Monday, July 27, 2015

Mike Huckabee all but calls President Obama a Nazi. Update!

Courtesy of Haaretz:

 Former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee blasted President Barack Obama on Saturday over the nuclear deal reached between Iran and world powers, saying that by trusting the Iranians, the president "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven." 

In an interview with Breitbart, the 59-year-old conservative television personality called Obama's foreign policy "the most feckless in American history" and dubbed the Iran deal "the most idiotic thing." "It should be rejected by both Democrats and Republicans in Congress and by the American people," he said.

"March them toward the door of the oven?"

How is that any different than Teabaggers holding up signs like this?

 Seriously Republicans, is Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, and the rest of the GOP clown car, really the best you can come up with to run for the most powerful political office in the world?

Update: Damn look how proud Huckabee is of this remark.

Well good let him wear it like a Scarlett "A" for asshole for the est of his life.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    This assKlown should be forced into hiding and stripped of all dignity as a human - and forgotten.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Everyday we are forced to see and hear the stupidity that is the "GOP" hopefuls! Rump, fuckabee, frothy what a bunch of flippin' losers. They almost make rand paul sound sane!!! Fucktard assklowns.....

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Answer: yes.

    Any sane politician has left the party.

    1. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Oh look! He must know he's losing to invoke "Goodwins law"!!!!

    2. Anonymous9:14 PM

      That goes to the same Wikipedia page as I linked to at 3:40, three hours earlier—and mine is clickable.

      Hint: It never hurts to refresh the page before posting.

  3. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Watch Mika Brzezinski’s amazing emotional takedown of Mike Huckabee over his Nazi ‘oven’ comment

    MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski choked up on Monday as she declared that Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was not fit to run the country because he had compared President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran to ovens that were used by Nazis in the Holocaust.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Good for Mika, and YES he should never be quoted or given air time again. There's free speech and there's hate speech. Rotten SOB.

    2. Anonymous8:38 AM

      She's not the only one who took him to the cleaners. Top Jewish organization basically reamed him a new asshole and said the same things MIka did.

  4. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Huckabee should be strung up! What a hateful man! There should be limits as to freedom of speech when it is this hateful OR he could have his mouth sewn shut my someone!

    What is wrong with these 'clown car' Republicans? And, he wants to be POTUS? He'll never be elected and shouldn't be! Too hateful, too religious, lacks respect of others (especially President Obama!) and he has no control of his thoughts to his mouth.

    Thank God we have had President Obama for two terms, who has always been steady and respectful of others even when they (Republicans) throw hate at him constantly! He truly has patience I'd never be able to maintain were I in his shoes!

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      There definitely should be limits to hate speech which is pretty much all we hear from Huckabee, Cruz, etc. None of them, including Trump, Christie, Walker, Jeb, Santorum, Carson are fit to hold public office and definitely none of them are presidential material. How the hell most of these assclowns were ever elected to any position is an embarrassment to all of us.

  5. Anonymous6:56 AM

    It looks like even President Obama has had enough of this nonsense.

  6. Anonymous7:02 AM

    GOP is saving their best .... SARAH!

    run, Sarah, run ... we dare you.

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      By all means, $arah go right ahead!
      Feckless coward.

  7. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Donations for Huckleberry must be in Palin territory, so he upping the bile. The biggest threat in the ME is Israel, always spoiling for conflict. Why do these politicians always defend Israel, anyway? Take care of THIS country for a change. Does Bibi pay them? Does that come from the aid that US taxpayers send to Israel? Bibi is under investigation at home, for the outrageous household bills the taxpayers foot. A war would take the spotlight off that problem for him.

  8. Anonymous7:17 AM

    This is good news for Alaska, Gryphen!

    Koch Brothers’ political group struggles in conservative Alaska

  9. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Trump campaign manager: Huckabee’s right — Obama is sending Israelis to the ovens

    ...On Monday, Michael Cohen, campaign manager for Republican 2016 front-runner Donald Trump said on CNN that he agrees with Huckabee’s assessment that the current U.S. nuclear deal with Iran “will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven.”

    Cohen — who serves as “special counsel to Donald Trump” — was a guest on CNN’s New Day with Chris Cuomo.

    “Does Donald Trump think it was wrong and offensive?” Cuomo asked, about the governor’s choice of metaphor.

  10. Anonymous7:25 AM

    MsBJns • 12 minutes ago

    This shit has got to stop. Israel can take care of itself. Iran has NO Nukes, Israel, thanks to us, has several HUNDRED. It's not the scared, helpless little sister some pols make it out to be. It's killing Palestinians easy enough.

    Our President has done his damndest to make this country work for everyone. He's given the uninsured that number in the millions, access to decent health care. He wants to protect people that came here for a better life, especially the children. He wants to get guns our of the hands of people who shouldn't under any circumstance get them. He doesn't want to commit more of our military to conflicts that will take more of their lives. He wants to put people to work that are desperate to take care of their families. He wants to make sure our children and future generations are afforded the best education, the best chance to make a good life for themselves and many more initiatives.

    EVERY step he takes to move us forward, Republicans are determined to make him take 5 steps back, if not stop him in his tracks.

    One thing that pisses me off the most in that agreement with Iran is the US is NOT in it alone. There were 6 COUNTRIES that came up with that agreement after months of negotiations, yet not one of the cowards on the Right ever mentions that they are also contributing to Israel's demise. Let them call out Germany, Japan, Russia, France and China and accuse them of being anti-Israel. I fucking dare them.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Israel, in it's perpetual victimhood has become what they claim to hate the most. The world does not want to see nuclear weapons used. that's why Bibi keeps his finger poised over the nuclear trigger. To pressure and scare us into fighting another war for them.

      U.S.S Liberty. never forgive. Never forget.

      The B.

    2. Anonymous10:07 AM

      I can't wait to see the reaction if they accuse Germany of sending the Israelis to the ovens.

    3. 7:25 -- you state this very well.

      What pisses me off is right-wingers calling Facts "liberal lies" -- until that stops, we can just hope the majority of Americans see these Rumps for what they are -- truly evil.

      And the only way for evil to win is for good people to do nothing:

      VOTE and contribute by donations & volunteering to help Progressive candidates at all levels. It is not too late. With every diatribe, the right expose their true selves. Be confident there will be a tipping point and the whole GOP will ... [insert your own words here].

      I just sent $$ to Bernie 2016 and feel empowered. Every hour of need throws up a hero and he's mine.

  11. Anonymous7:26 AM

    David E • 12 minutes ago

    Do these people, who supposedly wish to lead the United States, comprehend, or even think about, how these statements play to the rest of the World? Does John Kerry have to start out every meeting with an apology to other diplomats about the unruly children who are grubbing for money and attention first, spouting about God second, and running for the Office of the President of the United States of America a distant third? How must this stuff read to the average citizen of Israel, or Iran, or Montenegro? This kind of absurdest rhetoric needs to be stopped by the media and the people doing their damned jobs and actually challenging these statements and the people making them.

    1. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Exactly! People abroad have no idea how people here actually think about any of this. All they see and hear is the spoutings from these a$$KKKlowns, and they are getting worried about the US!

    2. Time for the mainstream media to get their fingers out and stop letting the right-wingers off the hook, interview after interview. Call them on their nonsense. We need more Rachel Maddows.

      Hey, Anonymous, can you shut down Fox News?

  12. To curry the favor of a demented, ignorant, hateful, arrogant, self-proclaimed god fearing segment of the populous, Huckabee and others like him know no outrage is out of bounds. The eventual winner of this fecal-fest will distance himself from the toxic brew they stirred in order to attract moderate voters in the general election who will view saying vile things about the current president as part of the game, thereby assuring this sort of thing continues. Individuals who respect the nation, the office, and themselves, don't vote for people who say their thinking has evolved since the primaries.

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I can not think of a single person in the clown car who could possibly cleanse themselves of these vile comments, since they are busy trying to out shock everyone else. This way of thinking does not belong in the WH. The rest of the world must look on in horror. No wonder they think the US is the most dangerous to world peace, WE ARE!!

  13. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Huckabee Really Doubling Down on Iran/Holocaust Link

    Obama Fires Back at Huckabee over Iran Comments: ‘Ridiculous if It Weren’t So Sad’

    ...“The particular comments of Mr. Huckabee are, I think, part of just a general pattern that we’ve seen would be considered ridiculous if it weren’t so sad,” Obama said.

    “I mean, we’ve had a sitting senator call John Kerry Pontius Pilate. We had a sitting senator who also happens to be running for president suggesting that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism. These are leaders in the Republican party.”

    “Part of what, historically, has made America great is particularly when it comes to foreign policy, there’s been a recognition that these issues are too serious, that issues of war and peace are of such grave concern and consequence that we don’t play fast and loose that way,” he concluded.

    Watch below, via MSNBC:

  14. Anonymous7:35 AM

    During his press conference, Obama mused that Republicans were engaging in such rhetoric because of the antics of real estate mogul Donald Trump, who has rocketed to the top of the crowded field.

    “When you get rhetoric like this, maybe it gets attention, and maybe it’s just an effort to push Mr. Trump out of the headlines, but it’s not the kind of leadership that’s needed for America right now,” he said.

  15. Anonymous7:36 AM

    U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday said he was yet to hear a strong factual argument against a nuclear deal with Iran and criticized rhetoric about the agreement from some leading members of the Republican party.

    Obama, speaking in Ethiopia during a tour of African nations, said the majority of the world's nuclear scientists and non-proliferation experts backed the July 14 accord, indicating it was the best way to stop Iran acquiring nuclear weapons.

    "There is a reason why 99 percent of the world thinks it's a good deal -- it's because it's a good deal," Obama said during a joint press conference with Ethiopian prime minister Hailemariam Desalegn in the capital Addis Ababa.

    "The good news is that I've not yet heard a factual argument on other side that holds up to scrutiny," he added.

  16. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Poor Huck. He, and all the other strivers, must out-claptrap Trump to get a little attention. These people aren't circus clowns they're carnival barkers.

  17. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The GOP continues to destroy any credibility their party ever had. They have degenerated into a radical right wing group of hysterical old men that want war, that want to control women, that want to destroy the healtcare system, raise taxes indirectly on the poor and middle-class, remove taxes for the olygarchs, and ignore the very real problems of our nation at home. All of this and more, without offering one single concrete solution to any problem whatsoever. They are now the party of what was. Since they are completely ineffective at governing our country, they should be voted out of office as soon as possible and allow us to move forward.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      Well said, thank you.

  18. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I think it's way past time we (America) forget about sending taxpayer money to Israel every year. They don't need it - are doing well on their own and then there is Bibi who is only a friend to Mitt Romney (they went to college together - remember!). Plus, he dislikes President Obama and has made it known throughout his two terms. Why would anyone want to support his country?

    And, the candidates from the clown car of Republicans want war! Total assholes - every one of them!

  19. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Sad and pathetic what the Republican presidential candidates have become. And Donald Trump is exposing the lot as the mediocre hucksters they are. The Donald is showing them how a true huckster works. And the rabid tea party GOP base is lapping it up.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      DT is also backing up Huckabee. Screw him!

  20. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Israel and Neo Cons

  21. Anonymous7:49 AM

    OT-but not..

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Ted Cruz and the Politics of Faith and Fear

      These people are, in a word, afraid. And their candidates have mastered the exploitation of their fears

  22. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Just saw a review of the events that led to the Civil War and secession. Reviewed on Daily Beast. check it out. I am going to get it. Reading about the rich "aristocratic" southern agro barons who, at that time, had a balloon in their cotton market and wanted to reopen slave trade from Africa.
    The dialogue they promoted was total disrespect for the,then, federal government and all of its elements. Sound familiar? The whole deal then was about keeping slavery going as a source of free labor. There is nothing romantic about the many lives lost.
    I see racism just about everywhere and total disrespect for the man and the office. The idiots spouting their venom, like huckleberry, don't care. We have a different set of business leaders/aristocracy now, but the language hasn't changed.


    1. Anonymous11:22 AM

      One of the comments that came out of the book mentioned above was how the inciteful rhetoric not only pushed secession, but it destroyed the political party as they new it. It was the then democratic party of the south. It's the same rhetoric that we see now coming from all sides. The majority of these hotheads are from the south. They have become a party of destruction and they don't care how they do it. They are destroying the Republican party and it will implode upon itself. What comes next, who knows.

      10 cats

  23. Anonymous7:53 AM

    George Galloway And US Jew Discuss The Nazi Holocausts

    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I won't click on a random youtube video. Why don't you tell us what the video is about.

    2. Anonymous5:41 PM

      I clicked on the random youtube video, and nothing happened, I'm randomly bummed out but I DID find a way to watch it.through Google. I'd leave a link, but you don't click on random links, so it won't help. It turned out to be a pretty respectful, informative and insightful conversation.

      Good random you tube Clip, Anon.7:53.

  24. Anonymous7:56 AM


  25. Anonymous7:59 AM

    President Obama is not taking any of their shit:

    These clowns are not just sad, they are dangerous. They have not read the terms of the deal nor will they even bother if given the chance, because after all, why mess up a good headline with facts.

    And could someone please tell me why the media keeps calling this "Obama's Iranian Deal". Last time I looked there were multiple nations involved in this deal and its negotiations, such as Germany, France, Great Britain, Russia, among others, not just the US, and they all have as much to lose as we do if the deal goes South, perhaps more considering that they are closer to Iran. It is only the Saudis and the Israelis who seem to be controlling the public media outrage and feeding the cowardice the GOP.

  26. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Republicans deeply resent the constant barrage of "clown car" comparisons, yet their behavior only serves to reinforce that notion.

    Like the unmistakable stink of a dead rodent behind the refrigerator, the familiar smell of GOP panic and desperation is in the air. And the election is still 15 months away.

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      ...panic and desperation...
      That is when a man or beast can be the most dangerous. They feel they have nothing to lose: expect more mass shootings. Pray Obama is not one of them.

  27. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The Huckster to his fellow GOP POTUS wannabes:
    "I'll see your hyperbole and raise you ten eye rolls."

  28. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I believe its a way to turn off voters so that folks just turn away from politics altogether, while being able to claim the entire field of candidates are all full of shit. Its a very cynical approach to governing, but its a strategy the GOP have resorted to employing in several of the last election cycles.

    The entire reason the Teabaggers succeeded in '10 and '14 was because they were able to get a toe-hold into politics by employing their willingness to slash and burn every normative value to the ground, rhetorically-speaking this is, when it came to civility in politics. Those opposing many of these Teabaggers just didn't showed up in enough numbers to counteract their non-serious, nihilistic approach to politics. Not only does their approach to politics "cheapen the debate", it cheapens the entire field of candidates, and what it means to be a public servant in general. But since it worked once or maybe twice in driving some voters from coming out in midterm elections, they're back to trying it again. Unfortunately, they fail to see that Presidential election years bring out an entirely different crowd of voters, those that take issues very seriously as to who occupies the White House and those down-ticket candidates on the ballot.

    These Rethugs are still working off their midterm election playbook...They're incapable of shifting gears because they've come to believe their own hype.

    Still, the tendency to drive down interest in serious policy debates and generally in our elections because of non-serious comments made by non-serious candidates, presents itself again as nothing more than farce, which some voters are convinced is what the entire electoral process has become. I personally don't think it will work in '16, but in '18 (another midterm) we'll be back to square-one trying to keep the barbarians at the gate.

    1. Anonymous9:17 AM

      The Republican clown car and all the antics they are 'creating' make we want to get out and vote, as well as help get voters out - to get as many Republicans out of office as we can throughout the country!

      Boy, have they messed up their party in the past ten years! Who in the Hell would even want to join Republicans - the only way would be to have the term of 'asshole' attached to your name?!!!

      Even though they are trying desperately to bring Hillary Clinton down (media), I truly don't think it is going to work! I want her even more than I did before and most especially another eight years of a Democrat in the office of POTUS!

    2. 8:01 -- excellent analysis. But Bernie has energized the youth this time, just like Obama did.

  29. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The Obama-Kerry, China, France, Russia, United Kingdom, United States, Germany, and the European Union deal

  30. Anonymous8:06 AM

    This is a trick of these guys like Huckabee to imply that the Obama Administration and liberals are Nazis and like Hitler. If they say it enough times, they believe it will stick. They are the kettle calling the pot black; they are using Nazi techniques to bewitch voters into believing a lie.

    They lie to get what they want. Who is the real Hitler, Huckabee?

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Huckabee isn't even implying it. He's basically outright and literally calling the POTUS a Nazi.

  31. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Mike Huckabee’s “Oven Door” Comments Condemned by Jewish Groups

    Mike Huckabee thinks his rhetoric will be welcomed by Jews. It is not. It is just another example of Republican extremism run amok, of a complete, Palinesque disregard for facts or feelings.

    Huckabee should be ashamed, and he owes President Obama, the American people, and particularly Jews all over the world, an apology.

    Nobody will receive one, of course, because for the GOP and Religious Right, Mike Huckabee has just become the victim.

  32. Anonymous8:17 AM

    The National Jewish Democratic Council today denounced comments made by former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee in the strongest possible terms after the Republican presidential candidate stated that President Obama is leading Israelis “to the door of the oven.” The organization called on the numerous Republican presidential candidates to denounce the offensive remarks at once, noting that the field had no such qualms about doing so when Donald Trump launched a personal attack at fellow Republican Sen. John McCain.

    “Far, far too often, this organization has found itself forced to denounce politicians for invoking the Holocaust in inappropriate and offensive ways. These comments by Gov. Mike Huckabee, however, may be the most inexcusable we've encountered in recent memory. To state that President Obama is leading Israelis 'to the door of the oven' is not only disgustingly offensive to the President and the White House, but shows utter, callous disregard for the millions of lives lost in the Shoah and to the pain still felt by their descendants today.

    “In our eyes, it is almost pointless to demand Gov. Huckabee apologize for his remarks, although he certainly should. This was not a random, off-the-cuff remark, and the Jewish community deserves better than to hear a false apology that we doubt will stop the former Governor from offending again in the future. What we do demand is that Gov. Huckabee's fellow Republican presidential candidates denounce his offensive statement at once. Republicans have fallen over themselves to speak out against Donald Trump's outrageous rhetoric on immigration and veterans. Will they now do the same and speak out against this unacceptable attack against President Obama that smears the memory of Holocaust victims, as they did when Trump attacked Sen. John McCain (R-AZ)? Or will they stand by in silence and implicit approval? We call on every candidate to condemn Gov. Huckabee's disgusting statement and to show where they truly stand.”

  33. Anonymous8:20 AM

    O/T but don't miss this one, Gryphen:

    ‘I’m No Longer Afraid’: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby, and the Culture That Wouldn’t Listen

    Amazingly powerful. He is done, over, finished, caput. What a monster.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      A single image from New York magazine is more powerful than all of Bill Cosby’s denials

      New York magazine’s website was taken down, apparently by hackers trying to silence it, just hours after publishing the accounts of 35 women who say they were raped by Bill Cosby.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      Follow @elonjames #TheEmptyChair as he posts messages from rape survivors who no one believed. Heartbreaking. Reading through #TheEmptyChair is gut wrenching. Imperative we change the skeptical attitude towards survivors

    3. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Check out Social Media’s Powerful Response to New York Magazine’s #TheEmptyChair

  34. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Why's Israel nervous about Iran nuclear deal?

    Earlier this week, Yuval Steinitz, the Israeli minister for strategic affairs, has threatened to take military action against Iran in the wake of the recent understanding reached between Tehran and six powers.

    The development comes less than a week after Iran and the P5+1 states – the US, France, Britain, Russia and China plus Germany – issued a joint statement at the end of eight days of sensitive nuclear negotiations in the Swiss city of Lausanne on April 2

    This is while Netanyahu has claimed that the Tel Aviv regime “will not allow Iran to become a nuclear power,” according to Steinitz.

    He also called for a nuclear-free Middle East despite the fact that Israel is widely reported to be the only possessor of nuclear warheads in the region and does not allow any international inspection of its nuclear facilities.

    In this edition of Comment, we ask: Why is Israel nervous about the Iran nuclear agreement?

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      I just listened to this video and found it very informative and interesting. Thank you for the post.

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Israel has had nuclear weapons for decades - from the US - and has never participated in any international non-proliferation agreements. These are facts that Israel never admits to but should.

  35. Anonymous8:23 AM

    WTF this clown is only 59??? so Am I, he looks and acts like a 70 year old. Get some Depends and go sit in a corner that A-hole.

  36. Huckabee undoubtedly has no idea of how much contempt for Israel and Israelis oozes from his comment.

    President Obama leading Israelis to the ovens? Right. Because Israelis cannot think for themselves, or act for themselves, but only exist as a pawn to serve US purposes and to follow US directives.

    And of course, in evangelical terms, Israel's only purpose for existing is to be present for the end times and the salvation of Christians.

    Huckabee and his ilk do not give the tiniest rat's ass about the Israelis.

  37. Anonymous8:26 AM

    My God the Presidents restraint is amazing. Class all the way.

  38. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Soooooooooo very sick of the GOP "Presidential ?" already...sigh!

  39. Anonymous8:39 AM

    President Obama Rips Donald Trump, Mike Huckabee, and The Entire Republican Party

    ...The President’s points were right on the money. The Republican Party is not serious or capable of governing. Huckabee’s comments were ridiculous, and the party has been hypocritical in condemning Trump’s comments about McCain while having applauded the billionaire’s race based attacks on President Obama.

    The Republican Party is not engaging in serious discussions about the issues. The race for their presidential nomination is a chaotic circus where nothing important is ever discussed. The Senator who made the claim that Obama is a state sponsor of terrorism was Ted Cruz.

    Our political culture is toxic because Republicans aren’t holding up their end of the two-party system bargain. The country does deserve better than one functional political party and a GOP that has been consumed by raging white males who are fighting to keep their entitled status.

    The Republican Party is an embarrassment, and President Obama stood up on the world stage and ripped their ridiculousness.

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      the pee pond is having an absolute fit over this speech. How dare he insult the US on foreign soil, etc. I say, "keep it UP, my President, it needed to be said!"

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      The best part of his speech was:

      The President said:
      The particular comments of Mr. Huckabee are, I think, part of just a general pattern that we’ve seen that is — would be considered ridiculous if it weren’t so sad. We’ve had a sitting senator call John Kerry Pontius Pilate. We’ve had a sitting senator who also happens to be running for President suggest that I’m the leading state sponsor of terrorism. These are leaders in the Republican Party......

      ...... And I recognize when outrageous statements like that are made about me, that a lot of the same people who were outraged when they were made about Mr. McCain were pretty quiet.......

  40. Anonymous8:51 AM

    In 2008, on the campaign stump, candidate Huckabee advocated for almost exactly the same approach to negotiating with Iran as the President has taken. Such a hypocrite.

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      FLASHBACK: 2008 Huckabee Urged Diplomatic Efforts With Iran

  41. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Shocking and disgusting that Huckabee would use such a tragic event from history to further his brand. Sickening.

    And to call the Iran agreement "idiotic" is so juvenile. What a sad little man.


  42. All Huckabee needs on his little poster is a Confederate flag and a swastika.

  43. The downside of this is that these clowns are making Jeb! look reasonable. Yikes!

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      Jeb Bush Bashes Huckabee: ‘Oven Door’ Comment ‘Just Wrong’

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM

      You wonder how much the Koch bro are giving to the Hukabees to spout this nonsense tso Jeb looks reasonable. Who is pulling the strings? -- look behind the curtain.

  44. Anita Winecooler7:07 PM

    Everyone, President Obama included, have denounced his vile comments. Except for Donald, his "advisor" a "Mr, Cohen" doubled down on Huckabee's comments and said Donald approves of the entire statement. Where are the others on the clowncar beside Jeb!? Sarah, of Wasilly, wannabe Jew via Star of David Bling and not full conversion? Where's the mainstream media calling this idiot on the carpet? Where's Boehner and every Republican now in power's outrage?
    The world now sees this man for who he truly is, a charlatan reverend and priest of nothing much.
    Even on RAI, the Italian Station had an entire hour dedicated to denouncing his words, taking the side of President Obama and the American Public, held at a synagogue in the outskirts of Rome with leaders of many faiths. They went out of their way to explain that his views do NOT reflect on our country nor any democracy in the free world.
    Free Speech and Hate Speech are not the same.

  45. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Well good let him wear it like a Scarlett "A" for asshole for the rest of his life.
    Gryph, that is one of the best suggestions I've seen or heard. Lets push the idea!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.