Saturday, June 20, 2015

Wonkette takes notice that there have been no new videos on the Sarah Palin Channel for two weeks now. Gee, I wonder why?

Courtesy of Wonkette:

For two weeks running, Sarah Palin has not bothered to publish any new videos—and her subscribers have begun to take notice. In the Sarah Palin Channel’s comment sections, they speak to each other in the tones of people who just blew $20 on carnival games and didn’t even win a giant stuffed panda for Jenny Sue.

Ooh, ooh, we do, we do! Poor Pammers strikes as the kind of person who watched the final scenes of “The Usual Suspects” and wondered who was going to clean up all that spilled coffee. 

Other commenters, like this grandmother, are far more direct and far more fed-up.

Threatening to take your foldin’ money elsewhere are fightin’ words in Palin’s grifter paradise. But then you’ve got true believers like this guy, who will happily tell you that the evidence of absence is not the absence of evidence.

 "She would NEVER leave us hang. IF she knows that she is not running, she would have announced so."

I am going to have to leave it there or risk getting a case of the giggles that will incapacitate me for the remainder of the day. However if you want more just click the Wonkette link at the top.

I have been doing this for such a long time that you would think that I would have lost the ability to be amazed by the stupidity of the Palin-bots, but just when I think that is true I learn that they have yet another level for self deception.

I swear that without Palin to focus on these people would be wandering the streets careening from scam artist, to scam artist, in a constant need to waste their money on get rich quick schemes, magical elixirs, and phony fortune tellers.


  1. Anonymous2:39 PM

    LOL, she has left them hanging for 7 yrs and some of the idiots are just starting to figure it out. Pammers and Pattikke almost have it figured out now, I think another few months and they might just get it.

  2. Anonymous2:44 PM

    You palin-bots deserve Sarah.No question, whatsoever.
    I am pretty sure she is planning to run something?
    Send her all your savings, you will not be sorry. Wink,wink.

  3. angela3:04 PM

    These people need rescued like people in cults need rescued.

    1. I'm thinking we get a white van and an extraction team. Then we take them to Gryphen's and make them watch reruns of President Obama's speeches and episodes of The Newsroom 24/7.

    2. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Best inside joke of the year, made me chuckle anyway. Kudos, Liz!

    3. Anonymous10:40 PM

      Please leave my sister there. Or drop her at the nearest mental institution. We don't want or claim her anymore! Seriously.

    4. Anonymous2:58 AM

      Maybe the few who are left would fit into a stretch Hummer?

  4. Palin's Flying Monkeys are a special kind of stupid. She won't run. Not 2016. Not ever. She's an ignorant, bigoted, grifting, chickenshit Quitter Queen. Cluck! Cluck! Palinbots.
    "Our only hope". LOL!! Too funny!

    1. Anonymous5:05 PM

      It's kind of sad really. Think of all the "hopes" of normal people. These people are a special kind of sick.

  5. Anonymous3:18 PM

    "no new videos on the Sarah Palin Channel for two weeks now. Gee, I wonder why?"

    One reason maybe because Sarah can't meet the Sarah Palin Channel payroll and everybody quit?

    Or Sarah Palin was too busy defending pedophiles, going to car auctions in the lower 48, kissing the Donald's ass and trying to keep her daughters from getting pregnant.

  6. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Since she came on the scene running for VP I saw through her right away and thought of her as a snake charmer. It lead me to internet searches to see if anyone else noticed the emperor was wearing no clothes and that's when I found this blog in 2008. To this day it seems there are those that smelled a rat right away but then there are those who began to follow her like lemmings and still do to this day.

    1. Anonymous4:48 PM

      And I thought it was just me 7 years ago. I found Shannon, she led me here. I smelled a rat.

    2. Me. Also. Too!

      She just projected the smarmy self assurance of a small hick town chick who is too self absorbed and downright stupid to know any better. Usually that chick was the town tramp.
      She could not project equanimity, knowledge, experience or a cultured approach because it wasn't there.
      Turns out we were right. A crooked deceiving backwards case of arrested development.

      And, Sarah, since you read IM fervently. YOU are the lipstick on a pig. So is that two toned pecker-head Toad.

    3. Anonymous9:06 PM

      It was immediately obvious to me, too!

    4. Anonymous9:45 PM

      Count me in! I'd never heard of her up until the '08 RNC, and could not shake the feeling of "there's something majorly wrong with this picture."

    5. Anonymous10:37 PM

      9:45, Exactly!

    6. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Me too, also. I knew as soon as I googled her back in august 08 that she was dark, icky, sick.
      So many of us knew from day one !

    7. Anonymous5:34 AM

      I was willign to give her a chance - when I heard of her, I was like oh, OK, perhaps she's liek some of the women I knew when I lived "out west" - tough, thoughtful, environmentally conscious, and "down to earth." But then, once she gave the speech, I saw all the vicious nastiness, the petty mean junior high girl.

      However, having known two women who rose from very humble beginnings (one maid and one a small town farm girl to great philanthropist and the other an ambassador's wife) I know it is possible and I was worried becuase I thought she - even with her nastiness and ignorance might do so too. But those other women shut up, listened and learned - with effort - great effort. Both had some native intelligence and weren't entrenched in willful ignorance and resultant hubris. But most important, they were kind.

      But $carah never disappointed my instinctive reaction to her at the speech. She remained abrasive, ignorant and lazy - 7 years later - every time she opens her mouth it shows .

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    How are these people STILL not getting it? They are Charlie Brown and Sarah Palin is Lucy Van Pelt.

    Meghan in PA

  8. Anonymous3:33 PM

    'Standproudnow' is one of the infamous "c4p” loons. She is a Swedish immigrant, who came to this country to apparently destroy it. Many of the c4p crowd are from other countries and many reside in foreign countries. Why they are soooo supportive of Palin is beyond me, unless, of course, they are being paid to support her? Either that or they are too ignorant of our history, constitution and laws to be voicing their opinions, let alone voting.
    Speaking of c4p, today's verbal banter involves insults like," go clean your toilet, that is your level of ability" or something to that effect!

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM


    2. Anonymous6:08 PM

      The Swedes that I meet on a daily basis in business (my best client companies are Swedish) are nothing like StandProudNow. I'm not so sure that idiot is for real. It's pure ignorance, as you speculate. That, and the racist southerners like Virginia Gentleman and Co. They are all elderly, and just a teeny tiny little club. POor things.

  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    "I swear that without Palin to focus on these people would be wandering the streets careening from scam artist, to scam artist, in a constant need to waste their money on get rich quick schemes, magical elixirs, and phony fortune tellers."
    Actually Gryphen, my sibling would be hanging out at the casino, spending her mortgage money on slots. Thanks to Palin, she has figured out how to get money from other people. I have no idea if it goes into slot machines? Can't want for those PAC filings.

  10. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Well, it takes time stuffing your bra and not washing your hair. She's only human you know..

  11. Anonymous3:45 PM

    "Clean up Obama's mess" ????? These people really have no clue. If Obama has made a mess of things, I'd take that "mess" for the next 20 years and then some.

    1. Anonymous9:47 PM


    2. Amen. They love projection.

      If reagan didn't close the mental hospitals I believe 95% of them would be rooming together.

  12. Anonymous3:51 PM

    If Sarah is too busy to make videos for the Sarah Palin Channel, then why doesn't Sarah hire Marina and her Aftadark homies to make the videos starring Marina The Exotix Russian?

    1. Anonymous5:42 PM

      Sarah and Todd can see that Marina is much more interesting. She must be so jealous. Aftadark homies and Marina The Exotix Russian would increase her traffic. She can at least give them a guest appearance.

  13. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Sarah's fans sure are delusional! Have they all forgotten that she played the same game in 2012. Earth to Sarah Palin fans: She has no intention to run; she just wants your money. And, if you think the likes of Jindal, Cruz or Walker will solve your problems, then you have no idea what the problems out there are. Jindal, Cruz, Walker, the other Klown Kar occupants and Sarah herself are all part of the biggest problem this country faces.

    1. Anonymous5:39 AM

      Yep - Kansas tried Brownbeck and Indiana tried radio hate fest host Mike Pence - how's that workign out for you (hint, Kansas schools are closed early, lack of funds, the promised gorwth becuase of no taxes hasn't occuered, the Indiana economy was in the bottom ten, and the state is paying a couple million to rehabilitate it's image after the RFRA fiasco orchestrated by Pence and his cronies.) The only time IN has been in the news lately is HIV and HepC outbreaks due todrug addiction. No testing becuase Pence closed the clinics and refused needle exchange programs as "enabling." Also because he refused Medicaid expansion.

  14. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Don't worry about watching reruns on the Sarah Palin Channel. Sarah Palin is too busy getting ready to start her presidential campaign.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Right....any idea when? July 4th, like vg predicts? Or is she waiting until October? Maybe 2020 would be better....

    2. Well, Sarah wore her hair up in Michigan. That means she's definitely running.
      She was wearing The Belmonts, so that means the announcement will be July 4th.
      If Sarah's hair was only 1/2 up, then she may or may not run and her decision would be announced sometime in October.
      If she retires The Belmonts, then she's never running for anything ever again.
      Those are the Official Sarah Palin Running Rules according to The Peebots Braintrust at C4P.

    3. Anonymous8:10 PM

      this is like a teenage crush on a "boy" that "looked" at them and off they go planning their dream wedding. it is like a disease or something

    4. Anonymous9:03 PM

      2emptynest, you obviously read at c4p, too! Good times are coming...

  15. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Sarah if you have a sextape with Glenn Rice, Curt Menard Jr or Brad Hanson, why don't you play them?

  16. Anonymous4:08 PM

    The daily chant at c4p is that she is waiting for the dust to settle, the field to thin, Cruz, Trump are setting the stage for her, she is saving her campaign money by waiting until the last minute to announce, has a small staff ready to go and will have MILLIONS of volunteers make a last minute run possible...
    She is also fearless, courageous, is the only one who can save our country, has amazing political timing, never speaks I'll of anyone (seriously!), is a great mother, Christian, leader. Hell, Pete equates her with Jesus at least once a month....
    If you don't read at c4p, you should at least once a week. It teeters between hilarious and frightening. A true cult mentality.

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Same chant they had in 2012, And the hicks keep sending her $$$$$$$.

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      Probably satah herself.

  17. Anonymous4:09 PM

    The Belmonts are in the shop for repairs.

  18. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Last time I heard such unbridled admiration and faith in something so obviously untrue and fake to the rest of us it was Linus waiting for the great pumpkin.

    They think if they are pious and adulating enough (and send enough money) Sarah will rise out of the pumpkin patch and announce her presidency.

    The rest of just watch in disbelief, shaking our heads at a group of people so incredibly naive and stupid.

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      Someone at the pond equated her to a phoenix, rising out of the ashes of the GOP, to rebuild and restore the party and country!

    2. Anonymous4:31 PM

      Has anyone ever noticed that a Palin fanbot named 'suelynne' comments on Palin's Facebook, and on Bristol's, & Willow's enjoygram accounts? Suelynne appears to be a 60-70 year old grandma, c4p poster, earthquake member. I am sure Bristol and Willow love her regular comments to their sites.

    3. Anonymous7:07 PM

      They laugh at her, if they even give her a second thought.

  19. Anonymous4:33 PM

    I hope they are still sending all of their couch change to Sarah which means less for Jindal, Cruz, and Walker.
    I so wish Sarah could be President for just one month and all these fools would be begging for Obama to return. Well I don't really wish that would happen, just kidding.

    1. Anonymous5:33 PM

      That would be so funny. Then they'll just put out a doppleganger. Real funny.

  20. Anita Winecooler4:39 PM

    Well, they're right. In their own parallel universe.

    Poor Saralh's leaking donors faster than a hemophiliac giving blood. Sorry folks, she's left you high and dry, Try giving more money and see how fast she puts out a recycled tape.
    No offense intended to real hemophiliacs, intended.

    These people vote????????

  21. Anonymous4:47 PM

    WOW, talk about clueless. Didn't they get the message from her Mom in chief video? She can't run and this time it is all Trig's fault. See she has to spend time reading to him cuz he can't read on his own. Then she has to feed him cuz he can't eat on his own.

    Sarah the Martyr !! But send me money cuz these candidates need to be vetted.

  22. Pat in MA5:07 PM

    The fed up grandma says 'we need a serious tough public servant who is a mom and grandma like me.' These people have such a ridiculously narrow world view. I do NOT want someone 'like me' as president, I'm not an idiot but I'm far from qualified for the job. I want someone who holds similar beliefs, and has the intelligence, experience, savvy, tact, and leadership skills to advance them. Someone who is not afraid to appoint the most qualified people to support these efforts.

    1. Right on, Pat in MA. I also want someone who can enlarge my vision, not narrow it, and raise our aspirations not lower them.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM


    3. Clinton is a mom and grandma. :-)
      I guess fed-up grandma will be voting for the other side.

    4. They continued to dumb down the US.

      Since the queen dummy palin came out it looks like it was go for all the dumbasses to fall in line.

      Perot seems rational compared to palin and the gop.

  23. Anonymous6:04 PM

    If I do say so myself, I'm a great mom, excellent conversationalist, well-read, well-traveled and run my company with ease. That said, NO WAY do I want a President "Like Me". Good grief these people are so sheltered and fearful of knowledge and growth that it's utterly sickening.

  24. Anonymous6:11 PM

    I don't think she even has enough money to FAKE a run, ala Donald. Does she? I mean, even if she just wants the publicity and says "I'm Running", somebody still has to pay for the airfare, the hotels, the meals, the posters, the venues...she just doesn't have the money to fund it, not even for publicity. Most of her facebook and twitter followers are joke/hate watching.

  25. Anonymous6:41 PM

    lightly OT, but, it dovetails with this discussion.
    The Washington Post had an opinion piece three days ago about Palin pandering to Trump .
    The piece generated 13 responses...13.
    Presently , over at the WaPo there are columns and opinion pieces generating thousand of responses.
    One article about the current DC weather already has 493 responses.
    When Palin can only garner 13 people to respond, it's an indication that it's long past time to turn out the lights.
    Is there a humiliation threshold for this woman ?
    I think not.

    1. Anonymous8:31 PM

      When Sraah, Todd or any of their brood post a Go Fund Me site. It's not a step far beyond SarahPAC.

    2. Anonymous3:15 AM

      Didn;t her brother, Chuckles Jr., have a site, begging for money for an expensive camera? Was the money for a camera, or another young lover he is romancing? Since he has two families to support, did he ever get legitimate work?

  26. Anonymous7:54 PM

    $arah is busy begging Bristol to reconsider and marry Dakota. He was $arah's meal ticket to get her slutty gritting ass into the White House one way or the other.

    $arah just needs Bristol to forgive $arah for banging I'm sure $arah wants another good banging from Dakota, only this time discreetly enough so that Bristol doesn't find out again.

    Anybody else think this scenario is completely plausible?

    1. Anonymous8:26 PM

      Well, that's what I thought. Dakota, in his naivete, confessed to Bristol that he had lust for her mother. Bristol couldn't handle that threesome so she split with Marina.

    2. Anonymous11:51 PM

      Given that there was never any great love affair happening, I think Bristol just wanted to get rid of him and his lifestyle and leave Kentucky where everyone knows everything you do and go back to Alaska where she doesn't have to lift a finger. She's so superficial that she thought she was marrying a war hero but he turned out to be a boring square with emotional issues, a lot of guns, and a love of bourbon. The MOH didn't mean squat to her any more..... and then a golden opportunity to get out popped up suddenly and she grabbed that chance with both hands and rode it back to Alaska.

      The whole thing was simply Bristol being her superficial self. She thinks her fake chin and her eye-opening surgery and her lipo and fake hair and fake eyelashes and fake nails make her hot but what she needs is a personality transplant.

    3. Anonymous3:20 AM

      Why does everyone think the Palins broke off this fiasco? I think Duhkota got fed up with the entire family, woke up to their scam. They wanted him to sign over 65% of his speaking fees to Bristles!!! Maybe his father talked sense into him, just in time.I doubt that 65% of his fees would amount to much, anyway. Maybe one of his friends slept with Bristles after a drunken night out, she does not seem too particular who she beds. Maybe he discovered she was further along in her pregnancy than she claimed, so he knew he could not be the latest daddy? Whatever the reason, he dodged a bullet.

  27. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Shy isn't Sarah presenting new material on her "channel?"

    She's already got all the money she can from this venture.

    Sorry, suckers.

  28. Anonymous9:54 PM

    OK gryphen its now time to switch back to hatin on Tejas again, amirite?

    1. Anonymous3:21 AM

      Gryphen is not "hating" on anyone, that is Palin territory, they hate anyone who does not send $$$, doncha know?

    2. Anonymous8:45 AM


  29. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Hey, bots: she QUIT again!

    Her "channel" wasn't making money and wasn't worth the ten minutes a week she was putting into it, so -- pfff. She doesn't care that you paid her money for her exclusive content. She really, really doesn't care. She doesn't care about you. And she feels no shame that she took your money and isn't giving you what she promised she'd deliver.

    She's quit again. Please, bots, whatever you once thought she was or once thought she stood for, she doesn't anymore. Give up on the past and look toward the future. Sarah is a myth.

  30. Anonymous11:57 PM

    woot woot! Sarah countin the days till.... oh I forgot.

  31. Anonymous12:00 AM

    Sarah's family seems to alll have flown the coop. What's going down?

    1. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Bristles, as usual. Ooops, sorry I thought you asked "Who is going down?"

  32. Not that I needed additional evidence, but it is sincerely frightening that there are people this fucking dumb. And there is nothing funny about it.

  33. Anonymous7:45 AM

    VG has begun his violent postings against Hillary Clinton today on sea o pee. What a disgusting and vile old man. Really pathetic excuse for a human. Sanctimoniously acting like the Christian king of their little pathetic pond, while spewing racist and violent comments.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      And they all gush over his postings, as though he is prophetic. I actually think the world will be a better place once he and several others on that site pass. I know I will be relieved. He often mentions that soon he will see the face of God, which only deepens my questioning of a Christian God. Because, if vg makes the cut, God is not good.

    2. Anonymous5:06 PM

      He'll see the face of God when he finishes his buttered steak, has a breathing treatment, flirts with TBo and expires face first in a bowl of ice cream.
      Or so I would imagine.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.