Saturday, July 11, 2015

It turns out that President Obama is a Game of Thrones fan and he has the same question that all of have, "Is he really dead?"

Now if you are a GOT fan you already know exactly who is being referred to in the title, but if you are not, and you plan to watch sometime in the future, then you seriously need to stop right now and not read any further.

Okay I'm serious, here there be spoilers.

Courtesy of The Daily Mail:  

It is the small screen death that has become a national talking point. 

And Game Of Thrones director David Nutter revealed the subject of Jon Snow’s demise has reached all the way to the White House during an appearance at Comic-Con on Friday. 

The filmmaker insisted he told President Barack Obama the erstwhile lord of the Night’s Watch was as dead as a doornail during a recent meeting. 

Nutter told a shocked crowd he told the Commander-in-Chief "Jon Snow is deader than dead," when they partied together just a few weeks ago. 

It was the most forthright opinion offered on the fate of upper crust beefcake Kit Harington’s character after he was seemingly stabbed to death at the end of the last series, with his faithful servant Olly delivering the finishing blow. 

Okay so being a Game of Thrones fan is kind of like being involved in an abusive relationship.

Sure there are moments of great beauty, amazing scenery, epic battles, and you come to really care about the characters as if they are part of your own family.

However just as soon as you convince yourself that everything will be alright, and bond with one of these amazing characters, he/she gets knifed to death, beheaded, or has their throat cut in the most graphic manner imaginable.

And perhaps the most devastating example of this was the death of Jon Snow, who was just about EVERYBODY'S favorite character. (You can watch that for yourself here.)

Yeah, you know I felt every one of those knives plunge in myself just as if it were happening to me.

So now we, and the President, have been told with no uncertainty that Jon Snow is dead.

Of course I also seem to remember that we were all informed that Obamacare was dead more than a few times as well, so.............

P.S. Here is a compilation of reactions for those who do not realize how deeply this death affected the audiences around the world.


  1. Sharon2:35 PM

    Off subject....David Letterman made a surprise stop and read a Top 10 list on Trump.

    1. That was funny. Sure miss Letterman. And he has a beard!

  2. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Was listening to sports radio and the host brought up how Kit Harrington was contractually obligated to maintain his hair and facial hair as his characters at all times. Harrington was seen at Wimbolden with the hair and beard still the same as Jon Snows

  3. Watched 1/2 of the reactions: so many watchers have such small vocabularies: pretty much only the word "fuck". One guy couldn't stop grinning; another showed no emotion whatsoever
    which creeped me out.

  4. Anonymous4:05 PM

    I love this story...the one where Pres. Obama asked about Jon Snow. I respect him all the more though it's baffling that a Muslim would pay attention to such things.

    It was bad enough watching Drogon die and hate that they killed Snow. I imagined great things for him and feel there'll be a void in the story going forward. It would be lovely if they'd resurrect him. What is going to happen to Ghost?

  5. Anonymous4:06 PM

    OT - Your blog is especially pleasant to visit today.

  6. Anonymous4:09 PM

    If he's truly dead, it's really poor storytelling. What was the purpose of all those resurrection scenes in other story lines, for one thing? In addition to the mystery of why Harrington would keep his "Jon Snow hair" that forces him as an actor to stuff the hair under a short hair wig for other roles, Harrington did not go to San Diego Comic Con, where other actors leaving the show (because of character death) have usually appeared. The "deader than dead" comic is weird. If a character is truly dead in a world where characters come back from dead, you shouldn't have to continue to tell doubters.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Snow was killed off in the book. But the tv show has now caught up with the book. No telling where either the book or tv show will go.

    2. Anonymous8:13 PM


      Snow wasn't killed off in the last book, we were left wondering if he used his powers as a warg to enter into his dog Ghost and cheat death. Being as the storyline is leading to him being the half brother of Khaleesi (Daenarys Targaryan) from the union of Rhaegar Targaryan with Lyanna Stark I can't see how Jon Snow can leave this story since he is such an integral part of the entire tale of "Fire and Ice".

      All trails lead to Jon Snow NOT being the bastard son of Ned Stark but the son of his sister Lyanna and Rhaegar and Lyanna died in childbirth leaving Ned to raise Jon as his bastard instead of admitting Targaryan blood due to the downsides associated with the mental illness of Daenarys's father Aerys II and the subsequent demolishment of the Targaryan kingdom.

      Sorry, geek out really hard on this series. Read the books more than a few times and all of the associated literature and wikis regarding the storyline.


      Why do you think the Red Woman, Melisandre, wanted to get with Jon Snow? She only gets with those of royal blood in order to create her black magic and she found Jon Snow irresistible.

    3. Anonymous10:06 PM

      Love your comment and I agree! I've also read the books twice.

      One other thing that I'd like to point out is that Jon Snow is still a Stark, (Ned says this) and he has Stark honor. Jon would never break his vow and leave the Night's Watch. He has to die and warg into something else to be able to fulfill his destiny. Maester Aemon said, "Kill the boy, Jon Snow. Let the man be born."

      The boy has been killed. But the man will come back eventually. :)

  7. Anonymous4:52 PM

    "Is he really dead?" He has not been seen in months.

    Maybe Todd is really dead.

  8. All of you fans fail to understand that Martin is a sadistic, brutal, destructive iconoclast who is determined to undermine and sabotage every single trope regarding epic fantasy, whether derived from myth or fairytale. AND he will acclimate you to the violence, so that you join him in cheering the murder of a child or the degradation of a woman.

    The only reason for dragging out completing the story is cowardice. He keeps writing other stuff, or gets involved in other projects, just to delay the inevitable.

    There can be no happy ending. The humans have diddled and wasted the time they should have spent preparing for "winter" with all of its horrors. Their petty politics have killed the leaders and fragmented the forces that could have withstood the white walkers. They will fall. You will feel every ice-cold claw shredding your hopes.

    An iconoclast can't have heroes rescuing and reuniting the humans. That is a cliché.

    Why the cowardice? Viewers who have invested years of their life reading, watching, becoming involved with these characters will feel betrayed and more than a little angry. If Martin "lets the good guys win" (for whatever manner of good is allowed in his world), then he betrays himself.

    No more honors at the conventions, no more perks, no more adulation of the masses. All of those betrayed viewers will HATE him.

    He deserves it.

  9. Anonymous7:09 PM

    The latest Harrington Hair Watch has him in Paris, still sporting his lustrous locks. John *Snow* may be dead, but there's a theory going around called the Great Northern Conspiracy. Well worth the read if you're so inclined.

    Filming locations for Season 6 includes a spectacular castle just outside of Madrid. From a certain vantage point, it sure looks like a particular tower in Dorne. You know, the one Ned was hallucinating about when he was under the influence of the poppy.

    Just don't ask George when he's going to get that next book out. Surest way to kill a Stark.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.