Monday, July 27, 2015

Oklahoma Republican chairman claims that his state can ignore Roe vs Wade Supreme Court decision.

Courtesy of Think Progress: 

“The federal courts don’t have the authority to make us kill babies,” according to Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Randy Brogdon. “Are the Supreme Court justices going to come down to Oklahoma and make us stop?” 

Brogdon, a former state senator who once called for Oklahoma to form its own militia separate from that National Guard — and who previously cast doubt upon the Pledge of Allegiance because he objects to the line “one nation, indivisible” — offered his interpretation of the Supreme Court’s lawful authority on Friday. One day earlier, he signed a fundraising email making a similar pitch. “As Chairman of the Oklahoma Republican Party, I call on the Governor and legislators to completely end the practice of abortion in Oklahoma,” Brogdon wrote in that email, adding that the state should “[s]hut Planned Parenthood down immediately for their illegal actions, and prosecute the abortion doctors who violate their oath to ‘do no harm.'”

Okay folks this shit is getting way past out of control.

These conservative assholes are not going to stop until all women are forced off of birth control, and reduced to breeding stock that Christian men can purchase at their local Hobby Lobby craft store.

If you are a woman and do not get out and vote for every progressive candidate running for election in your area, you are quite literally helping to roll back 100 years of progress that women have made in this country.


  1. Anonymous4:08 AM

    Unbelievable. Why don't they put "obey" back in marriage vows as well?

  2. Anonymous4:13 AM

    IF any of you still LIVE in Oklahomie - LEAVE TODAY.

    1. Close-knit communities in Oklahoma are built around churches that exercise an inordinate amount of influence. Often the center of life, they are hives of information, gossip, judgment, and control. Before leaving the state thirty-five years ago, I taught in a small town whereby I often found myself an object of gossip and speculation because I was single and didn't attend church. To be sure, there are many wonderful people in Oklahoma, but the hive is powerful, and to get along, one must go along.

      The kinds of attitudes espoused in the article and the kinds of restrictive legislation that has come out of the state will continue as long as individuals allow others to do their thinking for them. Too many people sit in the pews thinking they don't agree with all the ideas put forth by the pastor, but they'll never utter a word to the contrary, because they know the power of the hive.

  3. Anonymous4:31 AM

    And their male partners, too.
    The progressive case must be made to men, so that they don't shrug off their responsibility to ensure that all women have a right to control their own body.
    And that biblical interpretations of "when life begins" belong in the pulpit, not in government.

    1. Maple5:37 AM

      If I'm not mistaken, the Bible states that life begins "at first breath" and ends "at last breath". Of course, besides picking and choosing which parts of their "good book" they wish to believe, they also don't seem to mind rewriting it to suit their desires.

  4. "To preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States of America."

    For some of them these days, it's worth no more reverence or attention than shake well before serving.

    1. Anonymous6:12 AM

      Roe v. Wade has been law for 42 years.

      Before that, many states allowed abortion.

      Those that didn't still had citizens who underwent abortions -- in unlicensed, back-alley places; many women were sterilized or died because of the lack of sanitation and antibiotics. If legal abortion is eliminated, abortions themselves will not disappear.

      And, anyway, the "planned" part of Planned Parenthood is there for many other medical needs, including affordable birth control so that abortions aren't needed.
      The "christian" taliban knows this: but all women should be only be legally married to a man and then have a baby if their sex life produces one., according to them.
      When will they start requiring that American women wear burkas, and when will they start throwing gays off roofs, or beheading adulterers? That's where they're headed.
      Maybe they'll stop at making women wear a Scarlet Letter to signify their sins.

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM

      If when and everytime their sex life produces one, with everyact of intercourse threatened by that possibility, whether or not they can afford it. And they want to cut social services when the inevitable pregnancy occurs. They don't just hate freedom, or women, they hate sex and other humans, doing what humans do. They are misanthropic on addition to being misogynist.

  5. I cans ee where the GOP is heading. In a year, everyone who has a position on abortion more "moderate" than this guiy is going to be called a RINO.

  6. Anonymous5:24 AM

    American Taliban.

    They will not be satisfied until this country is a theocracy.

    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      Ding ding ding, we have a winner!

  7. Anonymous5:29 AM

    This guy will get a ton of donations for spouting this crap. That's all he's after.

  8. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Kids, remember the 1950's, when racism was the norm and wire coat hangers were birth control? Good times!
    I feel like a kid again!

    1. Anonymous6:42 AM

      And alcoholic parents beat up each other or the kids, but "domestic violence" hadn't been discovered yet.

      And the back of the bus, segregated (poorer) schools, and "no coloreds allowed" were just the way of the world.

      Male-only ministry, and child rape went unreported.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      Yep! The future platform of Christian conservatives...

    3. Anonymous5:04 PM

      Remember, for the Teapubtalibangelists, Atwood's handmaid's tale sn't a dystopian fantasy, it' a playbook.

  9. A woman friend of mine recently said,

    "Girls mature faster than males. They are even growing taller than boys. Women's brains are naturally more grounded, reasonable & evolved than men's.

    Therefore every so many decades, women have
    to be put back in their "place" by men (consciously or subconsciously) -- so the male brain can evolutionarily catch up.

    It's happening all over the world today: extremist religious/political groups are frantic to suppress the rise of women -- one is even is running for President of America. That can't be good for the male sense of god-given supremacy."

    They just can't help themselves; it's the male equivalent of a woman getting "broody".

    It's a theory...what do you think?

    1. A Superfan In Atlanta8:58 AM

      That's my theory Barbara.

      Women enter workforce.
      Compete with men for jobs.
      Excel at jobs due to superior ability to multi-task.
      Men feel threatened and develop need to eliminate threat.
      Men decide that getting a woman pregnant reduces, limits and eliminates women's workforce engagement opportunities thereby weakening the threat of women in the workforce.
      However, men ultimately decide that legally eliminating reproductive and health services reduces, limits and eliminates women's workforce engagement opportunities thereby fully eliminating the threat of women in the workforce all together.

      Are Republican women supporting their Republican men in public but voting for Progressive issues at the ballot box?

    2. Yep. Very backward; not embracing what they could accomplish together for progress and the betterment of all lives. What a waste.

      We can only hope Repub. women are voting in their own interests in the ballot box (and that those boxes aren't rigged. Cynical, moi? you bet).

    3. Anonymous6:54 PM

      As one of those "smart women" (aren't we all?) I'd like to suggest the use of hypothesis rather then theory when appropriate ;)

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    These people aren't going to stop until they're held accountable for their treason ... which means never, unfortunately.

    1. A Superfan In Atlanta8:58 AM

      Voting changes things.

  11. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Randy Brogdon? We've heard from this @$$hole before! Not even two weeks ago!

    "Oklahoma’s Republican Party is apologizing – sort of – for comparing food stamp recipients to wild animals in a Facebook post.

    The state GOP inaccurately claimed in a post Monday that food stamps distributed by the federal government were at an all-time high, and then pointed out that the National Park Service prohibited the feeding of animals.

    “Their stated reason for the policy is because ‘The animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves,’” the state GOP posted. “Thus ends today’s lesson in irony #OKGOP”

    The state party chairman, Randy Brogdon, said the post was “misinterpreted by many” and offered his “apologies for those who were offended – that was not my intention.”

    “This post was supposed to be an analogy that compared two situations illustrating the cycle of government dependency in America, not humans as animals,” Brogdon said."


    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      You know, until I started reading blog comments I never realized how lucky I am to live in a very blue northeast state. Yeah we have jerks and troglodytes here, but they are so out numbered by reasonable people. Maybe New England should secede (take NY and the west coast with it). Canada II

  12. Anonymous7:30 AM


  13. hedgewytch7:46 AM

    What is concerning me is the growing rhetoric among GOPers that they DON'T HAVE TO ADHERE TO SCOTUS RULINGS! Santorum came out and said it flatly on the Rachel Maddow show last week. They actually believe that the legislative branch can ignore the judicial branch. This is happening on any ruling by SCOTUS that they don't like. They are trying to undermine the SCOTUS whether its the ACA, Roe v Wade, or same sex marriage, etc. But this time its not going to work because they are attacking the very framework of the Constitution that they so proudly proclaim to honor.

    1. A Superfan In Atlanta9:00 AM

      So you already know, if a Koch-backed Republican gets elected, he will be making them kings of America. Which is what they have wanted all along. David Koch laid out his platform in 1980 when he was running for Vice President. Bernie Sanders has been covering it in great detail for years.

  14. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I am getting tired of these people thinking the Constitution and the SCOTUS are suggestions that can be ignored if they disagree with them. Who do they think they are?

  15. Time for a little reverse Jim Crow in politics.

    No one can run for or serve in office without passing a Civics Test.

    The amount of bloviating ignorance of our state and federal laws, the Constitution and Bill of Rights is just atrocious.

    If you don't know how our government works, you cannot be a part of it.

  16. Yet another state I will never step foot in.

  17. CorningNY10:41 AM

    How is saying that you don't have to follow the law of the land, handed down by the Supreme Court, not treason?

  18. Think back to when Romney was running and he came out against Planned Parenthood. A well spoken young women asked him where she would get her healthcare if Planned Parenthood was closed because she could not afford private physicians. Romney answered "Go anywhere you want. Just not Planned Parenthood cause we're closing it." She took another stab at explaining to him that it was the only affordable healthcare, as she was a student, and he just repeated the same dumb thing he said the first time.

    On the other hand, I saw young women interviewed who repeated the mantra over and over, " Well, I'm not a feminist.." And then they would trash feminism, never realizing that without the fights their grandmothers and mothers fought they wouldn't be in the workplace, or controlling their childbearing, or keeping their own money, or able to call rape rape even if it takes place on a date or within a marriage. If young women refuse the term feminism and drop the baton that's being handed to them they'll have no one to blame but themselves. Their 75 year-old grandmothers and 50 year-old mothers won't be getting the bloody back alley abortions. They will.

    1. Anonymous6:59 PM

      Heck, when I was a young engineer in the 70s the latest centerfold was posted with my name on it. Groping was commonplace and the more distasteful the joke the better. Pregnant single women "disappeared" on long vacations and returned childless. Every utility bill, every loan had a man's name on it.

      These young'uns have no clue what we went through- and what's in store for them.

    2. Absolutely! It makes me sick to see young women pretending to like pornography so that their boyfriends won't think them prudish and accompanying them to strip clubs to show how "open minded" that are.

      Remember the scene in The Graduate where Dustn Hoffman takes the young Katharine Ross to the disgusting bar? She leaves the strip club in tears and he feels bad and apologizes for hurting her. In those days audiences recognized that Benjamin was trying to humiliate Elaine. Nowadays Elaine's character would be derided as a stick in the mud Puritan.

      Feminist history should be taught in every secondary school.

  19. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Nice scummy yellow teeth there, dude.

  20. Randall6:02 PM

    Pro-choice does NOT mean forced abortions.
    Pro-life DOES mean forced births.

    Which one sounds like Big Government to you?

    1. Anita Winecooler6:30 PM


  21. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

    "If you are a woman and do not get out and vote for every progressive candidate running for election in your area, you are quite literally helping to roll back 100 years of progress that women have made in this country."

    I'd like to be more inclusive and add "The husbands and sons and women who love them" in the equation. Women didn't get this far by themselves. If a law affects women, then it affects families and both sexes. By extension, it affects society as a whole.
    This towhead is just repeating the hate he was carefully taught and raised with. I'd like to believe people aren't born this vile,


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.