This is, believe it or not, a little selfie that Bristol Palin took to celebrate the six year anniversary of someone employing her. It's ... it sure is something, isn't it? In fact, we wouldn't have even known this was Bristol if we'd just come across the photo, but she posted it on her own site, so I guess we're just looking at the new Bristol here. Did pregnancy make her look like a completely different person? Did she get her brows done? Is she taking this selfie in a funhouse mirror? There's got to be an explanation for this, but for now, let's just allow ourselves to get lost in the weirdness.
Okay I get it. If you have not been paying a lot of attention, and the last time you saw a photo of Bristol she looked like this...
....and now she looks like this...
![]() |
Courtesy of Bristol's Pikore account. |
I mean the woman looks pregnant when she is supposedly not pregnant, and working out ten hours a day, but looks substantially slimmer and trimmer after announcing to the world that she IS knocked up with a child from an as yet unnamed sperm donor.
That would confuse just about anybody who was not aware of the Palin's penchant for peculiar pregnancy bodies.
![]() |
Sarah Palin March 26, 2008. |
Looks like someone depregnanted.
ReplyDeleteSo, what up? Is she going to suddenly say she had a wite-out or 'accident' and lost little Alaska After Dark?
DeleteDakota has yet to mention Barstool since she left her old Kentucky home.
ReplyDeleteHe just dropped her like a HIV infected whore.
And took every pic he had off Facebook and *gram sites. Makes you wonder what happened.
DeleteMyself, I liked the final Celebration of Life shot with the crooked wicked witch finger in front of his nose.
Dodged a bullet, he did.
Oh, please someone tell me what really happened. I want to know the gossip.
DeleteDakota really should open up about what happened to his "my world" since he cared so much for Tripp and all. Now he just blows off his mother for no apparent reason?
Delete2:48 Obvi she got pregnant. Obvi she ran away. Obvi Cletus the Fetus is an AK AFTADARK future rapper.
DeleteCletus the fetus
Again with the stupid motherfucking duck face. Then again, she shits out everything she hears like some diarrhetic mallard...
ReplyDeleteWhat if Bri$$y carefully practiced that face in the mirror cuz otherwise, her chin implant shows.
DeleteCuz it's better to look stupid than be outed for plastic surgery, eh?
Her Russian #bff helps with the photography, make up and posing. Bristol has been training under her for a long time. They must have a million photos since the Dakota mess and more going back earlier.
DeleteMarina and the staff support each other with the beauty procedures. They can give themselves or each other things like botox shots. Any mistakes they can edit, Photoshop or re-shoot.
I don't even want to think of all the time spent looking in the mirror to practice.
This is the chin implant she tries to conceal.
Bwahahaha Bristol calls it jaw realignment. She makes bad decisions.
DeleteBird shit is pretty thin as is. They combine pee and poop, so I don't know what diarrhetic bird shit would look like.....hahaha
DeleteStill a copy cat to the bone! Hows that Anastasia doing? Oh right..hush hush!
DeleteShe is trying for the Kardasian look, and failing. Badly.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, that middle pic.
ReplyDeleteWho does that?
Only a mini-me.
Caught in a deception ... Over the supposed conception ... Oh what a tangled web we weave when first r practice to conceive. Who's the baby daddy, this year, Barstool???
ReplyDeleteGood question.
DeleteAnswer, please, Ms. Abstinence!
That's funny 1:43! Since another term for miscarriage is a "missed abortion", I wonder if the Palins will ask for $$ to ensure that the medical community change the terminology to something more pro-life.
DeleteWhen Bristol appeared on Wife Swap with Joan and Melissa Rivers, Bristol left a note for Melissa, saying that Tripp was so spoiled that he would only mind if a popsicle was offered as a bribe. Bristol turned to the strangers who read her blog for parenting advice. Melissa seemed to straighten out Tripp in one week with a Chores Chart. That didn't last long.
ReplyDeleteWhile Bristol was engaged to Dakota and living with him in Kentucky, she still labeled photos of Tripp as "spoiled rotten." Oh, and he was still her baby at age 6 or so. That's no way for a single mother to be raising a child, especially when he has another parent who could provide a more steadying influence-- rather than bounce the kid from Alaska to Kentucky and back again in 6 months. Bristol sold one house and bought another without thinking what it must feel like to a kid to be tossed around like that, without roots and a secure feeling.The only constant in Bristol's life was posing Tripp for Instagram photos.
Now that Bristol is supposed to be giving birth to a baby she called a Huge Disappointment, it's time for Bristol to grow up. She should stop trying to look like Kim Kardashian who has made a profession out of selling her image, instagram photos and modelling. Bristol doesn't have the backing of a tv show, the fashion industry and Kim's show biz connections. Bristol is just posing for wannabe photos, and they're not very good photos. What it really says is that Bristol is more involved with her superficial appearance than adding anything of substance to her life or Tripp's (or the coming Huge Disappointment). Maybe she could collaborate with Nancy French on a new book, the trials and tribulations of a single Christian mother who preaches abstinence and no sex before marriage (or at least pause before you play). They could get to work on it as soon as Nancy finishes 260 meditations for Sarah Palin.
How many times do we have to tell Bristol that it is time for her to grow up. A child cannot be mother to two children. Bristol is the best advertisement for sex education and using birth control until you are mature enough to be a parent to a child or children.
Skank needs a tubal.
DeleteSarah Palin had a tubal, but she implies that they don't work.
DeleteIn that third photograph she looks so jaundiced, it's either hepatitis or she's trying to be a minion.
ReplyDeleteHey! I've got an idea! She could be the foul mouthed minion that says 'what the funk' and 'you giddy assholes'.
That is one of the worst 'recent' pictures she has posted.
DeleteShe really does suffer the same affliction as her mother.
They don't see themselves as others (sock puppets don't count).
It's a filter. Though she claims no filter. Right..... Just like no makeup / eyeliner.
DeleteSarah thinks this looks alright, like her natural rear end.
Anonymous3:26 PM
DeleteSarah thinks this looks alright, like her natural rear end.
The blow up Butt!
I guess its a improvement on the donut butt that almost fell off of her...
dumbass skanks!
Does anyone have THAT pic? Kajo?
With that fish lips pose at bottom she also claims she just woke up. No makeup. Right....... Tatooed eyeliner then? What a narcisstic fake.
ReplyDeleteShe may be trying out her comedy. Everything else has failed.
DeleteProbably tattooed. If you look at Track he has actual tattoos on his body and Willow has tramp stamps and some feet tattoos. These people are so trashy! There are quite a few tattoo "parlors" here in the Valley and somehow the welfare moms and foodstamp moms that can't afford all their illegitimate babies are able to afford to get all inked up? I'm sorry but you should not be eligible for any kind of welfare or food stamps is you waste your money on trashy body ink, yet they all's how normal people are able to recognize "those people". So sad, they make themselves basically unable to be hired by reputable people with all that in...we had to let a girl go recently that got a full neck tattoo, front and back, she was a waitress in a very nice restaurant and the clientele were a little freaked out by her new appearance so she was fired. Why don't these people think about the consequences?
Delete'normal people' are able to recognize 'those people'? Who the fuck are you, Princess Dickface?
Delete5:33 Willow also has a tattoo on her side, near her armpit. Dunno why. IIRC it's some hypocritical religious bullshit that Sarah probably paid her to get... and no surprise it's well hidden.
Delete7:43; you might think that tattoos are "bad ass" and soooo "special snowflake", but every Millenial with a tramp stamp is just like every other Millenial with a tramp stamp.
Delete5:33 Tattoo's absolutely do not make you abnormal, trashy, or a person or ill repute. You may not like them personally, but that is your choice. To generalize in such a manner is in my opinion a lot tackier. My husband and I and 2 of our 3 daughters all have Master's or beyond and great jobs and sport beautiful but discrete art. My son is veteran and Tax Accountant and much more colorful. My favorite ER visit involved a tattoo of mine being visible to the trauma doctor as he entered the room, saying "nice tat!" He had quite a bit of visible art himself, not to mention several piercings, and is known as the best trauma doctor in half the state. There was a time you would have been judged if you bobbed your hair, wore sheer stockings, pierced your ears, or not wear a hat. Tattoos may be more permanent, but they are also a traditional part of many cultures, and like many other traditions, they have been absorbed by our own, and it is quickly becoming illegal to discriminate because of them.
DeleteSo she published a pic that was a little dated. So what? She does that all the time, and uses stock pics as well. But on her IG for the third pic (close-up) she used the hashtag "no makeup." Not that it's really my business, but if she has no make-up on, is her eyeliner tatooed on? That can be dangerous, altho at least she probably had it done professionally at her work.
ReplyDelete2:04 PM
DeleteThat place she pretends to work is the last place you would want to have anything done. You would not want a band-aide from that office. It has serious problems.
Bristol goes to work everyday and has her life with Tripp.
DeleteThey are seen around where they are busy with their daily life. Just ask anyone. It is not that big of a place. Anchorage is a big city for Alaska, but not so big Bristol isn't noticed going to her job and the things she does with her friends in and around the Valley and Anchorage.
Ask Gryphen how common place it is to see Bristol living her normal life. She is just like the rest of us, except more people do notice her. It's not her fault her mother is famous.
There is so much wrong with this last comment, I don't even know where to start.
DeleteAK AFTADARK sees Bristol quote often, just ask anyone. Why is Tripp the only offspring that Bristol is seen with? Where is the DWTS baby? Why does Tripp look older than he would if he was born in December, 2008? Why was Bristol pregnant in the summer of 2006 if Tripp was born 2 and a half years later? Can't Sarah and Bristol count?
If as you say it's none of your business then why all the questions, Trollie?
This is Sunny's Instagram, there are 4 kids and the tag is "chasing little Johnstons".
The little boy on the right looks like a younger Tripp. Is this a kid Bristle was carrying when she was engaged to Levi the second time? Wearing the white Grecian dress?
Or is it just a friend's kid?
Is this a breadcrumb dropped by Sunny??
I can imagine it made her fiancee a wee bit concerned when he realized his bride to be spent hours trolling websites, googling herself and is absolutely without any other interests. It was a chilling moment when it all came clear for Dakota.
ReplyDeleteI think the most chilling moment for Dakota was when Bristol spilled the happy news that "they were pregnant" and Dakota said, WTF, no way that could be mine, see ya, here's a plane ticket back to AK, I'll have your stuff in the front yard next week for you to pick up.
DeleteImagine if Dakota Meyers thinks you are too shallow and too much of a liar to be his wife.
DeleteI think you are right, I think Dakota Meyer did indeed get a shock when he learned that Bristol had NONE of the morals, values and priorities that Nancy French claims for her. Designer shit, social media and her possessions are Bristol's focus, with Tripp running fourth and treated alternately like a minder or a weapon. Poor child.
DeleteThe second picture is of Bristol Palin in 2010 leaving DWTS rehearsal. Who thinks that she was not pregnant?
ReplyDeleteThis was Bristol Palin in 2007. Age 16 as opposed to age 20 in the above photo.
Yes, definitely pregnant in that photo, 3:20. I remember the Palins had their minions trying to say that it was "just Bristol's pudge," and all girls have stomachs like that- nope, not even Bristol had a stomach like that when she wasn't pregnant.
Delete3:20, no that is Bristol Palin autumn of 2006. Well-researched photo.
Delete5:01 Link please.
DeleteThat green top photo was tracked to 2006 on Audrey's blog. She does look pregnant in it, though, doesn't she?
DeleteThat was also on the governor's website until it all got scrubbed.
a child from an as yet unnamed sperm donor.
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean sperm planner? Bristol being so Christian and all she must have meant she co-planned this sperm deposit.
Too bad Cletus the Fetus has no idea who his baby daddy is.
DeleteDid she co-plan the DWTS baby who is hidden and no Daddy mentioned?
WHY would she destroy her face? I don't understand any of that. Don't understand the Kardashians either so there is that. Her original face was much better. As to all the rest of this, I pass.
ReplyDeleteBristol is not like the Kardashians, in that they actually go to good doctors and have stylists and help with better taste. They may not be my thing, but the K's are not fugly trash and proud of their poor taste.
DeleteBristol has no clue she is destroying her face. She can't see that she is looking like old people that had bad surgeries. She thinks she looks young and in proportion.
It may hit her one day and she won't believe how these pictures will look to her when that day comes. She may remain delusional for years even the rest of her life but for some they do wake up and see the damage.
Kim Kartrashian got famous for making a sex tape where a dude pissed on her face. Her mother marketed that sex tape in order to make that fat heifer famous. The Palins might be all kinds of wrong but they are not as deviant as those fucking porn peddling Kartrashians.
DeleteThe Palins are just as deviant, just not in the exact same way.
Delete5:27 PM
DeleteThe Kardashian's are Christian Republicans, I had no idea that Kris Kardashian was such a gifted manager, momanger, I knew she was good. No doubt Kim has been forgiven and that is her past.
Sarah and the Palins are just about the opposite. They took all kinds of opportunities, special privileges, entitlements and exceptional circumstances and trashed it all.
Unlike Kim, no Palin will be able to turn around from the sewer they are headed for. They only get worse.
Kim married the father of her kids, where is Bristol's husband?
DeleteKris is now pimping out her Jenner daughters. They are not a family to be admired unless all you care about is fame and money.
DeleteI can't believe I'm saying this, but I think even Sarah Palin is a better parent than Kris Jenner, and Tripp will probably be a lot less fucked up than any of the Kardashian/Jenner grandchildren, whose parents are all narcissistic, exhibitionist famewhores that put even the Palins' famewhoring and moneygrubbing in the shade.
DeleteHa, ha ha, still catching my breath from that line about the Kartrashians being christian and shit and probably being forgiven for all their whoring and bad behavior! They are trash, and even if there was a god I'm pretty sure he'd hate trash like them and there would be no forgiveness for their heinous behavior.
The only reason someone does that to her face is self-loathing. What I cannot fathom is the degree of self-loathing that it would take to do it.
DeleteBristol is one messed up sicko. And her face tells the world that.
Whatever anyone thinks about the Kardashians or the Palins. Kris does play the game well and is a thousand ++++++++ more successful than a Palin. Palin could have taken the advice of politicians and become a politician instead of whatever she was when she was elected Governor. She had a shadow. Kris Khardasian would have been fine with doing the job and handling the state business. She would not need a dumb shadow.
DeleteTrash is trash even when they have good PR and business smarts and a family. Khardasian can handle herself in the world of celebrity success. Sarah has never done the work and she fails at almost everything. I really don't care which one is more trash. The Khardasian's are Christian Republicans, too. I am no expert on how many Christian Republicans there are. Are they all wannabe TV stars? As far as I know the Khardasians don't go around blaspheme and selling themselves as if religious. I don't think they purposely target the most vulnerable people to steal from with their religious act.
Do they push their politics down the throat of the public?
9:18 You can change the name to Palin and you would still be on point.
DeleteBristol always looks greasy. It must be the super fat girl inside working her way out. The super fat girl is on the verge of escaping. It won't be long before the super fat girl takes complete control.
ReplyDeleteAt least the chin will be proportional to super fat Bristol.
Oh for god's fucking sake, take your fat obsession and shove it up your ass.
DeleteTouchy little troll, aren't we?
Delete9:16 must be a little pudgy.
DeleteThere she is, the girl with the " Donald Trump lips"!!
ReplyDeleteYikes, just the thought of Trump's or Bri$$tlie's lips kissing anyone is enough to make one queasy, if not actually upchuck.
Barstool's lips rarely kiss anyone on the mouth. If you really want to puke then you need to think about what those lips are wrapped around most of the time.
DeleteSerious 5:24. No I'm not Alicicia or a troll. But you have a serious psych disorder of that's all you think of and you are creepy.
DeleteDitto, 5:33.
Delete524 must be the creepy Uncle Upchuck. That is about his level.
DeleteDitto 5:33 and 9:17
DeleteIs there some reason for that stupid sticking her lips out thing that she does? It is really bizarre looking.
ReplyDeleteCan't she just make a normal facial expression?
That is her normal facial expression.
DeleteThose lips are made for one thing and one thing only and she does it so much that her fish mouth just won't go back to normal.
DeleteYou are a real asshole 5:23, and I despise the Palin's. But FU and your misogynistic comments
DeleteClear your throat, 5:23, you'll be ok.
DeleteIs this the troll?
Is this the troll? (with B on your right)
That's A troll, but it's not THE troll.
DeleteHow many trolls are there? The regular ones that are known.
DeleteThe second photo is Alicia Fix Luke, the no period troll.
DeleteThe first one is the Florida troll named Alicia. She's the one who was stalking Sunny.
DeleteNo it isn't. The second one is Bristol's Russian BFF. The first one is Alicia, although, I don't think that is the last name.
Alicia Manglesdorf and she used to go by Brooklyn.
Delete9:13 PM Is that Alicia Fix Luke from Oklahoma?
DeleteAt least Kim isn't acting all creepy and hiding. She is a poser and has tons of freaky photos, too. Yet she can go out in public and she isn't hiding and acting so strange about who could be the father of her baby. She is also not wearing those deadly shoes with this pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteCould Bristol do that? When Bristol and her friend were happy to go on the RV camping trip she looked more natural. What happened?
This is Kim at 5 months pregnant.
'I secretly loved the rumors I was faking my pregnancy bc I was so skinny! LOL Well can't hide it now!' she joked, adding: '5 month (20weeks) and 20lbs up.'
Interesting. That's about how Bristol looked during DWTS.
DeletePLEASE don't use Kim Kardashian to shame Bristol Palin. They are both revolting.
Delete4:59, sorry but Brissy looked quite a bit bigger than that during DWTS.
DeleteI could care less about the K's, but at least she is married and having baby #2 with her husband and baby daddy.
DeleteBristol may want to look like Kim K and make her kind of money and fame, but she just doesn't have the right stuff.
And boy, did she blow it.
Bottom line foe me on Bristol. She loved so herself as God's perfect creation that she hacked her face before she even hit 21. All the babies out of wedlock, yet we're supposed to believe Nancy's blog in her name? Sure I will.
ReplyDeletePolice audio Throwdown At The Hoedown: "It's Bristol Fucking Palin. I want to press charges."
A couple of months or so ago Bristol all of a sudden went on an abortion rant. I commented at that time, that she probably just had herself an abortion.
ReplyDeleteWaiting to see 'proof' before I'll say 'I told you so'....
It was Nancy French who went on an abortion rant. I wonder if it's because she knew Bristol was pregnant at that time and that Bristol was going to stay pregnant and wanted to set up the bullshit "I chose life" line once again.
DeleteUhm, yeah. That 'proof' will be around in a while, disguised as a miscarriage...or something...
DeleteThat chin implant pic is really graphic. Did sh e realize getting her chin more Kadahian and less Chuckie would look like that? REally sad.
DeleteShe will deliver this baby, just like she delivered all the others.
Delete5:41 pm, or maybe Nancy knew she was pregnant and suspected she planned to have an abortion. Is Nancy devious enough to use the blog to manipulate Bristol into keeping a baby? And would it work?
DeleteRemember when Bristol said DWTS wasn't that hard and she had a better work out on JV high school basketball?
ReplyDeleteWhat a liar.
At first the Palins were big fishh in a small pond. (Alaska, pop. 700,000) They had no idea how vast the lower 48 were, and do not realise that we all communicate state to state across thousands of miles, regularly. They honestly think that "What happens in Alaska, stays in Alaska" So they lie like rugs, thinking nobody will have a way to check them out. Add to that, the low I.Q. and we have the Palins, nothing they say can be believed. Since Britta;s father is a preacher, how does he feel about the lies his daughter has been drawn into about babies? Unless he was paid off also, too?
DeleteThe "Bristol plays basketball" picture was used by the McCain team to somehow prove that Bristol wasn't a mother of two before Sarah's VP run.
DeleteOnly problem with that, was that she looked much closer to thirteen than she did sixteen.
She's a wannabe wannabe failure. She's got "pregnancy dysmorphic disorder", inherited from her mumsey. Those tight abs don't run in that family! So she focuses on her face, the thing she's diddled with more than any guy who blew in her ear and said she was "hawt". Fishface pout, check. Face cocked slightly to one side, check, the heavy "russian model" mascara doe look, check, The intelligence enhancing clear lens non prescription dollar store glasses, check (who says "girls with glasses don't get passes?") But hey, whatever floats her boat.
ReplyDeleteI have a daughter roughly her age, and she doesn't "do" glam shots on the internet, not because she can't, because she thinks they're "juvenile" and "serve no purpose". She takes photos of buildings and people at places she visits, photos of her friends and fiancee in candid shots that are tastefully done.
Bristol's trying too hard, and it shows.
Well, remember that Mercede-no-s said that Bristol had a lot of plastic surgery so it absolutely, positively MUST be true! But Mercede-no-s PROMISED Levi she wouldn't tell all the procedures Bristol got cause she's such a great little sister and true to her word person. Poor thing had to sacrifice SO much to take her drug addled mother to court. She was set up ya know
ReplyDelete7:09 PM You wish that you could compare yourself to Mercede Johnston, but you are not in her league. Your obsession with the Johnstons is that of a sick stalker.
DeleteNow run along, little girl.
@7:09 pm Why don't you address that pregnant photo of Bristol walking to her car in September, 2010? Sure, Bristol handled the DWTS practice like a gymnast in that pregnant condition. More proof of Palin lies.
DeleteMercede did confirm that Bristol got a tit job when she was a teenager right before she got knocked up with one of Levi's kids.
DeletePoor Cletus, no daddy to claim th e"unknown" fetus. Not his fault, just Mama spreading those legs too much. NO one wants to know who his daddy is more than Cletus.
ReplyDeleteIt still makes me ROFL that they tried to trap a dude into being her husband and it failed EPICALLY!
DeleteFor "Bristol chose life," mommie is rather silent, isn't she? Let's rank on Planned Parenthood.
DeleteWhomever is the father of this baby, they are none too happy about it. Remember she could barely lift her chin up until mommie told her to change the story.
Gee Bristol if you stalk the Kid any closer the ass will start hurting....the glasses? Really? Ya know if you want to say sorry just say so! Stop being so damn weird! Step up already!
ReplyDeleteBristol The Sex Pistol is reloaded with a baby...again.
ReplyDeleteBristol is a kind of trickster with the photos. You never know when it was actually taken, as in no one will never know if she's been telling the truth or no one will ever be able to figure out who is the baby's father.
ReplyDeleteShe gets the talent from her mother although her mother was not very good at hiding what was not happening: the last pregnancy. Maybe it's the one thing that Bristol is smart at - manipulating photos.
Remember the lump?
THIS prominent lady politico is frantic to keep news of her recent tummy tuck and liposuction procedures out of the media. The conservative mom wants her fans to believe she’s all natural and stays trim by exercising daily! Can you name her?
The many Faces of Bristol. The damage that too MUCH money and too LITTLE self esteem can do to young women in today's society.
This unborn fetus of Bristol's really screwed up Bristol's sex life. There won't be any guys that would screw Bristol without a condom.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol's says don't worry I'm on the pill and can't get pregnant so you can cxxxx inside me won't fly anymore.
Me personally would not screw Bristol with a condom. There could be a chance it could break inside her.
Me personally would not accept a condom from Bristol. There could be a chance Bristol used an object to put a hole through the condom package.
Me personally would not accept a blow job from Bristol. There's a chance she can spit into a cup and use that sperm to impregnate herself.
Me personally would not accept a handjob from Bristol and I think you know why.
With two kids, no husband and no babies daddies, Bristol is on the hunt to trap some stupid unlucky bastard and it won't be me.