Saturday, July 11, 2015

It's funny because it's true.

Courtesy of Reddit.


  1. Anonymous2:11 AM


  2. Anonymous2:56 AM

    That is a good look for ugly ol' Bullo. Covers up his three chins. How long will it be before his memories of being in THAT battle are memorialized in a NYT best seller???

  3. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Believe it or not, I've heard these exact arguments over the years from the idiots who live near me (I live in the south). One religious idiot I know insisted that slavery in the bible was just like being an employee today, so therefore slavery in the USA in the 1800s was totally okey-dokey.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      We sat at an elderly cousin's table while she pontificated on how well the slaves were treated and how they were so much better off then. This was over ten years ago and all of us relatives gathered there were stunned silent until someone changed the subject. A very nice woman, not raised in the South, but one who gets all of her information from the Wall Street Journal, US News & World Report and, of course, Fox. After spending her adult years south of the Mason/Dixon Line, she morphed into an aging antebellum-era grande dame. We all wished she hadn't morphed so totally.

    2. Leland9:09 AM

      Sorry, Beaglemom, but I can't in good conscience feel any pity for you about that. People like her will NEVER change until someone "slaps them silly" with the facts. (That's a slang term, BTW.)

      As with everything else, such as the extremists in the religious realm - ANY extremists! - nothing will change as long as they aren't corrected or at least challenged.

      Saying nothing and allowing her to pontificate a load of garbage only convinces someone like her that those around her agree with her, thus reinforcing her "ideas".

      In my opinion, there is a limit to being polite.

    3. Anonymous12:12 PM

      You can't fix stupid. Slap as silly as you want, as much as you want, very few people like the auntie will change their minds. They are too afraid to go forward in live. And vote Democratic.

  4. Evidence; happy darkies singing in the fields. I ask you, would they sing if they were unhappy? No! There's proof that slavery is not bad. (1865 Bill O'Reilly)

    1. Maple7:33 AM

      The old negro spirituals that still resonate today are proof enough against the belief of "happy darkies singing in the fields". Those songs and the religion adopted by the slaves were their only saving grace, in a world where no living human being was prepared to help them out of their misery.
      I still weep silent tears for them today, and if they were my ancestors, I would be protesting in favour of a truth and reconciliation commission.

    2. Yes, that's why I put the words in the mouth of Bill O'Reilly, 1865.

      I thought it was evident that it was sarcasm.

  5. This is actually well done. Those are actual statements made by right wingers in regard to slavery.

    I would also like to see "if they had fox news" segments for Brown vs Board of Education, Selma, My Lai, MLK assassination, JFK assassination, Stonewall, Medicare, Social Security, the Vietnam Wall, and so many others, using republican,/rrwnj's own words against them.

    A "bumper sticker" or sound bite approach to issues can be very faulty as it tends to over-simplify complex concepts, but it can also be a very effective rhetorical device (for good or ill).

    These could be very effective in an election year.

  6. "Oh! The sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home,
    Tis' summer, the darkies are gay,
    The corn-top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom,
    While the birds make music all the day."

    (Original version until the "whitewashing" in 1986.)

    1. Balzafiar6:05 AM

      Oh Lawdy me, I din't know dem darkies wuz gay! Nevah suspected it for a minute.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      I remember songs and/or readings we had in elementary school in southern CA years ago - one had to do with 'little black sambo'. There were others too. We had no clue they were racists.

      Wish my folks were alive today so that I could talk to them about it.

  7. Anonymous6:45 AM

    “And because they were basically on government subsidy, so now what do they do?” he asked. “They abort their young children, they put their young men in jail, because they never learned how to pick cotton. And I’ve often wondered, are they better off as slaves, picking cotton and having a family life and doing things, or are they better off under government subsidy? They didn’t get no more freedom. They got less freedom.”

    Cliven Bundy on whether "Negroes" were better off as slaves. April 2014


    1. I wonder what kind of family life Cliven thought they were having when their children were sold off? How many families were torn apart when their white masters chose to sell mothers, fathers, and children to different owners?

      And why isn't that man in prison? Why was he allowed to point guns at law enforcement officials, threaten them, and experience no consequences? Twelve year old black children are killed by police for having a BB gun while this cretin and his gang of thugs held loaded guns pointed at law enforcement and absolutely nothing happened.

  8. Anonymous7:24 AM

    OT. Sarah let her fans down big time yesterday. When she started the $10 name contest it was suppose to end on July 3rd. She changed it to July 10th and added a nice big countdown clock which stirred up the pee pond. The whole time Sarah was getting very negative comments on Facebook telling her to stop encouraging the change of the bill to a women. Well yesterday came and went without an announcement. Her rubes were played again. Looks like she quit the contest. She can't post a pick without looking like she supports putting a woman on the $10 bill.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      This is her catnip for her "peeps" to vote for, who else? Sarah Palin. No more, no less. Wanna really cook her goose? Vote Caitlyn Jenner, Katie Couric, Lena Dunham or former First Lady, Hillary Clinton.

  9. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Which one of her "lucky" followers won the signed hockey stick?

    1. Anonymous2:07 PM

      I believe the contest rules stated they had 3 months to announce the winner !!

  10. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Wait! Isn't it always 1865 mentality on Fox....

  11. Anonymous1:53 PM

    They forgot to add free ship passage to America.

  12. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    There ARE people who go to "re enactment" events, dressed in historically accurate outfits. You can dress the pinhead in his grey uniform OR his KKK outfit in hoods and white sheets, because he'd actually fit in. Most of Fox News celebrities for that matter.
    A trip down memory lane with Billo and Jon Stewart


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