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The White House website was by no means the only ones to adopt the rainbow motif either.
I have to tell you folks, we are going to be hard pressed to have another week quite as good as this last week.
My daughter and I had some amazing conversations about Supreme Court decisions, and I felt as if my promises to her when she was born of making the world a better place for her are starting to come true.
(Yes I realize I did not make these changes directly, but I would like to think that I helped some. Maybe just a little?)
Remember when Dustin Lance Black won the Oscar for his screenplay of Gus Van Sant's biofilm about Harvey Milk? (His acceptance speech is right there on YouTube.)
ReplyDeleteDustin promised GLBT youth that they would have equal rights "soon." It wasn't as soon as everyone would have liked, but it did happen; yesterday must have been a joyful day for Dustin Lance Black. It was for me, and I've been married to Mr. B for thirty years.
President Obama gave us hope and then he gave us change. Yes, I would say that "hopey changey thing" is working out.
ReplyDeleteHey Sarah, care to comment? Where are you?
DeleteStoned outta your vindictive, mean little mind?
The rainbow colors on the White House a powerful symbol not just for Gays but for all people! The Rainbow warriors! I know some idiot on wiki claims it was made up and quotes about the time when the earth was dying and bla, bla, bla...
DeleteBut hey, they earth IS dying and the rainbow is HERE yesterday on the White House!
Very powerful symbol of unity.
"There will come a time when the earth is sick and the animals and plants begin to die. Then the Indians will regain their spirit and gather people of all nations, colors and beliefs to join together"
Along with POTUS's epic Eulogy yesterday and this supreme court ruling.... I feel this is a huge turning point and I am waiting to hear what Pope Francis says about this, tomorrow. I think this will cause a change, a force of good that ripples throughout earth.
It is time for all to join together for the greater good of all.
And Republicans don't want to do that. They get Joy being divisive and just evil and mean spirited look at Sarah!
I am happy for the Gay-LGBT but also happy for ALL b/c this is a huge uniting symbol.
@ 7:32
Delete"...but also happy for ALL b/c this is a huge uniting symbol."
I wish I could agree with you and I understand what you mean, but unfortunately, it is NOT the uniting symbol it should be because FAR TOO MANY a**holes would rather burn down the White House than accept the concept of equality for ALL!
DeleteI am 7:32 and I mean "uniting symbol" for Most of us.
We all know WHO the haters are. :(
The good thing is they are going extinct slowly but surely. I am not religious but I'm waiting to hear what Pope Francis says. That will go a long way to sway people over to uniting all.
And Equality for all :)
I think anyone who lives a life of love contributes, even if they don't believe in it due to a religious reason. A lot of Christians I know have no problems with gay marriage because part of Christianity is that humans are not perfect and all those "bad" things in the bible are not actually bad.
ReplyDeleteIt is why the Palins have gay friends and aren't judgmental of people in general. And honestly, since some of those gay people are married, I have the feelings they don't have a problem with it at all
In other unrelated news, I believe Bristol discovered she was pregnant Fathers Day weekend.
It was earlier. Father's Day weekend just happened...and people have been speculating for months. Had she JUST found out, she would not have hopped right online to admit it...no, she has known.
Delete"It is why the Palins have gay friends and aren't judgmental of people in general. And honestly, since some of those gay people are married, I have the feelings they don't have a problem with it at all"
DeleteUn huh. Right. It used to be that when someone said 'a lot of my friends are black' it was understand that statement needed to be taken for what it was - a lie used to make it LOOK like they weren't racist.
The Palins' idea of racism bears NO resemblance to what everyone else calls racist. As for being non-judgemental? The word ludicrous comes to mind about that statement.
In my opinion, there is NO good in the members of the family who go public with comments and postings and most of us would celebrate the day she and the rest of her clan are silenced and dragged off to jail. Or even just shut up!
Of course you helped, Gryphen. Every person with an open and loving heart and an open mind helped.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous3:34 AM
DeleteOf course you helped, Gryphen. Every person with an open and loving heart and an open mind helped
Especially with this "conservative SCOTUS" it takes a powerful "group mind" to make a change!
I think you can take a small bow, Gryph. You do more than you give yourself credit for, and you have my respect and admiration.
ReplyDeletePer everything I've read on Chaos Theory and like subjects every flap of a butterfly's wing matters. You promised better, your life is dedicated to better, therefore better will eventually come about.
ReplyDeleteI am so uplifted by the events of this week. I am also a person who has had every happy destroyed by fate, life... whatever the reason, happy doesn't last long around me so I'm looking for the rocks.
What rocks Connie - I can hear you ask. Well, Roe vs Wade was a huge leap forward back in the day and now it's been whittled down by those cultural warriors who believe every sperm is sacred and wimmens are to be put on a pedestal where they can't do anything.
You wait and see, these same sneaky folks will try to limit the gains we obtained today. It is in our own best interest to make sure their hateful ways are not passed into law while we are celebrating.
Yep. True. Evil never sleeps; GOP candidates are already spitting out ways they will revenge these Christian divisions. What small-minded hypocrites -- vote 'em out!!!
DeleteAnd don't let 'em in!
Connie is Chaos theory a website? do you have a link? Thanks, yes I have read Greg Braden's book and he mentions the "Butterfy effect".
DeleteAnd I hear you about what you say, but you still try to keep positive and keep on keepin' on! :)
Seeing the glass half full instead of half empty is a positive way of life that eventually will come to pass as you learn your life lessons.
And yes "Evil never sleeps" but I think the "evil" is being drown out b/c love is good and love is the one power of the universe.
That's what the xtians don't get with their hateful little screeds Jesus was for LOVE not hate.
Not hating on poor people or gay people or black people. He LOVED all. That is what they don't get in their closed minds.
The power of love.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ~Jimi Hendrix
Message to Love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GbFdvrnHolk
7:45, if you just Google "Chaos Theory", you will find it is actually a recognized field of mathematics.
DeleteLeland, I did see that, but I'm so bad at math... :(
Delete9:03, I agree with you. I don't believe those who actually STUDY chaos theory are THAT good at math! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
DeleteI know a gay couple, who have been together for 20 years. They were the first couple to get a license here yesterday, and were interviewed by our local GOP rag at City Hall. Another couple was scheduled to be married at the same time, and they were also interviewed. I made some happy comments online, and my friend called me last night to thank me. They are Christian, and will be married with three other couples at their church soon. It is so cool. He is 64, and this has been a long time coming. He said the reporter asked him for a highlight in his life, and he said it was when his partner's kids finally decided to call him "dad Squared." He also had a conversation with a sibling he hasn't spoken to in 25 years. It was a great day!
ReplyDeleteAmazing how hearts can change. Congrats to your friends, they have found a treasure having you as their friend.
DeleteGood for you--and for your friend--Sally!!!
ReplyDeleteAll day yesterday, I had the most wonderful song lyric replaying in my head: "Love is love, and not fade away."
Pundits are saying this weekend, that this past week is the one that is likely to define Obama's legacy: the ACA upheld, his gentle and graceful funeral appearance in Charleston, and marriage equality. Factor in his dignified send off of Beau Biden earlier in the month, and it's impossible to disagree.
ReplyDeleteHow could any thinking person want any prospect from the current GOP field as the next in line? And Hillary is surely going to have a tough act followed. So does the next black president, man or woman.
Today Obama is admired and deeply respected but in time he will be downright revered.
I can't agree more, and I think he's got more surprises up his sleeves before he leaves office. My only regret is not being able to vote for him a third time. He's not perfect and I don't agree with some of his policies, but I admire his tenacity, grace and love for humanity.
Delete“What a week!” exclaimed Bill Maher. “The Confederate flags are going down, and the rainbow flags are coming up—which made it a very weird week for Lindsey Graham.”
ReplyDeleteWhy are more laws instituted by Christians found to be unconstitutional than those from Athiests?
ReplyDeleteCongratulations more AIDS and anal sex.
ReplyDeleteInteresting comment. You DO realize, I hope, that AIDS is spread through bodily fluids exchange, right? And can be - and is - spread just as easily from male to female (or vice versa), right? And just so you know, anal sex is practiced by a fair number of heterosexual partners as well.
Delete(http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/06/anal-sex-heterosexual-couples-report_n_1190440.html) Should you wish to actually READ the CDC report, the link to that is included in this article.
Just remember: Ignorance IS curable. Stupidity is NOT. A person becomes stupid when they refuse to attempt to learn about something.
6:11, No wonder you are anonymous. Your comment was ignorant, stupid, untrue, and just plain nasty.
DeleteYou are just a disgraceful person.
Well, stupid is as stupid does. Heterosexuals get aids and heterosexuals have oral and anal sex. It's an equal opportunity disease. Even babies are born with it. I sincerely hope you educate yourself before posting such an ignorant comment.
DeleteHere is a example of fine christian like those above:
Cruz: 'Darkest 24 Hours In Our History'
Really? Whaaaaaa?
OMFG the fucking sky is falling!!!
Haven't read the comments yet, but I think it was more than appropriate. I think of the lives lost to suicide needlessly, the deaths of Harvey Milk, Matthew Sheppard, Ryan White, etc. etc. etc. Our kids are home from college, and they and their classmates are mostly all in favor or marriage equality. It took way too long, but love will always conquer hate.
ReplyDeleteMy nephew now has the same rights as my daughters and son to marry whomever they want, on their terms, with all the benefits and rights Marriage brings. I never thought it would happen in my lifetime, but I was wrong.
Gryphen, you and anyone that stayed on topic to share the truth about the hate groups (GOP anyone) and bad things going on in this country the past few years did in fact help A LOT!
ReplyDeleteThank you for that…..I know you must put a tremendous effort into this blog. Intelligent blogs don't just write themselves, LOL.
Best regards to you and your daughter!
Tom in Florida