Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Donald Trump files his financial disclosure with the FEC today. Did he not get the memo that his candidacy is just a joke?

Courtesy of Forbes: 

Donald Trump filed his personal financial disclosure with the Federal Elections Commission today, claiming 2014 income of $362 million dollars. His campaign also said that his net worth “is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.” 

“Mr. Trump‟s net worth has increased since the more than one year old financial statement produced at his presidential announcement,” the campaign release states. “Real estate values in New York City, San Francisco, Miami and many other places where he owns property have gone up considerably during this period of time. His debt is a very small percentage of value, and at very low interest rates. As of this date, Mr. Trump‟s net worth is in excess of TEN BILLION DOLLARS.”

Interestingly enough that ten billion number is one that Forbes disagree with:

Forbes continues to disagree with Trump about his net worth, and has, in fact, chopped the net worth valuation from $4.1 billion to $4 billion since Trump’s remarks about Mexican immigrants during his campaign launch speech caused an end to business deals with NBCUniversal, Univision, Serta Mattresses, and Macy's M +7.91%, as well as PVH PVH -0.81% Corp. and Perfumania, the manufacturers of his menswear line and fragrances, respectively. In the wake of these deals, we have dropped the value of his brand to 0 (previously, it was at $125 million).

Currently the personal financial disclosure form is not yet available on the Federal Elections Commission site, so we do not as of yet have a way of checking to see who is right on the numbers.

If it turns out that Trump is full of shit, I wonder how he will manage to blame the whole thing on Obama?

It should also be noted that currently Trump is leading in the polls among his GOP rivals: 

The Suffolk University/USA Today survey showed Trump getting 17% of the Republican vote, placing him ahead of Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's (R) 14%. 

David Paleologos, director of the Suffolk University political research center, attributed Trump's rise to the ongoing controversy over his harsh rhetoric against illegal immigration. 

 "Trump is making daily headlines in advance of the primary season,” Paleologos said. "This has vaulted him to the top of the pack on the backs of conservative voters."

This has really irritated some of  those in the Republican party. In fact one Florida state congressman has outright stated that he believes Trump is nothing more than a plant by the Democratic party.

Well plant or no plant, it looks like Trump is now leading the presidential field. And if he is actually going through with the filing of his financial disclosures with the FEC then it might be time to stop seeing him as a joke for late night comedians, and instead see him as the embodiment of the joke that is now the Republican party.


  1. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Then why is his Puerto Rican super golf course filing for bankruptcy? He should have to use some of his income to pay the debts and get the business in the black again.

    1. That's *why* he's running for president. To raise money for his failing businesses. All thanks to our idiotic campaign finance laws running for political office is the best way to get rich.

  2. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Reminding me once again what an absolutely brilliant man Barack Obama is! These are absolutely gorgeous smackdowns in such an elegant way.

    Obama's Best Comebacks and Rebuttal Moments

  3. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Trump is just like Howard Hughes.. A billionaire who's stark raving fucking bonkers!

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I took the quiz. It was very interesting because it really made me think about what I believe, what I feel strongly about and which candidate best reflects my point of view. Be sure to click the last choice, to get a drop-down menu of more nuances of the issues beyond just yes and no. I found out that I am 92% in line with Bernie Sanders, 76% in line with Hillary. And no where in line with the Right wing GOP. Check it and take the test for yourself, it's worth it, Gryphen.

    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Thanks for this, I was also 92% Sanders!

    2. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Interesting quiz.

      I got 96% for Sanders, 87% for Clinton and 5% with NO agreement on ANY major issues with Cruz!

    3. Thanks! I was 99% aligned with Bernie Sanders, 82% with Hillary Clinton, and just 67% with O'Malley.

      I was amused to see I'm 5% in line with Ted Cruz, 11% with Ben Carson, and a whopping 15% with both Jeb! and Scott Walker.

      I was with Bernie on the Environment, Economy, Domestic Policy, Healthcare, Education, Social Issues, and Immigration. I was with Hillary Clinton on Foreign Policy however.

      I was told I was "extremely left wing and moderately authoritarian". So, do what I tell you...I guess.

      Comrade out.

    4. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Mine was 98% for Bernie Sanders and 87% for Hillary Clinton. Very interesting!

      And, on DOWN the list was 2% for Raphael Ted Cruz! LOL

  5. Caroll Thompson3:21 PM

    The Republicans are getting the candidate they deserve. What I find amusing is that the other clowns in the car are not getting any press time. And the debates - I bet the first debate has more viewers than a Super bowl. I know I will be watching.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Whoopee so he is worth $10 billion dollars, he probable pays less in taxes than I do.

    Also too MONEY cannot buy class.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      My question: by so greatly exaggerating his wealth, is Trump setting himself up for a tax audit by either the IRA or New York state? Oh, can't you hear the whining if THAT happened?

  7. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Trump looks like a kumquat to me...

  8. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Red State Arizona Goes Gaga Over Bernie Sanders As Demand Forces Rally To A Bigger Arena

    ...The media has become fond of lumping Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump into the same category, but there is no comparison between Trump and Sanders as far as being an actual candidate is concerned.

    Trump is at the top of the Republican polls because of the volume of mainstream media attention that he is getting. If Donald Trump had to campaign like a real candidate, his polling numbers would be much smaller. Unlike the media created candidacy of Donald Trump, Sen. Bernie Sanders is a candidate who has hundreds of thousands of people standing with him by opening up their wallets and giving what they can afford to fight back against billionaires like Trump.

    Donald Trump is a novelty and a presidential election sideshow. Bernie Sanders is a real candidate who is being powered by ordinary Americans who believe in his message that the country needs good paying jobs and real economic opportunities for everyone else besides the people at the top. Bernie Sanders is building the sort of grassroots movement that isn’t bound by the partisan divides of red state and blue state.

    The demand for Sen. Sanders illustrates an appeal that crosses into all 50 states.

  9. Anonymous4:02 PM

    LOL ok. this inheritance brat is one piece of work. )))))))(((((((flush)))))))((((((( whew!!! he stinks.

  10. Anonymous4:02 PM

    If you had that much money, wouldn't you have that asshole removed from your face and buy yourself a real pair of lips? My gawd he is gross. Ewwwww!

  11. Anonymous4:41 PM

    There is something fundamentally wrong with our laws when the Donald can have four corporate bankruptcies to his name and still be a billionnaire. And I'm sure his bankruptcies each time had a ripple effect, bankrupting any small businesses down the chain that happened to be his creditors. This is so wrong. He is a money hoarder. After a point, accumulating any more wealth is just a measure of status and supposed superiority. It's a game which takes money away from the lowly workers who barely get by on minimum wage and the middle class who are getting more and more squeezed. When do we--the rapidly disappearing middle class and the working poor--resort to the torches and pitchforks? I'm ready now!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      It's just wrong that he can get out of disastrous financial deals with no repercussions - and still keep all of his money - while everyone else involved loses everything.

      And people STILL lend him more money to gamble with.

  12. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Trump Campaign Has Raised $1.9 Million; $1.8 Million Came from Trump

    Donald Trump filed a financial disclosure statement today, and now we have some information on exactly how much money Trump raised since announcing his presidential run last month.

    One of the documents available online shows that in the second quarter of the year, Trump raised a total of $1,902,410.45. However, about 95 percent of that came from Trump himself.

    Yes, the billionaire mogul loaned his own campaign $1,804,747.23, as well as giving himself an additional contribution of $4049.64, which means that Trump has only raised $92,249.33 in outside contributions.

    There’s also an itemized list of campaign disbursements, which includes a $94.85 purchase at Macy’s just days before the retailer cut ties to The Donald.

    Now, if you’re curious to know where Trump ranks in the fundraising when you take that loan to himself out of the equation, here’s a handy chart from Politico:

    Trump Says “The Hispanics Love Me”, But New Poll Shows They Can’t Stand Him

    ...On the same morning that Trump was bragging that he would win the Hispanic vote, a newly released Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 81 percent of Hispanic voters had an unfavorable opinion of Trump, compared to just 13 percent who viewed him favorably. Donald Trump apparently confused love with hate, as his net favorable rating with Latino voters is negative 68 points. Even by the most charitable assessment, those results can only be summarized as Hispanic voters can’t stand Trump.

  13. Anonymous5:40 PM

    I find it humorous that everyone is climbing all over themselves to replace the black man. And their best man to do it is The Donald?

    Oh my dear President Obama, you are by far the best president of my lifetime at 57 years, and will never be equated.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      For over six years, this country has basked in the leadership of one of the most brilliant Presidents in our history. President Obama has a absolute mastery of complex international relations, a deep understanding of science and an relentless desire to improve all the aspects of our culture and society that create a barrier to our growth and well being. In less than 18 months Americans are going to be faced with the choice of electing a leader with none of these qualities. On the Republican side, we have a busload of incompetents with questionable moral standards and intellects that would not challenge a fifth grader. On the Democratic side, we have at this point, and with the absence of VP Biden, virtually no choice. It’s enough to make you sit on the ground howl at the moon. The leadership and legacy of Barack H Obama will never be matched. Those of us who loved him will always be looking in the rear view mirror, remembering that privileged time in our lives when greatness walked the White House corridors.

    2. Anonymous6:12 PM

      I'm right there with ya, with nearly 6 decades under my life belt and there's no question that he is hands down the best president in my lifetime, and maybe in the 20th-21st century, frankly.

      Watch President Obama address Iran nuclear agreement

    3. Anonymous7:49 PM

      I await the biggest clown of them all to enter.
      Here kitty, kitty, kitty.....
      President Obama ROCKS!

  14. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Citizens United Ruling Has An Unexpected Consequence For GOP Clown Car, And It’s Not Good

    In the words of the church lady, “Well isn’t that special.”

    It seems the much celebrated (by the 1% and their Republican puppets) Citizens United decision in 2010, which blew through any possible barriers for big money in elections, is causing a huge problem for the GOP primary. Candidates who normally wouldn’t stand a chance in claiming the nomination are gaining momentum as super PACs fund them.

    ...Now, conservatives are in a real pickle. They have a huge field of candidates and soon, very soon, most of those candidates and their supportive super PACs will be running negative ads about any perceived frontrunners in an attempt to get closer to the prize. As they scratch and claw their way out of the dog pile, there will be injuries.

    The person who snags that nomination will surely have the scars. And those scars could be a major disadvantage for a republican chance at winning the White House. All good news for Dems – not so great news for Repubs.

    1. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Anonymous 5:44 PM: LOL! Ain't karma interesting?

    2. Anonymous8:57 PM

      Good time to buy stock in local tv stations. They're about to be rolling in campaign ad dough.

  15. Anonymous8:59 PM

    His corporations have declared bankruptcy 4 times. Since he has so much, perhaps he should pay back what he owed those investors and those people who had to take a fraction of what they were owed.

  16. If he has so much money and so little debt, why doesn't he just pay it all off and be debt free? Isn't that what a good Republican does?

    And what's with the new hairstyle?

    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      New hairstyle? I just see the SOS.

  17. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Neil Young doesn't want the comb-over to use his music so I think he should use the theme from the Mickey Mouse Club. "Mickey Mouse, Donald Trump! Mickey Mouse, Donald Trump! Forever let us raise our banner High! Hola Hola Hola! Just a thought and hope that someone out there good with editing can do something with it.

    1. Anonymous3:40 AM

      Good one! Love it.

  18. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Excellent point, wonder who is REALLY richer, the donald or El Chapo.

    I'm betting El Chapo is cause the donald isn't real good with actual facts, even his own net worth, lol

  19. Anonymous6:00 AM

    I would have to work for the next 3800 years @ my more-than-decent salary to amass, before taxes, Trump's 'net worth.'

    In human terms, he's a worthless lump of gilded shit.

  20. Anonymous7:40 AM

    You must have missed this. ROFL

    Bwahhhhh ha ha ha ha ha ha

  21. In explaining Trump's rise to number one, one pundit suggested that for many Trump represents the American dream. Apparently the pundit forgot Trump was born into wealth. Being born into wealth cannot be one's dream, since you're already born.


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