. She's a lazyass, chickenshit skank, incapable of anything else except spewing crap. She's hoping that whomever gets the bid will pick her as his running mate. Doubt anyone of them would be stupid enough to pick her though.Her ass must have hurt when Trump said that he, and Oprah would be unbeatable.
ReplyDeletePsst, hey Palin flying monkeys, she endorsed Jeb so, she isn't going to run, you dumbasses.
All these clowns are losers,but even these clowns know she would be the Final nail in the coffin for any one of them. These idiots aren't so smart, but not that dumb..also,and too.
DeleteOne has to wonder why the hot celebrity from Wasilla was never offered a spot on Celebrity Apprentice.
ReplyDeleteNo, wait, even mister creepy hair knows how dumb she is. And since it is for charity - 'what's in it for her'?
I can see Bristol Palin and her new BFF, Ivana Trump, sharing on Instagram. They are so much alike. Trump daddy will want Bristol to rub off on Ivanka while he is sharing business talk with Pimp daddy.
DeleteBristol, check out tips for making the most of your days off.
Your lashes look amazing!
Maybe she is thinking that if Trump was President he could get her into The Department Of Law at 1600 Penn. Ave. as long as it's not a Secretary position of some kind of department "cause answering those phones and filing those papers is not up to Sarah's "rill awesome abilities.
ReplyDeleteGood point, only stupid Sarah can't get the White House address correct, so there's no telling where she'd show up, if she showed up.
Delete"The Department of Law?!!!!" You have to be joking 10:31 AM.
DeleteIn Alaska, Sarah and Todd are known for breaking the law and she's on record as having said they'd continue doing so unless they were legally stopped!
Todd Palin is a pimp ("Boys Will Be Boys" - written by prostitute, Shailey Tripp) Todd used Shailey Tripp for sex as outlined in her book. Shailey indicated Todd having a small penis that was two toned in color.
And, Sarah and Todd did not go after Shailey legally once the book was published, which was a clear indication to all that the book was accurate!
Remember, the Palins use to threaten legal suits always, if they didn't like something said about them!
Plus, Bristol named her son, Tripp, spelled exactly as the prostitute/author of that book! Figure that one out!!! Weird!
DeleteOk, so she's butt kissing on Jed knowing her pee pond fans most likely don't like him.. rhino and all that. Now, she's buttering up this dumber than nails, ass hat. Doe's it occur to anyone else that she realizes she'll never be Prez, so is now rilly rilly hopin' and wishin' that she can ride one of these idiots coat tails in the VP slot? Maybe Jebus wrote her a PS noting his error in leaving out the word *vice before president?
ReplyDeleteI knew I should have read before commenting. I am def. not the only one who thought that. lol As far as her not wanting to do the work, you know she'll just hire someone to do it for her.
DeleteI seriously doubt Palin would be picked for ANY position within a Bush Administration (IF he were elected!). Remember, Barbara Bush came out totally against Sarah Palin a few years ago. Mrs. Bush did/does not like her!
DeleteUh-oh, the inhabitants at the Pee Pond are not going to like this at all!
ReplyDeletePlease proceed, Quitty Pants.
R in NC
P.S., Huffpo has a hilarious post on animals who have the same hair as the Donald. I almost spit my coffee out this morning, laughing so hard:
'Pantsuit politics" is a mean girl dig at Hillary Clinton. Can you just picture Hillary wearing the belmonts, a mini skirt, and American flag wedgies!!! Dressing like Sarah would be the most comical sight I can imagine.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton always looks professional and well groomed. And, Sarah Palin looks like a whore and unclean more often than not!
DeleteImagine Hillary with a wonky eye.
DeleteImagine Hillary with a faux pregnancy belly strapped on. Nope can't do it.
DeleteBut the Ol' TWOBULLed one? Yes, in a heartbeat it's easy to imagine her strapping one of those bellies on:
- onto her belly
- onto her chest
- onto her bum
I think Palin would have turned down an invitation (if it was ever extended!) to be on Celebrity Apprentice due to knowing she'd look like an idiot!
ReplyDeletePlus, she is NOT a team player and wouldn't have survived in that scenario either. And, don't forget that she is quick to incite and is overtly racist!
Would be a hoot knowing what Trump really thinks of her. They both have huge egos and would never be able to work together would be my guess.
But, it would have been fun watching him tear her to smithereens!
"I think Palin would have turned down an invitation (if it was ever extended!) to be on Celebrity Apprentice due to knowing she'd look like an idiot! "
I think you are wrong, she would have jumped at the chance. She is a sociopath, she doesn't care what others think of her, she is always right no matter what and in her mind it is the others that are idiots.
Don't think so, 11:53 AM - Palin is too much of a chicken shit for that type of TV show. It would have reflected her idiocy. It would have been spontaneous and nothing could or would have been 'prepared'! She is not good at coming 'off the cuff'!
DeleteRemember she has a history of not appearing on any show UNLESS the questions are provided her before hand so they can be researched and her responses memorized!
That's how she operates! Factual: The McCain campaign - and FOX appearances.
The mess of ak would go rogue and mess up the game with her revenge machine and petty paybacks. Besides the kook hasn't had a good or original idea since never.
DeleteSarah the entrepreneur has created jobs for her family and friends ensuring that her children never have to develop any skills or become educated or capable in any way. They can live off of her grifitng scams.
ReplyDeleteYEAH at least the Donald create jobs for his kids and now he is even bringing ALL those American jobs he sold to china. It is very funny to listen to the CLOWN BUS and their new selling points. Such complete frauds and dummies.
DeleteIm so very thankful for Neil Young. Nothing like putting the takers and azz kissers in their place. Oh barracuda rockin in HER FREE WORLD. maybe her and dump can stop taking and do something like giving back.
DeleteOkay, didn't she just endorse jeb! (bushie bushie buishie stands for B) like two days ago? I'm sorry, I mean give jeb! a trouser kiss like two days ago? Multiple partners? Grifters gotta grift I guess.
ReplyDeleteWell? of course she did!!! Climb right on in the bus. Trumpy. Lots of room for all the loonies IN THE FREEDOM BUS. right?. ooooooo barracuda!!!! ROCKIN IN THE FREE WORLD honey. The bus of losers aint got no music. Hit the road block HEAD ON again. Nobodies stink like republicans do.....frumpy trumpy CANNOT play the music just like sarah......NOPE.
ReplyDeleteWith that post maybe, just maybe the pees will finally face reality: she has no intention of running, never did.
ReplyDeleteOn the contrary, many of the C4P argue that Trump's announcement is part of a grand master strategy/he is a stalking horse for Palin/Palin and Trump will form a new party and threaten the GOP with leaving (LOL)/et al. My favorite is this:
Delete"Pete Petretich barracuda43 • an hour ago
He will move many of her core issues to the forefront, like John the Baptist did for Jesus. And Trump wants results, so why wouldn't he then step aside and let her take the lead?"
Pete is the craziest of them all and that's saying something, he has a photo of Sarah as the Statue Of Liberty holding a big gulp on the back of his business cards! You just cant make this shit up.A whole thread could be made of the C4P nut cases and why and how do these people exist.
DeleteI second that, 1:09 PM!
DeletePete Petretich's facebook Sarah as Liberty photo, i am still laughing.
Generally, 1:09 p.m. they do so on the social programs and safety net put in place by Deomocrats, starting with FDR. Petey was on either food stamps or welfare for a bit IIRC.
DeleteOh, Pete, charming Pete. He refers to black people as "the brothers", lives off of government assistance and is completely unhinged.
DeleteAt least Hillary dresses like she has class, unlike Ms. Hooker Boots of the North.
ReplyDelete"Key to conservative's victory is to do our own vetting of each candidate"
Send ME ME money!!
Too bad McCain didn't take Sarah's advice.
"Pantsuit Politics "
Wow Hillary really irritates the hell out of Sarah, can't miss a chance to add one of her petty comments and I image Sarah thinks she is being really clever.
I am surprised that The Donald is not on Sarah's "haters hit list", I am sure she tried to wink her way onto Celebrity Apprentice and the Donald told her to take a walk on over to Times Square with the rest of the hookers.
As I've said before, Sarah Palin is not even on Hillary Clinton's radar. She has far, far more important things to do concerning her campaign for POTUS.
DeletePalin has lost her influence with the majority of Americans! She IS a 'clown' and somewhat retarded'!!!!
Hahahaha oh the smell of clown doo doo on Trumph and $arah the Desperate is palatable. Haha . Pathetic $arah, how can you stand your own stench?
ReplyDeleteI hear he has a tough choice who to crown for Trump's Department of Transportation Queen. It's a toss up between 2 of Sarah's recommendations.
They will get it worked out when they get together for pizza in NYC. Trump's fav dinner.
While all these assclowns will say something safely nice about her, none of them want to be caught dead with her, or be associated with her. Sarah is humping every leg she can to get invited to hang with them. It's not going to happen.
ReplyDeleteStephen Colbert hasn't abandoned us and has weighed in with the most glorious and beautiful take on the Trump announcement.
The Donald wears very expensive pantsuits.
ReplyDeletePantsuits politics? How about Belmonts and Butt cushion politics? Sarah Palin is too stupid to recognize her own fallacies.
ReplyDeleteWait a minute!!! Didn't she just endorse Jebbie like a day or two ago??? And now she endorses Frump??? I guess she figures, the more she endorses, the more likely she will actually hit the eventual nominee.
ReplyDelete$arah: politicks (sic) don't work that way!
I think she's going to endorse all of them. That way maybe the final choice will pick her as a vice presidential candidate or maybe promise her a place on the Supreme Court.
It's that deep bench she was talkin' about!
DeleteOr was that derp bench?
Yep, the ego stroking between these two is nauseating. One has a comb-over with hair plugs and the other is considering hair plugs. That is about the extent of their ability to self reflect.
ReplyDeleteAs someone who originally came from Atlantic City ,NJ area,I can tell you that no one there would vote for him. His dirty deals and his habit of filing bankruptcy and causing the small business owner companies he did business with as their biggest client caused multiple small businesses to file bankruptcy or close.
ReplyDelete2 opportunistic hucksters, a match made in heaven.
ReplyDeleteIt's pure undiluted gobbledegook, if you ask me.
ReplyDeletelaughter lowlights from the peepond:
ReplyDeletecarolhaka • 9 hours ago
"Fox is just practicing their Mocking so they will be ready to go full force on Sarah Palin. That's why she should spend her time on other Networks and Fthem at Fox"
As if any other network besides her silly ten viewer TeeVee channel would have her.
She's REALLY kissing his ass...wait...she's actually licking it...YUK!
ReplyDeleteThe woman seen $$$ and she goes ballistic and will do and say ANYTHING.
Well, isn't this appropriate......one ass supporting another ass! As for The Donald hiding something......probably has a minuscule dick! $p will have to find it with a tweezers to do a Lewinsky!
ReplyDeleteThank you Sarah--Let's have pizza in New York soon with you & your great family
When can you send your private jet?
S. PayMee
Poor crazy sarah. motherhood is just not working out. the political career is suffering.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump treats his important guests to 5 ☆ restaurants in New York. Where does the Donald treats Wasilla's Retarded Ass Clown in New York? To a fucking pizza joint where they dined on paper plates with plastic knives and forks while sipping their ice cold beverages in papercups through plastic straws while wiping pizza ass juice from their faces with paper napkins. Sarah should be happy she wasn't wiping pizza ass juice from her face with rolls of toilet paper.
ReplyDeleteWatch "Jon Stewart Clip.mov" pokes fun at Sarah Palin's pizza party with the Donald YouTube
It was so insulting I couldn't understand why she just didn't walk away.
DeleteAnd he just invited her again lol. I truly believe that's his way of humiliating her, she's just too dim witted to see it.
Delete"Pantsuit Politics of Personal Destruction"
Palin's Pantsuit Politics of Destructive Personality
Palin's Politics of Winking Wonky Eyes
Palin's Political Statements with Belmonts & Thongs
What an idiot! (I write that so much I'm going to shorten it to WAI).
I'm going to give Trump a single compliment. His children all seem to be accomplished , polite and classy.
ReplyDeleteWhether it's because of their mothers , their nannies or Trump behind closed doors,
his kids are 180 degrees in class and education
from the Palins.
There is no way that Trump would inflict
the Hillbillies on his family.
Trump publicly insults Palin ..twice..by telling the world that Palin is only pizzaworthy. No fancy dinners at Michelin restaurants or in his many luxury residences.
Rush Limbaugh did not invite Palin to his Palm Beach compound when she was in Florida . He only posed for pictures with her in his studio.
I don't think that the Duck Dynasty clan ,the Duggars or Nugent ever invited Palin to their home.
You would think she would notice the pattern that everyone , including Ted Cruz and Scott Walker,
uses her on social media
when it's convenient, but, in private ,
they treat her like a pariah.
If Palin had any self awareness, she would be mortified and humiliated by the way her right wing buddies always treat her like garbage.
If the hunchback of the dead lake teams up with trump they could be known as the Hump and the Dump campaign.
ReplyDeleteTrump and Palin pizza date, round two?
Hey Bitch how about another Pizza & Paper Plate Summit in New York?
Wow! Sarah's got a Pizza date, how exciting!! Amitire Brissy? Mom might beat you to the altar!! All she's got to do is reach up, undo Melania's pony tail, and she'll propel herself back to the Czech republic. Wouldn't be the first Cancelled Czech for Amerrycan Trumpster. Someone's been inhaling and in withdrawal from adderal or whatever her meds are.
ReplyDeleteG, you've outdone yourself, including that clown photo. I want that on a tee shirt!!!
Dump claims group mocking him sought his money. Dump claims he has reciept for using Neil Young's song, Rocking in the free world. After claiming he had a reciept to use it,he backed down. Dump PAID actors to play audience at his "coming out"...whatta Loser. Sounds like him and screech have a lot in common.