Thursday, July 02, 2015

Elizabeth Warren will not rule out the possibility of campaigning or endorsing Bernie Sanders.

Courtesy of the Boston Herald: 

Massachusetts U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren isn’t ruling out joining ultra-liberal Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail in New Hampshire, saying she’s not surprised at all that the Vermont senator is surging in the polls and drawing enthusiastic Granite State audiences. 

“Bernie’s out talking about the issues that the American people want to hear about,” Warren, who hasn’t endorsed anyone in the Democratic primary yet, told the Herald yesterday. 

Asked if she would campaign with Sanders at some point, she didn’t dismiss the idea. 

“Too early to say,” she said.

The article goes on to suggest that Warren does not seem convinced that Sanders can unseat Hillary for the nomination:

 “Bernie is there on the issues. That’s what matters to a lot of people.”

I listened as the talking heads on MSNBC discussed the likelihood of Warren endorsing Sanders and the consensus seemed to be that his loss to Hillary would impact her political gravitas, though I doubt anybody would blame Warren for a Sanders defeat, while endorsing Hillary might cause some of her supporters to wince at the idea she is playing it safe.

Personally I think that campaign events featuring Elizabeth Warren with Bernie Sanders would attract crowds easily three times the size of any Republican candidate and even Hillary herself. (Not that Sanders needs much help attracting crowds.)

And it might garner quite a bit of the media attention that currently is being soaked up by the craziness of the GOP clown car.


  1. Rebecca at wonkette recently and wishfully referred to Warren as "Czarina of the Universe." Some hyperbole goes down as smooth as a milkshake.

  2. People need to stop saying that Bernie doesn't have a chance against Hillary. He is off the charts when it comes to pulling in a crowd and is speaking to the hearts of most Americans regardless of his political leanings. I thought it was a pipe dream a few months ago but now I see it as a reality that needs to go even father. I am not alone in not wanting to vote for Hillary even though I will if it comes down to it. If Obama can do it,so can Bernie. He is the only candidate not taking money from the oil industry and Wall St. Hillary can talk all she wants about income inequality but it doesn't resonate as her truth. I just got into a heated discussion with my sister about his chances the other day and she has written him off but not really aware of his constant appearances and talking about the issues. I refuse to let the powers that be to make a foregone assumption that it is either going to be Jeb or Hillary because they are raking in the big bucks. Look at the bloviating ego-driven gas bag Trumps numbers, funny but sad at the same time. He is so foul and yet he is second to Jeb on the right.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      Bernie absolutely has my vote and for the second time in my life I have made a financial contribution to a political campaign (the first being Obama) Bernie actually has a broad appeal if you really listen to his message. A message that even a conservative might be able to embrace IF they really listen. Go Bernie!


  3. Anonymous4:26 AM

    Bernie Sanders COULD be nominated and elected only if he has access to the awesome grass-roots organization built by the Obama team. Without that neighborhood level organizing [and several boatloads of money] can he make the grade. An astoundingly good message and wild enthusiasm is not enough.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      He already has hired some of Obama's people for his campaign

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      I' ve pledged a monthly donation to Bernie. Others might consider the same support.

      And I sport a Bernie bumper sticker.

    3. Anonymous7:20 AM

      4:26-- I agree. I consider myself a progressive. I love Bernie. I absolutely hope Bernie does NOT get the nomination.

      Why not? Because holding out for ideological purity is as much a temptation for Democrats as for Republicans, but an appeal solely to the party's base is unlikely to win in the general.

      The left wing will automatically vote for Bernie. Those further to the center--well, maybe.

      On the other hand, (most) progressives will hold their noses and vote for Hillary. From what I've been hearing, she has appeal for the centrists, too.

      In short, I think you are absolutely right. A great message and enthusiastic supporters are not enough to get the broader coalition of voters a presidential candidate needs to win.

    4. Anita Winecooler5:40 PM

      I agree on all points. Anon 4:26. But I think having Bernie and Liz in the race will be a good thing. Hillary needs to bring her "A" game. Win, lose or draw, I hope it gets Democrats fired up enough to come out in droves to vote. I could even see Hillary picking either as VP or some other role in her administration.

  4. Anonymous4:47 AM

    10,000 Pack Madison Arena

  5. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Bernie Sanders Gains on Hillary Clinton in Iowa, Quinnipiac Poll Says

  6. Proud Puritan5:04 AM

    Two flinty smart New Englanders, whose combined IQ is higher than all the GOP clowns combined.
    Both arguing for the middle class. No decades-long baggage.

  7. Anonymous5:17 AM

    I would love to see those two join forces against the clown car occupants.... and keep Hillary on her toes and not straying too far right.
    O/T, but yet another shooting day here in 'Murica - police are massing at the DC Navy Yards, due to reports of gunfire, and an "active shooter situation."

  8. I keep saying' -- Bernie's campaign has legs!

    "Bernie Sanders Draws His Biggest Crowd Yet In Progressive Stronghold" - Huffington Post update

  9. When the GOP begins to attack Bernie like they are Hilliary, you'll know he has arrived as a Presidential Hopeful.
    The grassroots support his has is awesome -- remind you of anybody ?

    1. Anonymous5:59 AM

      The witch in Wasilla could never attract 10K!

  10. Anonymous5:41 AM

    It's good to have more than one option instead of Hillary as the default candidate. Bernie is refreshing and he's getting a second look from me.

    As $arah loves to say "Deep bench, baby. Deeeeep bench"

  11. Anonymous5:44 AM

    I hope to see Warren on the Clinton ticket as VP. But that's just me looking for the dream ticket.

    Bernie will top out at 35-40% support. Can't win a nomination or an election that way.

    Clinton/Warren 2016!

  12. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I know it is highly unlikely, but I would love if Bernie Sanders was the president. Otherwise, I'd sure vote for Hillary. The Republicans look like loonies to me.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM


    2. Anita Winecooler5:44 PM

      And they've got the entire clown car as "contrast".


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