Sunday, July 19, 2015

So the rule should be that they can only bring back the show if they agree to a name change.

I think that works.

And let's be honest, you still know that the same audience of slack jawed mouth breathers who watched it before the scandal would continue to tune in. Probably attract even more of them.



  1. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Isn't 19 and Counting now being used by the Republican presidential candidates?

  2. Anonymous5:14 AM

    True is true, and the name change is appropriate, lol

    And I've said this before…how dare they not cancel this show immediately upon release of the police report weeks and weeks ago. It's admitted child molestation FFS

    1. Anonymous5:30 AM

      And how dare they bring back the sisters for the one hour special. Enough is enough, quit force feeding them down our throats.

    2. I've read on several entertainment sites that the special is a trial balloon. If the ratings are high enough, the sisters will get their spin-off show green lighted. TLC does not want to lose their cash cow.

      They don't give a damn how many child molesters they encourage and enable. Profits come first. All of the Duggar's are repulsive, including those sisters.

  3. Anonymous5:47 AM

    Now that their show is canceled it might be a little easier for the kids to pull their father off of their mother.

  4. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Speaking of deviant and abhorrent behavior:

    Bill Cosby Deposition Reveals Calculated Pursuit of Young Women, Using Fame, Drugs and Deceit

    He was not above seducing a young model by showing interest in her father’s cancer. He promised other women his mentorship and career advice before pushing them for sex acts. And he tried to use financial sleight of hand to keep his wife from finding out about his serial philandering.

    Bill Cosby admitted to all of this and more over four days of intense questioning 10 years ago at a Philadelphia hotel, where he defended himself in a deposition for a lawsuit filed by a young woman who accused him of drugging and molesting her.

    Even as Mr. Cosby denied he was a sexual predator who assaulted many women, he presented himself in the deposition as an unapologetic, cavalier playboy, someone who used a combination of fame, apparent concern and powerful sedatives in a calculated pursuit of young women — a profile at odds with the popular image he so long enjoyed, that of father figure and public moralist.

    In the deposition, which Mr. Cosby has for years managed to keep private but was obtained by The New York Times, the entertainer comes across as alternately annoyed, mocking, occasionally charming and sometimes boastful, often blithely describing sexual encounters in graphic detail.

    1. Anonymous6:51 AM

      I was totally creeped out by his "tell your mother about your orgasm" bit so as to make it seem consensual. WTF?!?!

    2. "Private faces in public places
      are wiser and nicer
      than public faces in private places." - W.H. Auden

      Any sense of betrayal or revulsion here is a by-product of the realization that yet again another celebrity has managed to lull us into the belief that, because we admire their talent, we're at all informed of their morality. It is not true, never had been, and never will be.

  5. Anonymous6:03 AM

    The show won't be on TLC, and Larry Flynt is in negotiations to get it on the "Hustler" channel...

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      For the better part of two decades the religious right has been trying to pin child pornography and South East Asia human trafficking charges on Mr Flynt, all to no avail. Either he is proficient at covering it up, or more likely it just doesn't exist at all. I'm no fan of Larry Flynt or his products, but I'd take him any day over these religious kooks.

    2. Anyone who takes Jerry Falwell to the Supreme Court and wins is OK in my book.

      Flynt is a supporter and defender of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

      He is also an opponent of the death penalty and won the right to weigh in on how the state of Missouri conducted two of it's executions.

      Larry Flynt is such a supporter of the first amendment that he took a bullet for it, then when his shooter was convicted of murder and sentenced to death, he spoke against it.

      "As far as the severity of punishment is concerned, to me, a life spent in a 3-by-6-foot cell is far harsher than the quick release of a lethal injection. And costs to the taxpayer? Execution has been proven to be far more expensive for the state than a conviction of life without parole, due to the long and complex judicial process required for capital cases.

      Franklin has been sentenced by the Missouri Supreme Court to death by legal injection on Nov. 20. I have every reason to be overjoyed with this decision, but I am not. I have had many years in this wheelchair to think about this very topic. As I see it, the sole motivating factor behind the death penalty is vengeance, not justice, and I firmly believe that a government that forbids killing among its citizens should not be in the business of killing people itself."

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    In all seriousness, this is not a funny topic. I can't express how mortified I am about how some are supporting them, glossing over this whole ordeal; he just touched a breast, they were sleeping and had their clothes on, he was curious, all 14 yo boys do that, look at what Lena Dunham and Bill Clinton did. I guess as long as they hate gays and lend their support to diminish abortion they are OK and invincible.

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      Remember Queen Heifer's "leave Josh Duggar alone" rant? No, bitch, we don't have to.

  7. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I am not shocked people have dismissed the molesting as curiosity. My sister told me our cousin would grope and feel her up coming to her bed during the night. She said he was a "pig" but "all boys that age do that". She only told this four decades after. When I was 17 the same cousin gave me a ride however turned into a wooded area angrily ordering and demanding I have sex with him. I opened the door to escape and sickened I vomited over myself which turned him off.

    My sister has the same mind set of norms of prepubescent teen boys and will always believe it is the girls or females at fault because no male can control himself so sexual assaults do not exist in her mind.

    If my sister had told she would have spared me and probably others. To this day she normalizes a lot of sexual Devine y that 9.8% of parents would be horrified about.

  8. Crystal Sage8:34 AM

    Why is it predictable that those who present to the world a glorified holier-than-thou persona, end up being brought down by their own sins? How many times have we seen it played out in newspapers, TV and other media? It would seem that if one wants to get his or her freak on, just become a spokesperson for the "moral life." Bill Cosby has, by his own admission, behaved in a vile way towards many women; Josh Dugger violated his own sisters and a babysitter (and who knows who else.) That's just recent revelations. Jim Bakker makes a reappearance. Long out of jail, he hopes that people have forgotten his sexual transgressions and the money he and Tammy Faye bilked out of believers. And the list goes on and on. Yet some, easily duped people still support and send money to these charlatans. How sad.

    1. Anonymous8:47 AM

      And why, Crystal, the upcoming "devotional" from $arah irritates the heck out of me. Just STOP it, we know who she is, yet there are those who hang on her every word as their savior of all that's wrong in this country. Puh-LEEZE!

  9. Anonymous9:19 AM

    The breeder will not live long. I hope his herd helps him when his wife is gone from overbreeding.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:37 PM

    The Lewdness Channel will make a fortune off the two girls in their spin-off show. The Lewdness Channel won't kill the goose who laid the golden egg, Jim Bob and Michelle have made it crystal clear they're firmly on the side of the pervert son, who's felt really really bad and shown sincere remorse for what he did to his sisters and a babysitter. Which begs the question, with nineteen kids (Aka cheap labor) in the house, why do they need a babysitter? Especially knowing their son's proclivities and inability to control his basic instincts? The girls need professional help, not to forgive the perp, but to get to the point that they can trust the opposite sex and have a normal, healthy life. But he's "forgiven" and above the law. Does the family get to keep the house, appliances, vans, etc. that the sponsors and TLC paid for?
    The moral majority is neither.

    Imagine, for argument's sake, this family was of some other race? Would they be afforded the same privileges or would there have been a show to begin with?


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