Saturday, June 13, 2015

You will never guess who will get the first interview with Jeb Bush after he officially declares. Sure you will, it's with Sean Hannity of course.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Fox News host Sean Hannity continues his streak as conservative king maker, as the network announced Thursday that he will have the first interview with Jeb Bush after his presidential campaign announcement next week. 

The former Florida governor is expected to announce his presidential campaign Monday in Florida. On Tuesday, Hannity will interview Bush. Bush will also appear on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" that same night. 

Bush campaign spokespeople confirmed that Bush will not hold any interviews Monday and that Hannity will be his first. 

Good idea. Reach out to potential independent voters not already determined to vote against the Democratic candidate, by going on the cable news network that is only watched by the hard line conservatives in the country.

Fallon is better, but if he really wants to reach the masses he probably needs to make an appearance with Colbert when he takes over Letterman's old show.

If he has the guts that is.

By the way it turns out that almost ALL of the GOP presidential hopefuls will have to kiss Hannity's ring before going on to other venues to talk about their candidacy, including Ted Cruz, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, and Rand Paul.

But hey, don't forget that Fox News is "fair and balanced." Just so long as you agree ideologically with them on everything that is.


  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I know it's probably a false equivalent but I kept thinking about how George Stephanopoulos had to apologize for donating to the Clinton Foundation...but there is some kind of double standard here.... Like O'Reilly and B. Williams also too......

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Wonder why he didn't opt for Morning Joe? Joe was a Rep from northwest FL about the same time Jebby was gov, so they undoubtably know each other.

    1. Anonymous1:32 PM

      That dead intern might have something to do with it....

    2. Anonymous4:31 AM

      Jeb helped cover up the truth about the dead intern, so maybe he feels that he has done enough to "help" Joe.

  3. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Being the first one to interview a clown from the GOP car doesn't make him a kingmaker. It makes him a stunningly stupid douchebag.

  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Don't forget that there are millions that do NOT watch FOX and I'm one of them!

    Remember, Hannity was the one that catered to Palin and look what has happened to her! She's down and out by a long shot! Yea!

    1. There is a definite chill between Sean and Sarah now, isn't there?

  5. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "If he has the guts that is."

    The problem with Jeb Bush, as Peter Beinart pointed out in The Atlantic, is that he doesn't have any guts. He's not doing the daring things. He's treading the "safe path" -- or what passes for that in GOP circles.

    Basically, Jeb is the Republican Walter Mondale.

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      It's always safe to shame unmarried woman like, you know, in Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter (even if Hawthorne would call you an idiot).

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I think they thought they were bringing out the "big guns" with Jeb, instead he is not smart and seems weak as a kitten. Next!

    3. Anonymous4:34 AM

      They thought he was "smart" compared to W, but he proved them wrong. He is just as dumb.

  6. AKinPA1:29 PM

    I thought that Jebbie felt he could win the nomination without pandering to the base and here he goes and has his first interview with this joker. Gee, Jebbie, the big star on Hannity last week was Palin and now you this coming week. You indeed are the smart one.

  7. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Sean who?

  8. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Fallon had Sarah Palin on his show. That's when I stopped watching him. He can have a Far Right wingnut on every night for all I care, I am gone.

    1. Anonymous5:29 AM

      I saw that show, I stop watching Fallon also.

  9. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Hannity drooled on W's shlong (remember ole Buddy Sean riding in the pickup with W down on the ranch?) He might as well kneel down before Jebbie and do his deed, too.

    Let Sean have first shot. Ailes will be taking it from there thru Nov-16. All the others in the Klown Kar are just space-fillers along for a short ride.

  10. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Makes good sense to me .A great match,made in hell?
    It does take an idiot to "interview "wink, wink another idiot.
    What a couple of jerks? The circus has arrived.Hahaha!
    Two dummies trying to sound smart.

  11. Anita Winecooler5:02 PM

    Wonder if Queen No Teefus of the North will fire up her facebook and have her flying monkey write something. Did you see that? Sean Hannity and "kingmaker" in the same sentence!
    Congrats Sarah, can't run with the big dogs, stick to yakking on the porch. You've been demoted.

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I showed my wife the new Jeb! logo that he tweeted in advance of his campaign wife's response....does that stand for "Just Enough Bullshit"?....brilliant!!!


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