Monday, June 22, 2015

You ever wonder if Donald Trump's sons are over privileged douchebags? Wonder no more.

Well that's him, Donald Trump Jr..

Pretty much what you would expect right?

This photo of Jr. was from a 2012 hunting trip to Africa.

There was a lot of controversy after this picture showed up on TMZ, and of course PETA went ballistic.

However the Trump public relations team shifted into high gear to let everybody know that the meat was donated to local villagers and that the Trump sons were actually doing the elephants a favor by hunting them before they over populated the area.

Such humanitarians these Trumps, don'tcha know?

This may be old news to some, but with "The Donald" throwing his hair into the 2016 ring everything old is new again.


  1. Anonymous2:28 AM


  2. Frankly, as far as the various GOP contender kids go, I'm much more curious to see what shape the two Huckabee boys are in these days since 2008. They were then easily, clinically morbidly obese, and if either took off any worthwhile amount since, we'd have heard it before now.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Their Dad was horribly overweight too - the last time I saw him on stage. He's been a horrible example to his kids.

      They should all be listening to First Lady Michelle Obama as to her food, gardening and exercise programs!

  3. Anonymous3:46 AM

    That's almost as disgusting at the Murlock photo. It's too bad people like this don't have to get a real job and actually work. Then the couldn't afford these fake safaris where they stand around with a belt full of manly. So sickening.

    1. It's just as sickening to me. Why doesn't Trump Jr just pose with the hacked off arm of a village child as a trophy?

    2. Anonymous4:48 PM

      That's not a knife! This is a knife!

  4. Anonymous3:59 AM

    I didn't know that there were any more Trumps out there. And aren't elephants supposed to be endangered?

  5. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Oh, is there a Trump son who could be available as Bristol's next fiancee? They seem to like guns.

    1. A. J. Billings6:10 AM

      Beaglemom! You have no doubt hit on the very solution that $arah needs for Bristol, or maybe Willow.

      Just think what a great union it would be!

      Bristol Trumplin married to Donald Tralin Jr?

      Such a godly plan, and it would afford Queen Esther access to the Trump bank accounts , also too!

    2. Anonymous8:13 AM

      I thibk both Trump sons are married. Since all Trump kids attended college, I doubt Bristles would be attractive to them, she has the personality of a wet noodle. Donald is always touting his wealth, which makes me suspicious. Someone said his money is all tied up in real estate, he is cash poor.

    3. Anonymous4:49 PM


  6. Anonymous4:18 AM

    According to the NY Daily News, Donald Trump, Sr. has ignored five summons to jury duty in the past nine years. Finally, this March, he received a subpoena and fine of $250. He's ignored them, too.
    He's too great, too magnificent, too rich, too smart, of course, to have to serve on a jury -- where none of the other eleven jurors could possibly be called his "peers."

  7. Anonymous4:28 AM

    ""The Donald" throwing his hair into the 2016 ring..."

    Hey, that was my comment back on the donald throws his hat into the ring thread....glad to see it got picked up and used!

    btw...for the in-house rightwing fan base trump's prolly gonna talk about his plan for hunting down and dispatching poor starving villagers and ending their suffering before they overpopulate the area....all done in accordance with a solid business plan to maximize profit from the activity, of course.

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM


    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      5:06 "prolly gonna" instead of "probably going to" prolly indicates the writer (me) was not being more snarky than serious about the comment. just sayin' ....

  8. Anonymous5:01 AM

    I would be smiling if this trump asshole was gored to death like that other trophy hunter recently. Spoiled, entitled useless fuck.

  9. Anonymous5:02 AM

    The Donald & his children are real pieces of work (and pos too). But PETA has no damn bidness getting into this, since they kill (OK, euthanize or however you want to spin it) far more animals than they rescue. As does HSUS. Research it & if you still don't believe me, I know an Alaskan virgin named Bristol that we can talk about. Peta is the enemy!!!

  10. Anonymous7:13 AM

    He looks like such a doofus, like the poster child for spoiled and confused children of the super rich. All that opportunity and this is what he chooses to do? This photo is a good argument for raising the estate tax.

  11. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Hmmm.... not quite the length and girth of my little finger.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Wish my wiener was this long..sniff..sniff...

  12. Anonymous7:46 AM

    What an awful photo! More so for me because I love elephants! I had no clue people actually ate elephant meat.

    I think hunting should only be done when people are in need of food - not to just blithely kill them for the fun and trophy of doing so!

    The Trumps are entitled - no doubt!

  13. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I hope he goes back for another hunt and the elephants remember him and stomp his head into the ground! Too far? Naw not far enough. Douche bag killers are disgusting! No matter what excuse they give for it. SCUM!

  14. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Oh this is so sad. I am certain there is no over abundance of elephants, anywhere. Such assholes.

  15. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It looks like Junior is as big of a jerk as his old man! What a little prick.

    If you'd like to read more about the threat to African Elephants, please read the WWF pages here:

  16. Anonymous8:57 AM

    The symbol of the Republican Party is the elephant.

    He massacred the party mascot. It's a dying party anyways, this just proves it. The poor elephant got cast in a losing role.

  17. Martha again9:36 AM

    Since the Republican presidential field is overpopulated, maybe whoever shoots the Donald should get his nose as a prize.

  18. Anonymous4:42 PM


  19. Anita Winecooler4:53 PM

    By the same "argument", one could say that NYC has an overpopulation of Trumps. But I'm not going there, nor suggesting anyone does. Hey, his maternal grandparents were Czechs who taught him the fine art of subsistence hunting, oh wait, Africa gains financially from these privileged hunting expeditions, also, too, the blood diamonds they buy their wives and bring over. Aren't they lovely people??
    Wait for it, Celebrity Apprentice goes hunting in Africa, and donates the flesh to natives who somehow survived without learning to hunt.
    I bet Junior does the lions share (excuse the pun) of "hunting" in the aisles of Whole Foods, Trader Joes, and Harrods by personal shoppers.
    There's a bit of irony, he killed the symbol of the republican Party.
    The Forbes editorial was brought and paid for by the Stud Muffin Donald Sr,

  20. Anonymous7:33 PM

    This will help The Donald with the conservatives. However, Donald Sr. has never went hunting in his life. Their grandfather, his mother's father, taught the boys to hunt with him.


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