Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Courtesy of Facebook.

Wow! That's mean.

But also pretty funny.

Bristol is simply NEVER going to be taken seriously by anyone again.


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Too mean. I am not a fan of slut shaming.

    1. A. J. Billings2:58 AM

      I agree. There is no need to stoop to that level,

      The reality is that Bristol grew up in a household with a sociopathic manipulator. Bristol is a victim, and apart from all her mistakes, hypocrisy, and foolish behavior, she doesn't deserve this.

    2. Cathy L.3:04 AM

      Agreed. We don't know his name, but she did not get pregnant by herself. Whoever he is, he should man up & show some support for Bristol.

    3. Anonymous3:04 AM

      I agree. There's no male equivalent and too many of the posts I read here are sexist and misogynistic in the extreme, replete with graphic sexual imagery meant to shame and ridicule Bristol and her mother for engaging in sex, which is the time-"honored" way that too many men, and women mindlessly and obediently echoing them, have used to keep women in subjugation to Puritanism. I don't see why it's not enough to just call Bristol a raging hypocrite. The endless crude, coarse, lewd references to sexual activity say as much about the people who make them as they do about Bristol Palin... that they aren't one bit better, if that's the first place *their* minds go to. Seriously, that graphic looks like it was made by an immature 14 year old who thinks Beavis and Butthead are sophisticated humor. It's an embarrassment.

    4. Anonymous3:22 AM

      Mean but true! It's a joke, that's not the same as slut shamming! No one is shamming Bristol for her sexual behavior, they are simply suggesting in a comical way that Bristol makes it tough for her partner to pull out! There's no sham in that, more power to her!

    5. Anonymous3:25 AM

      I agree

    6. Anonymous3:34 AM

      If it were your neighbor down the street, we wouldn't care. It's just that with Bristol, she's always been better than the rest of us unwashed.....

    7. Anonymous3:38 AM

      John Ellis Bush said women should be slut shamed when they mess up so have at it.

    8. Anonymous4:17 AM

      Well Bristle had enough hate to rant against marriage equality on her facebook the other day and yet in nothing but a lying hypocrite.

    9. I'm not a fan of slut shaming. But I have no problem with hypocrite shaming.

    10. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Right, especially since there doesn't seem to be an equivalent for man-sluts. Men get a total pass.

    11. Anonymous5:13 AM

      I don't see it as slut-shaming. Hypocrite-shaming, yes. And well deserved.

    12. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Bristol is mean. She says mean things about others. She mocks them, calls them names, and tries to shame them. She calls herself a "public figure" on Facebook. She gets an audience because of her mother, and she uses it to spew her hate toward other people. That offsets any victimhood she had as a child. It is her choices that she has made as an adult that make her a target. I have no sympathy for her. If one of the Obama girls got pregnant, Bristol would be allllll over social media slut shaming them!!

    13. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Too kind. Bristol made over a quarter of a million dollars a year telling other girls not to have sex. She sat on a high horse and passed judgement on every female having sex before marriage. Bristol told them they were bad, sinful, and should be like her. She insinuated they were sluts.

      If Bristol had sex just once in the last six years, I would call her a slut. Nay, I would shout it from the rooftops!

    14. Anonymous6:54 AM

      I am not a fan of slut shaming. Very few IM regulars are fans. Bristol laughs when Tripp uses "faggot" as a pejorative. She laughs when Trig curses. Those children were coached to speak that way.

      Bristol is a slut if I have ever seen one.

    15. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I am a not a fan of people who think its okay for women to run around having sex with whoever, whenever. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but so were my mother and grandmother.

      I think "sluts" should be ashamed.

      I don't care about the old "but, but, get to do it!" That's like Palin saying "Ellen did it too!" or "Lena did it too!" So childish.

      Saying "I'm not a fan of slut-shaming" is also quite hypocritical, Calling Bristol a slut, which is a derogatory term by nature, and then chastising others who agree with that characterization that you just used yourself. You're the one who just called her a slut, I didn't.

    16. Anonymous7:12 AM

      Miley Cyrus, who my granddaughters used to adore as Hannah Montana, acts like a slut. I suppose I'm an asshole when I agree with my granddaughters that Miley has changed for the worse and is not a role model. I'm wrong to think Miley twerking with her tits out is something she should be ashamed of. Hey girls, drop your pants and fuck whoever, whenever, with pride! Have as many fatherless children as you want and tell the world, "I don't give a fuck!" Be a slut and be proud of it! Yeah, that's the ticket.

    17. Anonymous7:20 AM

      I am a fan of slut shaming. I think sluts suck and should be ashamed. Female and male. But, I guess if men ate shit, women would want to eat shit too. "Hey, men get to do it!"

    18. Anonymous7:25 AM

      I am trying to raise a daughter, who is being bombarded daily with slutty pop stars, TV stars, clothes, social media. Little girls, younger and younger, are being encouraged to dress and act sexy. I guess I should just tell her, "Okay, you can have that slutty nurse costume for Halloween and wear it out trick or treating. You can be a slut in training. Don't bother covering up...modesty is stupid. Sluts rule!"

    19. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Awwww. Bristol is the VICTIM here, again! Most people would go private when they did something they knew damn well that they would be crucified for. Enough already!!

    20. Victoria7:44 AM

      I'm not a fan of slut-shaming, either. But when the slut has made a cottage industry of shaming others, then what goes around comes around. I have no pity for this vile woman whatsoever.

    21. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I agree with the "cottage industry of shaming others." And as Christians must know, Jesus famously said: "Judge not, lest ye be judged; for with whatever measure thou measure, it shall be meted out unto thee."

      Mirror, meet Bristol.

    22. With few exceptions, the comments from this blog post are as misogynistic & ridiculous as the filth that is spewed from current/past GOP Presidential candidates. Thank goodness for the wisdom and insight of AJ Billings, Beaglemom and others. It's unfortunate that Gryphen sees no problem with his own hypocrisy.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Bristles looks miserable. I guess "living vibrantly" is not all that great, after all. Unless her mother just told her she has to get a job, since the $$$$ dried up. Poor Bristles, and she thought she was so "special" too. $carah brags about her "work ethic" let us see how THAT works for her now. Can not wait for the REAL baby daddy to be named, unless it was a total stranger who already jumped ship.

    1. Anonymous2:41 AM

      It's one shot in many. She, her cousin and Britta had fun that day. Bristol has never acted above anyone.

    2. Anonymous4:19 AM

      I don't know that we will ever know the real baby daddy. The Palin tribe are nothing but liars.

    3. Anonymous4:34 AM

      Perhaps she just doesn't know.

    4. Anonymous5:22 AM

      Leave it to Alicia from Florida to know what Bristol did that day and with whom.

    5. Leland5:55 AM

      @ 2:41

      Bristol has ALWAYS acted above everyone! She has been taught to act superior. Either that or she acquired the habit on her own, which is even worse.

    6. Crystal Sage6:34 AM

      Isn't that picture pre-chin job? She sure looks different now. I keep wondering when Bristol will simply shut up and go into "privacy mode." She asks for privacy, yet she continues to blather on, complete with in-your-face pictures. Enough already.

    7. Anonymous7:45 AM

      @2:41 AM Up all night Palin obsessed troll are you blind to the lies told by the Palins about pregnancies?
      Bristol has been pregnant in 2007, 2008, 2010,2013, and now. What is it that you can't understand about their hidden pregnancies?

    8. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Those preaching falsehoods come up short in the end!

  3. Anonymous2:29 AM

    I'm starting to feel sorry for her. Even if she doesn't deserve much sympathy. But I'd sure hate to be her... to have *ever* been her.

    1. Anonymous3:20 AM

      I don't feel sorry for her. All she has to do is shut down her social media and live vibrantly in private.
      She should also apologize for being a hypocrite. Taking money as an abstinence
      spokesperson while not practicing it herself
      shows what a liar she is. It was all about
      money for her.

    2. Anonymous3:46 AM

      I don't know why, she's been treating people like shit for years and getting away with it by pretending to be the innocent victim. She's been preaching abstinence for years while practicing sexual relations with practically every guy she goes out with. Karma has finally caught up with her and she's getting what she so richly deserves. It's her own fault, she could have easily went back to Alaska and lived a normal life as a private citizen. Instead she did the opposite. She doesn't deserve sympathy just because she's getting dumped on. Up until now she's gotten a free pass and now her lies are coming back to haunt her.

    3. Anonymous4:03 AM

      I cannot bring myself to feel one ounce of sympathy for her. She's had the means and opportunity to better herself, and by that I mean mentally and education-wise, not materially with houses, cars, and accessories, and a fake blog quoting scripture that she doesn't follow but only quotes when she gets into trouble. It just doesn't wash.

    4. Anonymous4:37 AM

      Anon 2:29 is that you Louis Sarah?

    5. Anonymous7:35 AM

      No, 4:37. And aren't YOU original. Not.

    6. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Bristol said she doesn't want sympathy. I'm fine with that.

    7. Anonymous8:10 AM

      >>>Bristol said she doesn't want sympathy. I'm fine with that.<<<


      BUT as soon as Bristol decides she wants off her so-called mother's crazy train then she can just fire Nancy, stop blogging hate and dipshittery.and put up a post on her blog saying I'm sorry and this blog is done. Not to mention she could stay out of the media by not playing stupid media games.

      As long as Bristol keeps pimping hate and her own and her mother's dipshit political and grifting schemes the world will not be kind to her.

      It wasn't Bristol's fault or problem to fix back in 2008. By now she shares some of the responsibility as an adult participant and has the ability to "Make.It.Stop."

    8. Anonymous8:24 AM

      If you expect me to feel sorry for you don't because I won't!

  4. Anonymous2:38 AM

    Say what you will, this is someone whose 2 pregnancies are 6 years apart and neither were from recklessness. Shortsighted, maybe. But she isn't reckless.

    I can recommend a good therapist in most of IM commenters towns so you all can stop seeking joy in writing lies here on blogs. Bristol is not troubled. Her family is happy about a baby, as are her friends. She knows the reasons there are critics and she knows her truth. While Im sure it does hurt to have random people falsely label you slutty when that is an outdated and sexist term, she knows she isn't a slut.

    Pretty much all internet commenters who get off on hate and lies are bullies by nature and need help. What's sad is not all victims of this are like Bristol who can laugh it off as being a bunch of obsessed weirdos with no lives. You've all seen lifelong, REAL celebs do drastic things to paparazzi. You've seen Britney shave her head, Lindsay go down the rabbit hole and taking awhile to recover.

    Bristol's always been stable, has friends and family, and remedies situations well. It took guts to end a relationship that the media made public, even though they never directly sought media attention. (posting to personal IGs isn't seeking media. THEY picked it up by choice)

    Nothing anyone can say will stop hate trolls from slandering people on blogs. The change has to come from within the trolls here. They need something to replace the joy of lying on the internet. Follow Bristol's lead. Do your own thing. Stop pretending you know people youll never meet.

    The lies from May about them and their relationship were kind of the final straw in liberal sanity. People actually were writing it was set up by Sarah, which is STUPID.

    Dakota's family members still "like" Bristol's posts and the families are friends. There's the only truth you need, since you feel you need something.

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Follow Bristol's lead???
      You have GOT to be kidding me.

    2. Anonymous5:25 AM

      Reckless is not using proper birth control to prevent pregnancy. Bristle has fucked around since she was 14 and accepted money to be an abstinence speaker and now she has been so reckless that she doesn't even know who the baby daddy is.

    3. Anonymous5:25 AM

      You can't even recommend a good therapist in your own shuttle town in Florida, Alicia. You've obviously never seen a good therapist or you wouldn't be obsessively stalking the Palins and posting about Bristol.

    4. Anonymous5:27 AM

      Bristle's lead? Being a hypocrite, no thanks.
      Bristle spent yesterday spewing hate against marriage equality and using religion as her basis, but yet the hypocrite is knocked up again out of wedlock. The Sno Ho is getting everything she deserves. The "christian" blogger is knocked up.LMAO!!! SNL writers couldn't make this shit up.

    5. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Follow her lead? Use the F word in every sentence, like THAT lead? She has lied, and got caught, face it. If the comments here upset you so much, QUIT coming here, unless you are a Palin? Trll all that crock of poop to the PayMe's who insult our President at every opportunity. $carah has made a good living, scamming people out of their money. Now, it is time to "pay the piper" The gravy train is pulling into the station. Get off this board if all you want to do is defend the PayMe hypocrites. We all know better. Second pregnancy? Yeah, right. Second one not hidden.

    6. Anonymous5:33 AM

      Wow! What stupid drivel.

    7. Balzafiar5:41 AM

      "...she knows she isn't a slut."

      OK, so clue us in: what would you prefer we call someone who gave blow jobs so willingly while in school?

    8. Anonymous5:47 AM

      *Shitty town

    9. Anonymous5:51 AM

      You know who I feel sorry for? All the girls who followed Bristol's abstinence advice and it didn't work!

      How about an apology from Bristol for all the misguided, stupid advice she gave those girls? How many are there? We will never know.

      Bristol said, I don't want your sympathy. Good, you hypocritical moron, because you're not getting it.

      Bristol owes a huge group of teens an apology. Get some self awareness, you twat. Bristol should hide in shame for what she preached, which it turns out she didn't even follow her own pathetic advice.

      I think people are going too easy on her.

    10. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Ya know, if Bristol is so tough and strong and such a wonderful person, who knows she's SO wonderful and perfect that she should never be judged by the tough moral standards she and her mother use to judge and disparage everyone else in the fucking world, then why the fuck do you come here day after day writing paragraph after paragraph of whiny, complaining, insulting gibberish to people who know you're full of shit? Your constant crying and bitching on this blog about how mean we are to the Palins undermines all the other posts you crap out about how amazing and perfect they all are and how they're just so strong and happy and loving and yadda, yadda...Is this family who you will never meet (just like most of us never will and wouldn't want to), really worth so much time and effort on your part? You're here 24/7, it seems. Where do you find the time to stalk the Palins AND this blog as well as Malia's? You should put all that energy and determination into improving your social life and then you might not be such a boring, sad little loser.

    11. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Wow! Bristol didn't have a fatherless child for 6 whole years!! What strength! What character! She could have popped out 6 more babies during that time...but she didn't! She only has two babies without a husband, not eight! Yay Bristol!

    12. Anonymous7:37 AM

      2 PREGNANCIES 6 YEARS APART? Nov. 14, 2007
      Palin family photo-pregnant(Tri-g)/2008 RNC Convention pregnant?/2010 DWTS-pregnant/January, 2015-pregnant/ 2010DWTS photos:

    13. Anonymous7:41 AM

      You don't know crap anonymous 2:38. Just because you're the in Bristol's fan club doesn't mean you know anything. You got nothing except your own fairy tale version of what you think. Too cowardly to put your own name to that and how you know all the intimate details of Bristol's every day life and what she's thinking. Go away little pest.

    14. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Wow, that pathetic Palin-family-approved bunch of nonsense at 2:38 needs to be taken apart with the truth, paragraph by paragraph. Here's the truth:

      Even if you buy her second version of her story (that the bastard baby was "planned") making a decision that will last a lifetime based on a hope, or even plan, that another thing is going to happen in the future is reckless. Especially so when that future thing is a unwisely rushed decision, and involves the will of a different person to make it happen. Totally reckless decision in that confirmed by the way it ended -- as she said, "disappointment" for the entire family.

      Now, you say her family is "happy"? Her mom does everything publicly, from anniversary congrats to birthday wishes. But not a word on this new bundle of joy? No, all family is NOT happy.

      You say "random" people are shaming Bristol? The person Bristol chose to link her life to -- for money and fame -- used the exact word (slut) to refer to Bristol (Joan Rivers). Not really random, and Rivers is only one of many well known and reasonable commentators calling her out on her hypocrisy.

      Bristol's always been "stable"? C'mon, she didn't finish in her high school class. She was an unwed mom at 17. In only the last year she had a drunken, brawling, pee-soaked, profane meltdown at a party she wasn't invited to. And the fight was over a juvenile old boyfriend issue. She has moved her child around the country on her whims, changing locations with repeated failed plans. She sends abusive and hateful messages about her child's father. She hangs around with an internet porn model in defiance of her mother's wishes. This is your definition of "stable" and "liked by all her friends"?

      And you say "the media" made her latest failed relationship public?? What part of announcing an engagement at a concert in front of 30,000 people is not public? What part of posting daily messages on your public, and media-driven, political commentary blog is not public? Please. Bristol made that relationship public, as did her mom, from the get go.

      And Dakota and fam still "like" her? If that was the case, maybe Todd would have showed to the big party, huh? Maybe Dakota would, at least once, comment positively on his public media site. Maybe Bristol would say something positive about Dakota and his family. But none of those things have maybe the idea that the Meyer's "like" Bristol is just BS.

      The lies, you can see now, are coming from Bristol-supporters. Bristol COULD stop and reduced the attacks she earned and asked for with her choices by just apologizing and stopping her own ridiculous denials. If she just said I am sorry I made a mistake and was not faithful to my public persona and prior preaching messages. I will go have my child and be quiet in the future, and take my commentary blog down.

      THAT would quiet 90 percent of the attention. Oh, yes, that AND people like you, 2:38, making this idiotic defense comments.

    15. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I used to write fake troll comments here. I would have been proud to claim that one at 2:38.

      My head hurts thinking about how much my head used to hurt when I wrote one of those boneless brown trouts. That's why I quit doing it.

    16. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Friends? Oh we saw 20 people at her shower, not.
      Public? I recall she had been posting stuff for public consumption. Then the media took it later. You are full of it, bs.

    17. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Isn't there a deal if you have a kid every six years you don't have to work? Welfare I think! What a goal in life! Hey you get free government therapy with that cheese! Name the babe food stamp!

    18. Anonymous9:12 AM

      @2:38 AM you got your ass handed to you by several commenters, and rightfully so. Let me reiterate one thing that's very important... you should be seeking the recommendation of a good psychiatrist for yourself. It's painfully obvious to everyone here that you are the only person in need of a therapist. You are bat chit cray cray! And that's no joke! Although I'm sure it was not your intent, your comment as always, has provided much amusement!! LMAO!!

  5. Anonymous2:39 AM

    I nearly showered my keyboard with coffee with that picture! What a way to start the day.

    After years of following the slow motion train wreck of Barstool, has the train finally crashed and burned? This latest insanity is almost too much to comprehend.

    Remember, Barstool is a struggling single mom who just wants more and more kids.....

  6. Anonymous2:40 AM

    On her Candies panels, Bristol and the others discussed birth control (and totally subtly revealed she didn't use it in high school which everyone knows) No, she didn't need it since she and Levi wanted to get married (he admitted his family problems around that time and his dad left. She was watching allllll her friends from WHS get pregnant)

    None of this matters. The only reason you find it soap operaish is because you're concocting lies to answer things. Nothings too dramatic.

    1. Anonymous5:27 AM

      She didn't need birth control at 15 because she was going to marry Levi? What were you saying up thread about Bristol not bring reckless?

    2. Anonymous5:28 AM

      Agreed, Bristol has been a little Ho since HS.

    3. Sallyin MI5:41 AM don't find this family unusual? Seriously, a mother who spends weeks away from home to make a buck and buy new clothes, a father who's off the radar for weeks, an older son who was sent off to the military for bad behavior at home, and who we know is a drug addict. An elder daughter with at eldest two out of wedlock kids (were she back, I can just imagine what Fox and Rush would have to say about her,) a middle daughter who probably acts just as irresponsibly; but is smart enough not to post every detail online; a young daughter who pushed a photographer, has a mouth, and gets her face pushed into cakes; and a child who cannot eat solid food or speak at 6 years old. Then throw in the various rotating 'pets,' and yeah, a soap opera is exactly what that family is. In spades.

    4. Anonymous7:31 AM

      2:40 Are these photos concocted lies? 2010 DWTS:

    5. Anonymous7:44 AM

      ALLLLLLL Bristol's high school friends were getting pregnant? That's even worse.

      You really don't pay attention do you? In her book she claimed she was on the pill!

    6. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Yeah she also got people fired at the Hs if she didn't like them! Goes around comes around baby girl! Back atcha!

  7. Anonymous2:43 AM

    She just needs more help digging through that pile of horseshit looking for the pony that's just got to be there.

    Maybe her mother can convince John McCain to send in more troops to help. A surge, if you will.

  8. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Why is she so obsessed with Lena Dunham? I read her lies from yesterday about this being a planned pregnancy and she once again has to mention her. I could not see what Kena had to do with the issue at hand .
    I normally would feel some sympathy for someone so obviously stupid, but in this case, she has brought every single "slut shaming" remark on herself by totally being a slut.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      They apparently think Lena is some kind of liberal icon because she was in a pro-Democratic ad once during the 2012 election. Most people don't know who she is or give a shit, I'd wager. The Palins are of course too stupid to figure out that it isn't the big "burn" on the left they think it is.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      Just remember it's not Bristol who is obsessed with Lena, it's Nancy French.

  9. Anonymous2:44 AM

    She'll never be taken seriously again and neither will the bovine that raised her.

    Bristol and Sarah, Track, Willow, Toad, they've all shown America who they really are: trash.

    They're over. If it weren't for a couple of blogs the Palins wouldn't even be on the internet. Look at how long it took for the lamestream media to pick up on Dakota Meyer excising his marriage from his autobiography. They weren't even interested in Bristol Palin finally snagging a husband of her own.

    I'm going to enjoy watching that useless bunch of layabouts going slowly broke from laziness and ineptitude.

    1. Anonymous7:00 AM

      It's news to me that anyone EVER took this little asshole seriously!

  10. Nothing is doing her greater harm than Mama Grizzly's public, absolute silence, day after day. I don't imagine them on the cover of People again 'choosing' life.

  11. Anonymous2:47 AM


    Thank you Track for being the best father and brother. Your girlfriend's fathers day tribute was adorable

    Thank you Bristol for staying strong and laughing at obsessive freaks who will never stop talking and making of shit about you, even if you were to never venture on your phone IG again

    Thank you Sarah and Todd for raising strong and hardworking kids who value their REAL lives.

    1. Anonymous5:28 AM

      You are a clown, Alicia, a sad, kewpie doll clown.

    2. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Bristol Palin, christian blogger and abstinence speaker, announces her second bastard baby is on the way.

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Thank you, Anon, for giving us a good laugh, especially the last part.

    4. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Hard working? Strong? Value? Do you have any conception of the meaning of those words?
      Thought not.

    5. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Oh, puleeze!! Who celebrates another unmarried pregnancy? There are no reality shows in their future, the producers in Hollywood are not answering their calls. They were stuck with the flops the last time they tried to make $$$$ from them. The PayMe clan needs to GET REAL JOBS. Maybe if Bristles knew how difficult being a single mother really is, she would stop bar hopping, picking up strangers, and go home and raise her bratty kids. Fantasy land is where this crew lives. Nothing REAL about it. I have never known a single mother who does not work, owns Louboutin shoes and LV purses. $300 suglasses? Give me a break. You may be paid by the PayMe;s but not for long. The money is drying up faster than the piss stains Bristles left on that driveway.

    6. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Track who chose a gun over his daughter is a good Dad?

    7. Anonymous6:31 AM

      Thank you Sarah, Todd, Track, Bristol and Willow for giving us the spectacle of the Showdown at the HoDown and the spectacle of all of your drunken/drugged blubbering and blabbing on the police audio tapes. You all made total asses out of yourselves and didn't have the good sense to know it.

      Thank you Sarah for making screeches when you were obviously drunk and drugged up. Those are always hilarious to watch.

      Thank you Sarah for grifting from the poor fools who send SarahPAC money, all of which goes to buying hooker shoes, dresses and clothing and 'postage'. Thank you for endorsing candidates who are like you, it makes it easier to weed the idiots out when I go to vote.

      Thank you Sarah, Todd and Palin kids when you appear with pedophile, draft dodger Ted Nugent.
      And thank you Sarah when you angrily defend child molester Josh Duggar. (I figure you did that because you've got four kids to try to marry off and there's a lot of Duggar kids left).

      Thank you also too Sarah and Palin family for advertising your 'christian family values' while we all know about Sarah's affairs, Todd's pimping, Track's drug use, Bristol's and Willow's foul mouth calling kids faggots and throwing 'fu_k' around just because somebody didn't like your stupid mother. Oops, almost forgot Willow's 'christian value' of trashing an empty house and Track's vandalizing 56 school buses because "he didn't want to go to school the next day". Your 'christian family values' have made millions of people stop and think about 'christian family values'...atheists couldn't have done as good a job of exposing the hypocrisy.

    8. Anonymous6:50 AM

      Thank you, 6:31 AM!

    9. Anonymous6:53 AM

      Thank you, 6:31 AM!

    10. Anonymous7:13 AM

      Praise Song:
      Thank you Alicia for being the sad pathetic comedian we sooo enjoy mocking. Thank you for your shameless stupidity, for your inept writing style and your fortitude to take the constant kicks in your demented ass we administer to you whenever you come to call. Thank you for doing your utmost to help underline the Palin’s BS, with grace, cluelessness and ‘psycho – candor’. And last, thank you Sarah and Todd for raising lazy, drug addled, stupid, willfully ignorant children who have no idea what real life is. Alicia, nobody does it better. Take a bow bitch!

    11. Anonymous7:18 AM

      LOL! You think if Bristol really got out of the public eye and set all her social accounts to private, and went to living a normal life, we'd sit here day after day talking about her and making shit up? As if she's somehow important or interesting besides people simply being amazed at what a snotty, stupid, entitled, egotistical hypocrite she is? And "Thank you, Bristol?" For WHAT? What has she ever done for you or anyone else besides her own self? What's she done, that you find her so inspiring? Sometimes you're so hilarious it's almost worth trying to decipher your bizarre little fantasies, troll. But mostly you just suck.

    12. Anonymous7:27 AM

      @2:47 AM morebabies/Alicia/Troll Back at you:

    13. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Vehicular tampering comes to mind 718

  12. Anonymous3:03 AM

    The tidal wave of shit flowing at her has been well earned.

  13. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Clothed in dignity, indeed.

  14. karma is a bitch, Bristol

  15. Anonymous3:10 AM

    haha check out Barstool's wiki page:

    Did you know that Dakota Meyer was her partner from 2014 to 2015? I bet he doesn't know either. He is certain now to get the blame for the fatherless child.... and when the baby turns out not to be his then chinny-chin-chin will be assumed to have been cheating on him.

    My asshole is giddy at the thought of the far worse mess that Barstool will be in if the lamestream media finds a fuck to give.

    What producer of cheap reality tat will be the slightest bit interested in a TV show for wingnut consumption starring the whore of Wasilla?

  16. Anonymous3:13 AM

    It'll be good for Bristol's so-called friends to see her real eyebrows before the surgery to pull them up. Fuck those eyebrows You gave me, God.

  17. Anonymous3:16 AM

    @ 2:15 a.m.. There is no slut shamign, It is was and always has been abotu her (the abstinence preaching , revriginatied, but preggers AGAIN while unwed)mother of two (or more) and her mother's hypocrisy.

    She could and her siblings Track or Willow, likely have had multiple, multiple sex partners as is normal when one is young. Willow (at least) has used birth control responsibly, and both of them have not taken on public profile speaking gigs and then gone and done the opposite. See the difference?

  18. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Much easier to "get into" also, too!!

  19. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Where on Facebook did that photo and caption appear? Isn't all of Facebook personal or is there a generic Facebook that allows one to post awful stuff anonymously?

    I dislike and distrust the Palin family but I think that both the photo and caption are unnecessarily mean. Imagine if Tripp were to see it and ask what it meant.

    1. Anonymous5:34 AM

      I agree, Beaglemom, but won't he be even more appalled when he reads what SHE herself writes online, and the ugly faces she makes, and the swear words she throws around? Not to mention her little almost naked pictures of HIM that she tosses out there. The poor child hasn't a chance unless he spends most of his time with his Dad.

    2. Leland6:09 AM

      I'm sorry, Beaglemom. Most of the time I have to agree with what you post, but not this time. If she wanted her postings to BE personal, all she has to do is change her settings to PRIVATE for only those listed as friends. Instead, she plasters everything she wants to say right up front for all to see.

    3. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Imagine if Tripp sees all his Moms hate filled blogs and wonders what they mean?

    4. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Tripp has seen and heard much worse.

    5. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Thank you.

    6. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Beaglemom, I understand your empathy for bristol's kids seeing this blog among many. Bristol is now 24. The choices she has made has led her here. I watched her candies presentation and found several lies....from what she presented years before. She has learned to do this from her mom. I listened to her lie to make sure the college son of the democrat who easily hacked her mother's account went to prison. They have had no problem in making fun of others and lying about them. What about the jewish congressman in alaska that sarah made references that she didn't want him around her daughters, because he might be a pervert. He was jewish and she also made fun of his nose. What will his kids and grandkids think about him and wonder if it were true. These palins have left many people hurting in their paths. I have some empathy for bristol and the siblings but they unfortunately have earned it and we have to stop shielding them from public opinion.
      There is an old saying: Until the pain of remaining the same is greater than the pain of change, one will not change.
      as long as they don't feel the pain of their choices, and the behaviors, nothing will change. It hurts and hopefully there will come a time that pain will cause reflection and change....probably not until her mother is dead because her mother and father have learned they can bear out the consequences of their behavior. It won't have its impact until the money is gone and there is no chance in hell they can get those opportunities again. It is life, and the more you abuse people, the crueler you feel its consequences and when it hurts enough and takes away what you have due to your behaviors, wisdom is in the hallway offering a way out.

    7. Anonymous8:35 AM

      People people this is Sarah at work! Anything to keep the money rolling!

  20. Anonymous4:13 AM

    She deserves all of the slut-shaming that comes her way. She might want to think about shutting down that blog of hers.

  21. Anonymous4:18 AM

    The little bitch isn't getting half of what she deseves for all the nastiness she has put on her blog and facebook acct.

    1. Anonymous6:54 AM

      And is still putting on there.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Oh and the history of HER crimes! Gee let's see.....

  22. Anonymous4:19 AM


    Simple fix Bristol. If its harder to pull out then use condoms. Don't use birth control pills or the pull out method. That's what got you in trouble.

    DWTS Jr

  23. Anonymous4:20 AM

    I wish she didn't butcher her face. She used to be pretty.
    But hey, you can't fix stupid.

  24. Anonymous4:20 AM

    Can't pull out? There's spit or swallow.

  25. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Is that a herpes sore on her lip, or an almost completely dissolved Altoid???

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Most likely herpes, that's what happens when you have unprotected sex with multiple partners.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM


  26. ManxMamma4:30 AM

    It is mean Gryphen. It's not like you to publish something like that.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      It "is" mean, and Gryph said so first off. Have we become so politically correct that we just turns our heads and say nothing over the blatant hypocrisy and stupidity of this tribe? That's what they'd like, but as a voting citizen of this country, I will not shut up as long as they remain in the political realm. They have caused much damage to this country.

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      It's taking the low road, just like we criticize Bristol for doing.

    3. Anonymous8:09 AM

      How many women do YOU know who conduct themselves like Bristles? I would be ashamed if anyone in my family acted like she does, plus the language is so raw. Disgrace to herself and her kids, ALL of them even the ones somebody else is raising. I hope the day comes, in the not too distant future, when she HAS to get a job and find out what NORMAL single mothers have to deal with. So, she had lousy parents. So did many of us. Just because your childhood was less than perfect, that does not mean you bring kids into a world that is as bad or worse than you had. She mocks HoneyBooBoo mother, but at the rate she is going one kid after another she will look pretty much like her at 35. When there is no extra $$$ for upkeep on the surgeries, it will be a rude awakening for Bristles. That chin implant will droop, making her chin look like Mitch McConnells!!!

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM


  27. Anonymous4:32 AM

    B: Daddy the boys won't pull out in time and I keep getting pregnant.

    PD: That's simple dear. Why don't you use my sure way of not reproducing. Next time take several condoms and mom's facecloth with you. When the guys are finished, take the used condoms from them, wrap them in your mom's facecloth. Then put the specimens into the freezer just in case you want to thaw them out at a later date to make your bigger family

    1. Anonymous5:24 AM

      Does PD stand for Pimp Daddy?

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Baby rackets getting sunshine at last! Sounds like some court ordered DNA tests are in order! Make it a teachable moment and have the colleges collect samples and test them! All of em!

  28. I can't imagine as a parent how I would feel to be scrolling through Facebook and see memes, posts, and stories mocking my child.

    Then again, there's a reason you won't see that shit about my child....She was raised properly.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Sarah doesn't give a shit.

    2. Anonymous8:10 AM

      They wanted to be famous, and now they are!! Careful what you wish for.

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Yup yup!

  29. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Is that picture from Bristol's Palin Family Brawl mugshot?

    1. Anonymous5:32 AM

      No, that pic is pre chin implant and nose job.

  30. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Sometimes you feel like a slut. Sometimes you don't.

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      Ha ha good one. That comment put a smile on my face.

    2. Anonymous5:45 AM

      Is that what the guys at the Mugshot say?

    3. Anonymous7:42 AM

      I guess you would know, then?

    4. Anonymous8:41 AM


  31. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Poor thing.
    If you look at her moth, she is her mama's daughter. Wouldn't wish that on anyone!

  32. PalinsHoax4:44 AM

    Caption should be:

    I'd rather be in Iraq than be with her (or with any of the Palins.)

  33. Our Lad4:54 AM

    The sad element of this tragicomedy is that if this dull witted ordinary woman had been born in different circumstances, had she not been thrust into the vortex of a high profile political disaster starring her equally stupid mother, she likely would have lived out her days either happily married or anonymously bouncing from bed to bed while not under the scuntiny of a vast public. Yes, she's brought it on herself by allowing herself to be used as a pawn and a beard but when her mother started brewing this cauldron of shit she was a kid. Vastly entertaining however, as ghastly as it may be. Gotta have some laughs in this life and these are big ones, cruel though they may be.

  34. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Jeb Bush said, "One of the reasons more young women are giving birth out of wedlock and more young men are walking away from their paternal obligations is that there is no longer a stigma attached to this behavior, no reason to feel shame. Many of these young women and young men look around and see their friends engaged in the same irresponsible conduct. Their parents and neighbors have become ineffective at attaching some sense of ridicule to this behavior. There was a time when neighbors and communities would frown on out of wedlock births and when public condemnation was enough of a stimulus for one to be careful."

    So if that is the conservative thinking I'll have to go with it in this particular case...

    1. Anonymous6:18 AM

      Sad, but true. Many of us did not want to embarrass or disgrace our families or ourselves.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I think it should be somewhere in between. Women should not have red letters attached to them, but now we are at the other extreme where criticizing Bristol is "slut shaming", which apparently makes us misogynistic assholes.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      The Palin bar is set VERY low. Their family members have to REALLY be bad, to disgrace that family.

    4. Anonymous8:42 AM

      They would know "how low can you go"!

  35. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Picture Caption :

    What do you mean you don't want to marry me.

  36. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Bristol its not harder to pull out, its your hoohah that's the problem. Your hoohah won't let go.

  37. Anonymous5:34 AM

    A perfect satire for mean girl bristol. Made my day.
    Loved it ! Lawdy yes.

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Good medicine for a stubborn mind!

  38. I can just hear Mama Grizzly now, spinning dross into gold... "Say what you will about me, but I raised a Medal of Honor Recipient's cum dump. You can't take that away from me."

    1. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Nasty comment.

    2. Anonymous7:17 AM

      6:16 AM Nasty but True!

  39. You know, now I'm thinking that the more Sarah stays silent, the more gathering validity that Bristol really doesn't know who the father is. If that's the case, then really, what could Sarah say? If she speaks up, her followers, the remaining ones she has, would wonder why she's not fiercely going after the dad-to-be, but she dare not go after an incorrect one, right?

    If Dakota and Joey maned up with public 'I'll-stand-by-you's' two possibilities would be bad enough, but then if neither proved the father, Bristol would look many times worse. Her own conflicting stances of 'disappointment' then 'proud and planned' just days later don't help things either.

    What an ungodly mess.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM

      Who says the MIA baby daddy is Dakota or Joey? More than likely the MIA baby daddy is someone who has a name than Bristle never bothered to ask.

    2. Balzafiar6:46 AM

      "...someone who has a name than Bristle never bothered to ask."

      Or a name she doesn't dare reveal.

    3. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Or its a freezer bag baby! Condom A? We will get that baby DNA tested!

    4. Anonymous9:01 AM

      G, it was funny. I think Levi has PTSD from dealing with the Palins. Hope he got combat pay for what he umm volunteered for when put on stage as Bristol's tundra hunk baby daddy. Levi's own little trip to Iraq. A long tour of duty.

  40. I'm really sorry you posted this, Gryph. This is beyond calling attention to her boundless hypocrisy -- this is straight out misogynistic slut-shaming.

    1. I stumbled across this same image three times on Reddit, after somebody sent it to me on Facebook, and before it turned up in my e-mail folder twice.

      This is already all over the internet.

      The point of posting it here was to demonstrate how Bristol's image has been damaged by her association with a blog that attacks the likes of Lena Dunham and Miley Cyrus, her hypocritical turn as an abstinence spokesperson, and her own life choices.

      To call this slut shaming is to ignore everything you know about Bristol Palin. It is hypocrite shaming, and that is one of the main purposes of IM.

    2. Anonymous6:16 AM

      Well said, Gryphen. I cringed when I saw this, but there is a biblical verse, "as ye sow, so ye shall reap".

    3. Anonymous7:15 AM

      @5:42 AM Are these photos from 2010 DWTS slut shaming? Is Bristol living a lie? Abstinence?

    4. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Yes, sluts should never be ashamed of being sluts! My daugher is a slut and I'm proud of it!

    5. Anonymous7:36 AM

      I told my co-worker the other day that my daughter is a slut. She told me I probably shouldn't go around telling everyone that, but I wasn't ashamed at all! Why should I be, right?

    6. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Don't worry Gryphen, all these pear-clutching women tsk, tsk-ing about "slut-shaming" are full of shit. Must be sluts themselves. Why else would it bother them that a few people still think women should value their bodies and not just spread themselves around carelessly? Especially when they're single and not on birth control. Sarah should be proud dammit, proud!

    7. Anonymous7:48 AM

      I saw a video of Bristol dry humping on stage at DWTS. Her parents were sitting there not only watching but smiling and clapping. Everybody in the world can blast me for slut shaming Bristol but that disgraceful performance alone was enough for me to call her a slut. How many young teens do you figure were watching DWTS that night? I'm not going to tiptoe around looking for a politically correct term: Bristol Palin danced like a slut, she talks like a slut and she acts like a slut. If it walks like a duck.......

    8. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Thanks, Pat. I'm glad there is more than one of us who sees it that way. You can express a low opinion of a hypocrite without using a creepy image like this. And Gryphen, it is what is known as slut shaming and you know it.

    9. Anonymous7:55 AM

      Amen, Gryphen borrow a phrase.

      Thank you for the work you do here.

    10. Anonymous8:18 AM

      Exactly. Didn't she try to shame Miley Cyrus? I am not a fan of Miley, but she has worked since she was a kid. Miley has a CAREER.

    11. Anonymous8:27 AM

      fake bristol palin page, Greg Scott, Sweet tears of Teabilly butthurt's, comments are too funny, how long will it be before being taken down?

    12. Anonymous8:58 AM

      Seems like a Big Brother moment to me! Look at what they are saying about you! At least she might glean some family tar feathering here then out there! Yes! We are all ANNOYED with that whole Klan! Public punishment use to be the rave to keep society in line? At least their not burning her at the stake!

  41. Slut-shaming? The skank Ho is a slut!
    I'm glad you posted it. After all that family has done to foster bigotry hatred racism homophobia on this country. It's fair game.
    Paybacks are a MOFO

  42. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I'm uncomfortable with slut shaming. BUT I'm also too uncomfortable with things Bristol does such as advertising her behaviour where her child/children and their friends can someday read about it. And the things she put on the internet and in gossip mags about Levi for years, all of which Tripp can someday read about. From the RNC in 2008 on, Bristol was a public figure and courted media attention wherever she went. She could have been more discreet about her many live-in boyfriends and travels with a succession of boyfriends apparently with Tripp in tow. Constant public appearances while screaming about the mean old media invading her privacy.

    I feel sorry for her only because her mother is Sarah Palin who herself is vicious, has no judgment, no class, no sense of appropriate clothing or appropriate language. Sarah and Todd Palin are terrible role models so all the kids didn't have much of a chance. BUT Bristol is an adult now, she can make choices on her own, she doesn't have to continue to be trashy.

    She's announced the pregnancy, she needs to name the father of the baby IF she knows who it is. Is it Dakota? Is it Joey Junker? Now there's a third man, Terrell Hardy(?) being bandied about. Bristol is exhibiting hate and bitterness for Dakota by not naming the father. As a MOH recipient, he's especially vulnerable. So much for 'loving veterans and military men'. Sarah's 'love' only extended to vets when it benefited Sarah.

    Do the Palins think the speculation about the father is funny? Any consideration for the three men's reputation? Sarah made a much publicized trip to "the old Kentucky home" saying everything was friendly but now they're hanging Dakota out to twist in the wind. Are Sarah and Bristol that desperate for attention?

    1. Anonymous9:45 AM

      And, I still don't think Dakota is the father. Once he realized Bristol was pregnant - he scurried back home to KY and I say good for him! He should stay as far away from the Palins as possible and he knows it!

      I'd laugh like hell if he was a 'fixed' Marine and actually couldn't have children because he didn't want any!! Simple as that!

  43. Anonymous6:01 AM

    There was a time when you had to be married to get pregnancy and delivery insurance coverage. And, the policy would not pay if you were preggers when it was issued. Didn't Medicaid pay for this kind of care when someone was uninsured and too poor to pay? There was a reason that more babies were happening to teens, singles, and irresponsibles.

    Unwed mothers' homes, moms covering for the daughters, and dad's with shotguns are mostly a things of the past.

    Bristol ain't no Murphy Brown. Gawd's little cupcake has another bun in the oven.

  44. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Bristol is a hypocrit, and not a very smart one at that. However, as an older female I have to say that there is nothing wrong about enjoying sex. I don't care if Bristol f*cks a different guy everyday. What I object to is her blatent hypocrasy and her fake Christianity.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      The grifting money part too!

  45. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Sorry. Zero sympathy for her. She never had any intention of following her "for real for real for real" vow of abstinence. She did it for the money. She will do anything for money. She is her mother's daughter

    I'll tell you when she will get some sympathy from me. When she says "I'm sorry. I'm sorry to everybody I lectured to about abstinence. Abstinence only education does not work. I apologize to the president and everybody else I criticized by saying a child needs a mother and a father"

    She will never do that and she will never have my sympathy

    1. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Really what she should do is move away from Alaska and her parents, change her name, have surgery again so she isn't recognizable, obtain education and then get a job and actually work! She has money!

      She will never change if she continues the close relationship which is a sick one at that - with Sarah and Todd. They have done her absolutely not good whatsoever!

      And, in turn, due to not having good examples in parenting - she is not (self admitted on video!) a good one and will never be (unless she gets help and education).

  46. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Brissypants may have been a victim of her mother but she chose to wallow around in the pig sty rather than rise above it.
    She is living the life she created.
    If that sux, she should look in a mirror.
    oink oink.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      She could have walked away years ago! It's her decision!

  47. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The caption doesn't exactly shame her for being a slut. It's more about the fact that if her partner pulled out, she wouldn't be pregnant so much. If she used a condom or some other form of birth control (aside from the "pull out" method), she wouldn't have these "mistakes" and "disappointments."

    Or maybe it's a warning to future partners that Bristol loves to plan pregnancies so they'd better pull out, which might be difficult (and ineffective).

  48. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Sorry no slack for barstool, karma bitch.

  49. Anonymous7:48 AM

    @7:11 said: If she used a condom or some other form of birth control (aside from the "pull out" method), she wouldn't have these "mistakes" and "disappointments."


    CONDOMS? They don't use CONDOMS!

    Palins prefer that skin to skin contact.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Freezer bag baby!

  50. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Bristol we the followers of Immoral Minority are not heartless. We will help you find your unborn baby's daddy. All you have to do is narrow the field down for us.

    Circle the characteristics if you can remember

    Tall / Short
    African-American / Caucasian
    Hair - black / blonde
    short /med / long
    Eye Color: Black / Brown / Blue
    Body Type: Big Strappin'/ Doughboy
    Skin Color : Black / Pastie White
    Hands: BIG / small
    Penis Size: Womb Shifter / Looks Like A Clit

    Bristol Help Us Help You

    We're here for you girl

  51. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Could Trentten Haley (or whatever his name is) be the daddy?

    I can understand the Peteys, Connors and Brads pulling out in time and not impregnating Bristol.

    However the Trenttens, DeAndres and Maliks has a little problem. They may pullout 6-7 inches, but the problem is the 3-4 inches still in there.

    Am I right Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I heard Levi is a wombshifter. That explains why Bristol can't let go and move on

  52. Anonymous8:19 AM

    i can't stand the girl or the family, but i'm sort of feeling bad for Bristol. She really needs a shrink to get her out from under the trance of her family. She doesn't even understand the ramifications of the things that Brancy and mama Palinksy spew and manipulate her to say to the masses.

    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      I swear that 'retardation' is a major part of the Palin family members. They are a weird acting bunch and always appear to be so proud of their 'coming out' and telling it like it is or isn't - normally involves lying!

  53. Anonymous8:20 AM

    It would be a good story to find some teens who took Bristol's abstinence advice and got pregnant.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I have a teenage granddaughter who laughs when she sees me reading about the Palins on line. She thinks they are a joke.

      Plus, she's been taught differently about having sex and abstinence! I think her Mom's teachings to her have been a lot more realistic!

  54. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Sad to say that she and her mother have brought all this ridicule upon themselves. They are both such a screwed up mess - embarrassing to watch them!

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      People pay attention: Bring it on themselves! Thank you 831!

  55. Anonymous8:37 AM

    I believe that Bristol posted a sonogram pic on her blog. I haven't seen anything on this blog about it. Looks like that baby is well along already and I'd love to hear some discussion on that. Sorry I don't have the link.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      It has been discussed and the consensus is that the Palins lie about everything. Who knows when that sonogram was taken and if it's even from this pregnancy.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Plus, the sonogram she put up didn't reflect a last name for the patient or date as is the norm.

      No one really believed it was actually 'her' sonogram. The Palins lie so much - who is to know?

  56. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Is Bristol sad in the above picture because Trentten Haley went underground and can't be found?

  57. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Oh where, oh where
    Has my unborn baby's daddy has gone?
    Oh where, oh where can he be?
    With my stomach growing
    And Immoral Minority making fun of me
    Oh where, oh where can he be?

  58. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Bristol called herself a slut back when all the preggers rumors were a new thing. Back when mama bear took away her cell phone because she thought Brissie was knocked up. Her brother called her a C U Next Tuesday. She was fighting mad at the drunken brawl because someone called her a whatever. Her behavior seems to have defined the term over time.

  59. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Gryphen..time to release some of those texts so that these people who are upset at the skank being called a slut can see the true character of the person they seem to feel sorry for. She is totally and completely a slut. And she should be ver ashamed by how stupid and nasty she is to other people.

  60. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Bristol is most upset that they used her original face and not the one she got from exploiting her son.

  61. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Shaming and blaming .... we need to move beyond this... Yes, Bristol has at least three children (now more coming) and she is not married. She acts out the drama that she saw around her while growing up. We know SP had children that were not with Todd - gosh, I even wonder if any of them are actually Todd's! We know that SP acts out the kind rage and trauma of one who was sexually abused herself. Plenty of us figured out Chuck Sr.'s "M.O." early in the game. His behavior gave it away. So why all the shock and judgement folks??? This family is seriously sick... the only problem is that a certain element in the GOP thought SP was ready for prime time and we knew she wasn't... and we were proved to be correct over and over... that's all.... otherwise this is just a stupid broken record played over and over.... why would anyone be surprised if BP is pregnant AGAIN???... this is what she DOES!!! If there is any point that is worthwhile here it is that we have more reason to believe that she is, indeed, the mother of Trig and that the babygate issue should be revisited and BLOWN WIDE OPEN, once and for all. Enough attention to stupid gossip rag issues. Focus on expanding wisdom and MOVE ON...


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