Wednesday, July 15, 2015

In the least surprising turn of events ever conservative presidential candidates jump on news of the heavily edited video about selling fetal body parts to attack Planned Parenthood.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Ted Cruz released a statement calling the video “sickening” and urged Congress to begin an investigation into the Center for Medical Progress’ allegations. 

“There is no place for taxpayer funding of organizations that profit from taking away innocent life, much less profiting off the bodies of the lives they have stolen,” Cruz said. “It should renew efforts to fully defund Planned Parenthood to ensure that its morally bankrupt business receives not one penny of taxpayer money.” 

“The video showing a Planned Parenthood employee selling the body parts of aborted children is a disturbing reminder of the organization’s penchant for profiting off the tragedy of a destroyed human life. It is because of stories like this that I signed legislation defunding Planned Parenthood in the state of Texas — to protect human life and the health and safety of Texans,” former Texas Gov. Rick Perry said in a statement on his website. 

“The callous disrespect for human life revealed today sickens me,” Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul tweeted. “It’s time for pro-lifers to take a stand. It’s time to defund Planned Parenthood.” 

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker called the video “absolutely horrifying and disgusting” and said that “Planned Parenthood and the Democrats who vote to fund this organization owe the American people an explanation for these heinous, and possibly illegal, actions.” 

Carly Fiorina, currently the only woman running on the GOP side, wrote a statement on her Facebook page. “This latest news is tragic and outrageous. This isn’t about ‘choice.’ It’s about profiting on the death of the unborn while telling women it’s about empowerment,” the post says.

Bobby Jindal went even further: 

Jindal issued a statement earlier Tuesday calling for a Department investigation into Planned Parenthood, saying the video appears to show the discussion of a "systematic harvesting and trafficking of human body parts." 

Jindal's statement indicates he believes Planned Parenthood may be breaking federal laws -- he called for the FBI to intervene -- that bar anyone from selling body parts taken during abortions. The Planned Parenthood statement denies that's the case. 

Jindal has said DHH can't issue licenses until the investigation is complete. That order could affect a Planned Parenthood facility in New Orleans.

Jesus these people are predictable.

In the meantime Media Matters has determined there are three very deceptive edits in the video that deserve attention.

Okay you know this just might animate the conservative base for a little while, but I seriously doubt this is going to help any of these GOP candidates improve their poll numbers.

However, sadly, it really could do serious harm to Planned Parenthood, and that would be a very real tragedy.

Sarah Palin's crusty granny panties are so in a twist over this video that she cannot understand why God is not smiting the crap out of us right this minute:  

Ask yourself, how is it that our Creator stays His hand when these atrocities happen right under His children's noses? How is our God so merciful that He seems to grant us unmerited chances time and time again to get it right, whilst this hell on earth continues. In fact, it's becoming more accepted and celebrated by voters choosing to elect our nation's "leaders" who would condone, uplift, and revel in the destruction of all He's so gloriously blessed us with? How much longer? His mercy is inexplicable. How much longer?

Damn, it looks like somebody is really, really losing it these days.

Update: And then things got even stranger.

Courtesy of Palin's Facebook page:

What If They Were Dead Puppy Parts Instead of Dead Baby Parts? 

I'm confused, are we talking about unborn puppy parts? And would they be used to help cure diseases?


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Wow! That is a nut job rant she has on! If only she could see how utterly lame she appears to normal people. I wonder if this new Old Testament Sarah is still hunting for her new Religiban job? I wish her luck, she has yet to find her tribe. She can bring Brisdull along for the redemptive jingles.

  2. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon12:33 PM

    OK, that statement is professionally written by a fluent English speaker, so maybe Sarah still has a few bucks left for a part-time, ad-hoc ghostwriter.

    Although I wonder why she (the ghostie) chose to use the word "whilst." Maybe she thinks it sounds biblical?

    1. Anonymous12:47 PM

      "Whilst" just shows that whoever wrote it is illiterate. It's the equivalent of raising your pinky when you drink your tea. Sounds fancy but isn't.

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I think she totally wrote that "whilst" paragraph. It sounded BSC - just like her.

  3. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Sarah, you should ask yourself all of those questions you evil twit!


  4. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Yet ANOTHER dog in that household? Gee, the Jewish dog hasn't even had a chance to grow up yet, and Piper (or someone) hands Trig a ball of fluff that he promptly tries to eat. And Sarah, you are all wrong about Planned Parenthood, as a 10 second Google search would have told you. But rant on. When the GOP has nothing, they make up shit. Thanks, Sarah, for another day of crap from the Palin internets.

    1. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Trig looks so young. I thought it is an old picture.

    2. Anonymous7:53 PM

      They are pushing this bullshit to cover up POTUS IRAN PEACE treaty!!!
      They will all have egg on their faces when it comes out who is behind the video James Okeefe.
      I saw even my local news trying to run with this crap! I sent them this like and a few others. They all are bought off and hate POTUS.
      As far as stupid sarah, why doesn't she go volunteer and help all the people and DOGS displaced by the Willow fire? She's such a Alaaaasssskan girl doncha, know!
      We won't hole our breath....

  5. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Wow, God, you're really trying Sarah's patience! You'd better shape up and do what she wants you to do, or she might atheist!

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Can PP sue for defamation? This video clearly had the intent.

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM

      I would think so.. How about Facebook and Bristol?

      Not that they want to. I would think they need to if this costs them or damages reputation in any way.

      They are hurting women, young families who can't sue. I do hope Planned Parenthood and Facebook would sue for the people they mean to help.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Seems like they should be able to sue for something. I just hope the truth doesn't get buried in the "back pages"

    3. Anonymous2:31 PM

      I've been wondering about the same thing. It would certainly be well worth it. Too many people have been conned by the right into believing horrendous lives about the work done by Planned Parenthood.

    4. Anonymous4:42 PM

      If not a full on court case, a public retraction, cease and desist. Something to clear up matters for the public.

  7. Anonymous12:49 PM

    That there's a mighty big log you've got in your eye, toots!
    Sweep your own doorstep first.

    1. Anonymous2:35 PM

      My thoughts exactly! But that's our Sarah...always projecting.

  8. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Isn't that Willow's little puppy that got attacked and killed at the dog park 2 years ago? Obviously it's an old photo. How awful for Sarah to bring up such painful memories for her daughter.

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      I believe Willow may have a new puppy, the same breed as the one that was killed.

    2. Anonymous10:00 PM

      Killed at the dog park? Can't those Palins do anything right? A small dog should be carried and controlled in a dog park with other dogs around. Why did any of the Palins go to school? They only took up space.

  9. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Another puppy for Trig? what happened to the therapy dog, Jill Hadasah? Did somebody step on her too hard and broke her back and so for science Chuckey Sr. cut her up to teach the kids about biology? Or... yeah, where is Jill?

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      If this is an older pic, then the worthless retard has moved on from holding dogs (improperly, natch) to standing on them. All the while collecting a generous check from the guvmint every month, courtesy of the taxpayers.

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Sreiously sickening shit. Sarah that is.

  11. American English says "while" and British English says "whilst." Clearly the writer is not an American speaker.

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      Plenty of Americans use "whilst" in a failed attempted to sound erudite. Instead they just sound pompous/

  12. Anonymous1:26 PM

    How many ways can you say don't look at Bristol Palin's belly, don't mention Cletus, forget Sarah has lost track of all the babes and fetuses coming from her family values crap?

    Pray to Dog about the doggie parts, Sarah. You know it is all His Plan.

    Can you say forget Marina? Forget AK Aftadark? Forget all the trial daddies? The never go to church evangelical Palin is back in the building. Forget what charlatans they are.

  13. Anonymous1:27 PM

    It's always got to be about Sarah Palin!

  14. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Is that a photo of Trig trying to eat a puppy? We've seen him stand on a young dog; has he "graduated" to munching on puppy parts? This whole topic is so absurd. Even Nancy Reagan has supported stem cell research and that includes using "donated" tissue from fetuses, umbilical cords, etc. The right wingnuts have raised it yet again because they have absolutely nothing to talk about and, God forbid, they feel good about the many accomplishments of President Obama and his Administration. Besides even the Boy Scouts of America have become more liberated!

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Except I don't think Nancy supported it until they found out Ronnie had Alzheimer's and the stem cell research could have benefited him

    2. Anonymous2:29 PM

      I agree, Anon at 1:49 pm, but at least she got on board. What would Sarah Palin do if one of her family members were told that stem cell research could provide a way to cure an illness that person was afflicted with?

    3. Anonymous8:56 AM

      I think sarah would weigh it politically. If she could keep it quiet, then go with it.....but you have to remember, sarah can never, never be wrong. The family member might just have to do it the "biblical" way and just die....that would be more press for her as she know, victimhood, as people felt sorry for her loss.

  15. Anonymous1:34 PM

    How much longer?
    I ask myself the same question, how much longer before the truth about Trig comes out.

    Also too how much longer will Sarah be allowed to abuse Trig?

  16. Anonymous1:40 PM

    I can't get over Bristol.

    "This is nothing short of pure evil! This is human trafficking! We cannot let Facebook or any other pro-abortion groups silence this story! Planned Parenthood cannot get away with this! Please spread the word about Planned Parenthood’s human trafficking and join me in demanding that they be stopped once and for all!"

    Finally, the Truth About Todd Palin
    .... Malia Litman

    Finally, we learn what the National Enquirer was afraid to say; what Todd Palin has never denied; what Sarah Palin's lawyer tried to cover up by asking the Anchorage Police Department to issue a false press release to the National Enquirer. Todd Palin WAS reported by William Fortier as coming and going from Shailey Tripp's place of business. The Anchorage Police Department's records confirmed that. Yet the APD declared that there "was not one scintilla of evidence" implicating Todd Palin in the house of prostitution.
    In a compelling non-fiction account of the manipulation by Todd Palin of Shailey Tripp, Ms. Tripp reveals intimate details of the tragic story of her life and her sexual relationship with Todd Palin. Poor and destitute, Shailey Tripp lived in a public restroom with her two disabled children. She was so poor that were times when she didn't have enough money for toilet paper or sanitary napkins. This is the story of a predator taking advantage of a single mother who had lost all hope and turned to prostitution as the only alternative available to provide for her children. It is also the story of corruption in the state and federal governments in Alaska. Every man and woman in the country should read this account of the man who could have been the "First Dude" of America. Every Alaskan should be aware of the level of corruption in Alaska, and work to address this intolerable exploitation of both men and women.
    If Shailey Tripp is brave enough to write this book, each of us should be brave enough to read it.

    .... orange triangle
    Todd Palin should be investigated and brought up on charges of sex trafficking.

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      Republican lawmakers in Congress and state legislatures across the country have been trying to defund Planned Parenthood since 2011 because some of its clinics offer abortion services.

      House Republicans previously launched an investigation into the family planning provider in 2011, after the anti-abortion group Live Action released a heavily edited video that purported to show Planned Parenthood employees aiding sex traffickers.

  17. Anonymous1:47 PM

    What If They Were Dead Puppy Parts Instead of Dead Baby Parts?
    I am speechless, what is this suppose to mean? Is Sarah killing puppies and selling their parts?

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      What next? She serves them between the fetus parts and the mash potatoes for the holidays?

    2. Anonymous11:26 PM

      Soylent Moose Chile Stew anyone..?

    3. Anonymous8:59 AM

      sarah is trying put out there that if it were puppy parts, then there would be an outrage....because people love their dogs more than people. lol she is so mitantly stupid.

    4. Anonymous8:32 PM

      Is that what happened to Jill?

  18. I just donated to Planned Parenthood.

    Thank you, Sarah, for reminding me yet again of the marvelous work that organization does. I put a note in with my check that I was inspired to donate by Sarah Palin.

    I feel much better now.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      ty for that, I just did the same :)

  19. Anonymous2:12 PM

    This is really Sarah Palin unhinged and running her FB page. McCain is embarrassed beyond words at this point. Can’t wait to send it to The View!

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      I only wish McCain would feel embarrassment over Sarah Palin. Until he comes out condemning her antics since his VP pick disaster, I count him OUT. And I vote in AZ.

  20. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Looks like Willow's dog:

    Willow also posted a pic today poolside from Scottsdale, AZ.

    1. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Willow's BFF Julie takes a lot of hair pics.

      Do you think Bristol cried a lot to convince Willow not to leave her alone? Was Bristol banished to Az to hide out? Does Willow have one of those jobs like Bristol? Since she doesn't need money she can just do whatever.

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      Just wondering if Bristol is also in Scottsdale. I read in IM that photographers were in Wasilla trying to get a Bristol bump siting. Maybe some astute photographers should go to Scottsdale.

    3. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Did Bristol Palin take a wild ride to the Palins' pregnancy hideaway in Arizona? Will Bristol Palin wear a scarf in the 106 degree weather there, like she did in Haiti? Will Dr. CBJ handle the birth again, or will the Mexico abortion clinic handle Bristol? Will Bristol try to dance on the DWTS set for a throwback pregnant gorilla scene?

  21. Anonymous2:25 PM

    $carah is trying to horn in on the televangelism scam, no doubt. Everything else has failed, so why not? Remember on the campaign trail with little lumpy Johnny Mac, $carah called her family around her for a prayer. Willow, looking disgusted asked her "Why are you trying to be something you are not?" Well, she is STILL trying. I have no belief in the French couple either, since they have to know enough of this family's history to avoid them. How much will they defend them once the Slush Fund runs out?

  22. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Okay that's just weird. I think she's having some kind of an "episode".

  23. Anonymous2:37 PM

    What if they were dead puppy parts? Well, then one might say that they could sell well in China, as a delicacy?


    Can you even hear yourself?

    1. Anonymous5:52 PM

      I immediately thought, when I read the dead puppy parts, that this was an underhanded attempt on her part to diss President Obama, who said he had eaten dog meat while he lived in Indonesia.

      She's all in with those "digs." She is riddled with hate, revenge, sarcasim, and all the whilst she thinks she is takin 'em down. That's insanity. Her griftin is insanity.

  24. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I don't believe Sarah uses the word "whilst".

    Is RAM a fan of Aussie-speak?

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      It is something Sally would look up to add to something that someone would help them write.

    2. Anonymous3:37 PM

      Sarah Palin: Whilst no one find me all our missing washcloths? Why are they all lost?

  25. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Thanks Gryphen, you've created a great calming space. Maybe one day you could touch on Harpo and his neocons. Likewise I'll make with the ten donation but it'll be in Canadian $. Stay classy G.
    Joe from Canada

  26. Anonymous3:18 PM

    I've found an antidote for the ignorant and malicious GOP blabber.

    NASA TV: New Horizons spacecraft is communicating from 3 billion miles away! Yay science!

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      And while it took nine years to get close to Pluto, it only took four hours for the photos to reach earth. I'm fascinated to think that when New Horizons left earth, it took it four hours to get past our Moon and on year to swoop past Jupiter and nine years to reach the region of Pluto and its moons. Amazing. No human beings ever saw such photos until now.

    2. Anonymous4:04 PM

      I agree, Beaglemom!

    3. Anonymous5:46 PM

      Beaglemom, I have in awe and wonderment at this feat and the results. Best news today!

  27. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Where is Trig's dog Jill. The one he was standing on. I guess they got rid of him.

  28. Anonymous3:37 PM

    hey SARAH

    Why does GOD kill so many babies?????

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    So Trig is babysitting Willow's four-legged family?

    None of them would leave their dogs with Sarah, that's for sure.

  30. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Old picture of Trig. He looks different now.

  31. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Congress Launches Planned Parenthood Investigation After Sting Video

    House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) called for an investigation into Planned Parenthood on Wednesday after an anti-abortion group released an undercover video that claims to show that the family planning provider sells fetal body parts.

    "When an organization monetizes an unborn child -- and with the cavalier attitude portrayed in this horrific video -- we must all act," Boehner said in a statement. "As a start, I have asked our relevant committees to look into this matter. I am also calling on President Obama and Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell to denounce, and stop, these gruesome practices."

    Why Planned Parenthood Provides Fetal Cells to Scientists.
    Donating cells from aborted fetuses for research has been practiced for decades

    1. Anonymous5:48 PM

      Is this the new Benghazi ? Are they going to have the producers of the video explain how it was edited or are they just wasting more taxpayers money with their "investigations"?
      House Committees To Investigate Planned Parenthood Over Shady Undercover Video

      After another shady undercover video by a group trying to destroy Planned Parenthood surfaced yesterday - House Republicans are opening up not one, but three investigations to try and find whatever they can to smear Planned Parenthood as suppliers of baby parts.....

      ...You would think Congress would do their best to verify the video content before they use it as a club, but the truth isn't the point. They need three hearings to draw it out as long as possible to do as much damage as they can. Speaker John Boehner smeared Planned Parenthood with all the gusto he could muster and so are his colleagues in an effort - no matter how unsavory - to abolish Planned Parenthood.

    2. Anonymous4:04 AM

      I hope that Planned Parenthood will sue. Enough of the vilification of a fine organization that has helped so many women and their families over several generations. We've had no one praying in front of the local PP office in many months; I expect that the praying men (? why men) and women will return shortly.

  32. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Nicolle Wallace Will Leave The View At the End of Its Current Season

    1. Anonymous6:44 PM

      I heard the producers are having revolving doors installed on the dressing rooms to speed up the host position transitions.

    2. Anonymous6:52 PM

      Wonder who the buck toothed bimbo will campaign for this year. Fuck her.

  33. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Awwww, those wingnuts are bummed that Obama isn't invading today. Talk about stupid conspiracy theories, these people are beyond delusional!

    ‘Absolutely nothing’ but usual quiet in Texas on first day of Jade Helm 15

    A “ Come and Take It” flag flew proudly on a pole outside a ranch near Bastrop, TX on Wednesday. But on the first day of Jade Helm 15 , no one appeared to be coming, let alone taking anything.

    1. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Like dogs who chase cars or the mailman away, these fools will claim they kept Obama from taking them to the FEMA camps cause he was skeered of them and their aresenals.

  34. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Planned Parenthood Bites Back With FACTS About Conservative Media’s Latest Smear Attempt

    Now that conservatives have lost any and all hope of dismantling Obamacare or preventing nationwide marriage equality, they’ve gone back to their tried-and-true old faithful wedge issue — abortion. It’s pretty much all they have left.

    It comes as no surprise that conservatives and conservative media are trying their best to again make Planned Parenthood look like the devil — “They kill babies!” Actually, they perform medically safe and often necessary abortions to female patients who seek them. A service that makes up only three percent of what Planned Parenthood offers the communities they work within.

    Now, conservative media is spreading the fallacy that “Planned Parenthood sells dead baby body parts.” They apparently have an “undercover video” that was filmed by the “Center for Medical Progress” that shows the senior medical director of medical services excited to sell off baby parts. This is an old fable from an old video that is now being recycled, because it’s all conservatives have left to rile up their base. Besides, its election season, so we should expect no less.

    Well, now Planned Parenthood is biting back with actual FACTS about the issue at hand.

  35. Anonymous6:06 PM

    It's all Obama's fault, he won't let the GOP bomb Iran, so it is back to the same old War on Women.

  36. Anonymous6:39 PM

    "Ask yourself, how is it that our Creator stays His hand when these atrocities happen right under His children's noses?"

    Wha….? Sarah, are you saying your god is stupid and incompetent, disinterested, or just impotent?

    1. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I guess that means he's OK with it.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      Atrocities that happened to Sarah and her children?


    3. She can't even use a cliche correctly. The supposed atrocities should be said to be happening right under god's nose, not his kids, what could they have to do with staying his hand?

      Sarah, the fact that you run your ugly mouth constantly, and that no bolt of lightening has been sent from above to silence you, is proof that "our Creator" doesn't roll that way. Or exist, your pick.

  37. Anonymous7:30 PM

    ROFL -- like she gives a shit about aborted fetuses. White-out, anyone? She's comfortable in houses decorated with piles and piles of animal bones, and purports to get off on personally murdering animals. Dead animal body parts obviously don't bother her in the slightest. Considering how she treats her own children, I wouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt on fetuses.

    She's just paving the way for her next phony-ass Christian-remainder-table fixture.

  38. Anonymous9:58 PM

    My 20 yr old first cousin has DS. Her parents are an average middle class family in TX with three other children. Janie received a lot of various therapeutic interventions during her life. She attended high school with her peers, played sports and was a cheerleader before graduating with her class. She's held down part time jobs and is taking classes at a nearby community college. I'm not saying this to be a bragger but just to show what DS people can accomplish when given every chance & opportunity possible. Its a shame that Trig doesn't appear to be receiving much help and I know damn well that from a financial perspective, the Palins are far more wealthy (and connected) than my cousin's are. Sarah should be ashamed.

  39. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Which dog is Tri-G holding? Is that one used as a shower sponge like Jill was used as a stepping stool?Or does Tri-G think it is a snack? It is very close to his mouth - not that he could chew it if he wanted it as a snack.

  40. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Palin, why did God stay his hand when you two , you and Bristol, drunk and skunks , brawling, cussing and leaving
    a little boy, , your grandson , alone in a limo with the driver
    you knew nothing about. Later your grandson out in the
    middle of the brawling , screeching fight was scared, crying
    and looking for his drunk mother. Atrocity, You bet!
    You will never, ever be able to cover that episode up, as hard
    as you all try!

  41. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Who would have ever expected this?

    Republicans and the "dildo boating" of Planned Parenthood, a team effort!

    Lawmakers Knew About Planned Parenthood Video Weeks Ago (Video)

    When an undercover video of a Planned Parenthood executive casually discussing the harvesting of fetal tissue and organs went viral Tuesday, House Republicans took notice, with party leaders calling for investigations just one day later. Speaker John A. Boehner and Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy issued terse statements, the Judiciary and Energy and Commerce committees announced hearings and Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kan., called for a Justice Department probe into whether the nation’s largest abortion provider broke the law in supplying the tissue to medical research firms.

    All in all, it was a furious, news-cycle dominating flurry of Capitol Hill reaction — to a video that at least two top Republicans said they first saw weeks ago.

    Rep. Tim Murphy, a member of the House Pro-Life Caucus and chairman of the Energy and Commerce subcommittee looking into the video, said at a Wednesday news conference he’d seen the clip weeks before. Asked afterward why he and others waited until this week to take action, Murphy struggled for an answer before abruptly ending the interview with CQ Roll Call, saying he should not be quoted and remarking, “This interview didn’t happen.”


    Talk about stepping on your own dick!
    What a bunch of Morans!

  42. Anita Winecooler5:56 PM

    "Sacrificial Soldiers"?????? What the hell is she talking about? I thought I was pretty good at interpreting Sarah's Word Salad, but this one has me flummoxed. We're sacrificing soldiers, exactly how? Tossing them in volcanos as an offering to the lava god?
    For a cino (christian in name only) this woman has a voracious appetite for blood lust. I'll donate my fifteen bucks to something much more worthy. Planned Parenthood, PFLAG, Special Olympics, the Red Cross, SPLC, anything but the grifter.

  43. Anonymous6:23 PM

    "Ask yourself, how is it that our Creator stays His hand when these atrocities happen right under His children's noses?

    Ummm Palin, it might be because your God is the Number One Abortionist! sheesh


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.