Sunday, July 12, 2015

Gee I wonder what they think about gay marriage? Actually no I don't.

My favorite part is that they are parked in a handicap spot.


  1. Leland2:31 AM

    Don't tell me. This was taken in the South.

    Geez! Where's the Gatling gun? I mean, my bet would be this person thinks they go together. After all, there's the 1st AND the 2nd Amendment, right? Well, for everyone who agrees with them.

    I wonder how much that truck cost? It looks like a brand new one, too! And is that stainless steel? Sheesh.

    I'll bet this person refuses to help the poor, too. Probably claims he/she can't afford to after that monstrosity! Or that they are too lazy to deserve help. Isn't that their favorite line today?

    1. Balzafiar6:05 AM

      What a waste of a perfectly good truck.

      What's on the poster at the back of the rear wheel? It appears to be a human-like figure but I can't quite make it out.

      I think this was done using vehicle wrap graphics so at least it can be removed, but it sure wasn't a cheap job.

  2. Caroll Thompson2:39 AM

    Well, at least this truck has an American Flag and not the Flag of Treason. So, there's that.

    We don't have any Chicky restaurants here in Maine. And that is a very good thing.

    1. Anonymous5:31 AM

      We just recently got Chicky restaurants here in CT...
      4 of them so far...
      It doesn't matter I won't be going to them...

      In fact I was recently at a function where their sandwiches were being given out and I said, "No Thanks."

      When a business gets on my shit list they can't even give their crap to me...

    2. Anonymous5:38 AM

      And I would let the organizers os said function know that you find Chik Fil A offensive.

  3. Anonymous3:09 AM

    There's a special sticker for "mentally handicapped."

    As in, stupids can park anywhere.

  4. If the handicapped people were real Christians Jesus would've healed them by now, so screw them, the fact that they would need a more accessible parking spot just proves they are heathens!

    See how easy it is to use your religion to cloak even your basest impulses?

  5. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Man, that is one ugly truck! The resale value will be really low, as first thing someone will have to do is paint it. But you would never get the sanctimonious cooties out of it!

  6. Anonymous4:48 AM

    Gee, Gryphen, I would safely say that they definitely ARE handicapped!

  7. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Well, they really are handicapped in a sense. It's pretty difficult to live as a human without a heart.

  8. Anonymous5:07 AM

    What that truck needs to complete it is the mobile billboard of Sarah Palin that the earthquake group used at the NRA convention.

  9. Anonymous5:08 AM

    First impression...

    Why mount a flagpole and a cross in the bed of your truck?

    Then I found my glasses. Just a huge ass cross.

    1. LOL! I'm sitting here thinking how can he drive under bridges with that huge flagpole!! DOH! Thanks for putting on your glasses!

  10. Anonymous7:03 AM

    How do they make it through tunnels and underpasses? A miracle?

    Or a telescoping cross? Now, I bet there's a market for something like that (probably somewhere in the South). They have telescoping gun racks---why not combine the two in one easy machine?

  11. I gather the point is to let everyone know you're a Christian, so passersby will say, "Oh look Morty, they're Christian." Or maybe a more realistic response is, "WTF?"

    1. Leland9:13 AM


  12. Anonymous10:18 AM

    My first question is, "Jesus saves what?".

  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    The joke is actually on the truck driver.
    He's patronizing a business that is no longer anti marriage equality and in fact, has been working with LGBT groups for the last couple of years.
    CFA sponsored the Iowa City Pride picnic this past June as have other franchises in other cities.
    In 2014 , CEO Dan Cathy said he regretted ever involving the company in the gay marriage situation.
    Since then he has been working with Campus Pride .
    The company no longer contributes to the far right religious organizations that led the anti gay movement like Family Research Council and the Eagle Forum.
    CFA makes their corporate donations now to the United Negro College Fund, Habitat for Humanity and other similar organizations.
    Cathy is still anti same sex marriage personally, but CFA as a business entity is no longer a pawn for people
    like Sarah Palin and the others on the right.

    1. No kidding? Excellent. Okay, maybe I'll weaken and at least try those waffle fries and a cold drink sometime. We'll see :)

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Yeah, they got hit where it hurt the most, fewer "In God We Trusts" ate their profit margins, so they quasi changed their tune. BUT they do have a reliable clientele base, Too bad they're closed on Sundays, when most of them are out in full force just dieing for holy processed, high sodium, high fat junk food to clog their arteries and add to the obesity/high blood pressure statistics.
      If you use your "google" skills, take a look at the Dan Cathy Foundation, it reads like a motivational course in ethical business practices and faith, family and serving others without expecting compensation.
      Maybe we should all pick a day, try and walk out without paying, you know, just to see if they walk the walk.

  14. While I'd avoid them naturally now because of their politics, I've never been in a Chick-fil-A at all. Not much of chicken man, anyway; maybe three or four fried breasts a year, if that.
    If I'm not mistaken, their product isn't even sold in natural breast/wing/thigh/leg portions, but a pressed loaf kind of chicken so it fits on a hamburger bun? In that case, even if Chick-fil-A was a full 180 in their politics, and entirely underwrote all the winning litigation in Obergefell, I'd still look for some other way to contribute than eat their shitty "chicken."

  15. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Parked in a handicap spot?
    How much do you want to bet they are on guvmint disability benefits?
    Get your guvmint hands off my medicare right?

  16. Anita Winecooler6:15 PM

    Well, for all we know, the driver COULD be handicapped. For some reason I picture someone who's morbidly obese,diabetic, with high blood pressure addicted to fast food full of trans fat, salt, and some kind of snake oil. With a brain full of whatever they think Chic Fil A represents, like Sarah the thwunk et al.
    "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me", so he prejudged all gays, gay families, and those who support and love them as "lesser than" other of his "God's Creations".

    I tried their food exactly once, years ago, before the whole brouhaha on bullshit mountain began, and wasn't impressed at all. In all fairness, I must say they refunded my money with no questions asked. I wish they asked me, because feedback is what makes or breaks customer service. It tells me they don't care.
    When Cathy came out with his crusade against homosexuals, that sealed the deal. I don't do fast food often, we try to eat clean, home made from scratch food, mostly grown in our garden or purchased from reputable butchers and grocers who get their meats and veggies locally.
    Chick Fil A marinates their "chicken fillets" in the vinegar brine left in pickle jars, then adds more salt etc to the batter, then deep fries it in who knows what kind of fats. Then they serve sides that have salt and sugar, and if that's not enough, they have salt and pepper shakers/ packets available.
    Cathy can backtrack all he wants, his values don't represent mine and I suspect he "changed his tune" because it hurt his bottom line.

  17. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I thought that was a picture of Sarah's new truck. No?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.