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"How come nobody wants to give me any money?" |
Thank you for your subscription to the Sarah Palin Channel.
Effective August 1st, the Governor will be making all of her content free on her Facebook page and at SarahPac.com.
• If you are a monthly subscriber here on SarahPalinChannel.com, you will not be charged anything after this month. There’s nothing that you need to do.
• If you are an annual subscriber, you can have the balance of your subscription refunded to your credit card or you can roll your subscription into one of the other channels on our network.
So does this mean that Palin is quitting again?
Kinda sounds like it.
I think that we know Palin well enough to realize that the ONLY reason that she is now making the content free is because she was not making any money through subscriptions anyhow.
Which, by the way, is something that most of us predicted on the day the channel made its debut.
I wonder if that is why the content had been, shall we say, less than plentiful as of late?
And now with no money coming in at all, do we really think she is going to bother making those insipid little videos for free?
So to sum up, Sarah PAC is now running on fumes, Fox is no longer paying her to babble incoherently on their cable news channel, she can only get paid to speak about once every four or five months, nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is interested in any more of her ghostwritten books, and she cannot make any money through subscriptions to her internet "channel."
Gee, what is a washed up old political has been to do?
Well, there is always that I guess.
P.S. For those of you wondering, yes the folks at the Sea O'Pee absolutely think this is a sign that Palin is running for President. But then again, they think every time she blows her nose it is a sign she is running for President.
"Effective August 1st, the Governor will be making all of her content free on her Facebook page and at SarahPac.com."
ReplyDeleteThis makes me think that TAPP is shutting SPC down completely. No new content and lights out on all the "dozens of cameras" placed in both her AK and AZ homes.
Another Palin F A I L ! Undefeated, baby!!
Some of those cameras were probably NEVER used especially the ones at her Scottsdale home.
DeleteThank you!
DeleteShe isn't quitting - again - she has been FIRED - again!
Oh, how I will miss Sally's word of the day!
DeleteAnd what did Chuck, Sr. put out -- one video?
Never did hear from Piper as promised.
The slow demise of she who mimics a lobotomized zombie, Grifticia Alopecia's destiny with karma is unfolding before our very eyes. I've waited years for this and I'm fucking enjoying it !!!!
ReplyDeleteMe too!!! Waking up to this post made my day!!
DeleteNext beautiful schadenfreude will be watching the upcoming C4P meltdown and abandonment.
DeleteShe's a cookin' up something good, you betcha...or maybe not. While I'm doing a happy dance at finally seeing the end of her influence, I will miss the fodder she provided for late night hosts.
ReplyDeleteShe did a lot of damage to political discourse in the US and left a nasty impression around the world about what politics in the country has become. Luckily there are women in politics to counter her stupidity but her brand has inspired the likes of Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, Louie Gohmert and too many others to list. Her star has faded but her brand of hate-filled politics will live on and be nurtured by the propaganda machine at Fox....
Well stated!
DeleteWell, she's stupid, mean, and crazy. But that can be a road to riches. Her problem?
ReplyDeleteShe. Is. So. Damn. Lazy.
Sure, grifting is for conscienceless people who don't want to have to hold down a real job. But you still have to be willing to work your grift. A prime example is Glenn beck who works his ass off peddling his particular brand of crazy and rakes in a lot of money doing so.
Palin just wants people to send her money and she is too damn lazy to even spend the time and expend the effort it takes to get people to do so.
That is a special kind of lazy. And stupid. Bad combination.
I do believe her trash can lid is picking up speed on its toboggan slide to oblivion. Hang on, toots!
The commenters at Beck's The Blaz3 suddenly do not like Bristol AT ALL.
DeleteGoogle "the blaze "and "Bristol" and check out the comments!
I think a lot of the hate and negativity at The Blaze has to do with the perceived lazy and stupid nature of the Palins. Also too,because their grifting and fame whoring are spiraling out of control. That and the obvious flip flopping that insults the intelligence of a four year old.
My goodness. I've never been to Glenn Beck's website The Blaze until now. I thought he & Sarah were friends or at least on the same side with the same kind of followers. I don't understand really why they are so anti-Bristol. I'm wondering of some of those people there are ex-Palin followers.
DeleteThat is a good point - Glenn Beck obviously works hard 24/7 at his grift while Sarah is content to pay postage stamp lickers to do the work of sending out mail to get money to send out more mail to get money completely still relying on her failed vp run and the tease that she might run. Beck is at the bottom of the barrel with Palin but she's even beneath him!
DeleteFirst , please stop and desist! Palin is not a Governor.
ReplyDeleteAt best an ex govenor. And a poor one that quit.
She is ,plain and simply , a stupid hateful,angry person trying to act smart and cause dissension. She has mental issues and should only be a candidate for a lobotomy.
True that.
DeleteEx half term governor at that. It makes me mad every time I hear her called "Governor". When you quit, you give up the title.
DeleteShe was the GINO*
DeleteToad and Ivy were running the show!
*Governor In Name Only
I think the videos already taped are in short supply. Maybe Sarah Palin can't keep it together long enough to make new short videos.
ReplyDeleteIn the past, she was coherent and presentable enough to film a few at a time, and then drip them out slowly to fill content. I'd bet her days of being coherent and presentable are fewer and fewer.
DeleteWho are they referring to when they use the term "governor"?
ReplyDeleteCertainly not Palin?
Unfortunately, she can still be called that. Bill Clinton, George W. And H. W. Bush are still referred to as 'president.' Once they leave office, they still retain the title. It's very hard to hear Palin called 'governor,' considering she thought so little of the position to was elected to that she bailed out when $$$$ was dangled in front of her. I would like to see elected officials that quit their positions not referred to their titles. Seems fair, doesn't it?
Delete"Anonymous7:12 AM Unfortunately, she can still be called that. Bill Clinton, George W. And H. W. Bush are still referred to as 'president.' ... I would like to see elected officials that quit their positions not referred to their titles."
You are correct, 7:12; there are no laws regarding the use of former titles. However, the big difference between Clinton and the Bushes is that they each finished out their terms.
She abandoned her position and broke the oath she swore to the people of Alaska. She has a legal right to use the title, but no one else is compelled to address her as governor. It's a courtesy title after leaving office, and in her case, she is not deserving of the courtesy.
Perfectly stated in the musical "Evita" when she was on the "Rainbow Tour".
DeleteEvita: Did you hear that, they called me a whore,
They actually called me a whore.
Admiral: Senora Peron, it's an easy mistake. I'm still called an admiral yet I gave up the sea long ago.
Bravo, 7:50!
DeleteWhen Palin quit, she said repeatedly that she didn't need the title of Governor to be a leader.
DeleteIronic she still refers to herself as "Governor Palin" on SarahPac her defunct channel, her speech advertisements, and everything else.
Perhaps ironic is not the right word, not sure...but hypocrite always is!
DeleteShe quit as governor of Alaska and most in Alaska don't call or refer to her as 'Governor Palin'. She is normally referred to as Sarah Palin or the quitter governor!
DeleteThe Governor Palin referral is normally done by folks outside the State of Alaska!
She tain't one guys - she quit and left Alaska in a horrible mess! She does not deserve the title 'governor' in any way shape or form!
I still think she's going to have to run in order to stay relevant and make moolah, maybe get another book deal. However, if she does, she will get evicerated and her whole "brand" will suffer. The GOPers are going to play dirty, and they won't treat her with the kid gloves that she expects.
ReplyDeleteSo the question is --
Does she go for $$$ or brand?
It's sort of an idiot grifter's version of a Catch-22.
If this is her uncoventional run, she's off to a good start. How many times can one make an ass of one's self? Forget popcorn, hand me a beer! Lol
DeleteBut since it's $carah, make it a "light" crappy,cheap American lager, not a well-crafted, quality, tasteful and taste-filled craft beer. I believe in thoughtful alcohol pairing to match the food or the event.
DeleteShe can't run if her secrets will finally be spilled.
DeleteRupert Murdoch's no fool and he's not head of his company any more. Therefore, no Sarah books from him, and he was the only one publishing.
DeleteSome tiny right-wing outfit might publish the "Wit and Wisdom of Sarah Palin" (LOL), but it's sales will be in the low thousands and won't even pay for the paper and ink.
Sarah Palin isn't running for anything!
DeleteShe doesn't have the big time money supporting her anymore - doesn't have a team to work with her (remember, she doesn't like 'team' work!), no support from the Republican Party (in Alaska or nationally), Ted Cruz has overtaken her on the Teabagger side and lacks the majority vote in Alaska and America.
Her records are dismal. TV reality shows failed, lost in running with John McCain in his second seat (thank god they lost!) on the national level, and she's proven to be a horrible wife and mother/parent.
She's one huge failure and a proven embarrassment to ALL!
"Gee, what is a washed up old political has been to do?"
ReplyDeleteGet larger belmonts?
She'd fall on her face. Maybe she could hang counterweights from the ass padding.
DeleteOMG, Nefer! Issue a spew alert next time.
bwahahahahaha Nefer!
DeleteShe's not making anything free, she has always put shit on Fakebook and GriftoPAC. Her little blog is being closed down because TAPP probably fired her lazy ass.
ReplyDeleteHer little middle school private blog was supposed to make her rich and influential. #oops #fail
Remember how they tried to frame it as a TV news network? Hilarious, eh?
Here's some breaking news for you, Sarah: you're a monumental failure- and it's all because America doesn't like you and sincerely thinks you should STFU.
Really, can things get worse for Sarah Palin? I sure hope so.
Oh they will. If she runs for president, her ass will be handed to her well and truly. If she doesn't, her final hardcore fans will go nuts. Win-win!
DeletePalin wishes she looked as good as the dancer.
ReplyDeleteThe pie video alone was the mos hilarious thing I saw she could be a comedian
ReplyDeleteThat would be a fail too because Sarah is only funny when she's trying not to be.
DeleteToo much competition in the stripper buisness. Msybe Marina could hire her to answer blog comments on her exotic thingy? Maybe the French's will find a job for her on their oh, so religious blog? Otherwise, there is always Taaahhhd's hooker business, she can give the girls advice on how to dress sexy(!!) Open a daycare, take back all of Bristle's discarded babies, and she will soon fill it up.
ReplyDeleteAnd she doesn't have the stripper body..too white! Men don't want to see that!
DeletePerhaps Todd Palin could hire her for his 'house of ill repute'. She wants money so badly! But, she'd probably make a horrible prostitute and he knows it!
DeleteThe content of her channel was pitiful. It sure didn't deliver on it's promises, in her own words, for lots of content, discussion, comments with her answers, cameras in their home, with lots of opportunity to follow the Palins in their home. It had none of what she promoted.
ReplyDeleteSPC was so watered down and the content was weak and her topics were delivered with snark and sneer with no contribution to the problems she focused on. She never interviewed locals or did in-depth articulate discussions with them. She never brought some of her previous governor staff, AK republican party chairman, members of her AK legislature to discuss the wonderful things they accomplished and how to use the experience in promoting a stronger GOP. She didn't use any of her previous 'skils' as an experienced (cough cough) governor, mayor, energy expert to the table. All she ever did was convey that she WAS all those things, over and over, but never brought that experience to her SPC table. It's all smoke and mirrors, and showed her lack of work ethic in the SPC project, and showed her lack of interest. The only 'insterest' Sarah had in this vehicle was to be seen on camera play-acting the raunchy sexy mean-girl, hoping she'd catch an agent looking for her in a new reality TV show.
She couldn't even fake herself as a caring mother. She had to have her 14 year-old grab her DS son to sit down for 'dinner' which Sarah had to spoon-feed him soft food while his tablet was distracting him. No one sat down together with him like a family at a meal table. No one ate with him, showed they were relaxed and the least they could have done is sit at the table with Trig and enjoy a cup of tea or have some yogourt with him, to encourage him that a family snack/meal is more fun when the family does it together.
Still LMAO at Sarah calling Tri-g TrigVEE in that video.
DeleteShe just keeps doubling down on her stoopid.
I think you have pretty much hit the nail on the head! I did watch Sarah's response to Elizabeth Warren - complete with a similar dress, hair pinned up, etc. it was cringe worthy! Hard to watch. Yes, the self proclaimed hockey mom, grizzly, lipstick wearing pit bull is hurtling into obscurity!
DeletePerhaps a subscirber(s) threatened to sue for fraudulent advertising?
Delete6:52 like x 1000.
DeleteEither TAPP has shut her down as a failure not worth investing further in, OR....she's going to fake run. The problem with the fake run is that she has no money. How would she fund it? Even a fake run requires travel, merch, coordination and staff. She doesn't have those resources. So, in conclusion, I go with the first. TAPP has shut 'er down.
ReplyDeleteI agree. She never brought in the sales she promised, the promise being based on her purchased FB likes.
DeleteShe has been catatonic for weeks . Missing deadlines.
The end is nigh:)
I dread the possibility that AIP PALIN is gearing up at a run, just to try to stay relevant and make money. I just want her to go away. Far, far away.
DeleteI agree 7:29. A run would be hilarious for a few minutes, but the damage she is famous for would last for decades.
A Sarah run would be ridiculed off the national stage. How many times have we seen Sarah get her pants pulled down, bent over the knee, and spanked?
DeleteSarah has no influence in anything related to politics. Even the clueless conservatives running for office are beginning to see Sarah is no longer harmless to them. Sure, Sarah can get applause from a crowd but the usual suspects like Nugent have been getting louder applause for years. In addition, unlike Sarah, the celebs never taint the candidates' gravitas.
Although I live in a Republican stronghold, I do not know a single conservative woman who likes Sarah. I have heard polite Southern Baptist grandmothers call Sarah an "attention whore."
Conservatives stopped pitying Sarah long ago.
They now despise her.
She can't use her SarahPAC money for her own political campaign or any related travel or activities so where's the fundraising if she is going to run? She keeps soliciting for SarahPAC and no one else but the Earthquake movement has ever been raising dollars that could actually be used for her campaign. Campaigns take money and the current frontrunners, both GOP and Democratic were fundraising well before they ever announced.
DeleteCan you imagine the results if Chase Whiteside could do a follow up video interviewing these same Sara Palin supporters from her 2009 book tour?
Funny you say that - I was at a 4th of July party yesterday. military wife, self-identified right of center female freind (in reposnse to my reference about flag shoes and Sarah Palin): THere you go "ruinin' my day," I CAN'T STAND that woman!
DeleteHomeland security is so far up her ass I am surprised we don't hear her howling!
DeleteLol...they tossed her in API to detox!
Delete8:43, Earthquake PAC money cannot be used for her campaign. They can promote her UNTIL she runs, but if she does, all they can do is use the funds to attack her opponents.
DeleteProfessional publicity agents are finally seeing that SP is unworkable, unmanageable and can't be trusted to keep contractual obligations.
ReplyDeleteWhat is so Karma about this, is that she is now caught in her own trap. She thought she'd enjoy the excitement of her fake pregnancy hoax, enjoy the lie, enjoy pulling the wool over the nation's eyes, when she bacame VP. But, thankfully, that didn't happen. This was a big defeat to her and to SP, defeat is not an option. Her personality compels her to defy defeat and do everything in her power to find victory. This is the obsession that drives her, to keep up the image that nothing defeats her. So, now with all her grifting gigs drying up and her relevance waning, and no one caring about her anymore, she is livid. She can't cackle every day with self-satisfaction that she succeeded with a great clever hoax, because that 'hoax' didn't get her in the White House and that 'hoax' now needs daily special care and is 7 years old. Her 'hoax' is in her way. She now is stuck with him and instead of caring and loving her son and giving up her speeches and travel, she relegated him to the back burner, farming him off to nannies and strangers. It's cringeworthy to even think about it.
In summary, the onus is now on Sarah Palin. She is trapped in her own snare. If she wants the same earning potential she had these past 7 years, she'll have to either write a tell-all book, (which she can't because she would be possibly charged with fraud). Now she is stuck with her 'secret lies' and can't find satisfaction in shoving it in people's faces anymore. She is left with her lies, she's left to have to live with that truth for the rest of her life, and it brought her nothing. She is back to where she started, but with a dragging guilty conscience she'll have to live with for the rest of her life, and no money to comfort her wounds.
And the saddest part is that an innocent human being has had his life completely destroyed by her vanity. Trig will never achieve his full potential, thanks to his lazy, ignorant, vicious "mother."
DeleteIf you think Palin will have a guilty conscience for one second about anything, you are mistaken. Sarah Palin is a textbook psychopath. Hence she has no ability to feel any guilt or remorse about anything, ever. It is actually impossible. She will only feel victimized.
DeletePeople going through that level of psychological trauma, self induced in Palin's case, often seek a way to end things.
DeleteI would not be at all surprised if someday SP checks into -or is checked into- rehab of some sort. Or she has one of those celebrity 'accidental overdoses' that no one can say for sure wasn't suicide, or she does actually kill herself.
Some here have said in the past that she would never kill herself, she thinks too highly of herself, but I'm not so sure. When people bottom out, have lost all of their friends and supporters, are drinking or taking other depressants, and they can't see a way out of their problems, suicides happen to all personality types.
And API has a too ready for her...last one on the left...
DeleteI agree with everything you said except for "guilty conscience". She doesn't have one but will spend the rest of her life justifying her actions.
Deletesociopaths, psychopaths, narcissists rarely kill themselves.
DeletePete Petretich • an hour ago
ReplyDeleteI kind of expected SPC to suddenly become free at some point since that can be done at the flick of a switch, but isn't it nice how Sarah let us know? She didn't release talking points (or leaks) to Polutico which is what the Consultant Class would have advised.
It's also sweet and excellent and strategery and historic that she did it on July 4th!
She will make such a great president!! What strategery!!!!!!
They sure can make lemonade from lemons, huh? She was fired from Fox and now from TappTV and old Petey thinks that's just awesome!?!?!
DeleteWTF indeed.
Who cares! Find the straightjacket now!
Delete"Strategery" used unironically. That's cute.
Delete947 lol...
DeleteThat is a left over Bushism. When W was in the WH, Rove had a sign put on the door of a conference room, calling it "The Stragery Room" since W pronouncd it that way. We could have had ANOTHER dumb bunny "leading us" into disaster.
Deletecarolhaka • 8 hours ago
ReplyDeleteI hope she wears her hair up when she announces like she did during the Convention and at the Hannity event that MB was at also. That is her best and most beautiful look.
I remember last time, they were posting all these hysterical fantasies. One of my favorites had her family riding up to the White House in a pink convertible muscle car with a big "44" on it.
DeleteMaybe they will put Triggy in a carrier on the roof and hose him down along the way, ala Mitt & Seamus.
DeleteNo, cfor pee peeps are NOT racist!!!
ReplyDeletecarolhaka • 10 hours ago
Well people, welcome to my home town Independence Day Parade. Do you see who joined? Do you see any women? No, but when I go to Wal-Mart I see them dragging their azzes dressed in full burka attire behind their lousy stinking husbands! Sickening! And, I don't believe it for a minute!
Here's another one from Audrey after the Charleston shooting:
Delete"Barack Hussein Obama is turning Whites into second class citizen.
The response from whites has been the first time in American history the death rate for Whites now exceeds the birth rate."
Every time I read one of that hateful person's posts, all I can picture is a nasty braying ass. Heeawww, heehaaww
Audrey is as extreme as mark1955. She is vile.
DeleteTappTv still has her listed as one of their four channels. That may not last. They make their money off of the subscriptions, don't they?
ReplyDeleteThey also don't allow their content to be posted elsewhere for free, such as on Sarah's Facebook, until a certain amount of time has passed, so yes she was let go from TappTV. Right in her email she states that she will be posting only on SarahPAC and Facebook and very cleverly omits her SPC from that lineup, so yes, they cut her loose. She's just like Donald Trump when Macy's cut him loose he said he "quit" when in reality he was fired!
DeleteLet em roll around in their monopoly money!
DeleteShe'll 'run' sometime after she congratulates Bristol on the new grandchild, right?
ReplyDeleteIn the year 2525...
DeleteQuit as Oil and Gas commish
ReplyDeleteDefeated as VP
Fail as Queen Esther.
Fail in her marriage, ring in the lake.
Fail as Gov
Quit as Gov
Fail on her "un-defeated video" which was supposed to change everyone's opinion of her
Quit on her bots in 2012
Quit on her laughably stupid "tv channel"
About to quit on her 2016 "run to save 'Murica"
Quitter, Failed, Defeated, old Granny ain't got much left have ya?
From the PeePond, they're all a twitter about Sarah announcing soon! LOL! What a delusional bunch.
ReplyDeletePete Petretich • 42 minutes ago
I kind of expected SPC to suddenly become free at some point since that can be done at the flick of a switch, but isn't it nice how Sarah let us know? She didn't release talking points (or leaks) to Polutico which is what the Consultant Class would have advised.
It's also sweet and excellent and strategery and historic that she did it on July 4th!
carolhaka • 7 hours ago
I hope she wears her hair up when she announces like she did during the Convention and at the Hannity event that MB was at also. That is her best and most beautiful look.
spiritof76 • 8 hours ago
Sarah Palin's campaign thus far has been brilliant. Building the Sarah Palin channel with the help of her supporters and then offering it for free to the general public. Her words and ideas will be easily available to ALL.
Reynolds88 Pete Petretich • 13 hours ago
She is IMO about to unleash her own version of an "unconventional campaign" that I believe will be modeled on Sun Tzu principles.
virginiagentleman1 • 15 hours ago
SPC will be free to all starting August 1st, and that she has endorsed 40, count 'em, 40 conservatives seeking elective office. Either one taken alone is hot, hot news, but when taken together this is a major event. And as we now know, the bus is coming out of the garage. Now, is she going to use it simply to campaign for those she has recently endorsed, or will it also be used for HER CAMPAIGN FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES?
And emptying SarahPAC to contribute to others campaigns means what?
Sooooo, do you REALLY need to be hit in the head with a baseball bat in order to realize WHAT she has decided to do? Well do ya punk?!!! (h/t to Clint Eastwood!)
Patience my dear friends. Her formal announcement that she is running is on the way, and SOON. All we gotta do is wait for it and when it comes, it will be THE lead story on every news channel. You won't even have to be close to a computer or radio or TV to know when she has announced. The exploding heads of liberals and the foaming at the mouth of the establishment republicans should tell ya all ya need to know.
Today's electrifying news is just her UNCONVENTIONAL way of letting us know first.
I can feel a political earthquake building under my feet. It's going to be off of the charts!
"spiritof76 • 8 hours ago
DeleteHer words and ideas will be easily available to ALL."
Oh honey, trust me when I tell you that is not a good thing.
"Pete Petretich • 42 minutes ago
It's also sweet and excellent and strategery"
Yeeeeah. Strategery. All righty then. The brain trust has spoken.
"Reynolds88 Pete Petretich • 13 hours ago
...campaign" that I believe will be modeled on Sun Tzu principles."
Your idiot queen thinks Sun Tzu is a Chinese restaurant dish, so, no.
"virginiagentleman1 • 15 hours ago"
That is apparently not oxygen in that tank you drag around. You should look into that.
Trolling them is as fun as trolling Sarah. I still believe Bristol getting pregnant again is the surest sign Sarah is gearing up for a run. Everybody knows Trig is the real reason people came out en mass in 2008. Even dirt clod Sarah can see it.
Delete"Strategery" is one of those words that Mrs. Palin accidentally made up, like "refudiate". The pond people think it is amusing to use Mrs. Palin's made up lexicon. I think it makes them look as dumb as she is.
DeleteHa, the only "exploding heads" and "foaming" that's happening are in VG's underpants as he typed that one-handed.
DeleteOh that last Indus from the crazy Exodus or MJ Shephard for sure!
DeleteThis is good news, but I am still waiting for more ....
ReplyDeletebankruptcy, arrest and conviction, drug overdose and confinement in a mental institution.
You and me, both!
DeleteShe's probably already locked up in API
DeleteShe will try to plead not guilty by reason of insanity too...slithering out of crimes! Unless we can prove otherwise.....
DeleteOr lock her up and toss the key!
Delete"TAPP" stands for TV APP - is a subscription-based online video content network, home to individual "channels" built around public personalities with large followings.
ReplyDeleteTAPP learned Sarah lacked a large following. It was an illusion. The same can be said for Bristol. TAPP also learned the Palins promise the moon, slouch around, and expect their "large following" to do the heavy lifting. The SPC showed the world the Palins are a family of slugs.
" The SPC showed the world the Palins are a family of slugs. "
Maybe we should sprinkle salt on them?
Maybe we should sprinkle salt on them?
Easier to just make their beer mugs deeper, maybe fill the pool......
Pee pond will do the trick also, too.
DeleteNow that she's in that post-fifteen minutes of fame phase, that heady and intoxicating mix of life in the spotlight is rapidly fading, much like the Hollywood star who had a moment, but no one is really interested in a one-trick pony any longer. If lucky, she'll get the metaphorical center square from time to time and cling to whatever diminishing opportunities come her way.
ReplyDeleteOthers may point to other moments, but for me the essential moment of her undoing was the Katie Couric interview. That interview exposed what many of us already believed. She had opinions and folksy sayings, but nothing of substance to support her ideas. She wasn't even The Cliff's Notes version of ideas. More like a blurb on the book jacket.
But give her credit for reaching for the brass ring and holding onto to it for a while.
I bought into the "liberal media loves springing 'gotcha questions' on conservative candidates" theory until I saw the Katie Couric interview. Up to that point, I was hearing all my conservative relatives talk about how horrible the media was to her. When I watched the video on YouTube, I saw a polite but persistent interviewer trying to pin down an answer to what should have been a basic and easy question, and a politician too stupid to bullshit an answer. There was no "gotcha." There was an idiot and a right-wing feeding frenzy defending her idiocy. So yeah, I'm with you.
DeleteI doubt anyone would withold credit that Palin and her family seized opportunities they were offered post election. However many people watch with positive expectations that opportunities will lead to long term success. There are people who obviously do not seek to earn and deserve more. Sarah Palin gave the same other bashing twisted word salad speeches shirking expectations she deliver audience relevant speeches for 100K. They did not avail themselves nor invest in coaches, acting lessons nor did. Bristol rehearse for a cameo appearance on tv. Palin blew off one Fox show not wanting to do the interviews. Instead of hiring a stylist to fine tune her style Sarah railed and demonized the very things that presented her to appeal to a broad spectrum of people. Nor did she invest and address the care and therapies of a special needs child at her finger tips.
DeleteThere is more to life than money in the bank, dressing for shock value or titillation, disgracing self and a political party, fostering shame and derision for unheard of idiocy and exploiting your offspring in lame reality shows that failed dependent on snarky cheap shots verbal stabs that offended the majority.
I can only credit them with monies they made and ultimately did not deserve nor deliver on their promises.
Went to CofP and saw this, posted 7 minutes ago -- wow...
ReplyDeletehappymullah • 7 minutes ago
I would not be surprised if Trump drops out of the presidential race in time for Sarah to jump in.
While I am one of those who don't think she will run, her SPC message yesterday hints otherwise.
Other moves of her also point to her running. Also, recent events have added an urgency to her making a decision to run. Here are the signposts:
She left Fox.
She didn't attend several political events that were held in the past several months where seven of them had extended her invitations because her presence would be awkward; there were other candidates present in the same events who would badger her for support.
A series of Supreme Court decisions must have propelled her to fight for her basic conservative beliefs and a presidential run could highlight her message.
She redesigned her media platforms: FB, SarahPAC and now her SPC.
Her curious silence as regards the Confederate flag.
She's rarely seen in public, a sign that an impending announcement would make it more spectacular.
Most curious is that she didn't come out to support Trump when he was hammered by the media. Forget the pizzas and save her political capital for her presidential run.
She saw the GOP "deep bench" not gaining any traction and that must have disheartened her.
She mentioned her road trip of 2011 and then said, "I'll see you soon."
And to that I'll shout...
Fitting that the biggest clown of all would jump in the car last!
DeleteAll right drag her out...keep the straightjacket on! Here is your Hero!
Deletemore from CofP --
ReplyDeletePete Petretich • an hour ago
I kind of expected SPC to suddenly become free at some point since that can be done at the flick of a switch, but isn't it nice how Sarah let us know? She didn't release talking points (or leaks) to Polutico which is what the Consultant Class would have advised.
It's also sweet and excellent and strategery and historic that she did it on July 4th!
Reply to above
excopconservative Pete Petretich • 9 minutes ago
It's most likely that SPC goes away. Her statement said that her content will be free, not the channel. She said that she will be posting on Facebook and SarahPac. Tapp would expect to be paid whether she collected from users or not, so SPC has served its purpose and will go away on August 1st.
Looks like "excop" finally got something right.
Delete6:53 if she were going to run -and she would only do this to keep her grift going-but if she were-she wouldn't announce spc fail on the anniversary of quitting nor would she delay the stupid ten dollar bill contest to next Friday. The spc fail was announced-for lack of a better word-late Friday night/early Saturday on a holiday!! Dump news days!!! If she were running closing up spc and any money making schemes with her name attached would be part of the roll out of an announcement and leaks would be fed to the press. She ain't running for president but she may be running from something.
ReplyDeleteI think she was fired again this time by tapp and/or she is getting her house in order because she is finally being investigated and has been told to do so.
Failure quitty pants is a capital L LOSER!
I think people are just done with her and she's rapidly fading away, out of the spotlight.
DeleteThe C4Peers seem to believe that the channel will still be there, just free. Sounds like it will be shutdown August 1st. 1 year, contract up, no money made, goodbye.
ReplyDeleteBut OMG that's a sign!
DeleteWait for the stench of bs lingering...
DeleteOh these poor, desperate, foolish people:
ReplyDeletevirginiagentleman1 Exgunman • 15 hours ago
I'm guessing that everyone who has heard the news is madly trying to book Palin, even Fox.
One thing for certain, whether you like Palin or hate her, if you want massive ratings for your news show, then you want Sarah Palin!
richardas PalinRepublican • 10 hours ago
It will have to be a A class 45ft Prevost with driver and that's only for her and Todd . This move will include at least 3 more RV;s for Management and technical folks so that her progression can be seen live on all media
and apps
This is not going to be some second rate road show , this is going to be the whole circus , remember , Go Big or don't go .
Now is her Time , Now is our Time , Now is Americas Time . .
susiepuma Palinprodigy • 14 hours ago
I'm quite sure that the Gov has taken everything into consideration.................she is NOT a dumb woman......she has this planned down to the last fingernail or toenail.....
excopconservative MoonLightMuse8 • 18 hours ago
Now that the channel is free, an announcement could come any time between now and August 1st. Somewhere in some secluded garage is an RV/Bus getting lettering done. Or maybe it's already finished and is sitting at a pump getting gassed up. The rubber meets the road soon.
CA Hockey Dad • 19 hours ago
Had a great fourth of July event with fellow patriots.
I brought up Sarah to a number of people and their eyes lit up. Their only concern was that she hadn't announced yet. I said that will happen soon. People were excited and happy to hear that.
I thought that Sarah was waiting a little too long to announce. Looks like she's thought this through and is playing things just right. There is no greater political strategist than Sarah. Can't wait to call her my president. Then I will truly be proud of my country again.
Those people are delusional. Frankly I think the next big announcement will be a divorce announcement.
DeleteLOL. Yes, someone I don't know, with adoration in their voice, tells me that Sarah Palin is going to run for president, my eyes are going to light up too. But probably not for the reason they think.
DeleteI would have loved to be at the party "with fellow patriots" when they were talking about Sarah's coming announcement. Would have recorded their delusions for playback when payback is complete.
DeleteI have been waiting for Sarah to make one of her insane video addresses on the dire state of the USA. I also find it amusing that some of her bots think that liberal heads will explode when she announces. Are they for real? Liberals and comics would be thrilled if she were to announce a presidential run. The clown bus would be complete with Sarah on board.
The jokes would write themselves.
Can she get divorced again?
DeleteThe way their imaginations have run away with them in detail is astounding! The fall will just be that much harder for them and interesting to see Sarah lose the very last of her supporters. It's coming you know it.
DeleteWow, they really are nucking futs. Is there ever a point where these pee brains get it? Or when August 1 comes and goes is it all just her brilliant strategy to position herself for 2020?
DeleteThese C4P posts are sad because no matter what Palin has not done that a rational person would conclude she has no intention to run for office they keep coming up with plausible to bizarre excuses to avoid accepting she played people for fools dangling bait she will run for highest office only to get what she wanted.
DeleteMany of them are unable to face truth they were played, unwitting dupes, suckers etc. they seek to blame strangers instead of seeing Palin for who she is.
Look how long it took for the majority to catch on! After the absurd family vacation teach America tour most people caught on to her mind games and perverse glee to dupe and mislead people. She is still proud of pulling one over, intentional deception. I bet she cackles about her C4P fans still duped glorifying her as is she is the only hope.
They spin. They blame everything on the media. The brawl was a preplanned set up. Bristol is so brave and noble for choosing to carry this baby, as opposed to not getting knocked up, in the first place. They live in a bizarre reality.
Delete"...or you can roll your subscription into one of the other channels on our network. "
ReplyDeleteSuch as the web cams in the Trial Daddy Suite?
Off topic but Mike Fuckerbee is at it again!
Did Fuckerbee mention his co-author John Perry? Is he forgiven too?
I have too much time on my hands and I'm digging. I think Udall is the mole in the midst of C4P. I don't want to blow anyone's cover but he's too absurd.
ReplyDeleteI think it is the rose/muse or TBo. The poster on here said she went to visit a friend and "warm up". Muse is very divisive on c4p, as though it is her intention to run people off the site and she has nothing but one liners politically and they are of the cheerleader type. TBo may be it, because she creates nothing but drama and rarely weighs in with more than saccrine affection and " hugs". Both are west coasters. But, who's to say there is only one mole. I have spent my share of time adding comments to the mix....I just despise them so much that I have to take breaks.
DeleteReally? Most of the regulars are "moles." The fun is putting RAM's sock puppets to work.
DeleteWhat can she say? Without us the pond is dead.
Believe me...there are more than a couple of moles. I love seeing them get their hopes up.
DeleteC4p became so desperate for clicks that they declared amnesty for banned posters and allow trolls to stay long enough to up the daily count. They let Dr.lager back briefly (he keeps telling vg to kick the bucket), but not eyeseau, which is weird. All eyeseau did was call jr8 a bitch....
DeleteTBO and Jroses/Moonlight (Eileen Davidson's sister) are not moles, they are just bitter and lonely ladies.
DeleteThey are still hopelessly looking for Brian's Anus to come back. Where did you go, Brian? Were you....a troll all along? ;) Those people are such silly sheeple.
Delete10:49, either Brian is busy working with Sarah, preparing speeches, etc, or he is sooooooo enamored with Mindy that he can't gather the strength to post....or, my theory, he is physco and is both Brian and Mindy!
Delete10:48, I think jr8 has serious mental problems. Her persona is disturbing. Very weirdly evil childlike.
Deleteeither Brian is busy working with Sarah, preparing speeches, etc, or he is sooooooo enamored with Mindy that he can't gather the strength to post....
I always wonder when some ignoramus is arrested for some crazy homegrown terrorist stunt if it is a c4per.
DeleteMe, too!
Someone should post this link at the pee pond!
It's really good /s so you should read it also too!
Meanwhile, the racist, deluded, hateful old folks at c4p are delirious with joy cause this means she's for sure running. Eyeroll.
ReplyDeleteThe definition of insanity, doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result...lol...
DeleteDamn, we are so close to seeing Sarah Palin's Reign of Error coming to a conclusion.
ReplyDeleteHappy 21st Birthday Willow Palin
ReplyDeleteWillow Bianca Faye Palin was born this day in 1994, missing July 4th by less than 24 hours. Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin was a Wasilla City Councilwoman on Seat E and a hockey mom on the PTA at the time. Willow was named after Willow Creek – a small Alaskan community where gold was discovered in 1867 – and Willow Bay, one of Gov. Palin’s favorite sports reporters. She wrote in Going Rogue, pages 66 and 67:
“Because Todd was on the Slope a lot, the Carter family usually babysat Track and Bristol during the Monday night meetings. Later in my first council term, the kids started school and I got involved in the PTA. Then our third child, pretty little Willow Bianca Faye, came along. I went into labor with her on the Fourth of July while kayaking with the Menards on Memory Lake. I so wanted a patriotic baby that I paddled as hard as I could to speed up the contractions, but she held out until the next day. After she was born, I took Willow to council meetings with me, toting her in her car seat and rocking her next to my legs under the old wooden council table. I didn’t care too much what the good old boys said about it either.”
President Obama has a 4th of July child, another loss for AIP Sarah Palin.
DeleteI'd love to see a picture of a nine-month pregnant Sarah sitting in a kayak, and figuring out how she would steer for shore if, in fact, her contractions became intense. And were were the medical vehicles to get her to a hospital?
DeleteI have never heard this Palin birth myth before.
DeleteHas it been out there and I missed it?
smdh b/c it's rilly unflippin believable!
9:56 here and I should have checked page 66 of Going Rogue to find the source of this kayacking in labor fable.
DeleteThe lies, they all bled together into one long blahblahblahblahlahblah droning sound.
Why I AM convinced AIP Palin is going to run for president:
ReplyDeleteShe asked Fox new to "fire" her.
She donated to 44 (?) candidates, possibly to empty the Sarahpac coffiers, since she has no other way of syphoning off the PAC money.
She has ended SarahPalinChannel.
And last, but not least, the most definitive proof that Palin has had a run planned for months?
She has an unwed pregnant daughter to embarrass on the national stage...again!
She was probably using Fox's equipment which is now gone!
ReplyDeletePalin has always claimed that her reason for not running in 2012 was God said, "No".
ReplyDeletePerhaps she was waiting for a sign and a pregnant Bristol was it?
God even provided the platform, " PRO-LIFE"!
Lordy, if the Sea O'Pee heard that Palin just took a shit in her toilet, they would also take it as a sign she's running for President!
ReplyDeleteEspecially if it was red, white and blue. A sign from God!
Deletemiss heath could not pass the FEC background test. She knows it. They knows it. so relax. She is kinda like frumpy trumpy except she is sour sarah. A complete mess. And the BRAND? whoa.......it smells real bad. Let us hope that she is now planning to be the mom and wife that she should be. Her family should come first and she should try to heal the scars from her actions. Today. and stop this marathon of self serving public ignorance.
ReplyDeleteWith great fanfare, Sarah announced the Sarah Palin channel. She was going to interview various guests, show viewers her having fun with family in the great outdoors and also too at home. There were going to be words and quotes of the day as well as a ton of content all for $9.99 per month.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt she had dreams of competing with Glen Beck's network, who at last count was pulling in 40 million a year.
Obviously, TAPP bought her pitch and signed on to the Sarah Palin Channel. I guess they didn't know that Sarah is the laziest public figure in the whole of the United States of America. There were no interviews, no fun time in the great Alaska outdoors or at home. There were no daily quotes or words of the day after the first two weeks. And of course, Sarah fell far short on the quantity and the quality of her posts.
I just recently purchased a commercial popcorn machine. My three boys moved out of my upstairs unit and I am building a commercial kitchen up there. Already, my cheese popcorn (white and yellow cheddar so far) cannot be beat and I am working on my caramel corn recipe.
It's going to be a great summer and I am all stocked up with popcorn just waiting for the fun to start. The first Republican debate is August 6. I almost think that Sarah has to get in the game just to keep the grifting up.
korn8131 daisy_mae • 31 minutes ago
ReplyDeletedaisy, old Krusty has a $100 bill stuck his rat hole ready to go da day she announces. Grandma as a little box she hides from Krusty, that I know has many of dem in it and she says she is going to spring. Now, I ain't dat good at da one plus two thing, but it ain't had to figure, dat dare are millions of Krusty's and Grandma's ready to do da same.
"Ain't dat good?" And speaking in 3rd person? No wonder these idiots think palin is a genius!!
That guy is sooo pathetic. A troll took him to task over his obnoxious butchering of English, but to no avail. An IMer pointed out that he is positioning himself to replace vg, once he croaks!
DeleteHe is so bloody annoying. He's no doubt making himself the new c4p patriarch when vg kicks the bucket. I don't find his writing cutesy at all
DeleteIt puts the lotion on its skin.
Delete10:32, He and vg are doing it today. Ignorant fuc_s. I wonder how many of the others at the pond detest it, but don't want to make waves?
DeleteIn a word...... QUITTER
ReplyDeleteThe very fact that she is not running is proof that she is running.
ReplyDeleteWhen it finally registers on them that she really is not running (November 8, 2016, 11:59 pm), I hope there are some bright psychology graduate students standing by to document the ponders' reactions.
I would like to feel sorry for them, but I don't. I don't see how any kind and decent person could listen to her for all these years and not be repulsed. So yes, I think they are as nasty as she is.
My sibling who is her #1 fan, is so much like Palin, it is scary.
Delete10:20 - Willow, is that you?
DeleteHa-ha...no I just have a stupid, greedy, lazy, grifting sibling, who found a kindred spirit in a certain ex-govenor.
When failure happens to a narcissist whose been told they are wonderful all their lives, they can't process it. This turn of events for Sarah will bring out the worst of her, and her being a publicity whore, she'll show the worst through media somehow. In Sarah's mind, this failure is someone else's fault. She's probably blaming her loyal staff guy and friends (who she probably hires), or her brother and dad (who didn't succeed at deifying her in their book. She'll blame family if she has to, but she'll never admit she failed because of her greed and narcissism and inability to admit her faults to anyone and herself. This is a psychological train wreck in real time.
ReplyDeleteCoupled with the pic Gryph has atop, can you imagine THAT as President.....after the eloquent Barack Hussein Obama?? It's never going to happen!
DeleteAnd yes, $arah dear, I purposely wrote our President's full name because I know it pisses you off. Come on out and get chewed, toots!
Anon 9:58 Your assessment of a narcissist is spot on. The fact that pathalogical personalities brainwash and program their offspring the same that they do no wrong, do not effect anyone and someone is all the fault therefore owed punishment for things they did not do nor say. N children come to believe delusions and pathalogical lies like they are the smartest child in the school only making B's and C's.
DeleteThe unwanted to negative results and consequences of what they do are consistently blame shifted to someone else. I agree that Palin will react in revenge not ever pausing to have hindsight wisdom to change behavior. Like Bristol's reactions called out for her and her mother's hypocrisy with crazy making lies she never promoted abstinence nor was paid to do so.
She's losing her paying gigs just like Trump is!
ReplyDeleteDo not be fooled. This is simple going to be a move toward advertising revenue. She wasn't making enough with subscriptions, so she's opening it up to the horde that likes to point and laugh at her, and every click will be money in her pocket.
ReplyDeleteSo don't succumb to the temptation to see the train wreck in person. You'll just be rewarding her.
Yes, Tapp has clearly decided that they can make more on ads than they were making on the 7 subscribers.
DeleteThat will fail also. Advertisers don't pay out big dollars unless they are sure the return on their investment will make it worthwhile. When they look at her dwindling numbers, that were no doubt not that high to begin with, as well as the downward trend of interest in her (even to point and laugh), she wouldn't earn more than pennies per click and there won't be that many of them.
DeleteFree? You get what you pay for.
ReplyDeleteI've said time and time again that Sarah will resurrect herself as a Christian Evangelist. It's the logical next/last step and I think she'll be really well received.
ReplyDeleteSadly, the conservative Christians are more ignorant than the Palin cult. I wonder if our fellow New Mexican in Rio Rancho, who controls the earthquake PAC will follow Sarah to the promised land?
DeleteNaw she will claim God said to go into the wilderness for forty years! But you can send money for the journey! Keep that racket going...
DeleteWill she disappear for the forty years? Will she take my sis with her? If yes to both, I have a few thousand I can spare....!
DeleteCaptain Crusty?
ReplyDelete"Effective August 1st, the Governor will be "
ReplyDelete-Sarah Palin’s facebook
Fux, wingnuts and the palins are the only ones who refer to her as governor. The rest of us refer to her as ignorant or quitter.
DeleteIn the lower 48, even doing a stint in jail after your term still gets you called governor--just look at Illinois.
DeleteThis is worth repeating, thank you LisaB259510
ReplyDeleteLisaB259510:20 AM
Do not be fooled. This is simple going to be a move toward advertising revenue. She wasn't making enough with subscriptions, so she's opening it up to the horde that likes to point and laugh at her, and every click will be money in her pocket.
So don't succumb to the temptation to see the train wreck in person. You'll just be rewarding her.
I don't think Sarah Palin has the right to refer to herself as "the Governor" - she quit and is nothing more than a 'has been' in Alaska.
ReplyDeleteThe majority of Alaskan don't afford her that title anymore.
Is her picture displayed in the Alaska Legislature halls where all past governor's photos are displayed? I don't think so! Have never seen it! Remember too, the Alaska Legislature found her to be unethical before she quit!
Crazee Emily, Jane Austin) raised on cforp, is in wasilla... hmmm
ReplyDeleteBest of all possible worlds would be if SP announced she IS running for president AND she does it while Jon Stewart still is doing the Daily Show.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't that be fun?
Graph you need to fix your title. As of 8.1.15 there will be no more TAPP sarahpalinchannel.com Either they dumped her or she dumped them.
TAPP announcement:
Holy shit, I thought that us4palin was run by the mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging, sarah ass-kissing sheperd guy out of NZ. What palin worshiper would post the photos of sarah posted there? She looks like a 75 year old corpse.
DeleteNo, it's run by Ron Devito.
DeleteStupid spell check...sorry Gryph.
Delete@12:32 although they certainly fit your description I think that wannabe journalist shephard runs palin4president. Some POS site that nobody goes to. At least the us4palin post has 6 comments. MS site never have comments except when he is talking to himself.
MJ has a site. P4p? I know it isn't p4a. I post there.
DeleteRegarding Bristol, http://www.salon.com/2015/07/02/the_revolting_slut_shaming_of_bristol_palin_partner/
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a good article you may want to share. It talks about how women and absitnence "education" just uses young women to serve the right wing agenda of male superiority and female sexuality is bad bad and full of sin.
A thoughtful piece with a different slant.
ReplyDeleteI thought this was a good article you may want to share. It talks about how women and absitnence "education" just uses young women to serve the right wing agenda of male superiority and female sexuality is bad bad and full of sin.
A thoughtful piece with a different slant.
As of 8.1.15 there will be no more TAPP sarahpalinchannel.com
What happened? Did both subscribers not re-new?
Gosh and I was so looking forward to her episode on "how to impeach Obama" .
I was yearning for the episode on the disrespect the Supreme Court has shown towards God's word about marriage and why Bristol will refuse to marry baby daddy, in protest of said ruling.
DeleteVG's oxygen treatments must not be working:
ReplyDeletevirginiagentleman1 • 3 hours ago
Eye bea n sum serry-us kneed fer sum oxygen. Muh dotter Jenn bea ass bad ass her Mudder, what wid throwin' awl dem Mcmedical thingy's awl ober muh carkus!
Sea youse y'all wind her bea alettin' muhsef back out ann ta play wif you'ins!
Hit peers dat muh fingah's bea ass cornfussed ass muh head bone bea.
And sadly, he thinks he is being clever and cute. And, the group will fawn all over him. If I was one of them ( Oh, wait, I am!), I would post, "gag me"... or I would act amused, much like I did when my grandpa told his corny jokes...over and over again.
DeleteAw geez. For those who read c4p, TBo just returned from her latest pout. I guarantee she will rehash her latest butt hurt and play the victim all over the board! Hugs! Mrs.Butterfly, lovey dovey, I am sooo lonely, TBo....
ReplyDeleteThat's too bad. No more FOX employment, losing SPC, not much positive for her these days. If she wanted to make those videos available, a simple webpage to host them would not cost much at all. So little bandwidth with the few who still revel in them.
ReplyDeleteTough choice for subscribers. Joan Lunden, and 2 Xtain stations now that SPC is gone.