Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lindsey Graham blasts Fox News for their "dumb" strategy in picking candidates for the first GOP debate.

Courtesy of Yahoo News:  

Presidential candidate and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) is furious about Fox News' rules for the first GOP primary debate. 

 In a Fox News interview on Friday, Graham blasted the right-leaning network's "dumb" rules, which will limit the participants to 10 candidates polling the best in an average of the five most recent national polls. 

"I think that this is a dumb way to weed out the field," Graham declared. 

"Brad Pitt would be in the debate in August. Anybody with any celebrity would be in the debate," he said. "I don't mind weeding out the field over time." 

"It's July for God's sakes!" he added. "So a national poll is a lousy way, in my view, to determine who should be on the stage. And I quite frankly resent it." 

Asked if he would like to "name some names," Graham directly said Fox News and the Republican National Committee, which partnered with networks to schedule the primary debates. 

Graham further stressed that he wasn't just angry at the rules on his own behalf. He repeatedly said Fox's poll-driven process is "destroying" the opportunity for all of the scrappy, underfunded candidates to win over voters in the small, early primary states. 

"It's not about me," he said. "Under this construct, nobody really cares about coming to Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina any more. It's almost about money. And what you're going to reward, over time, is the people with the most money. And you're destroying the early primary process. And I think that's bad for the Republican Party."

The man has a valid point.

Funny, if you didn't know that Lindsey Graham wanted to bomb the shit out of just about every other country in the world he would almost seem like a reasonable person.

But make no mistake, he is by no means a reasonable person.


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    I think all the clowns should be able to debate, after all they really never discuss the issues just blab their bumper sticker buzz words, so the more the merrier.

    O/T Trump Gathers in the Haters for Bizarre Speech in Las Vegas

    In a move that is difficult to describe as an accomplishment, there were so many haters in Arizona that Donald Trump had to move his anti-immigrant hatefest from the Biltmore Resort and Spa to the Phoenix Convention Center.....

    .....The result of all this was what Business Insider called “amazingly surreal” and “one of the most bizarrely captivating speeches of his several-week-old campaign” this morning in Las Vegas at the misnamed FreedomFest, his last stop before Phoenix.

    ...“Their leaders … they kill us at the border,” told said. “People flow through like water.” He also claimed that the Mexican government was behind Univision breaking ties with him: “Mexico put the clamps on Univision,” Trump said. “Mexico has a lot of power over them.”..

    And it turns out Trump has some trump to play: “Nobody knows the power of the Tea Party. I only say that because the Tea Party loves me,”

    Of course, the Tea Party has been sinking into oblivion for awhile now. But maybe his hate can breathe new life into that movement. He is certainly the right guy to revitalize what was, after all, a corporate-sponsored AstroTurf movement.

    Now we know why Sarah is having a nervous breakdown, all the loonies have stopped sending money to her PAC and have flocked to The Donald.

    Sarah had better dig her resume out of the trash and start hunting for gainful employment, she has a lot of skeletons to hide.

    His paranoia knows no bounds. His response to a heckler was, “Did the government of Mexico ask you to come here.....

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Stephen Colbert Rocks a Combover to Parody Trump’s Presidential Announcement

  2. Anonymous1:22 PM

    The Super Secretive Hollywood Gang That Loves Trump

    Friends of Abe is a secretive organization with members like Kelsey Grammer, Patricia Heaton, and Clint Eastwood. Donald Trump is speaking with them tonight.

    On Friday night, future American President Donald Trump is scheduled to headline a private dinner at Los Angeles’s Luxe Sunset Boulevard Hotel, where he will address Friends of Abe. The invitation to this sold-out event identifies Trump as the “very definition of American success.” According to Friends of Abe, interest in the Trump dinner has been through the roof.

    “We realize that Friends of Abe is everywhere in the news this week because of the Donald Trump dinner coming up on Friday.” the group’s Facebook page noted on Wednesday. “This is the first time in the organization’s history that an event has been leaked to the press. This is not normally how it goes.”

    At this point, you may be wondering: What the hell is Friends of Abe?

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      WATCH LIVE: Birtherfest! Donald Trump and Sheriff Arpaio in Arizona

      Xenophobia rampant!_Donald_Trump_and_Sheriff_Arpaio_in_Arizona#rss-sm

  3. angela1:44 PM

    And therein lies the soul of the crazy with the modern day GOP.

    Lindsey Graham actually was once probably reasonable but six years ago he and his fellow travelers all joined hands and jumped into the crazy. Enabled the crazy. Smiled and laughed at the crazy then suddenly got submerged in it.

    Graham and those in the GOP who were once not as nuts as the current inmates like Cruz ---should have stood up to this crap long ago. They made their beds, now they have to sleep with whoever or whatever crawls in it.

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      LIVE: Donald Trump's #StandWithTrumpAZ Phoenix Event on Illegal Immigration

  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Streamed live on Jul 9, 2015

    President George W. Bush and President Bill Clinton will speak at the graduation of the inaugural class of the Presidential Leadership Scholars program, a partnership between the presidential centers of George W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and Lyndon B. Johnson. The 60 scholars include individuals from diverse backgrounds and geographies from a variety of sectors, including private, public, non-profit, military, and academia, who were selected because of their desire and capacity to strengthen their leadership skills.

  5. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Lady Lindsay makes a good point. Those who have filed should have an opportunity in a first 'debate' to get their elevator speech out there. After that the RNC can carefully winnow the field to something that might be a little more manageable based on polls. But this early in the game lets let the clown car unload all at once on a stage and see who can grab the attention. I'll have the popcorn and G&T's at the ready ;)


    1. True. There should be a reward for declaring early.

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    All 15 of the repukklican magic under ware sniffing loons should quit right now. They have disgraced themselves and the kkk farty party. Its all over for repukkklican frauds.

  7. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Lindsay should see this as indicative of the cesspool his party has become. If he doesn't like it, maybe he should find a way to clean house. Personally, I find it hilarious.

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      The Republicans have always been about the money...
      Lindsey, you don't have it...
      So shut up and go home...

  8. Wow. Good for him.

    The party is getting so Trumped and Tea-ed that Graham and Bush are starting to look reasonable in comparison.

  9. Anita Winecooler7:39 PM

    Wow, for once Ms Lindsey sounds almost reasonable, and look at all the shelves of books in the background!

    And now a request from Miss Lindsey to John McCain

    t's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you
    Nobody knows where my Johnny has gone
    Donald left the same time
    Why was he holding his hand
    When he's supposed to be mine?
    It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you
    Play all my records, keep dancing all night
    But leave me alone for a while
    'Til Johnny's dancing with me
    I've got no reason to smile
    It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to
    Cry if I want to, cry if I want to
    You would cry too if it happened to you
    Oh, Donny and Johnny just walked through that door
    Like a queen with his King
    Oh what a birthday surprise
    Donny's wearin' his ring!!!!

    Sorry, Lindsey, the rules are the rules, deal with it.

    1. Well, to be fair, no Republicans like to follow the rules when it pertains to them. They all think rules are for the little people and they should all be exempt.

  10. Sounds like sour grapes to me.

    If Lindsay had his way, he'd deprive us all of the most entertaining aspect of the debate; Donald Trump.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.