Saturday, July 11, 2015

Worst cell phone case design ever!

Courtesy of Liberal America: 

There are some things in life that humans create that are just plain stupid and dangerous. Underwear embedded with fireworks, glass motorcycle helmets, and the current Republican Party — just to name a few. 

But this new brilliantly stupid invention may just win this year’s Darwin Award. Someone’s created an iPhone case that looks like a handgun.

Courtesy of the Ocean County Prosecutor's Office Facebook page 

Please folks - this cell phone case is not a cool product or a good idea. A police officers job is hard enough, without having to make a split second decision in the dark of night when someone decides without thinking to pull this out while stopped for a motor vehicle violation. What do you think?

I am actually split on this issue.

On the one hand if you are stupid enough to purchase this cell phone case then you should probably be removed from the gene pool before you procreate. Chalk one up for Darwin.

On the other hand it would most likely be young people who would buy this, and ignorance, unlike stupidity, can be temporary.


  1. Cops are already firing at will and gunning down our darker hued citizens with no consequences, why give them an excuse to shoot you?

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM advice to african-american kids is never to buy this...they won't make past their front lawn...if even that far

    2. A Superfan In Atlanta7:10 AM

      You beat me to it! My sentiments EXACTLY!!!

  2. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Any kind of fakery, the Palins will be in it- won't matter if it's stupid, hideous, or just plain tasteless.

    1. Anonymous6:48 AM

      The fact that you can't not think about them ever is your sickness. Do you have anyone in your life

    2. Anonymous7:01 AM

      And here you are patrolling this thread just so you can jump on posts like 5:03's, oh missing-period one. I seriously would not ask a double-edged question of anyone like that if I were you.

    3. Anonymous8:07 AM

      7:01 AM - "missing-period one." LOL Palin fans are definitely in favor of missing periods! Right, Brissy?

    4. Balzafiar8:49 AM

      @6:48 AM -- Project much?

  3. Balzafiar6:07 AM

    That larger pic looks just like Sarah's flat ass and skinny legs. Wonder if she posed for it?

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Nah....doesn't she have a serious case of cellulite (i.e. pictures from vacation in Hawaii)? Her legs don't look NEARLY that good!!

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Nothing can surpass the Betty Boop padded butt pleather skirt as of late. I still giggle myself silly!

  4. Anonymous7:17 AM

    White kids will make out fine

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I betcha that the PayMe clan will be on the forefront of ownership of this ingenious invention. Bri$$y and Piper-Diaper, and Tundra Turd herself. Maybe Willblow, too.
    Also Dumbkota. Because: ISIS!

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I suspect one of the Palin's will soon be sporting one of these. The only question is which one.

  7. The 'person' who came up with this is a sicko with absolutely no social conscience.

  8. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Hurry, let's send the Heath'n Palins some for Eskimo Bingo!

  9. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I would laugh if they tried to defend themselves with their mobile phone by mistake

  10. Anonymous4:55 PM

    So now we can say, "Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to text me?"

  11. Anita Winecooler6:00 PM

    An "accident" waiting to happen. What would possess anyone of any age to buy one of these? First, the obvious, second, they look cumbersome and uncomfortable to carry, and third, it doesn't look like it's protecting the all.
    BUT who am I to stop someone with a death wish and no common sense?
    Another was the "switchblade comb" fad years ago.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.