Saturday, June 13, 2015

Montana business man argues against retirement and social security benefits by citing the "fact" that Noah was six hundred years old when he built the Ark.

Damn I'm dumb.
Courtesy of HuffPo:  

Greg Gianforte, a multi-millionaire tech entrepreneur who is "seriously considering" challenging Montana Gov. Steve Bullock (D) in 2016, doesn't believe he has to divorce his Christian faith from his professional life. 

In a February talk at the Montana Bible College about how to find "godly purpose" in work, Gianforte explained why retirement isn't consistent with biblical teachings. 

"There's nothing in the Bible that talks about retirement. And yet it's been an accepted concept in our culture today," he said. "Nowhere does it say, 'Well, he was a good and faithful servant, so he went to the beach.' It doesn't say that anywhere." 

"The example I think of is Noah," he continued. "How old was Noah when he built the ark? 600. He wasn't like, cashing Social Security checks, he wasn't hanging out, he was working. So, I think we have an obligation to work. The role we have in work may change over time, but the concept of retirement is not biblical."

"The idea of retirement is not biblical." Holy shitballs this guy is an idiot!

ANYBODY who uses "facts" to support his point of view that come from a book filled with stories told by primitive superstitious desert folk is too dumb to ever hold public office.



  1. fromthediagonal9:05 AM

    I freely admit that this makes my brain stutter! Period!

  2. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Work until you literally drop dead. That's the Christian way!

    1. But still contribute towards your never to be used retirement so that you can give even more money to Wall St.

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    The R guiding philosophy is: I got mine so fuck you.

    1. Balzafiar10:49 AM

      The book of allegorical tales he mentions was set in a distant time which was worlds removed from our lives today.

      I've worked for someone like him in the past who, by the way, was another greedy Republican who didn't give a flying fuck about his employees.

      I am confident that in the long run, they will get exactly what they deserve. Life is kind of funny like that.

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    The bible also doesn't mention anything about open heart surgery either but it doesn't mean that it isn't needed. Even if Noah was 600 years old when he built the fictional ark, who lives that long today? And how many seniors would go hungry and die on the streets if social security wasn't available.

  5. Anonymous9:25 AM

    HRC in NYC "i'm not a quitter" best line for Alaska.. YES! FUCK YOU SARAH!! Right ON!!!

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking when I heard her say "No one has called me a quitter."

      Yeah. We all know who they still call a quitter.

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Know what else is not biblical? Cars, cellphones, electricity, modern medicine, clean water. BTW, I bet this guy eats shellfish--something prohibited in the bible.

    1. I bet he also wears cotton polyester or wool blends.

      Stoning offense.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Boy, that's a shit-eating grin on a girly face.

  8. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I wonder how many 600 year olds he knows?? As civilized nations advanced, safety nets were put in place to protect citizens. The US lags behind when it comes to health care. Too much money to be made by staying "private" Surely the people recognize stupidity when it runs for office? Maybe not, Walker managed to fool Wisconsin, with lots of $$$$ from the Koch boys.

  9. What the fuckfuckfuckity fucking hell?

    What a disgusting excuse for a human being and useless waste of skin.

    These monsters who so gleefully ignore the Christ and scour the bible, especially the old testament, for excuses to visit cruelty on their fellow creatures are anything but Christian.

    Gandhi had it right; "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

    I suggest the loathsome bastard read Matthew 25:31-46.

  10. Anonymous9:44 AM

    The idea of electricity of not biblical, but I'll bet this guy uses it. The idea of cameras is not biblical, but yet here's this idiot's photo. The idea of automobiles is not biblical, but I'm guessing this guy had a few cars. The idea of polyester (like his shirt) is not biblical. The idea of vacations is not biblical, yet I'm sure he's taken one..

  11. angela9:45 AM

    Says the multi-millionaire who sits his crazy ass in a chair all fucking day. You can't make this shit up.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      ..... cont............ spending money he made off the backs of his hard working employees.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM

      And usury, which I'm sure this asshole participates in is CLEARLY prohibited, far beyond "not mentioned.'

    3. Exactly.

      The rabid right has never been at a loss for hypocrites.

  12. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If Noah was 600 years old when he built his ark, why isn;t in the Guinness Book of World Records? Hint: I fucking didn't happen!

  13. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Yikes! Just - Yikes! This guy is friggin' nuts! I happen to like retirement and think I earned it!

    Did you folks see where the GOP is going after Pope Francis?
    I really, really, really find that friggin' amazing!

  14. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Did Democrats hand the lame duck President his half black ass yesterday?

    Yes,yes they did!!
    They handed the lamest of lame duck Presidents his half black ass.


    1. angela10:14 AM

      What---no room over there at Storm Front for ya?

  15. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Ah, another multimillionaire who thinks that we peons should work until we drop while he plays until he drops. I was lucky enough to be able to retire at 60, although it meant that my pension was a little less than it would have been had I worked more years and that, by starting to draw on Social Security at 62, the monthly payout is a little less. I knew that, by age 60, my effectiveness at work had begun to wane - a combination of having lived through too many crises repeated ever couple of years, fading eyesight and other health issues.

    I retired while I was still a respected and well thought of employee. For years at that point, my doctor was advising retirement because of job stress. It's important for people to recognize when their effectiveness in the workplace is not what it had been. These rich GOP guys, from Gianforte to Romney to the Koch brothers, simply want all of the money in circulation for themselves.

    And Mr. Gianforte, Noah wasn't 600 years old and the biblical story of the flood is just that - a story, something early folks told around the fire until someone wrote it down and it got put into a book. Just think how large that ark would have had to be to include two of every kind of living creature on it - plus Noah and his relatives.

    1. Anonymous11:28 AM

      Well said Beaglemom! I hope your retirement is all it can be for you!

    2. I am retiring in three days. I'll be 60.7 and will get 100% of my pension because I worked extra, plus I started a Roth and a TSA when I was in my 30s. (Much earlier than many people start their retirement planning.)

      I could have gotten more if I had worked just more year but I'm not that greedy. I will be comfortable on what I have.

  16. I just told him he was an idiot on his twitter feed..I'll just tell him Jesus compelled me

  17. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Our Rep. Shannon Grove just turned Kern County, CA into Dumbfuckistan County, CA. Here is your WTF moment:

    1. Work hard to replace her at the first opportunity.

      We already have Darrell Issa. This state doesn't need any more idiots.

  18. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Openly ignorant, they should start a movement! Oh, wait........

  19. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Almost for sure, Noah's age was (said to be) not 600 years, but 600 lunar months, which works out to forty-eight and a bit years.

    Noah was instructed to fill the ark as follows:

    18 But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark—you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives with you. 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive. 21 You are to take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.

    according to Genesis 6:18-21. But wait! There's more!

    The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 3 and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

    as those who keep reading into the next chapter (many don't) are told. Genesis 7:1-3. The extra pairs of "clean" animals (and birds—don't forget the birds!) were likely so that Noah and his family could continue making the proper sacrifices unto the Lord.

    P.S.: Don't let anyone tell you that atheists are necessarily ignorant of the Bible.

  20. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Okay Gianstupid, go take a history class, an ancient history class. Do you think Noah had a 9-5 job and worked for a paycheck? REtirement is exactly what Noah was doing.(not that there actually wa sa Noah, but for the moment, let's even take it from the internal consistency of the myth, as if it is true) He worked when work needed to be done, throughout his life. He didn't earn pay, he directly earned wealth. All the profit of his labor came to him, either in luxury and leisure, or in providing for his future DNA. Unalienated labor.

  21. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I am speechless. What a terrify and ignorant man. No doubt some will point to his ability to make lots of $$$ as a determinant of his intelligence. Sheesh.

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Gryphen - Have you seen this/talked about this? It is like a giant bucket of extra crispy weirdness that kind of creepy me out. And it's free.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      She looks just like her mom now.

      Typical $arah, pandering to the "aw shucks" what a good granny element.

      Bet she made Piper sit near them for effect, cuz we have to be seen to have a "whole Christian family" thing going on

      Poor kid. She talks to him like a 6 month old baby, feeding him blended food.

      I think she's reacting to all the valid criticism that Trig is 4 years behind where he should be.

      $arah is too stupid to realize that her exposure of feeding him and talking baby talk is 100% wrong, and just shows up what a neglectful parent she's been

  23. Sorry but Social Security isn't a BENEFIT. It is money FORCIBLY deducted from our paychecks and held without paying any interest by the US Government. It is OUR MONEY. We EARNED IT. and the flippin Govt tells us when we can incrementally draw it BACK? Of COURSE it's not biblical, how could a myth written so many years ago even begin to predict Social Security and all of the other things mentioned above. And ~we~ elect these kind of nut jobs into our government? I wonder what he'd say if I asked him to send me his Social Security checks since he doesn't deserve them, not being "Biblical" and all. AS. IF.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      It does earn interest, it's just not defined. Explain how people if they live many years after retiring do they get paid back more than they paid in?

    2. That's right. Forcibly to eliminate the huge senior poverty population. People who had to work until they died on the job or became homeless and destitute.

      You try padding a 401K with enough money to support yourself on minimum wage. You can't even do it working two jobs.

      Oh, and Social Security does earn interest. That's why when Congress borrowed and didn't pay back Social Security it created a solvency issue.

      Social Security is a pittance. Hardly anyone can live solely on Social Security. But it is better than nothing.

      How VERY CHRISTIAN of you to want to relegate even more people to starvation and homelessness.

  24. Anonymous11:48 AM

    My neighbor is 91 years old and in failing health.

    I wonder what kind of job Gianforte is planning to hire him for.

    1. I hear that! My dad died at 86 of Alzheimers, LIKE he could work...

    2. Anonymous2:36 PM

      Gianforte needs someone to build him a boat?

    3. Anonymous3:01 PM

      2:36 -
      Actually, my neighbor was quite the talented carpenter and woodworker in his day. He did a lot of renovation on his house and recently showed me some beautiful bowls and vases he had turned on a lathe.

      He likely COULD have built a boat - forty years ago - but I wouldn't want to see him pick up a power tool today!

    4. These days if you're over 55 and lose your job, likely you won't find another one. Employers are looking to hire young, energetic, CHEAP labor. I'm sure this hypocrite would do the same given the options of an over 55 and an under 30 worker.

  25. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Another rich, ignorant,asswipe, wannabe! I live in
    Montana . People here are not stupid. We elected a Democrat Governor, because he is intelligent, and the antithesis of the snake oil rethugs are trying to peddle.We want to move forward,not backwards!
    Please go away mister gofarte.

  26. Anonymous12:25 PM

    There is something seriously mentally wrong with SOME elements of "The Republican Party". This group attracts the worst of the worst humans. So delusional. hateful. ignorant. shameful. deranged and down right criminal public takers they are. They are not pat ri ots. respectful, mindful, ethical usa citizens. They are a disgrace to America. And an insult to intelligence.

  27. Not sure why we have cars, electricity, atoms, rockets, hair salons, movies, etc., as those things are not actually mentioned in the OT.

  28. Anonymous12:35 PM

    So fucking stupid, it hurts.

  29. Randall1:46 PM

    A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the back of the fool -- Proverbs 26:3 (KJV)

    O simple ones, learn prudence; oh fools, learn sense -- Proverbs 8:5 (ESV)

  30. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Even if you believe every word of the Bible is the literal truth (and how could you, when the Bible contradicts itself?) and Noah was literally 600 years old, this argument makes no sense.

  31. FJ Dandy2:26 PM

    Perfect caption, Gryph!
    The stupid burns so much I can smell it here in Southern Ontario, Canada.

  32. A J Billings3:05 PM

    So, it sounds like RETIREMENT is for sissies!

    Retirement is now the new Obamacare, and only weakling athiests, liberals, blacks, browns, immigrants, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, and other assorted trash want to rest from a life time of labors

    Let's dump Grandpa out of his wheelchair and drive him to Walmart to greet people, cuz bibull says retirement is evil.

  33. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I'll give Mr. Gianforte some credits when he starts lobbying businesses to hire those folks of retirement age instead of tossing their applications in the circular file.

    I want to work. Can I find a job? No. Are my credentials immaculate? Yes. Is my prior job experience laudatory? Yes. But as soon as I put down that I graduated from high school in 1964, that's all she wrote...

  34. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Well Mr. Techie, there are no computers in the bible either so explain how you made your millions?

    Has this idiot ever thought that Noah built his ark while in retirement, Mrs. Noah got tired of him hanging around the tent and told him to get a hobby.

    Just another way for the GOP to keep folks from getting their social security or entitlement as they like to call it, like we didn't pay into it for years and years and years.

  35. Anita Winecooler5:11 PM

    According to this sanctimonious jackass, the Bible is wrong when it says "on the seventh day, God played golf". As a business man, one would think he has more sense, I hope he isn't a hypocrite and his elderly parents are working while arthitis, organ failure, sight failure and overall reflexes go down the drain. I suppose the story in the bible isn't a literal 600 years, and it meant "a long time".

  36. Anonymous7:15 PM

    I make the point that the bible says Noah was 500 yrs old when his children were born. So by his reasoning that means he must not of had sex till then or had great birth control. so that means none of us should have sex until we are 500 yrs old.

  37. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Actually, Noah lived for 950 years (snicker, snicker) not 600. I imagine Noah alone would bankrupt the social security fund!

  38. Anonymous8:33 AM

    He may be the trial balloon on this idea from the Koch brothers. If there's insufficient feedback, we may see this floated in Congress.


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