Sunday, July 19, 2015

John Oliver, Australia, and gun control, how could that NOT be entertaining?

This was posted on the thread following Friday's story about the conviction of Colorado theater shooter James Holmes, and I felt it was high time it was posted again here on IM.


  1. Thank you so much for posting this. Wouldn't it be wonderful if the United States could go one year without a mass shooting incident?????

    1. Crystal Sage8:21 AM

      How about one week? Or even a couple of days? Sensible gun control is not taking away rights for law-abiding citizens. It can, however, make it difficult, if not impossible, for an out-of-control or mentally ill person to get easy access to firearms. That is the problem, I believe. Every time I read about a young child dying because some gun-toting person left a loaded weapon within the child's reach, I feel sick. These fools think they are protecting themselves and their families. How wrong they are.

  2. Anonymous7:27 AM

    It was easy for Australia to do it, they hadn't already created a paranoid murderous society armed to the teeth.

  3. Anita Winecooler5:46 PM

    How he keeps a straight face is beyond me sometimes, but that's a sign of a good comedian. And his entire point is spot on. Somehow, Someway, Australia did the right thing, and have reaped a somewhat safer society as a result.
    So now we know, it's time to move to Australia, mates!!!


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