Thursday, July 09, 2015

Okay I think I'm going to need this shirt.


  1. Anonymous4:39 AM

    And next to the jeezus shirt is a buttwiser T. I am sure that Bud and Pepsi (I think) will not be pleased that their brands are being used and abused by this rogue retailer. I wonder what he/she could do with the confederate flag.

    Rebel Yell.....yeeeeha, hooohaw

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Yeah, but would you really want to wear it in public and risk having some gun humping fundie take exception? I'd seriously be afraid of that.

    I really don't like confrontational tee shirts even when I agree with them. They raise my anxiety level.

    1. Yeah if I was somebody who lived in fear I probably wouldn't have this blog.

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM


  4. Anonymous8:38 AM

    I don't think that shirt means what you think it means, Gryphen. I think "Last" means "Final", not "the next before the present".

    I think it's directed toward the flavor of Christians that believe and pray Jesus will come again in their lifetime, that is, for the end of the Earth: that they'll be the final generation, and saved of course because they chose Jesus while the rest burn in hell, not that belief in Jesus is outdated.

  5. I think Gryph had it right. Doesn't Pepsi use the tag line: The choice of the next generation?
    Also agree with 7:25 - I'd worry about being attacked wearing it. But I also wouldn't wear it just because it's disrespectful. I don't need to mock those who choose to believe in Jesus anymore than I would publicly mock Buddhists or followers of Islam or any other religious belief. Although I do wish the believers in Christ would stop trying to force their belief on everyone else. They're the first to complain if someone tries to change their beliefs!
    All that being said, I think the shirt is funny.

  6. Anita Winecooler5:10 PM

    Yet some people wear "empowered by christ" tee shirts, and ride mechanical bulls in bars then scream persecution because someone doesn't like their mom. LOL
    I do have the "A" Atheist symbol on my car, and it amuses me when people ask me why I'm advertising Acura on my German Import.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.