Thursday, June 04, 2015

The Fox News interview with Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar is troubling on so many levels.

The above clip is quite difficult to watch mostly because it demonstrates just how badly the Duggars failed their daughters and their son, Josh.

The first thing I noticed is that Michelle cannot seem to get an answer out without looking at her husband's face to see if he approves of it. When he doesn't he simply interrupts her and takes over.

During this first interview we learn for the first time that not all of the touching happened over the clothes as previously reported, nor happened when all of the victims were asleep as was the initial story. (All told the victims included four daughters and a baby sitter, some of them wide awake while being molested.)

So now we have a predator who is becoming increasingly bold in his molestation attempts and is undoubtedly engaging in grooming behaviors that his parents are too undereducated to notice. And keep in mind that the parents are ONLY aware of the incidents that Josh confesses to, and have no real idea if that is the extent of the abuse.

At one point Megyn Kelly alludes to the fact that the "final" victim was a child that was very young, a single digit age, and that it was only then that the parents had Josh removed from the home. Which is, in my opinion, inexcusable.

In this second portion of the interview, the Duggars claimed that they got professional counseling not just for Josh but for his victims as well, and alerted the authorities well after the fact.

The interview goes on to discuss the decision to participate in the reality show, and Jim Bob seemed to feel that they were protected by a sealed juvenile record which would keep the incident from sabotaging their new career path. The revelation about that juvenile record seems to be one the thing that Jim Bob finds to be the most unforgivable.

At one point Michelle Duggar says that her daughters "have been victimized more by what has happened in the last couple of weeks than they were 12 years ago because, honestly, they didn't even understand and know that anything had happened until after the fact when they were told about it."

That statement reveals just how ignorant these people are concerning the long term effects of sexual abuse.

There is a lot to talk about concerning this interview.

First I would like to say that Megyn Kelly did a better job than I thought she would, and that her approach got the Duggars to say very incriminating things which might not have cropped up during a more aggressive interview.

Second I have little confidence that the Duggars actually got their children the counseling that they needed. If they received any counseling at all it was undoubtedly Christian counseling which is often unlicensed and focused mostly on spiritual reparation, more than psychological problems.

Thirdly the Duggars kept trying to minimize Josh's actions as being "curious about girls." But in fact he was a sexual predator who molested his sisters multiple times, including one that was younger than ten years old.

And lastly it is beyond clear to me that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar failed to protect their daughters from a sexual predator, and to protect their son from his own impulses.

There is a reason that child protective services exist, and it is to step in and handle things with which parents are ill equipped to deal.

Ultimately the Duggars seemed more concerned with protecting their reputation (Don't forget that Jim Bob was either holding or actively seeking political office around this time period.) than they were protecting and caring for their family.

Here is more from Salon on this interview.


  1. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Even Mike Fuckerbee knows the Duggars are covered with santorum.


    Endorsements from Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, of TLC's "19 Kids and Counting," have disappeared from former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee's (R) presidential campaign website.

    The Duggar endorsements enjoyed top billing on the campaign site's "I Like Mike" sidebar on May 22, the day Huckabee issued a full-throated defense of the family following the publication of a 2006 police report that showed the Duggar's eldest son, Josh, was investigated for molesting five underage girls when he was a teenager. "

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      The fat-assed hucksters will never be elected POTUS and won't be the primary pick - trust me!

  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    What a perverted family.

  3. Now I see why the christian "fixers" wouldn't take on these
    idiot's case. They are so very submerged in denial while trying to save their financial asses that they probably had no idea they came off as slime balls in this interview.

    I just wrote Discovery to get these creepy people off the air.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      I hope everyone is contacting Discovery/TLC to keep the Duggar show off the air. They are one creepy family! Incest is not OK and is against the law!

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Fetus worshippers don't care what happens to the "preshus BAYbeee" once it's born. Michelle Duggar has no interest in parenting, just in making more babies.

    3. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Yeah, I hope everyone writes in to Discovery (at the actual TLC site I found no way to email them but found the Discovery contact). I've done it three times, at each stage of this story so that Discovery heard how bizarre I thought the idea of a spinoff was and how disastrous the interview went. Last week I couldn't TLC was actually entertaining the idea of a show with the two married daughters and a limited cast. After all these years of showing the whole family and talking about how important everyone is to one another, how could they now not include the others and references to them in dialogue? It would be unnatural and deceiving by omission, to me. I found last night's interview to make even more of a case for not bringing the Duggars, any of them, back. Tomorrow, Fox will air the daughters' interview and people will feel sorry for them and I fear that this will cause TC to think going ahead with the spin-off is a good idea. It's not. These people need to let go of the limelight, get help, and find other ways to make a living. And all the children need real educating, the kind that not only comes from books but by living normally in an integrated environment. There are a number of reasons why the daughters are saying that the media has made a mountain out of a molehill, and one is that they don't even have a grasp of the issues, just as their parents still don’t and never will.

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Michelle Duggar literally just pops them out and passes them on to one of her daughters to take care of. I doubt that bubble head has a clue what goes on in her house.

  4. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Sick. Yes a friend is like this and she has issues even today because of a predator, her brother. These parents need their children taken away.

  5. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Megyn did a good job and did not hold back like I thought she was going to. I am glad she aired the hotline phone number for victims at the end of the show. She was clearly saying, get help from professionals immediately.

    1. ibwilliamsi10:35 AM

      I think you were watching a different program than anyone else in the world who watched the interview.

    2. Anonymous11:59 AM

      I have had a lot more interest and respect for Megyn ever since she manipulated Karl Rove into that ludicrous behavior on Election Night 2012.

      Her interview technique with the Duggars was subtle and successful...she got them to feel comfortable and say a WHOLE LOT of very revealing information...they will never live it down.

      If she had gone at them Mike Wallace-style would not have been nearly so revelatory, IMO.

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM

      You're giving her a lot more credit than she deserves. She provided them cover by her framing of questions and accepting of even the lamest excuses for their (and their son's behavior). If they weren't conservative darlings, she would have ripped them apart. The kid gloves were definitely on for that interview.

    4. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Megyn asked the Duggars exactly what her handler, Roger Ailes told her to ask them. She's got a reputation as a tough interviewer? No she's not.

  6. Anonymous10:30 AM

    If they were trying to save their media empire and its money, last night was an utter failure in that regard. The decision-makers at TLC can only run away screaming from the Duggars at this point. The only way last night could possibly have gone worse is if a train loaded with toxic waste and velociraptors collided with the Hindenberg in their front yard while the cameras were on.

    1. Anonymous11:24 AM

      Or the Palin family in a stretch Hummer.

    2. I haven't even watched the interview yet but Anonymous 10:30's description of just how bad it was leaves me salivating for the work day to end so i can finally see this train wreck. LMAO!!

  7. Anonymous10:32 AM

    So he was curious, huh. Then they should have educated him about female bodies and human sexuality. I have no doubt that the Duggar's beliefs about bodies and sex led to his unnatural obsession with what was being hidden from him and, when it was talked about, as being something that you can't look at or touch until you are married. They also should have told the girls what was going on and told them to lock their doors until Josh gets it out of his system.

    1. Agree with your comment up until the "until Josh gets it out of his system." This pattern of molestation isn't going to get out of Josh's system unless and until he receives professional help. It is more likely than not, given that the Duggars have admitted they sent Josh to a now known pedophile for a good talk, that Josh will just perpetuate the pattern of abuse with his own children.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      They have a lot of male children in that family. Do they all get their chance to be "curious?"

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Josh got NO treatment whatsoever. There is no reason to believe he still doesn't get urges to molest children, even his own. It may be possible to resist those urges, but without professional help, how can anybody be sure Josh can?

    4. Anonymous1:30 PM

      If Josh was "curious" about girls, maybe the first thing he should have been taught is that their bodies belong to them, not him.

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      1:30, you win this thread! Very well stated. Thank you for posting the most coherent statement I've read about this whole, incredibly sad dysfunctional episode. Hopefully, TLC will realize that this entire family need far removed from Reality TV, because their real reality is more profoundly sick and unsettling than most normal, well adjusted families can comprehend. All families have 'ticks' and abnormalities, but this Duggar family, these fame whores, are beyond the pale. TLC: Take them off the air and donate their 'salary' to families facing this horrific reality. Help victims; not the perpetrators.

      Blue girl Liz .... living in a red state...

  8. ibwilliamsi10:33 AM

    The police report said that the then five year old reported to her parents that she was touched on her breasts and her genitals while she sat on his lap and read to her.

    How does that jibe with "...honestly, they didn't even understand and know that anything had happened until after the fact when they were told about it."

    Self-serving much, Michelle?

    FWIW, can you imagine the backlash if this had been President Obama and young girls?

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Lying for Jesus!

    2. Anonymous11:48 AM

      Obviously the 5-year-old knew something wasn't right, because she'd been trained from birth that her private areas were DIRTY and FILTHY and TEMPTING TO MEN and that made her a filthy whore who had to be ashamed.

    3. Anonymous12:10 PM

      He dress was obviously too short. She shouldn't have been sitting on her brother's lap, tempting him.

  9. Anonymous10:43 AM

    I so hope TLC keeps their show off the air! I'm so sick of Christians I could spit! No wonder their numbers are dropping in the United States!

    1. These "christian" people's actions/denials/hypocrisy are welcomed -- IMO -- to show Americans what organized religion can do, possibly save others from it, and speed its (ultimate, I hope) demise.

  10. Cracklin Charlie10:44 AM

    I wish those poor Duggar girls would have had my two brothers for a couple of weeks. My brothers would have made sure those girls wouldn't have had to worry much about Josh, because my brothers would have taught those Duggar girls how to turn him into a quivering pile of Josh on their bedroom floor...even the little girls. And trust me, he would not have come back for more.

    Ladies and gentlemen...please teach your daughters that it's okay to defend yourself!

    Thanks, brother 1 and brother 2!

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      My mother, father, brother and sister all gave me the message loud and clear... kick them a molester in the testicles and TELL someone. And that was in the 1950s.

  11. This whole disaster of a family makes me beyond livid. God is forgive Josh,end of story??? Hardly. There needs to be laws that state in the case of sexual molestations, that there are no time limits on prosecution.

    1. Anonymous11:07 AM

      I am almost 60, was molested at 4 to 5 years old and STILL carry the trauma and scars, so I agree with you. I was powerless as a child, and wanted to put it behind me as a young woman. Once I realized how much it damaged and impacted my life, it was too late to pursue.

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Child sexual molestation is a crime and I know that for a fact!

      The Duggar family is the 'pit of hell' and not at all 'christian' to my way of thinking!

    3. Anonymous12:31 PM

      I'm so sorry to hear that, 11:07. I hope you've found peace in your life.

    4. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Thank you.

  12. Anonymous10:49 AM

    There are guys (and probably a few gals) who will have the 'sex offender' millstone around their necks for the rest of their lives for urinating in public. Josh Duggar MOLESTED HIS SISTERS, yet he walks free. Gotta love this country.

  13. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Brancy has a post up comparing the Duggars with something Lena Dunham wrote. Sarah has linked to it with 6 new photos. 5 of them are of Bristol and Tripp which have basically nothing to do with the post...who thinks mommy dearest is trying to nudge Bristol back into the fold?

    1. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Funny, I don't remember Lena Dunham ever holding herself up as a Christian paragon of Jesus-approved virtue. Kind of the opposite, in fact.

      Analogy FAIL.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Lena Dunham

      Bogus analogy.

      Kiddie pron State Trooper.

      It's all they've go to answer with.

  14. Anonymous10:52 AM

    " professional counseling..."

    A "professional" is a mandatory reporter. It's the law that they must report. So we have at least two mandatory reporters that broke the law, the police officer that talked to Josh and this "professional" councilor.

    Total is now up to FOUR adults that failed to protect the girls. The girls were/are entitled to live without fear of being repeatedly molested.

    The Duggar parents CHOSE to allow their daughters to be molested. And they are PROUD OF IT. Maybe what we need here is a little old-fashioned biblical stoning.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      I believe the professional counseling happened after the 2006 investigation. Remember it was reported Josh Duggar sued Arkansas Department of Human Services (DHS).

      "The Duggars are refusing to comment on the intervention by either department and Josh’s trial against DHS. They also are refusing to say if their family was monitored by a state agency after the 2007 actions and forced to undergo counseling by a licensed mental health professional."

    2. According to the Duggars et al:

      A trans-gender person? An abomination unto God.

      Child molestation? No big deal.

      All one has to do is say, "my bad."

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      I thought his professional counseling was being sent to work on a construction project with a family friend who was setting up a treatment center for who knows what? I've never heard of Josh getting any actual, real counseling for pedophilia.

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      10:58 and also a serious free jingerer for years.

      Two different things- the ATI (Gothard) connected construction camp in Little Rock Josh spent 3 months at in 2003 (see the first police document released that started this shit storm) and the likely mandated counseling CPS (State) would have (certainly should have) required after the 2006 investigation. Believe this was what Josh sued CPS (Child Protective Services- a part of DHS Department of Human Services) about in 2007.

  15. Monsters.

    Monstrous "religion."

  16. Anonymous11:03 AM

    And lastly it is beyond clear to me that Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar failed to protect their daughters from a sexual predator, and to protect their son from his own impulses.

    They never saw their son as a sexual predator, therefore the victims weren't really victims of a predator. Just sibling curiosity. I swear we need intensive parental classes in high school.


    1. Anonymous1:55 PM

      It wouldn't have helped people like them because they "home skool" the kids and keep them away from the real world.

  17. HuffPo comment:

    Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian
    "The biggest revelation in the interview is that all the fundamentalist Christian families the Duggars know regard molestation as a rather ordinary, boring thing."

    Yay, Betty!

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      It seems to happen a lot in the Duggar's small circle. Inbred cult much?

  18. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Megyn 'White-Santa' Kelly surprised me by doing a much better job than I expected. And the Duggars did much worse than I expected.

    The failure to identify the disgraced Bill Gothard as the 'counselor' to whom Josh was sent or to discuss Josh's former Family Research Council job stuck out for me. Perhaps, the organizations weren't named for legal reasons.

    note: I didn't watch the full interview...only the clip above which reveals the Duggars as bad actors/liars and as total freaks, making them the perfect TLC reality show family.

  19. Anonymous11:08 AM

    It's a damned shame that children have been abused and their parents are this effed up about it still!

    You can't fix stupid!

    Tom in Florida

  20. Anonymous11:10 AM

    As I was told, when I finally opened up to my family about a relative who molested me as a child, "get over it."
    My family was more upset with me for bringing it out in the open, than with the relative who molested me.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      Sadly, this is true in far too many cases. I'm sorry you had to go through that and I hope you're doing well now.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      I am sympathetic to you, because our family had a molester, and it's caused all sorts of divisions between otherwise loving people. What are the family members to do? It never really stops going away, even when everyone has confronted it and recognized the predator for who he is. There are always the ones who don't want to look at the truth of it, or even have to think about it. They want to go on thinking the predator is really okay. But it's all so upsetting, the easiest thing is to tell the victim to "get over it". I hope you have found some peace.

    3. Anonymous12:56 PM

      I had to distance myself from my family. I knew that people who protect the molester are not healthy to be around and I certainly did not want my children around them. I appreciate the support here, though! :-)

    4. Anonymous2:19 PM

      After my aunt passes away, i will scathe my molester. Believe it. I've even daydreamed about doing as part of her eulogy, as i'm sure i will be asked to say a few words.

  21. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I couldn't watch all of Part 2 of the interview. Both parents are sickening to watch. Talk about low intelligence and ignorance. They said none of the girls including the babysitter knew what had happened! Why leave underage girl in charge of that large family that included a predator? If she was old enough to babysit, why didn't she understand what had happened to her? And why wasn't she told that Josh was a predator? That family is sick. Their lifestyle is sick.

    Jim Bob said "as parents, they weren't mandatory reporters". Um-um-umm. Totally ignorant about how to protect their daughters and help their son but up on the laws governing mandatory reporting. Guess it doesn't say anything in the bible about mandatory reporting.

    They just accidentally happened to talk to a State Trooper who was into kiddie porn. And then, just accidentally happened to send Josh to a program run or at least sponsored by the Gothard program. For people so ignorant and innocent about sex, they sure do hang with deviants. Birds of a feather...

  22. Anonymous11:19 AM

    "...they didn't even understand and know that anything had happened until after the fact when they were told about it..."

    Whoa, the Duggars got professional counselling for the girls. And the girls were repeatedly molested (over several years). So the girls DID understand. The Duggars fail both logic and parenting.

  23. Anonymous11:19 AM

    How, in Jesus' name, was Josh' repentance after his stint with Bill Gothard any different from the previous pattern of abuse and repeated, tearful repentance? The Duggars are fooling themselves if they believe he came home 'changed' and that the success rate for Christian 'counseling' of pedophiles is better than secular counseling.

  24. Anonymous11:21 AM

    "I can't believe how crazy the media is going over the Duggar family compared to the big fat yawn they gave Lena Dunham when she wrote in her book that she sexually experimented with her sister," Bristol wrote on Thursday in a post titled, "Let's Get This Straight, Liberals -- What Kinds of Molestation are Acceptable?"

    Bristol before you ask what kind of Molestation Are Acceptable, answer these questions:

    Bristol are you Trig's biological mother?

    Is Trig's biological father related to you?

    Why does your mother claim to be Trig's mother even though she had a tubal ligation after Piper was born?

    1. Anonymous11:59 AM

      Bristol's latest instagram photo refers to Trig and Tripp as "my two boys". I think she is close to spilling Mrs. Palin's secrets.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Oh, Brancy weighed in big time today about this.....which, of course, Mommie Dearest had to follow up on her Facebook page.

      It's everywhere! It's everywhere!

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      She's craving some more swag?

    4. Actually, brancy is wrong. I remember a lot of furious blowback at Dunham. At celebitchy alone they were - pardon the phrase- crucifying her.
      M from MD

    5. Anonymous1:06 PM

      What's the theory on Trig that you're working with there? I desperately want babygate solved, but I'll feel so sad for her if the father is a relative. The thought of it turns my stomach.

    6. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Given Sarah's reaction, maybe Track is Trigs dad. Or another male relative of Bristols?

    7. Cracklin Charlie3:42 PM

      Maybe that's what set Sarah off today, 11:59.

      Have you a link to that picture?

  25. Anonymous11:23 AM

    GREAT post, Gryphen! Succinct, sensitive, and accurate.

    I usually watch The Talk on CBS, and today I especially made a point to watch it because I knew they'd be discussing the interview. They did not disappoint. And the audience -- who by appearances, anyway, is largely composed of middleclass middle-aged women -- were right there with them. The Duggars' interview received the scathing response it deserved.

  26. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I'm interested to see TLC's verdict on the Duggar performance. They may think a reality show about a known pedophile-harboring family will be good for the bottom line.

  27. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Jeebus! This makes this humanist fill like praying that there rilly is a hell where a vengeful gawd could send these ignorant, negligent parents and their pedophile son. Short of that, they deserved to be crucified in the court of public opinion, stripped of their teehee contract, and shamed far and wide forever and forever more. Oh - and I hope authorities are taking a close look at Josh Duggar's own kids. Generally, pedophiles don't 'grow out of it' nor can you pay away the perv.

    Also, too, my fervent hope is that this will help lead to more state laws that lift the statute of limitations on sexual abuse.

    Ahem and amen!

  28. Anonymous11:27 AM

    The Duggar family is hyper-sexualized: Mom and Dad are in that master bedroom an awful lot, enjoying secret pleasures that boys and girls must know nothing about. Is it any wonder that one boy's curiosity turned him to incest? And, who knows whether other children acted out, but no one reported it.

    Because the kids are so isolated from the rest of the world, their entire lives are based on the lessons from Mom and Dad.
    That lesson was: well, okay, don't do it again, but it's not such a big deal, since they were sleeping or had clothes on.

    But curiosity would have been solved by one groping experience. Josh Duggar subjected four of his sisters to his experimenting. And at least one outsider, a "babysitter" (can one teenager handle 19 children?) who was supposedly "sleeping" as well.

    The evidence of incest is truly troubling. If an outsider had "just touched" the Duggar girls, there would be legal consequences. Instead, Jesus loves the Duggars so much that what is illegal is okay by him if they do it to themselves.

  29. Anonymous11:35 AM

    This is beyond heinous and disgusting. These idiots truly believe that you cannot have a moral center without belief in their god and their bible, and look at them; monsters. I’m so glad I’m agnostic. I came to it early in my adult life and have no regrets, especially after seeing BS like this. Now, they are being ridiculed around the world. Good for them. My heart goes out to the victims. They’ll never have a normal life. Unfuck them, their god, and their bible.

  30. I get a chill down my spine whenever I hear the phrase "grooming behavior".

    My mom, who is retired, spent the last 35 years working with ED and special needs children is appalled at the parent's failure to protect their children from a known sexual predator living under the same roof.

    Please keep using the terms "sexual predator" and "grooming behavior", because in my mom's professional estimation, they are apt descriptors.

    I need a bath now.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Lets ask Sarah about *grooming behavior. Chuckles? Chuckles Jr? Hmmmm . must be that Christian influence.

  31. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I've been following this story carefully, including slogging through the police report. First of all, the youngest victim was 4-5; we know this because she's still a minor and it was thus in her name that the Duggers sued to get the police report finally sealed. All you need to do is look at the ages of the sisters to see that most of them were under 10 at the time. The one he did not touch is said to be the one closest to his age.

    The molestation came to the attention of the police because they were contacted by Oprah, who had received a tip. By that point, Arkansas's ridiculously short statute of limitations had run out, so they could not press charges. But the Arkansas version of Child Protective Services got involved and I suspect it was then that the children received counseling. The Duggars didn't take them before because counselors are mandatory reporters, and protecting Josh was more important than helping their girls.

    The pastor of their church knew and was a mandatory reporter. He should have been prosecuted for helping to hide it. The Duggars could have been prosecuted for child endangerment because they knowingly left those girls in the same house with someone who was molesting them for 13 months, while it happened over and over.

    The police report was not sealed because it was not part of a criminal proceedings against a juvenal; nothing was done. So his huffing and puffing about the release is just more of JimBob refusing to accept that he's to blame for anything. It's all those mean liberals picking on his godly family.

    And I'm not sure why they think a 15 year old brother creeping in bed with his little sisters and touching them through their nightie is no big deal. These people are even creepier than I thought. And all they care about is their damn reality show. They remind me of the Palins. Let's put our lives on TV and make lots of money from a reality show and let people talk about how wonderful we are, but don't you dare invade my privacy by continuing to talk about us when something comes out that we want to hide.

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      The worst part is their insistence (and the insistence of some of their supporters), that all teenage boys have to stop themselves from molesting their younger sisters.

      No, Duggars, you sick bastards, the vast majority of teenage boys are not sexually turned on by their sisters, especially not the ones who are only five years old.

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Re: The sealed report. I wondered about that, too. Files are sealed under court order, and are certainly not unsealed by a public records request. Since no court was involved and a newspaper was able to obtain the file simply by requesting it, it was never sealed. Their quiver is filled with a lot more than hypocrisy.

    3. Anonymous12:25 PM

      The head of their church has been accused of molesting 30 some young girls, it took decades of victims coming forward before Gothard stepped down.
      BTW These felony child sexual assaults are not a "spiritual issue" these were felonies that needed to be dealt with by our judicial system.

  32. Crystal Sage11:40 AM

    I only lasted a couple of minutes watching this pile of Santorum. These people should not have been allowed to procreate, let alone raise a quiver of children. I feel so bad for those girls for what they went through and will continue to suffer through. They were pushed aside while the cover-up was put in place of their brother's disgraceful actions towards them. Of course, their Super Christian father was running for public office, so they must be presented as a sterling example of those Christian Family Values.

    Too bad the Duggars don't realize that they created an atmosphere where it was only a matter of time before something bad happened. Still to come: one or more of their children will be gay; statistics reinforce that. I wonder if any of those girls Josh molested will ever be able to enjoy a normal sexual relationship.

    And I don't think the molestation stopped when the Duggars claim it did. He just found other victims or other ways to feed his "curiosity."

    1. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I doubt he stopped molesting his own sisters. He knew nothing would really happen to him and pedophilia isn't normal sexual experimentation. A teenager doesn't stick his hands under a 5-year-old's dress because he's "curious."

      The scary thing is he has a daughter of his own now.


    The interview immediately reminded me of the coddling handjob that was Marcia Clark's direct examination of Mark Fuhrman 20 years ago. And it roundly proved the spirit of Mike Wallace died with Mike Wallace. Now, the Duggar girls' advocacy of their molesting brother alerts us that their parents have impressed upon them that, whatever it takes, the flow of money must not stop, money of course being the only God the Duggars genuinely worship.

  34. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Why isn't there any conversation about if he had "groped" other familys' girls.... ummm... "over the clothes" ... his ass would be in JAIL... he is obviously a sexual predator... and yet he is OFF the flipping hook because his family is on TV???? or what???? he is a CHILD MOLESTER. No doubt... and yet this family is being coated with teflon.... COME ON.... Law Enforcement needs to be digging in here, because CHILD MOLESTORS are repeat offenders.... creepy, creepy that FOE NOOZE is getting away with THIS....

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      He did molest a girl from another family, but this is a closed community and that family probably has the same attitude as the Duggars.

    2. Anonymous1:29 PM

      11:46, the statute of limitations ran out. How convenient. The Duggars are the victims now dontcha know? The juvenile records were revealed and they're privacy was violated. Never mind that the pedophile touched the breasts and the vaginas of the girls not just once but as many times as 5-7. The Duggars are now worried that their sugar daddy, TLC will cancel their gravy train and they might be forced to get actual jobs! Horror of horrors.

  35. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Is there evidence that the brother fathered one of the 19 of the huge carbon footprint family?
    Dates of birth and weights of all 19, please!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      That was VERY first thought. I woiuldn't doubt it for a second.

  36. Anonymous11:50 AM

    This posting, mentioned in a comment section at Salon, gives useful insights into the culture that created the Duggar's family ethos:

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      That's a very helpful article. Thanks for the link.

  37. Anonymous11:52 AM


    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      Jump right in with the Duggars Sarah. There's more than enough santorum to go around.

      Go right ahead.

  38. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Megan Kelly needs to stop with the nose surgery that divot in her right nostril is horrific! She's on her way to being a white female Michael Jackson!

  39. Anonymous11:58 AM

    my lds sister was "called" to hold group sessions with people with sexual issues outside the norm. Of course a man would sit in with her to make sure it didn't get out of hand. She has No experience in counseling nor any experience in that area,period. I simply was appalled,to say the least! Don't ask me how it turned out because I haven't asked.

  40. Anonymous12:01 PM

    What's really troubling to me is that the Duggars are not the only family to live this patriarchal-Old-Testament-fake-Christian life. There are probably thousands of children at risk in our country because of people like the Duggars who are facilitated by Fox News and fundamentalist Christian churches. One of their shields is homeschooling. Their children never learn how to interact properly with others and probably are taught to allow the older male members of their families to do what they want with them. Really, genuinely creepy.

    1. Anonymous12:14 PM

      You know, Beaglemom, I had the exact same thoughts. When asked about the girls, both of them brought it right back to Josh.

      And now Part II will be on tomorrow night with the girls? I guess we'll really see how the "wimmins" in that house are taught to behave and/or submit.

    2. Anonymous12:22 PM

      Churches in themselves ( all churches) have such a structure where either the pastor and/or parent put on a pedestal and that is why they are a breeding ground for abuse. Also, they tend to isolate the group and get the group to protect their church, often over the needs of any victims.

      But back to the Duggars, sending Josh to work on a house owned by Gothard and then work for the Gothard( look him up, the head of this church has been accused of molesting 30 some young girls) probably only taught Josh to keep on molesting.

    3. fromthediagonal1:35 PM

      Beaglemom, I am sure you remember "South Pacific". In the film there was a song that unfortunately, yet unsurprisingly, never received any airplay: "You have to be carefully taught". Yes, it pertained to racial prejudice, but it applies here as well and it makes me sick.

  41. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Palin interjects herself with a Facebook comment, trying to engage Lena Dunham for her curious peak at her baby sister's hoohaw when she was only seven...false equivalency for starters...

    1. Anonymous12:27 PM

      There were a lot of people on both sides of the "aisle" who were somewhat disturbed by Dunham's descriptions of her curiosity and behavior. That has nothing to do with this case whatsoever.

      It's disgusting that Palin and others are defending Josh Duggar and his parents by deflecting and pointing to a case that have very few, if any, similarities to the repeated molestation that occurred in their house.

  42. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I raraely watch too much TV, but I just caught a bit of "The Talk"
    They covered the Duggars interview and it was well worth watching.
    Sheryl ( don't know how she spells her name) talked about how she was sexually abused at a very young age, watch her and you will see how it can affect your whole life.
    I'm a pretty tough cookie, but listening to her made me cry.
    It's in the first 10-15 minutes of todays "The Talk" , I am asking those who have any doubts about the long term affects on child sexual assault victims to take a few minutes to watch it when todays show is posted up later.

  43. Anonymous12:25 PM

    So Bruce Jenner is an evil pervert, destined for hell, because of a decision he has made, which although it does impact his family, ultimately was his to make and yet a Christian phedophile should be absolved of his crimes because he repented? Tell that to anyone haunted by childhood molestation!

  44. WA Skeptic12:32 PM

    Sexual curiosity at age seven: normal. Sexual activity with children when the aggressor is 15 y.o.: abnormal.

    I have a family member who couldn't be trusted around children, even his own, and did 15 years in Folsom Prison for it. Now released, his new girlfriend looks about 13, although is actually an adult. Let's hope he can control himself around his numerous nieces and nephews. History alone doesn't encourage this hope.

  45. They are making excuses for a SEXUAL PREDATOR.... If he wasn't their SON they would be pressing CHARGES like no-ones business... how phuquing hypocritical can the BE??????

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      This is a family who didn't want any gay people working on their TLC show because the didn't want their children exposed to such things.

    2. Anonymous1:24 PM

      They might shrug off their four daughters who were molested but how about girl #5?

  46. Anonymous12:37 PM

    It really bears repeating how Michelle Duggar uses "blanket training" for her children.

    The baby (!) is laid on a blanket. If the baby tries to move off the blanket, he or she gets a smack on the leg. This happens until the baby stops trying to move off the blanket. It's meant to break the child of any kind of curiosity or exploration and to make them obey. That's actually the stated purpose. Yes, she smacks the baby if he or she tries to do what babies do naturally.

    So, obviously, a daughter in that family who is molested won't be raising a stink or reporting it to outsiders. She will defer to her monster parents, and, even if the molestation continues, she must bear it (and be told it's probably her own fault).

    1. Anonymous12:48 PM

      I live in the country. When visiting a neighbors house years ago, I was amazed that they left their back door wide open during the summer, without a screen door, and yet none of their "barn" cats or kittens ever ventured into the house. They told me that they "trained" them as kittens, by giving them a good kick, sending them flying back out the door. After enough kicks, they stopped venturing near the house. My heart is so full of hate for people who treat babies, children and animals with such cruelty.

    2. Anonymous1:16 PM

      WTF? I've never even heard of that! That's fucking insane!

    3. fromthediagonal1:39 PM


    4. Anonymous2:46 PM

      Its a lot more than blanket training!

      google "" and children disciplined to death. Or Duggar Pearl Discipline.

      Then take a look at some blog posts that show the links between the Duggars and the Pearls for of abusive discipline.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

      There was a blogger, Leah Burton, who delved into this practice and exposed a lot more religion sanctioned punishment/training techniques that gave me nightmares. It was a small part of her blog, but I never forgot blanket training and how abusive it is.

  47. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Why was Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson involved in the birth of Trig?

    What was Dr CBJ recognized for? Dr. CBJ was an advocate for children who have been abused.

    So we ask again, Bristol before you ask what kind of Molestation Are Acceptable, answer these questions:

    Bristol are you Trig's biological mother?

    Is Trig's biological father related to you?

    Why does your mother claim to be Trig's mother even though she had a tubal ligation after Piper was born?

    Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson:
    Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson was named the Family Physician of the Year by the American Academy of Family Physicians. She was recognized for her work in co-founding The Children’s Place, a child advocacy center that helps treat and advocate for children who have been abused. She helped to create a SCAN Team at Mat-Su Regional — scanning for child abuse and neglect. She continues to advocate for trauma-informed communities and systems across the state and here in Mat-Su while she treats those who are victimized. She does all this with humbleness, grace and kindness.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Although I feel the dots and time frames have been brought to light, cathy baldwins credentials and role in this sends up a HUGE RED FLAG.

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      Agree Anonymous 1:35. Dr. CBJ's involvement in Trig's birth was not accidental. IMO, Dr. CBJ is the weak link in preserving the Sarah is Trig's biological mother lie. The doctor may feel she is protecting someone from public scorn when in reality she is just destroying her own reputation. Dr. CBJ is being used by Sarah (who uses everyone) and needs to spill the beans.

  48. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Typical $arah. She thinks the worst part of this horrifying scandal is that these juvenile records came out

    I'm quite sure that's because she's terrified of what will come out if people start poking around the Juvie records of the Palin kids.

    1. Anonymous1:23 PM

      The records are public records, subject to Freedom of Information Act. What took the father so long in reporting the crimes?

  49. Anonymous12:58 PM


    Google "Jim Bob at the golf course (or putt-putt).

    He was with one of his daughters and her fiancee. Watch, and be disgusted, horrified, and incredulous BEYOND BELIEF.

    And yes--as we know now, this girl is one of Josh's victims.

    And yes--it's all genuine. It's one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen.

    This MUST go viral.

    --Julie in Denver

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      See how uncomfortable the fiance was having to watch it? Kicking at the ground........

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      I don't understand. Michelle won't wear a bathing suit in public but she allows her husband to dry hump her on national television?

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      The most disgusting family ever. And they claim ..NeVER mind...blah blah blah blah they are ALL child molesters: 1. for letting it happen over and over and over and over AGAIN; 2 for doing the molesting. 3. Making money a out of it. SIGHS

    4. Crystal Sage5:52 PM

      Here is the LINK to that disgusting video.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      JimBob and Madame Ovary never quite understood how to play leap frog properly. I see another "Fox Exclusive" interview! "Why do you practice frottage in front of your courting young 'uns and in public?" "Well, Jim Bob had to pee and was afraid to share the restroom with one of, you know, "those people" ewwwwww.

  50. Of course! Josh confessed when one of the girls told on him. He wouldn't have confessed otherwise. That's not the MO of a child molester.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM


    2. Anita Winecooler6:16 PM

      Weeping, lots and lots of weeping, and shedding of tears. What a tender heart Josh has, such a sweet boy! Pass the airsickness bag, please.

  51. Anonymous1:47 PM

    They talked to their friends and were told that many of them had the same problems in their families? WTF??? And Kelly just blew right past that comment.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      That's called trying to make the behavior appear normal for 14 year old boys. Sick sick sick

    2. Anita Winecooler6:14 PM

      And he knew the heavy sleepers. Thank God they were asleep and didn't know till, like, they were "told" what happened. They're just girls, anyway.Pffft. A brain is a terrible thing to wash.

  52. Anonymous2:05 PM

    By the age of 14 Josh is in full man-juice mode. He touches his sisters and definitely gets a boner. I'm saying there was penetration at some point, with someone.
    The deference The Stepford shows to JimmyBob is nauseating. Her little girl, sing-songy, soft voice tells me she was once a victim of abuse.

  53. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Another psychological aspect of the Fundies' perverse demonization of all things sexual is that once the idea is instilled in a young person that all sex is inappropriate, then by what mechanism are they to distinguish the difference between inappropriate sexual behavior and appropriate sexual behavior?

  54. FrostyAK3:34 PM

    All of this is typical of the Talibangelicals. The more holier than thou they are, the more skeletons in their closet. But THEY are forgiven...

    If that show isn't taken off the air permanently, there is no justice.

  55. Anonymous5:48 PM

    In Touch Weekly answers the Duggar/Kelly interview!

    " Duggar Interview: 7
    Crucial Facts They
    Didn’t Tell You — The
    Cover-Up Continues

    "Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar broke their silence about son Josh’s sexual molestation scandal on Wednesday night, but their interview was filled with misinformation and the reality TV couple also withheld crucial facts, according to public documents, obtained by In Touch magazine through the Freedom of Information Act."

  56. Anita Winecooler6:08 PM

    Great analysis, Gryphen. Couldn't agree more with every point you made. These two people obviously have their heads planted firmly up their butts and it's obvious they favor their male child over the females they molested. I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I don't care. Leave God out of it, leave Jesus out of it and don't play the "agenda/persecution" card.
    He was a tow truck driver and did a lot of work with the police department. I know how tow truck drivers work their schtick, especially when bidding with the city over the almighty dollar. So if he got a contract with the city, Jim Bob has some, ahem, lets just say, brass balls and knows his way around the playground. They don't play nice.
    What "professional counselor" did they go to, because there's no such thing, anyone can put up a sign that says "counselor", according to a psychiatrist interviewed on Rev Sharpton's show. . The kids needed a child psychiatrist's help along with help from social workers, etc. " A stern talking to" from a cop means nothing.
    The Duggars aren't stupid, they knew to wait for the statute of limitations to pass before becoming the poster family for forgiveness. Michelle looks especially brainwashed, bless her christian "can't shower or pee with pedophiles and transsexuals" heart.
    Man it sure would be awful if TLC's sponsors pull out. They may lose the beautiful kitchen and huge house TLC and it's sponsors paid for. What are the chances of finding an affordable 20 bedroom furnished home on the market?

    Thanks to the person who wrote the letter to Oprah warning her they aren't what they seem to be.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      "...Hutchens was interviewed from prison by a representative from a local law firm hired by In Touch and contradicts Jim Bob’s story. He said he knew Jim Bob well from his job and had even taught a couple of classes to car dealerships with him. In addition, Hutchens – who was not promised anything in return for his interview and told only that it was part of an investigation – said that Jim Bob specifically sought him out to talk to Josh."

      Oh and this too!

      " Asked who initially contacted him for the meeting, Hutchens said: “Jim Bob did.” He then explained: “He called me by phone – he just said he needed to talk with me about a matter, he didn’t explain what he got there.” That interview was conducted before Jim Bob’s comments were aired."

  57. These people are beyond despicable. It's hard to know where to start. These girls had no idea anything inappropriate had happened until they were told? So there would be no problem had everybody kept their mouths shut? Josh would have been just fine except for nosy outsiders? And now it is unfair to talk about because we “took care of it” 12 years ago? So all is erased? And Jesus approves? Or something like that. Josh made “bad choices”? He's the victim here. I have deliberately avoided reading about, looking at, listening to these disgusting people. This I cannot ignore. If I believed in Hell, I would wish them there for eternity.

  58. The interview and the Duggars are being savaged on Twitter, as they deserve. No one is buying this swill.

    I would predict that now that Jessa and Jill are outed as the victims, they can kiss that TLC spinoff goodbye.

  59. Anonymous1:53 PM

    The "it was JUST over the clothes" and "it was ONLY while they were asleep" statements from these greedy breeders make me livid. As does the implication that Josh was "curious about girls". His SISTERS were aged four to twelve at the time of the first REPORTED incidents and make no mistake, there were many more than that. You don't start molesting by suddenly groping four young girls and you don't stop once you've gotten that far, either.

    "Curious about girls"? I mean, are you fucking KIDDING ME?

    Josh Duggar stuck his hand in his FOUR YEAR OLD SISTER'S VAGINA.

    Can you imagine if Josh was a democrat's son? He'd be UNDER the jail.

    I'm so angry with TLC as well. I'll never patronize them again. Scott Enlow, the producer of "exploiting umpteen kids" or whatever the fuck it's called, knew about this issue. He KNEW. He had been informed personally at least six times between 2008 and 2011 that Josh was a predatory abuser. Enlow chose to turn his head in favor of the big payday.

    Scott, I hope that you see the haunted eyes of the duggar girls every time you look in your own young daughter's eyes. You chose money and fame over the very lives of those Duggar daughters and knew as Michelle birthed five MORE daughters after Josh's predatory abuse came to light that they'd certainly become part of Josh's harem of victims.

    Fuck you scott EnLOW and fuck you nineteen times and counting, dim bulb and moochelle.


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