Saturday, July 18, 2015

Donald Trump disses John McCain for once being a prisoner of war. Oops!

Courtesy of Politico:  

Appearing on Saturday at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, the real estate mogul took his running feud with Arizona Sen. John McCain to a new level. Story Continued Below 

“He was a war hero because he was captured,” Trump said. “I like people who weren’t captured.” 

The remark, which came after days of back-and-forth between McCain and Trump, was met with scattered boos. 

Yeah I think that Trump might have finally stepped on his own dick.

I mean the conservatives might be a little frustrated with McCain sometimes but they worship at the alter of the military, so insulting him for having been taken prisoner while serving his country is not going to go over well at all.

And the OTHER Republican candidates were quick to capitalize on that fact.

You know somebody might want to take "the Donald" aside and let him know that the whole country already knows that he is a colossal douche-nozzle so he can stop working so hard to convince them.


  1. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Donald Trump calls for boycott of Mexico.

    I'm REALLY looking forward to the GOP primary debates.

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I hope Donald Trump ends up having to be dragged off the stage at next year's GOP convention kicking and screaming "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!" (if you don't remember that line look it up)

      Every time he opens his mouth about another candidate or politician it's the equivalent of plucking a chicken. He's everything the republican party deserves and has desperately needed for years and years and I hope he puts that motor mouth of his in overdrive until all his rivals are featherless.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      Donald Trump calls for boycott of Mexico.
      Does that mean his men's ware line will now be made in the USA?

  2. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Uh, oh. Donald Trump's going to lose a lot more venues now. While I don't like John McCain and will never forgive him for foisting Sarah Palin on the national political scene, this statement from Trump about people who get captured is simply beyond the pale. Especially given that neither Trump nor his son(s) have ever even served in the military.

  3. Anonymous11:10 AM

    McCain sang like a bird to the Vietnamese to save his ass.
    No sympathy whatsoever for him. He's still a dick to this day.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Trump is right on one thing, if McCain had made his bombing runs and come back without a hitch he would not be where he is today and would certainly not be called a hero.

    2. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Politifact investigated that claim, could find no evidence McCain was a traitor and called it "Pants on Fire". He is quite unlikeable, though.

    3. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Song bird

  4. angela11:10 AM

    As Trump is Deferment Boy there really is no reason to have to defend McCain. Just ask Donald what he was doing when McCain was being imprisoned.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Same thing Dick Cheney was doing....

    2. Anonymous12:55 PM

      If little Johnny had followed orders, as the rest of his squadron did, he would not have been shot down. The alarm in the cockpit was blaring, telling him to return to base. He kept going. Maybe he had a death wish, since he was such a disappointment to his father and grandfather?

  5. Anonymous11:12 AM

    I know most of your readers don't want to hear this, but, as a woman, I'm getting very tired of the use of "douche," "douchebag," and "douchenozzle"
    Surely you can come up with some creative put-downs that don't involve female hygiene or anatomy. It's, to me, extremely offensive. Anatomical references, including asshole, are also
    getting pretty old. It makes it sound as though the writer is a high school boy.

    That said, most people already think Donald Trump is a toxic sideshow, and that, each day, he confirms their opinions.

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Enema nozzle? That seems equal opportunity!

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      If you don't like it then don't read it. What if 'toxic' is offensive to others, would you stop using it?

    3. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Clutch those pearls, baby.

    4. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Thank you, 11:12! I heartily agree with your sentiments.

    5. Anonymous11:49 AM

      Well if asshole offends you be sure not to ever google for ATM in the urban dictionary!

      Whoops! Dictionary is pronounced just like dicktionary would be if it started with a dick... Oh noes!

    6. Anonymous11:50 AM

      The point is, 11:34, that this is a political site. Why should I stop reading it?
      Why would toxic by offensive? Please explain.

      11:34 -- enema nozzle is just as bad. Why resort to easy putdowns that involve the reproductive or evacuative parts of human anatomy? Surely, grown men can think up other expressions. What's being used is what the internet has come to accept as ordinary, while it's not the kind of thing you'd say to someone face-to-face.
      And, yes, if you could explain to me why "toxic" might be offensive to others, I'd stop using it. But all definitions of it don't include degrading references to human anatomy., which is what's being used by a certain percentage of internet users.

    7. Anonymous11:55 AM

      Don't have pearls, 11:39. I'm a adult who's tired of the jejune insults being thrown around by adolescent men. Adolescent in mind if not in age.
      Rather than using the same old tired sexist put-downs, why not think up something creative and expressive? Otherwise, you're displaying a sadly low IQ and mental age.

    8. Anonymous11:56 AM

    9. Balzafiar12:12 PM

      To everyone who is offended by words on the internet:
      You obviously knew what the internet was all about when you came here to read this blog, therefore you do not have a valid complaint. It's just like everything else in life: if you don't like it, leave. You will not be missed.

    10. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Balzafiar: you admit that the internet is governed by adolescents whose vocabularies are limited to what they use among themselves.
      You have no idea how many years I'v visited this site, nor how many of my observations and comments have been picked up and re-used, or validated by other readers. So, "you will not be missed" isn't something you can prove, other than that you'll feel free to write like a teenager without anyone asking you to act your age.

      And, no, I come here to read this blog to learn about atheism, gun control, the tea party, and Palin, as well as the gathering speed of the GOP clown car. Because this is where I can join in a discussion of these issues does not mean that I must accept that the internet is dominated by vulgarity.

    11. Anonymous12:27 PM

      The point is trying to police the language of other adults makes you an old biddy. And fyi, quite a few of the posters here and using that language are women who don't buy into your political correctness and oversensitivity. Don't like the language your politcal news is couched in, leave and start your own blog. When Gryphen has a problem with it, then it's a legit issue as it's his blog.

      Or did you just do a word of the day and need someway to use "jejune?"

    12. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I'm not policing, I simply commented that crass vulgarity doesn't suit the subjects being discussed here. If it makes anyone stop to think about their word usage once in a while, then that's all I've suggested.

      I suppose, in your adolescent mind, "old biddy" is a terrible put-down. But I'm not old nor am I what is popularly known as a "biddy."

      And I use jejune in regular discourse, written and spoken. I'm sorry if you had to look it up to find out what I meant.

    13. Anonymous1:00 PM

      You rock, 11:12! Your post(s) and the responses to them illustrate that you're an intelligent, well spoken woman. Good for you! It's very aggravating to realize that so many commenters here are simply the opposite side of the C4P coin. Brava!

    14. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Seems like you're picking up quite a few good things on this site. Maybe enough to overlook things you don't like??? That's kind of what I do and I've been here since 2008.

      As for the douchebags on here, and I say that with love, just as you are free to express yourselves however you choose, you might extend that right to others, whether they are rolling their eyes at you or not.

    15. Anonymous1:29 PM

      Douche? I'm all for calling it what it is. Signed, another woman.

    16. Anonymous1:31 PM

      It's funny cause douche hadn't been used yet in this thread. It suits the Donald so well though, I guess we were all thinking it.

      Do people still use douches for their intended purpose?

    17. Anonymous1:34 PM

      Ahhhhh,hell..summers eve,vinegar? Just calling it what it is. Quit focusing on small issues and getting your tits in a tangle.

    18. I'm with you, too, 11:12. Vulgarity is no substitute for intelligent discourse. It adds nothing but a low opinion of the user.

    19. I'm with you, too, Anon 11:12. Vulgarity is no substitute for intelligent discourse. All it adds to the discussion is a low opinion of the user.

    20. Anonymous1:55 PM

      12:41 wants to be the word police. First it was the grammer police,now,another whiner. Go start you Own blogs! Geeeez...

    21. Anonymous2:32 PM

      11:12 preach it, sister!

    22. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Oh christ! Alright! Butt-plug it is.

    23. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Oh for douchefuckingnozzle sakes! This grandmother knows that sometimes you have to call it like it is. And if that puts your nipple in a twist, GTFO.

      Btw, if I want classy discourse, I don't go looking for it on anonymous blogs, nor do I dictate to others how to express themselves.

    24. Anonymous5:50 PM

      Thank you!- From another grandmother.

    25. Balzafiar7:19 PM

      @12:26 PM -- I am so sorry; I had no idea I was dealing with such a superior being.

      It must be a terrible life to have to tolerate mere mortals such as I am. I fully understand now why you hide behind the name "Anonymous". One cannot be too careful.


    26. Anonymous9:31 PM

      I've got to agree with 11:12 in the sense that there have been many times since 2008 that I've wanted to share Gryphen's posts with people I know in an effort to persuade them that Sarah Palin is despicable, hyprocritical, and deceptive, but I've decided against it after reading the comments which do tend to make us sound like, as 1:00 said above, the opposite side of the C4P coin. This kind of language is not at all persuasive but rather will elicit feelings of sympathy for those being denigrated.

      I do understand the desire to use such language, as we've become more and more incensed by this family, and I'm certainly not above the use of such language myself in appropriate settings, but it does not serve our purpose of exposing the Palins to the rest of the world. This would be Gryphen's call, of course, but if he wants his blog to show the world the crassness and vulgarity of the Palins (or Donald Trump), he might want to eliminate some of the same in this blog.

    27. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Such fragile flowers. I say if the shoe fits,wear it .trump is a World Class DOUCHE. Psssst..try to stay on topic.

    28. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA to this whole comment section!

      Obviously Gryphen has no problem with the comments he post...who woulda thunk it that "douche nozzle" would cause such a commotion!

      Thank you for the laughs folks! LOL!!

    29. Anonymous2:12 PM

      I went for a long time without reading any comments here. I would read the posts but not bother with the comments. GinaM and many others were just too immature for me, even if they aren't for Gryph. It was the Big Brawl that got me reading them again, and GinaM had mercifully disappeared.

      It's time for me to stop reading them again. Carry on kiddies; I have better things to do.

    30. Anonymous5:05 PM

      Bubbeye!!! We'll miss you while your gone!

  6. Anonymous11:16 AM

     “I like people who weren’t captured.” 


    Whose fault is it that Trump said that? It is Sarah Palin’s fault!

    Trump has been cursed by the SARAH PALIN CURSE!

  7. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sarah Palin backed John McCain

    Sarah Palin backs Donald Trump


  8. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Yeah I think that Trump might have finally stepped on his own dick. -Gryph

    Gryp basically you are saying Trump is stepping on Sarah Palin’s mouth?

  9. Anonymous11:32 AM

    But, I do agree with Trump as to indicating McCain has a few light bulbs short in brain power! Plus, McCain picked Palin as his running partner way back when and thank heavens they lost!

    Don't forget too that McCain sang like a canary in Viet Nam! His other American prisoner partners did NOT!

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Correct! He's always thought he's been owed.
      For what?

    2. While Trump is without excuse, this portrait of the hero should never be neglected either:

    3. Anonymous12:39 PM

      For having a weak left forearm, I guess. I've not considered him a hero either. He survived a POW camp. Good for him. But 'hero' means more than that. Or should. Lots of people come back from war...are they all 'heroes' for killing children, burning villages, or being captured? I find nothing heroic in war. Nada.

    4. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Hairdo Donnie can't get anything right. McCain graduated 4th from the bottom of his class.

    5. Anonymous6:05 PM

      @ 12:39 PM
      I agree! Personally I am getting a little sick of hearing about McCain the war hero. All I've read is he was shot down and taken prisoner, well so what, so were others. What exactly did he do that was so heroic, did he help his fellow prisoners escape?

      My father volunteered and fought in two wars-WWII and Korea. Maybe because is he an officer and a gentleman he does not go around telling everyone he is a war hero. As far as he is concerned he did his duty to his country-end of story.

  10. Anonymous11:34 AM

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    McCain was an incompetent pilot more than merely being captured.

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Trump is Archie Bunker. Shining that none too flattering mirror on the conservative bigots. But there was always the point where either he or Mike followed his own logic into WTFdom. And every one got reminded that Norman Lear hadn't created a hero in Archie, but a foil to expose. Even this isn't quite it though. Trump needs to keep the axt going at least thru summer.

  13. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Gryphen, you need to find that pic of Sarah making a face like Trump's and put them side by side. Damn, they look like paternal twins!

  14. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Donald Trump is very much like Sarah Palin. Just when she can't stoop any lower, she amazes me and does. Same with "The Donald" ( as his first wife called him). I am very far from being a John McCain fan, but he has lots of supporters who it is not wise to piss off.
    What a very thin skin he has. So presidential. I wonder how his kids react to his constant stupidity. Has to be embarrassing.

  15. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Im sorry. I can't dump on McCain for his six years of torture during his captivity

    I don't agree with his politics, but I would NEVER criticize McCain for being a POW. I can't even imagine what he endured.

    He may have unleashed $arah Palin on the world, but he deserves some respect and gratitude for his service...I don't like McCain but I still give him at least this little bit of respect

    Trump wormed his way out of serving. I am starting to have more contempt for him than I even have for $arah

    You're just a bastard Trump. And you lead the GOP polls, I hope the GOP implodes!!

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Read this:

      I have no respect for him whatsoever, and that he and his team foisted Palin on us was the final straw.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      No respect for McCain here either. He unleashed that bitch into our lives. America has suffered as a consequence. He deserves what he gets...contempt!

    3. Anonymous1:06 PM

      12;39 Great article. Little Johnny has milked this POW crap for how many years now? Many others were POW's and never "cashed in" like he did. He has not done much for the military since then, except try to send more of them to useless wars for profit. Since he was captrured early in his tour of duty, how can he be an expert? I hope he loses his next election and has to retire. Cindy won;t like that, but oh well, we have had enough of the little bastard.

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      McAsshole was treated well and sang like a bird. That's why THEY called him *songbird.

    5. Anonymous2:15 PM

      12:12 - agree completely

  16. Anonymous12:16 PM

    So true that conservatives worship at the altar of the military and love war. It's going to be interesting to see how they react to Chump's latest idiocy.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Worship at the alter of the military. Unless they're swiftboating John Kerry.

  17. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I am VERY interested in whose side $arah takes in this one. She loves Trump because he is following her model of being a jackass loudmouth attention seeker. But she'd only ever have been a governor nobody heard of if not for McCain

    Who am I kidding? $arah will remain silent. She knows supporting one over the other will be a media disaster for her.

    So she won't say a word. Just like she STILL hasn't said a single word to publicly support or defend Bristol being pregnant with her umpteenth bastard baby

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      Well to be fair, any mother good or bad would be exhausted defending the constantly pregnant Bristles. They must have FINALLY run out of relatives to take these babies and raise them.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      She won't take any side. That might take thought, courage, critical thinking...which Palin don't have.

    3. Anonymous2:12 PM

      $arah will take no side. Just keep grifting for money because, you know, God. Thanks, 1:10 PM!

  18. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Sorry, I have zero respect for John McCain...he's been a terrible U.S. Congressman, has done dastardly deeds, lied, picked Palin for the second position on his ticket (yuk!) and they lost (thank the Lord!), has lived off his father's high military rankings, left a wife that had MS, and on and on.

    There is no way in Hell I regard the guy. He's up for reelection in AZ and I sincerely hope he loses! Hopefully, Trump will come out with other truthful things he knows about McCain that no one has had the balls to discuss!

    1. Anonymous1:11 PM

      YES!! My sentiments exactly. Despicable little piss poor excuse for a man. Ranked 895 out of 899 classmates at the military academy.

  19. Anonymous12:24 PM

    From where I'm sitting, Trump is doing a heckuva a job throwing feces (mud if you are offended) at every corner of the conservative US.
    66 gardeners

  20. The man is a crass vulgarian, but in an age where people tune in by the millions for shit like Honey Boo Boo, the Kardashians, Snooki, the Duggars, Duck Dynasty, combative pawn shop encounters, bounty hunters and the like, he's ripe for these times.

    Give Trump this much credit: he knows his audience.

  21. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I love to see these guys going after each other. The GOP deserves it and so do McCain and Trump.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I just love the gop infighting. Its like a room full of two year olds. More popcorn!!!

  22. Anonymous12:36 PM

    As I understand what has been said about his being shot down over Hanoi, McCain thought he could make one last run at a ground to air missile battery and was ordered to break off the attack. He refused and ended up getting shot down as a result of his actions. This might be why people question his heroism.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      John McCain ‘Sang Like a Canary’ to the North Vietnamese

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Saying it over and over does not make it so. You linked to unsubstantiated dreck.

      Ted Guy began to hate McCain after they were freed and when then Sen McCain wouldn't support the policy Guy wanted about missing servicemen in Laos and S. Vietnam and wrote the paper you linked to to get even with McCain. Ted Guy also signed a confession and apology after he was tortured.

      A prison director turned ballroom dance instructor claims to The Guardian, "We didn't torture McCain." Coz every war criminal admits what they did. "Sure, we tortured the living fuck out of McCain, and you can just suck the statute of limitations on war crimes." No proof to support it, just the guy's sayso.

      Come on, there's plenty of proven reasons why McCain should have never have gotten so close to the Presidency without citing Swift-boat style junk.

    3. Anonymous5:40 PM

      John McCain: Make-Believe Maverick

  23. Anonymous1:00 PM

    A Flustered Donald Trump Tries to Clarify Why He Attacked John McCain

    Donald Trump opened his mouth and let slip forth a word salad in trying to clarify why he attacked John McCain‘s war hero status.

    Ted Cruz Calls John McCain A Friend and Hero, But Refuses To Condemn Donald Trump

    Cruz was asked by Washington Post’s Phillip Rucker to give his thoughts. Rucker reported that Cruz responded that McCain was a friend and a hero, but had a convenient reason for why he would not denounce Trump.

    “Folks in the press love to see Rep-on-Rep violence, so you want me to say something bad about Donald Trump or bad about John McCain or bad about anyone else,” Cruz said. “I’m not gonna do it. John McCain is a friend of mine. I respect and admire him and he’s an American hero. And Donald Trump is a friend of mine.”

    ‘Standing Ovation': The Inherent Bullsh*t Brags of Donald Trump’s PR

    Considering that much of Trump’s campaign thus far has been one exaggerated attempt after another to ridicule any and all comers in an attempt to make himself look like a truth-teller, a no-nonsense type who won’t fool around with the trust of the American people, his campaign has been doing exactly that since before it even started. If anything, his grand standing is much more amplified, and therefore louder and annoyingly worse.

    No wonder Huffington Post relegated its coverage of Trump’s campaign to the Entertainment section.

  24. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Shit just got real on McCain.

    Trump statement on McCain after Trump questioned heroism of POWs

  25. Anonymous1:03 PM

    the link:

  26. Cruz could have been much more succinct: "I have no guts."

  27. Anonymous1:35 PM


  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    My dad was a POW in WWII (after more than a year in combat). He disliked being called a hero mostly because he felt that everyone contributed to the war effort. Why was he a hero, but the guy that packed his parachute wasn't?

    Trump has absolutely no right to criticize people that were POW. Trump says he likes people that weren't captured. What a load of crap. People that were captured were f'ing THERE! IN HARM"S WAY!!! And Trump has been no where near a combat zone his whole pampered life.

    Hero or not, McCain certainly bears the mental and physical trauma of long captivity as a result of the USA being at war. Trump's opinion of that is without value.

  29. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Mitt Romney


    The difference between @SenJohnMcCain and @realDonaldTrump: Trump shot himself down. McCain and American veterans are true heroes.

  30. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Ted Cruz Cancels Press Conference In Order To Avoid Answering Questions About Trump

  31. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Trump's statement went beyond criticizing John McCain. He himself generalized it by saying that he likes "people who aren't captured." That's where his vileness comes in. Despite the genuine doubts many of us have about John McCain's wartime experiences, Donald Trump went far beyond anything he should have said. Lots of people, the vast majority of them good people, get captured by enemies and imprisoned, sometimes tortured and sometimes killed. I wouldn't wish captivity like that on anyone. And I doubt that Donald Trump would know a true hero if he tripped over one.

  32. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Mitt's response must have been written by one of his kids--he isn't that funny.

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Donald Trump Can't Stop, Won't Stop

    You should watch the whole exchange because it actually manages to be more sneering and caustic than it comes across in print, and it's pretty terrible in print (video here).

    But Trump wasn't finished there.

  34. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Donald Trump is a draft dodger. His parents sent him to NY Military Academy ( a military boarding school that was essentially a reform school for rich kids, that is now bankrupt) because he had discipline problems. He did not serve his country when he had the opportunity.

  35. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Ben Carson, When Asked If McCain Is a War Hero: ‘Depends on Your Definition’

    Pretty much all of Trump’s GOP rivals came out to scold him over those comments. As of yet, Carson hasn’t done that, but as Politico reported, this is what happened when he was asked:

    Neurosurgeon Ben Carson, whose appearance followed Trump’s at the summit, declined to comment on Trump’s remarks after leaving the stage. He also would not say when asked whether or not McCain was a war hero. “It depends on your definition of a war hero,” he said.

    And that wasn’t all:

    Coulter Slams Rubio’s Denouncement of Trump by Invoking Chattanooga Shooting

    Donald Trump managed to, once again, cross the line for just about everybody when he said that John McCain was not a real war hero because he was captured (and tortured) during his service in Vietnam. The statement drew the ire of many of Trump’s GOP rivals, including Marco Rubio, who released this tweet earlier today:

    Veteran Montel Williams Unloads on Trump: ‘Circus Sideshow and a Punk’

    Montel Williams, a veteran of the Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps, got pretty pissed off at Donald Trump today for his underhanded shot at John McCain for being captured while he served in the Vietnam War, calling him a “carnival barker and a punk.”

    The reactions have been flooding in, and Williams too wanted to make it known he’s really outraged with Trump’s remarks, especially as a vet:

    What Trump said about John McCain is the ugliest thing I may ever have heard uttered by a public figure in my life.

    Trump GOP Candidacy Blows Up

    Donald Trump confirmed two things during a stop in this central Iowa town Saturday: He has no class and he may well run as an independent when he does not win the Republican nomination.

    1. Anonymous2:34 PM

      Why is McCain a hero? My father was a POW during the Korean war and was not called a hero upon his return to the US. In fact, he couldn't even get service at a diner because of his race. McCain was a poor student and a worse pilot, but got where he is because of his father and his second wife. What has he done for veterans, by the way?

  36. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Palin remains silent . A first.
    Every Republican has weighed in. Even some Democrats.
    Everyone is condemning Trump. Even spineless Scott Walker has decided to stand up to Trump.
    Trump went after all POWs, not just McCain.
    Naturally Cruz and that odd Ben Carson refuse to condemn Trump.
    Palin must be sending out an SOS to Limbaugh and Hannity .
    What should I say ? Defend the indefensible and stay in his good graces ?
    Or act like a decent person for once ?
    Decisions, decisions...

    1. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Palin has a dilemma because trump is just about the last person who will have anything to do with her.

  37. Anonymous5:48 PM

    I hope Donald Trump ends up having to be dragged off the stage at next year's GOP convention kicking and screaming "I am paying for this microphone, Mr. Green!" (if you don't remember that line look it up)

    Every time he opens his mouth about another candidate or politician it's the equivalent of plucking a chicken. He's everything the republican party deserves and has desperately needed for years and years and I hope he puts that motor mouth of his in overdrive until all his rivals are featherless.

  38. Anonymous5:49 PM

    It's like the aliens have taken control of minds like Donald Trump and the fanatic Republicans. They've gone crazy. They're not even aware they're crazy.

    This guy is off the charts crazy.

  39. Anita Winecooler6:32 PM

    I haven't read the comments, but my two cents. I never liked John McCain, the man, the politician nor his constant barrage of bullshit and ignorance while pushing for war, war war, bombs, bombs, bomb, and his bitterness at losing the election to President Obama. I think his choice of vice president (McCain's) showed a lack of common sense, he thought, stupidly, that he'd get the Hillary voters with this "pick" because they just wanted a vagina, any vagina to hold high office, and his winning was cemented by thinking with the wrong head.
    Yeah, he DID call out some ignorant racists in his audience, and I give him credit for that, but he allowed Sarah to ignore obvious signs of racism in the audience and never said a word against it. (people at her speeches with monkey dolls, horrible photos depicting Obama in purely racist situations, the "joker" photoshop, etc. We all remember seeing that.
    BUT no one ever stooped as low as Trump did and besmirched his service status as a POW. Yes, Donald put his foot in his mouth on this one, and now everyone MUST choose to defend or speak up against him for what he said about veterans.

    Except, of course, we haven't yet heard Sarah's facebook screed. She's caught between a rock and a hard place. She never said a bad word against McCain, and she ADORES anything Trump. She even had a photo op eating pizza with him and his family, gushing over him whilst licking the toejam from his feet. What side will Sarah take?And how much money will her new "beg a thon" mad lib form letter post ask for? Damn, looks like Donald's screwed up her grifting mojo.
    She's got to find a way to rile up the base, respect the troops, and keep Donald and McCain in her good graces.

    Screw You, Donald, and not in a good way. Time to visit a va hospital, or better yet, use your own money to improve them and the level of care they give.

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Trump cares about Trump.
      Nothing more.

  40. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Back in the 2000 primaries between Bush and McCain, Bush had a member of the military in uniform who was introducing him, slander McCain's service record. Bush took the podium immediately following that and let every negative comment about McCain's service stand unchallenged. All part of a very nasty and very desperate scorched earth attack by Bush in South Carolina that went way over the line in personal smears & slanders.

    Lest we forget:

  41. PalinsHoax8:11 AM

    So when are the media, the Republicans and the Ol' Toothless Grandma-of-Soon-to-Be-Another-Illegitimate-Grandchild, when are they all going to call out Trump on his military service record ?

    Oh. You say he did NOT serve? Well I'll be!! Why am I not surprised. Don't tell me Trump is another Ted Nugent!


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