Thursday, July 16, 2015

19 Kids and Counting has been officially cancelled.

Courtesy of US Magazine:  

Almost two months after news broke of Josh Duggar's molestation scandal, TLC has canceled his family's reality show, 19 Kids and Counting, the Associated Press reported on Thursday, July 16. 

"After thoughtful consideration, TLC and the Duggar family have decided to not move forward with 19 Kids and Counting. The show will no longer appear on the air," the network said in an official statement, adding that "the recent attention around the Duggars has sparked a critical and important conversation about child protection." 

TLC's cancellation puts an end to months of speculation about the fate of Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar's famously large brood. The couple and their kids first rose to fame back in 2008, and finished their 10th season of 19 Kids this past May. 

In addition to canceling the show, the network has teamed with two child-protection organizations to raise awareness about child sexual abuse. They're planning to air an hour-long documentary about the issue next month. 

So if you have ever wondered exactly what line a crappy reality show had to cross in order for TLC to cancel it, the answer is "diddle your sister."

Gee I wonder what all of those conservatives who raced to Josh Duggar's defense will say about this?

Huckabee? Palin? Anybody?


  1. Anonymous7:31 AM

    TLC aborted them, G!

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      so true, thanks TLC

    2. Anonymous7:44 AM

      good one -- One more cheesy, fake-y "Christian goodness" show off the air. Sarah's, now this one.
      About fucking time, for both.

    3. hedgewytch8:36 AM

      And it was a late term abortion at that.

    4. Annie1:51 PM

      The Duggars especially Jim Bob are too stupid to realize we've got their number have figured out their real objective & ithey miserably failed.

  2. Anonymous7:40 AM

    19 home schooled unemployed bible thumpers and their scam artist parents. So much for number 20!

  3. Too bad for those of us who stopped at three kids. We didn't get a television show.

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    good riddance to bad rubbish

    1. KatieP1:20 PM

      Clearly the Duggars are Ignorance on Parade. The Duggars are a thorn in the side of America. Jim Bob is a narcissist & cult leader wannabe. The only thing America wants from the Duggars is their Absence!

  5. Palin will say that the Islamofascist Kenyan in the White House at 1400 Pennsylvania Avenue has ordered the show off the air because he's taking over the airwaves as part of his grand plan to subjugate Christians and force all Christian women to have an abortion, also too!

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      One can only hope that the Palins are next to be exposed for their lies and deceit.

    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      The Palins aren't even being paid attention to anymore. Sarah, Todd and Bristol are no longer in good stead with the media and majority of Americans. At last, at last!

      Their silence and being silenced is just plain out and out joy!

  6. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Wait for it..’t_done_with_the_duggars_just_yet_network_announces_one_time_special/

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Oh Fu*CK!

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Repulsive, sick creeps.

    3. It may never air.

  7. angela7:57 AM

    I think the line that was crossed was putting the victims on Fox
    news for Megyn Kelly to basically help clean Josh Dugger up.

    What were those young women supposed to say? Beforehand they were told if they did not defend their creepy brother they would be destroying the family's livelihood. Disgusting.

    TLC let this crap go on too long.

    1. KatieP1:24 PM

      The Megyn Kelly interview with the Duggars was obviously previously scripted. It was a Joke. The tough questions were never asked. The perv Pillsbury Dough Boy look alike Josh did not make an appearance the Coward that I always knew he is.

    2. Billy1:33 PM

      Currently to me, the letters TLC now represent The Loser Channel.

  8. Anonymous7:58 AM

    is it wrong that their misery makes me happy?


    1. Anonymous6:35 PM


    2. KimmieH1:27 PM

      No it's not wrong. When I learned the Duggars were cancelled, the next evening, I invited a few friends over we celebrated the Duggars Gone with pizza, beer & rock music. It was a big sigh of relief to know the asshole Jim Bob will no long attempt to subliminally convert viewers to the heinous, stupid & moronic Gothard Cult. That boat has left the dock. Yeah!!!

  9. Anonymous8:01 AM

    sob sob sob....LOL...
    JIm Bob looks like a molester himself....buch of sick Fu*ks all of them.

  10. Anonymous8:11 AM

    OT-thos is mot goog news..

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      It's not good news, either!

    2. Anonymous9:40 AM

      That's not good news, that is call graft (paying off the inspectors). I am in Wisconsin, so F Off!

    3. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Ps, where did you learn to type? From a three fingered drunk monkey?

    4. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Walker appointed the judges. Might explain sumthin.'

  11. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Operation Jade Helm blew the show up.

  12. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Uh Oh, the paylins will be trotting out that well worn victim card soon. It's like a Starbucks card. 10 uses and you get a free Chic Fil A sandwich.

  13. Anonymous8:17 AM

    It should NOT have taken this long to cancel them. Should have been a no brainier the minute the scandal broke!!

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      TLC was aware of the molestation long before it all came out. Disgustig peole.

    2. TLC took a wait and see. Since the public's memory was too long they cut their losses.

      No one wants to see any show with the Duggars. No, not even the victims.

    3. KimmieH1:32 PM

      From the beginning of 19 Kids it was obvious that Jim Bob Duggar is an elitist, egotistical, Narcissustic, self absorbed, money hungry, sexist Pig! Jim Bobs opinions of women is very disrespectful & he believes they are lower than a cat or dog. That creepy Duplictious Gothard Cult really did a number on limited educated & limited intelligence Jim Bob Duggar.

  14. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Great news. Not sure why it was on to begin with. Nothing to learn from this dysfunctional family. TLC, you can do much better. I thought this was a learning channel.

    1. No, tLC cannot do better. They officially stopped being the Learning Channel years ago.

      From Wikipedia:
      "The Learning Channel continued to focus primarily on instructional and educational programming through much of the 1990s, but began to air shows less focused on education and themed more toward popular consumption and mass marketing; these would be later expanded.

      ...This was to be indicative of a major change in programming content and target audience over the next few years.

      ... "Ready Set Learn", the network's children's program block, was slowly reduced through the years...

      In 1998, the channel began to distance itself from its original name "The Learning Channel", and instead began to advertise itself only as "TLC". During the period from 1999 to 2001, there was a huge shift in programming, with most programming geared towards reality-drama and interior design shows.

      ...Most of TLC's programming today is geared towards reality-based drama or interests such as home design, emergency room dramas, other medical dramas, extreme weather, law enforcement, dating, and human interest programs."

      Money is all that matters, not an educated citizenry.

    2. Anonymous9:47 AM

      There is nothing that has to do with learning on the Learning Channel. And there are no more real Arts and Entertainment on A & E, either. They learned that there was no money in quality programing. In fact, the lower you go, the more viewers you'll get. Honey Boo Boo and The Ducks would be the best examples of the Dumbing Down of Cable TV.

    3. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Spot on Anonymous 9:47. The History Channel has also deteriorated over the years.

  15. But TLC is giving them a special on molestation. Presumably how to prevent it and not a how-to video. The word is if the ratings are good enough then the two married sisters get their show.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Ugh. Just UGH.

    2. Anonymous9:14 AM

      TLC won’t say it, but it sure looks like they are trying to figure out a way to get the Duggars back on the air.

      The reason TLC waited so long to cancel the show was that the network was hoping that the public opinion would shift, and the scandal would go away. Reports have been circulating for weeks that TLC is considering replacing 19 Kids with a show that features the Jill and Jessa Duggar, who are also appearing in the documentary.

      The documentary will probably do huge ratings, and it won’t a surprise to anyone who is paying attention if TLC announces in the near future a new series featuring the Duggars, because the network seems unwilling to let go of their cash cow.

    3. Anonymous10:01 AM


      Let's not see how this turns out.

      What's next for TLC and the Duggars? Maybe a special on how to hire civil and criminal defense attorneys when your family shit is about to hit the fan?

      Did anyone else wonder if that Gothard interview with the Daily Mail was a warning shot to the Duggars not to throw him under the bus when it comes to civil suits? That's what I think I was seeing between the lines. Getting Gothard's defense and liability minimization out front while warning Jim Boob that Gothard (every time I type this name: Got Hard!) will fuck Jim Boob and Josh and all the Duggars over to save his own ass.

    4. It isn't a cash cow any more.

      The Duggars are poison.

      If even the documentary does fairly well, it will be out of curiosity. Any Jill and Jessa show will tank and be pulled before it makes the 13 week mark.

    5. Billy1:42 PM

      You are kidding? If the ratings with this upcoming documentary produced by TLC are high then Jill & Jessa get their own show why? These two are limited in every capacity. Jessa compared the WW2 Holocaust with the use of birth control how incredibly stupid is she. Jessa then compared evolution as a derivative of racism another stupid comment from Jessa Seewald. Jill Dillard cannot speak without including the word "likel into every sentence. During the Megyn Kelly interview Jill Dillard spoke the word "like" 34 times. Who does that? Must be that ATI Gothard method of homeschooling which btw is really lame. What could these two women possibly bring to a reality show? The only subject Jill & Jessa know is continual pregnancy & babies, babies, babies. If God forbid these two idiots get a reality show we all know addicted to attention Jim Bob Duggar will stick his ugly mug into the camera. Lets hope the Duggars fade away into oblivion. This family is the poster family for lies, deception & dishonesty.

  16. Josh's wife Anna is now overdue with her latest baby. The poor little thing is trying to stay inside until Daddy goes to jail.

  17. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Good. And I hope that civil suit for Josh molesting that non-family girl takes all their largess away and they'll actually have to work for a living (but still take from social programs.)

  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Woo-hoo!!! So what are the Duggars gonna do for money, now? Guess they'll have to get real jobs like the rest of us. But with zero education & no skills, they'll be on minimum wage. Bet they'll be on food stamps by next year.

    1. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Hobby Lobby might hire them......

    2. Anonymous12:48 PM

      They will all get a fake minister license online and buy a big ass tent. Brother Jim Bob Boob's Traveling Salvation Show. Coming to a vacant lot near you. Y'all bring your egg money now, ya hear?

  19. Can Duck Dynasty please be next...?

  20. Anonymous9:45 AM

    I guess that's it. Mrs. Duggar will have to stop at 19. And 20 was such an even number.

    1. She can have as many as she wants if she can.

      They just won't be paid for by TLC nor will the births be broadcast on cable.

    2. Anonymous7:58 PM

      She is in her late forties, I think the baby machine has had it now. She will just have to live vicariously through her daughters as they give birth to 19 of their own.

    3. She's 47. I believe the last baby was premature and there were complications. Of course, if she did get pregnant it would be expensive with TLC NOT picking up the tab this time.

      She saw a high risk OB/GYN who gave her a less than 5% chance of conceiving naturally and a 20-25% chance of having a Down Syndrome baby.

      She miscarried in 2011 and according to Michelle she and the Sperminator are actively trying to get pregnant again.

      BTW saw a photo of them younger and she hasn't changed her hair style in 30 years.

  21. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Sorry Ass Pieces of shit ALL OF THE Duggar family and the Palin KKKlan.
    BTW barstool not only has many FB pages, she also has many instagram pages. One of them is called bbristolbay, which of course is private. Those people will do naything to hide their shit and grift for more money.

  22. Anonymous9:47 AM

    How many of those 19 offspring are the offspring of the creepy and sick phedophile Josh. Bunch of SICKOS

  23. Anonymous9:49 AM

    The duggar woman has a sorry "submisive" fuk*d up look about her and the man has a horny for children molester look. WTH is wrong with their potographer. Can't they see?

  24. Anonymous9:51 AM

    TLC has become the network of child molesters like the duck people and the duggar families.

  25. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Off topic

    I guess if anyone would know about FIRING UP THE CRAZIES ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL it would be John McCain...

    "Over the weekend, Donald Trump held a rally in Phoenix, Arizona, that attracted several thousand people. He shared the stage with the father of a man who was killed by an undocumented immigrant—and Trump continued his rant against illegal immigration that began when he launched his campaign and started to surge in the polls. Not every Republican in Arizona was pleased with Trump’s visit. Senator John McCain, the Party’s Presidential nominee in 2008, reacted to the event with dismay.

    “It’s very bad,” McCain, who was eager to talk about Trump, told me on Monday when I stopped by his Senate office. The Senator is up for reëlection in 2016, and he pays close attention to how the issue of immigration is playing in his state. He was particularly rankled by Trump’s rally. “This performance with our friend out in Phoenix is very hurtful to me,” McCain said. “Because what he did was he fired up the crazies.”"

    Let's have a flashback or two to 2008!

    "Sarah Palin: Out of Control Talking Point Machine or Political Magnetic Poetry?
    Katie Couric seems to have broken the Palin talking point machine. It's like magnetic poetry."

    "The second mistake was going dark. McCain missed the biggest lesson of the Reagan Revolution: conservatives usually do best when they appeal to America's optimism and develop a positive campaign around a vision for the country. President George W. Bush understood this in 2000, stressing compassionate conservatism, and in 2004 he couched his candidacy in an optimistic argument about how the Bush Doctrine could strengthen America against terrorism and restore the kind of security that seemed lost after 9/11.

    McCain and Palin rejected this approach, instead putting together a campaign that was almost entirely negative and focused on attacking their opponents. They sounded much more like Goldwater in 1964 than Reagan in 1980, opening themselves up to Obama's charge that they were willing to divide the nation for the purpose of winning the election. They called Obama a socialist, an extremist and even linked him to a terrorist. The campaign got so out of control that a man at one Palin rally yelled "Kill him!". McCain had to restore order at a town meeting when one woman explained how scared she was of having an "Arab" in office. Still, the McCain campaign continued to run advertisements connecting Obama to 1960s radical Bill Ayers."

  26. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Who watches shows like this? And, why?

  27. Anonymous10:02 AM

    TLC = Totally Lunatic Christians

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      They're going to change that to TPC (The Pervert Channel), then they won't have to agonize over firing any of their I mean stars.

    2. The Leering Channel.

  28. Anonymous10:06 AM

    another opportunistic, hypocritical, dysfunctional family bites the dust.

  29. Anonymous10:35 AM

    The Emmy nominations were announced today, and, unbelievably, "Sarah Palin's Amazing America" wasn't nominated in any category, even under "Comedy Series."

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Awwww.... How could that be.

    2. Anonymous11:19 AM


    3. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Now that just proves the bias against conservative women.

    4. Anonymous1:41 PM



  30. Just thinking about the Duggar Alpha Male makes me feel dirty; then saw how he treated his wife at a public mini-golf course almost made me vomit. No wonder his kid was fiddling with his sisters.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      And in front of their daughter and her date no less.

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      I know, there was something very disturbing about that! And Jim Boob kept taunting his daughter and her boyfriend that they weren't allowed to do what he was doing. So creepy!

  31. Anonymous10:52 AM

    That picture freaks me out. They all look like 1950...with the really ugly clothes and out of date hairdos. I always find the mother very disturbing, with her simpering way of looking at her husband, who really is a freak. Nothing about them says "real" or "honest". They all look fake.

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      haha well put. I kind of hope the parents file for divorce and the wife takes half of their fortune then shacks up with a flashy mobster in Las Vegas after getting extensive work on her face and body done. lol i would watch that

    2. He reminds me of a gay guy in High School who does as many girls as he can to deny the fact and hide the truth.

  32. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Eff these bible thumping phoneys.

  33. Anonymous11:03 AM

    So glad these stardom-whores are off the airwaves. They hid their crimes from their viewers and continued to present themselves as righteous believers. They got paid doing this misrepresentation of themselves.

    Maybe they'll get some insight as they wait in the unemployment lines. Unfortunately, some other fake christian venue will hire them or they'll be given a speaking contract to preach about how not to get caught.

  34. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Good riddance.

  35. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Never watched them. Then again I don't watch anything that falls under the reality tv category.

    1. Leland11:49 AM

      @ 11:30
      As has been adequately summed up in the postings about TV quality in this posting, I can easily say I have gone you one better than not watching "reality" shows.

      I have no TV service at all. None. Nada. Zip. At 67 years old, I have seen most of what the industry can provide and only a tiny portion of it - at least, in my opinion - was worthwhile. The history channel is pushing religion - bad religion shows at that - as history. TLC has raped itself into crap like the idiots being written about here, and so on and so on.

      So I asked myself "Why should I waste my money?" Answer? I shouldn't. Two weeks before my two year contract was up with the satellite company, I notified them I would NOT be renewing.

      They tried and tried to get me to stay, but I finally told them point blank I didn't want the crap they were pushing and hung up. I then followed up with a letter from my lawyer to reinforce my verbal statement. They tried to tell me I owed them money, but I sent them a copy of their own bill which clearly stated billing was done IN ADVANCE. They stopped hassling me when my lawyer wrote them and stipulated that any further attempts to communicate with me would be handled in court. It FINALLY sank into their tiny little minds I was serious.

      Heck, not only are their programs not worth the powder to blow them to hell, their intelligence is worthless!

      As for the Duggars? In my opinion, there is no way the children can get the type of parenting they need simply because the parents have too many kids in need of it. And having the older kids doing it isn't the same. What bothers me most now is that these children will think this is normal and recreate their own family circle.

    2. Anonymous1:11 PM

      Good for you, Leland!

  36. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Was Bristol Palin a guest on that show in 2010? She looked like she was close to a delivery date.

    1. Crystal Sage1:30 PM

      If THIS is not Bristol pregnant, then everyone is blind. Question is: whatever happened to the DWTS baby?

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      1:30 PM Track and Britta may have been paid by Sarah Palin to claim Kyla Grace as theirs. Their Mountainside wedding photo op proved nothing. Their
      planned wedding never happened, and their divorce was a quickie.

  37. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Are we even sure all these kids are really mom and dad's, not their grandchildren they are passing off as their own?

    Mom and Dad aren't even raising their kids, they use the older children to raise the younger ones.

  38. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Good! Now maybe Michelle can file rape charges against Jim Bob and also tell us how many of the kids were fathered by Josh and who the moms are.

  39. Anonymous1:58 PM

    About f-ckin time

  40. Anonymous2:09 PM

    So Sarah Palin picked another loser to support. The Palin curse lives.

  41. Anonymous5:41 PM

    A week or so ago it was reported that a nonfamily molestation victim would soon be filing a lawsuit against Josh. I wonder if the Duggars were able to settle with this party on the stipulation the show is over for good.

    66 gardeners

  42. Anonymous6:21 PM

    I have a pedophile in another branch of my family; he's done incalculable damage to his own children as well as molesting any other kids he gets close to. Even doing prison doesn't stop these guys. Once they start they don't stop. I hope the younger Mrs Duggar gets a divorce asap. Her own baby won't be safe.

  43. LOL. Heard this on the radio at lunch.

    No more show. No re-runs. No spin-offs.

    Cut off cold turkey.

    Of course, they get to keep the house and all of the money to date. I'm sure their website is still grifting donations for their "church" and being a church they still have tax exempt status.

    I'm sure they have another quiver-full abomination waiting in the wings for their chance at fame and fortune.

  44. I must confess I never watched this show, and I'm confounded wondering what was the draw?

    Even if they weren't anti-gay, and a bunch of patriarchal reactionary right-wingers, what's to watch? A married couple try to pop out as many kids as can be had before the old lady hits menopause. What's that tell me? He can fuck, and she's fertile. So what?

    None of them is an actor, none of them is a singer, or a talent of any kind, the show is 'reality' so there's no scripted story, comedy or drama. What's to tune in for. and how does such a show go 10 damn seasons?!

    1. The entire network has gone bizarre since they took the Learning out of TLC.

      You've got your rednecks, your right wing Xians, hoarders, morbidly obese people, Amish, Giants, little people, conjoined twins, women in prison and a lot of wedding stuff including Big Fat Gypsy weddings.

      It's like the Ripley's Believe it or Not Channel. Almost a Barnum and Bailey sideshow.

    2. That is a really good question; I could only surmise that it was a way to promote the Dominionist Christianity cult.
      I only knew about the mini-golf fiasco because I happened to see it one night. I refused to watch the regular show.

    3. mlaiuppa & WA Skeptic: That helps, and thanks. Paddy Chayefsky has to be laughing his ass off in his grave.


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