Sunday, June 21, 2015

Surprisingly enough Mitt Romney takes a stand against the Confederate flag. The President tweets his response.

This is how President Obama responded:
See? Bipartisanship is possible when the response is obvious.

And the President was not done there either.

Well it looks like somebody is fired up and ready to go.

And as we saw yesterday, Hillary is right there with him.

Man, no wonder the conservatives are shitting bricks.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Get him, Mr. President! Of course, this exchange will be all over Fox News tomorrow, and how the president 'dissed' Romney (by stating the obvious!).

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    O/T: according to the comments on the picture, little Miss P.I.G. has given away/sold little piggy Penelope:

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Did Penelope go to a meat factory?

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Well that was fast! Hopefully Penelope's new home will be with someone that knows about these pigs and is loved.

  3. Veronica in Houston4:52 PM

    Yesterday I noticed somewhere that Mitt had tweeted that. Honestly, I was surprised he had the sense and/it compassion to publicly state it. Good for him, though he still will never receive my vote for any public office.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      The cynical part of me wonders whether he would have been so vocal if he were running for office. Regardless, kudos to him for saying it, because I think it puts some pressure on the current crop of clowns to agree or risk looking like even bigger assholes than they already do.

    2. Actually--and it grieves me to defend Mitt in any particular--he staked out this position in 2008 in the primaries and did cost himself votes.

  4. Anonymous4:54 PM

    That's not really surprising. What is surprising is that the flag is up at the capitol. is it?

    1. Anonymous6:06 PM

      It's up at a Confederate memorial on capitol grounds, I believe. Thanks to SC law, it will take a legislative act to lower or remove the flag; it's accorded more respect than the U.S. flag receives.

  5. Anonymous4:56 PM

    haha Bristol, and Joey ironically, "liked" the following meme on IG

    "Don't forget to use social media to say happy fathers day to your father who doesn't use social media and wont see it"

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      And Piper found her pig a new home.

    2. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Did Piper's mother make her say that? Thought they pulled her from instagram. All of it purely suspect!

    3. Anita Winecooler7:26 PM

      How nice of Piper!! So where is Bristol's new place?

      Didn't click the link, feel kind of icky peeking at a teens public pleas for attention, any attention.

    4. Anonymous8:24 PM

      All those crazy kids with their face books, instawhoops and the twits. Thanks but no thanks!

    5. Anonymous8:42 PM

      Bristol is still stuck in her truck. No new home.

      She hangs with the 14 year old. All her other relations have families and relationships. Poor Bristol. She will be posting #littlestsis until she can teach Trippy to wonk eye with her.

      She is lonely in a seriously bad way. Her delusions are constantly flooding her brain with her self perceived greatness. It must be a defense mechanism since her fall from Sarah's last trial hub dill.

      Dakota got it that she was vacant and lazy.

      Meanwhile, Marina is working her ass off to get in shape.

    6. Anonymous9:30 PM

      She is telling the boys that she has her Altoids and is ready.

    7. Anonymous10:38 PM

      Where is Bristol working. She had the job working as a receptionist at a dermatologist’s office. They would always take her back after she left.

      Wasn’t she so pretty?


      She must be writing her next blog piece.

    8. Anonymous3:10 AM

      Seriously, what's wrong with you people? Don't you get enough Palin related posts on this blog that you have to hijack every post, including one on A national tragedy, to comment on Palin related crap?

  6. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Good for Mitt! Pleasantly surprised he made a stand. The confederate flag is a symbol of treason and racism. It has to go!!

  7. Anonymous5:02 PM

    You GO, my President!
    I don't care who tweets for you, if that is the case.
    You've been belittled since we elected you (twice).
    If only I could do a third.
    Happy Father's Day!

    1. This is the President's personal Twitter account.

      He handles it himself.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Thanks, Gryph!
      I stand by my comments.

  8. Anonymous5:11 PM

    FBI director criticized for saying Charleston church shooting is NOT an act of terrorism

  9. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Mystery solved...

    1. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Do you know who that is? I can see that she is at the Palin compound.

    2. Anonymous10:42 PM

      AFC Sarah Owner

  10. Anonymous5:49 PM

    And this,

  11. Anonymous6:24 PM

    The gun nuts need to settle down. NO ONE is coming to take their damned penis extenders away. They do realize this, right? It would be impossible to check and regulate guns that are already owned.

    I think all most gun-control advocates want are universal background checks on the sale of new guns, and some tighter restrictions on assault rifles. It really is a common sense solution.

    Let me repeat: NO ONE is coming to take the guns you already have. I know how much the NRA lunatics get a throbbing erection at the thought of being in a Waco-type situation, but that is not going to happen. Ever. Get over yourselves.

    1. Anonymous3:27 AM

      Exactly!! Well stated. I'm a gun owner, I despise the NRA, and am a gun-control advocate.

  12. Anonymous6:31 PM

    All of a sudden, Mittens is playing nice? I'm highly suspicious!

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      It's a sure sign he isn't running for President in 2016.

    2. Anonymous8:59 PM

      He took money from the hate group council of conservative citizens who inspired the shooter.

  13. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Internet speeds slowed to a crawl in Alaska today as an anonymous Wasilla resident shopped frantically for cheap Tawdry items bearing the confederate flag....

  14. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    HA HA HA! Thanks, Mitt, for beating your party's thwunks to the opportunity. How very Democratic of you. 47 percent of "them" aren't clapping for some odd reason, and neither am I.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Nobody else will come out so strongly against the flag. There will be a lot of mealy-mouthed "I don't personally like it, but it's not my place to say," and not one other candidate will come even close to calling it racist or wrong. They can't afford to alienate their loyal base.

  15. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Not a Hillary fan but am thrilled that Bernie is getting so much support at his town hall meetings! Never have been able to forgive then Senator Hillary Clinton for voting for the Iraq war so it's so nice to have another option! Bernie all the way for me even if I have to write him in, regardless of who wins the primary.

    1. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Even Trig knows that's a pile of buuushit.

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Hey Trig ya fuckin' retard, it's spelled "bullshit".

    3. Anonymous11:37 PM

      Trig can say it however the hell he wants.

      And he does.

    4. Anonymous1:35 AM

      Get the hell out of here, Ted Nugent. Go suck a gun.

    5. I feel tule same way as 8:22, but I will not throw my vote away and let any of the retags get into power!
      Every vote counts. The election could come down to just a few. Please reconsider.

    6. Anita Winecooler5:23 PM

      I'm calling them "The Republic" party. Carley and others have said in interviews "The Democrat party".
      Barbara is right. Sometimes This vote matters a lot, SCOTUS, civil rights, women's rights, pay equity, jobs, etc. Apathy isn't the answer.

  16. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Happy Father's Day, Jesse. I hope you and Heather had a rockin' day, however you chose to spend it.


  17. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Mit among others accepted money from the hate group that inspired the shooter. According to mother jones , in recent years Holt has given to a number of GOP politicians, including Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, and Rand Paul. Cruz's presidential campaign told the Guardian that it plans to return the money.

  18. Anonymous9:28 PM


    Twitter lights up over photo of Ted Cruz as target

  19. Anonymous10:00 PM

    And then there's this:

    Wife of Israeli leader tweets Obama race joke

    The tweet came from the spouse of an official tasked with U.S.-Israeli dialogue.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Mozes is a journalist and radio host. Silvan Shalom is Israel’s vice prime minister and minister of the interior.

    2. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Wow, not one but two apologies! Something tells me the next one will have "Some of my best friends are Black".. Poor Dear, now her "marriage is at risk".

      Imagine, for a nano second, if the wife of someone prominent in American Politics Tweets a stupid anti-semitic joke she heard/read/or saw.

      Especially in the wake of the tragedy in Charleston. .

  20. Anonymous10:15 PM

    The tragedy in Charleston last week will no doubt lead to more discussion of several important and recurring issues in American culture—particularly racism and gun violence—but these dialogues are unlikely to bear much fruit until the nation undertakes a serious self-examination. Decrying racism and gun violence is fine, but for too long America’s social dysfunction has continued to intensify as the nation has ignored a key underlying pathology: anti-intellectualism.

    America is killing itself through its embrace and exaltation of ignorance, and the evidence is all around us. Dylann Roof, the Charleston shooter who used race as a basis for hate and mass murder, is just the latest horrific example. Many will correctly blame Roof's actions on America's culture of racism and gun violence, but it's time to realize that such phenomena are directly tied to the nation's culture of ignorance.

    In a country where a sitting congressman told a crowd that evolution and the Big Bang are “lies straight from the pit of hell,” (link is external) where the chairman of a Senate environmental panel brought a snowball (link is external) into the chamber as evidence that climate change is a hoax, where almost one in three citizens can’t name the vice president (link is external), it is beyond dispute that critical thinking has been abandoned as a cultural value. Our failure as a society to connect the dots, to see that such anti-intellectualism comes with a huge price, could eventually be our downfall.

    1. Anonymous2:31 AM

      Sadly the grand American experiment has flaws. Families do not know whom they are or where they come from. Zero pride of ancestry and honor. A melting pot of cultures all stirred up.

  21. Anonymous11:35 PM

    John Oliver Has A Suggestion For States Flying Confederate Flag

    Last Week Tonight's John Oliver had a suggestion for South Carolina and any other state that continues to fly the Confederate flag.

  22. Anonymous11:37 PM

    Leader of group cited in Roof ‘manifesto’ donated to top Republicans — including Cruz, Paul and Santorum

  23. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Hmmmm Maybe we should disarm our military so thy stop killing people. Here are the facts. We kill more people every year with our military than the rest of the world combined.

  24. Anonymous2:15 AM

    The takers and fakers are having such trouble showing humanity. Times are tough. The clown bus cannot sale their hate and division with all this compassion and love. When you are a taker and faker? you fly that hate flag and dump ships of containers of plastic into our oceans, pump toxic waste into our water, add pink slime to our meats, pump growth hormones into our animals, ......takers and fakers


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