Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Every once in awhile I like to put up a graph like this just to drive the conservatives batshit.

Courtesy of Mother Jones: 

As you can see, it's dropped once again, from 11.9 percent last quarter to 11.4 percent this quarter. In case that seems a little bloodless, that means that over a million Americans are now insured who weren't last quarter. For the entire year, nearly 4 million people are newly insured. Since the peak just before Obamacare went into effect, 16 million Americans have gained health insurance. And if Republican-controlled states hadn't thrown a collective temper tantrum and refused to accept Obamacare's Medicaid expansion, the total number would be more like 20 million.

It is that last point that I think should be emphasized over and over again.

If it were not for the Republican attempts to derail, slow down, and undermine the Affordable Care Act several million more Americans would currently be living with access to healthcare coverage.

That alone should keep virtually ALL of them from being reelected in 2016.


  1. Caroll Thompson2:37 AM

    Why would people who pretend they are Christians object to more Americans having health insurance? Didn't Jesus say to heal and help the sick?

    But I should not be surprised. The Republicans mantra seems to be "I've got mine and to hell with you".

    And speaking of phony 'Christians', I just checked the FEC website. No Sarah Pac report has been filed yet.

  2. Anonymous3:19 AM

    Indeed, Gryph, the Republicans' callous disregard for the lives of Americans in favor of adherence to the dictates of ideologues needs to be emphasized as much as possible. Every progressive website should be displaying a counter - Americans killed by Republicans v Americans killed by Isil. It would make it readily apparent why they keep trying to focus everyone's fear and attention on Isil. Their hypocrisy is the same as that of closeted gay fundies and their look over there at those guys not at me schtick. Their denial of Medicaid expansion not only kills Americans, it kills emergency care facilities that close because they cannot afford all the unfunded care they have to provide, and it kills the good paying jobs in the medical field that the expansion would provide.

  3. Anonymous3:29 AM

    I can never figure out why the GOP can't at least pretend to help Americans...if they would pass an infrastructure bill NOW, they would have that accomplishment to run on next year. As of now, they have NOTHING to brag about, which is why they can only tear down Hillary and Bernie and Obama. Come on America, we are better than this.

  4. Anonymous4:01 AM

    This is definitely o/t but the headline of the day is that the Iran deal has been signed. Once Sarah has figured out where Iran is on a map, she'll be sporting her Jewish Star of David and offering to crucify President Obama herself.

  5. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Now put up the graph that shows how much real money is being save from forced insurance.

    Show us how this has LOWERED health care costs. That was how it was advertized and justified.

    The fact is, this act just codified high cost health care and did nothing to lower health care costs.

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      Is a half trillion dollars enough for you? By the way troll, you can't spell your way out of a paper bag. Your sentence structure could also use some work. You almost write like Sarah Palin.


    2. Anonymous5:40 AM

      That is patently not true.

    3. Anonymous6:29 AM

      I happen to live in Wisconsin, you know the state Scott Walker single handedly pretty much destroyed. He only has a high school diploma, apparently UW denied his application, because he has gotten rid of teachers, tried to destroy UW, destroyed the teachers union and much more. He has refused to allow "Obamacare" (personality I think it's great you all call it that instead of instead of the correct term of AFFORDABLE CARE ACT, because it will be forever associated with president Obama and the great things he has done for this country) as a result as a disabled veteran, I am stuck with crappy VA care, my husband just quit a well paying job because monthly payment just for him was well over $300 a month and it didn't seem to cover anything. 😞 However his new job may pay $3 less an hour, but being as it is a small family owned company who wants people who are loyal, they pay 100% of health care, not just for their employees but the employee's entire family! In the long run, he ends with more money in his pocket but fewer sick days a year (because if a child is sick it can result in more days off a year so the parent can take care of a sick child). In addition he doesn't have to drive 40 miles to work one way, it's saving us tons of gas money too! Plus it allows me to see the doctor of my choice, instead of the VA. Additionally it also covers 100% of all medication too.
      This is how it should be for all Wisconsinites, not Walkers' refusal to take care of his state or the inhabitants of our state. God forbid he becomes president, our country would be ruined. Just like he is trying to do to our state. That's what happens when you have someone who isn't smart enough to go to college and is jealous of our current president for being so intelligent, who actually went to college...

    4. Anonymous6:59 AM

      No one is making you get insurance, just pay the penalty, but personally I am tired of paying for your health care when you use the ER as your primary doctor and the hospital passes the cost on to the rest of us.

    5. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Anon at 5:30..... That article is all conjecture. No solid facts. When did a government projection ever come in under target? They twist numbers to make things look the way they want them to look.

      Just like the Republicans trying to claim Social security is bankrupt. Whoever is in control will tell you what they want you to hear.

      I know what people I know are going through. Obamacare is busting a lot of budgets. It has not lowered actual costs one iota and the article you linked to said costs are still expected to climb. What has happened now is people are being charged for more things that were once covered. Deductibles and co pays are higher.

      But believe what you want. They have you right where they want you.

  6. Anita Winecooler8:00 PM

    What I loved MOST was the ACA was given the name "Obamacare" by the GOP as an insult, and he gladly took the name, and the law was passed with the endorsement of a Supreme Court Decision, the same Supreme Court that granted personhood to corporations.
    Of course that graph makes their heads explode, what's so unjust or immoral about making affordable health care a basic human right and not a privilege?
    I now have better coverage, the same doctors and from what I see, there's plenty of business to go around and few, if any, doctors have gone out of business or chose other professions.
    My primary doctor told me his practice has grown and a lot of "red tape" he had to deal with for years has gone, his office runs more efficiently and his malpractice insurance premiums have dropped. It's a win - win for patients and doctors.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.