Thursday, June 04, 2015

Ted Cruz mocks Joe Biden the day before he buries his son.

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden will bury his son, Beau, who died after a battle with brain cancer. That didn’t stop Senator Ted Cruz, who is running for president, from using Biden as a punch line for a bad joke on Wednesday night. Cruz was speaking to a group of Republicans in Michigan.
Later Cruz made a minimal effort at damage control: 

It was a mistake to use an old joke about Joe Biden during his time of grief, and I sincerely apologize. The loss of his son is heartbreaking and tragic, and our prayers are very much with the Vice President and his family.

Today is the funeral of Beau Biden, and many prominent politicians were in attendance, including the President and Michele Obama, as well as Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Somehow I doubt that Cruz made an appearance.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Ted Cruz is inside as he is out.

    1. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Cruz is a pimple on humanity's ass.

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    This reminds me of when Sarah Palin "debated" Joe Biden in the 2008 election cycle.

    Joe Biden talked about the death of his wife and daughter and having to be a single dad afterwards and nearly started crying. Sarah Palin didn't even acknowledge his pain or his emotions, but just kept going with whatever she had memorized in that pea brain of hers.

    And she actually said his second wife, as a teacher, would find her "reward in heaven," without even understanding how inappropriate it was to say something like that considering that Joe Biden had lost his first wife.

    1. Anonymous1:17 PM

      Hello, on top of it she was too dumb to know that DR Jill Biden (as in PhD) is not a classroom teacher. She is a PROFESSOR.

    2. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Didn't she name the dog after his wife, Jill,as a slam?

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Keep your fucking prayers to yourself, you evil bastard.

  4. This takes his sociopathic narcissism to a whole new depth.
    What a monster of a man.
    M from MY

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM


    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      Ted Cruz raises Douchebaggery to an art form.

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Ted Cruz: Not your average douchebag.

    He really raises douchebaggery to an art form. This guy's doughy, creepy face makes me recoil in disgust, and that's before he's even said anything.

  6. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Fuck Cruz! He is the very worst of the clown car!

    Joe Biden is twice the kind man and respected politician of the likes of Cruz!

  7. Anonymous12:54 PM

    What a toxic asshole! I hope his fellow republicans use this against him and drive him out of the race. But, of course, they won't. Sadly, I see a lot of this cruelty from the GOP ahead. It's just their way, I suppose.

  8. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Any man wearing a face like Ted's really should be more sparing in his mockery of other people, because take a good look at Ted's face.

  9. Anonymous12:55 PM

    May Ted Cruz go through the same pain that Joe Biden is going through today. Joe Biden = class act. Ted Cruz = crass act.

  10. Not just one, but two "jokes" about Biden: Livengood also tweeted "There was another part where he [Cruz] said if you walk up to someone and say 'Joe Biden' they start laughing."

    Cruz is a monster. (My word of the day.)

    1. Why the hell is Cruz picking on Vice President Biden anyway? I thought he is running for president, not VP. What an evil man!

  11. Anonymous1:06 PM

    fuck you, you greasy, homely pos ted cruz...

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Fucking prick should be drawn and quartered.

  13. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sarah Palin had the audacity to note the death of Beau Biden, and made it all about HER meeting the Biden family and "getting to know them" at the VP debate in 2008.

  14. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Cruz is a disgusting excuse for a human being, let alone the Christian he professes to be.

  15. Anonymous1:16 PM

    Just more reasons that this ass wipe is wasting his time attempting to be President. We have no words to describe this incentive, ignorant, dick head. What a creep!

  16. Too late! Cruz never should have said anything in the first place. He is a piece of shit with no empathy. I can't stand to look at his putrid face.

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      Even ten or fifteen years ago the joke about Joe Biden was hugely inappropriate who was a much respected member of the Senate for over thirty years. And he has been a superb vice president. Ted Cruz is worthless, who hasn't the mental or spiritual capacity to feel empathy for anyone. He's such a creep.

    2. I don't think I first took notice of Biden until he chaired the Anita Hill hearings. While Thomas still ended up on the court, Biden, during that inquiry, impressed me as a matchless figure of statesmanship and dignity. Honest, I feel terrible for the man today.

      Cruz exposed himself as nothing better than some dogdirt that got on Joe's shoe.

  17. Anonymous1:22 PM

    His wife must have some serious mental issues to marry a vile creature like him.

  18. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Palin and Cruz are of the same evilness and total disregard for others. They don't have a clue what the word 'empathy' even means.

    Neither will EVER become POTUS. They are both awful examples of being American!

    1. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Just read palin's newest facebooky post and her defense of Duggar. She's one sick, vile human piece of trash. To call Dunham a pedophile who was 7 years old and in no way was it sexual to duggar who violated 5 girls while they were sleeping is so fucking nauseating. And of course she blames Liberals for fucking everything. Seriously this woman has gone too far. Someone, anyone in the media needs to set this bitch straight. She needs to be so severely mocked and marginalized that she is sent to a nut house for an extended stay.

  19. Anonymous1:26 PM

    "Oops" is not something the leader of the free world is ever allowed to say.

    Cruz is on his 47th "Oops."

  20. Anonymous1:27 PM

    I nominate Ted Cruz for this week's entry to Dickopedia.

  21. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Ted Cruz, the greasy scumbag who used to cruise college bathrooms while dressed in a silk, paisley bathrobe. Yeah, here's another "family values" Christian who 10 years from now we'll be reading about him cruising men's bathrooms to get blow jobs.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      In that photo, Cruz looks positively slippery. Yuck.

    2. Balzafiar4:38 PM

      Or give them.

  22. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Joe Biden was just 30 years old when he was elected to the Senate. I covered his swearing in, in his son's hospital room. He remained a Senator until 2009, when he became Vice President.
    That's 36 years in the Senate, Mr. Cruz, where you've served for barely two years. Let's hear your opinions when you've accomplished something.
    And, Joe Biden famously took the train from Wilmington to Washington every day, especially in the years when he was a single father. That's nearly a four-hour commute. Let's just say he's a stand-up guy, in every way. You, Ted Cruz, are a whiney bully.

  23. No wonder atheists don't have recruit, you know?

    How could any proselyting outdo what an unaggressive recruitment tool this very kind of story makes? What kind of all-just God strikes a worthwhile person like Beau Biden with brain cancer at 46, still in the summer of his life, but lets worthless bags of protoplasm like Cruz, Cheney, Huckabee, the father & son Duggars, (your-own-pick-here), just go on and on and on?

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Cheney is one person who sure as hell didn't deserve a donor heart. Wonderful people died waiting for that same heart. And that miserable SOB got it. When he dies, I'll make a special trip to piss on his grave.

  24. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Ted Cruz for President
    Impeach the Kenyan Muslim
    Send barry and the mooch home to Kenya
    Take back our country
    From the gays, minorities and muslims
    That are running it from the WH

    1. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Is that you, Chuckles, Jr? Is Sarah at least paying you minimum wage to post this shit? Living off your little sister to support your mid-life crisis family is really pathetic.

    2. Anonymous4:12 PM

      You are either a troll with a sick sense of humor, or one of sickest pieces of trash I have ever had the misfortune to encounter.... may you never know half the pain the Bidens are undergoing right now.

      Oh, and go to hell, fuck you and the horse you rode in on

    3. Anita Winecooler4:55 PM

      Obviously a copy and paste job. It'll stop when mom slides the bowl under the doggy door and stomps on the floor signaling it's time to eat it's kibble.

    4. You are a boring dolt.

    5. Anonymous5:59 AM

      @1:58 PM Did your sorry Mother have a failed abortion, you? Take your thumb out of your mouth and get help.

  25. Anonymous2:00 PM

    It was just reported that he apologized on Facebook..."he makes my skin crawl"!

  26. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I believe the funeral is on Saturday. Might want to update this.

  27. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Biden our wonderful VP of the USA. Cruz a low life who needs to be voted out and taken back to Canado.

  28. Anonymous3:10 PM

    He deleted both my comments on Twitter, cruz is a PIG!

  29. By making such a comment shows how much he lacks decency and common way he should be considered for POTUS.

  30. Anonymous4:43 PM

    He is truly ugly inside and out.

  31. Anita Winecooler4:50 PM

    The stupid idiot always is the one who lets his guard down when he's the center of attention. I know the word is overused and has lost the real effect it conveys, but fuck you Ted Cruz, and not in the good way, just to make that clear for you. To kick a man when he's down, while on a public platform that's televised, is beneath a flea on a weasel's belly, then to show your true courage, you "sincerely apologize" on a facebook post.
    Be a man and apologize in the same way you got your "punchline" joke in, better yet, in person.

    Vice President Joe Biden was and always will be a better man than you'll ever aspire to be. You, sir, are a disgrace to the human race.

    Rest in Peace, Beau. You brought honor to the Biden name, Served your country with true valor, and put others needs ahead of yours.

  32. The joke was tasteless and inappropriate. I don't like Cruz and believe he'd be a disaster as President, but at least he gave a real apology, not one of those "I'm sorry if you were offended" bullshit apologies. Of course what does it say about our public discourse when it's unusual to apologize properly...

    1. Anonymous6:57 PM

      Jennifer,after how long and how much pressure did he apologize? Initially,he had his *people release an apology.

  33. Anonymous8:10 PM

    An "old joke" it's been out there for so long it's like "why did the chicken cross the road?". Which makes it less offensive....but he apologizes to anyone who was offended. What a douche bag.

    1. Anonymous12:11 AM

      The "old joke" is old because Ted Cruz uses it every chance he gets. What an asshole.

  34. I'm sorry, but every time I see his pasty doughboy face, I imagine it with eyeliner, lipstick and a very bad wig.

  35. Anonymous4:24 AM

    The funeral is on Saturday. Beau Biden, his coffin wrapped in a flag was moved for viewing in Delaware on Thursday.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.