Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Supreme Court decision on gay marriage is giving Southern states a chronic case of the sads. Update!

Courtesy of TPM:  

An all-Republican county commission in Missouri voted unanimously Monday to observe a full calendar year of “mourning” after the Supreme Court’s gay marriage decision, a protest that will include lowering flags to mark the somber occasion. 

Flags at the Dent County Courthouse and Judicial Building will now fly at “below half-staff” on the 26th day of every month from July 2015 until July 2016, the Salem News reported, to mark the day SCOTUS handed down the ruling that legalized same-sex marriage nationwide. 

Presiding Commissioner Darrell Skiles filed a letter into the record ahead of the vote staking his opposition to “the U.S. high court’s [sic] stamp of approval of what God speaks of as an abomination.” 

Skiles also wrote that “all who see these flags at this lowered position be reminded of this despicable Supreme Court travesty” as reason enough to approve the plan.

Aww, don't you just hate it when the highest court in the land refuses to rule on the side of your religiously inspired intolerance?

Of course you have to know that gay couples all over the state will show up to have their pictures taken with the lowered flags in July of each year and then send copies to their friends saying, "Yep still pissing off the locals with our love."

And Missouri is not the only Southern state who is a little pissy about the ruling.

A judge in Texas has decided to go ahead and marry same sex couples, but he wants it on the record that he is doing it under duress.

Courtesy of WFAA: 

Judge James DePiazza, justice of the peace for Precinct 2, has performed more than 2,000 wedding ceremonies. Before he marries any future couples, they will be required to sign an agreement that has been revised since the Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in June. 

Prior to the landmark decision, the form congratulated couples on their upcoming wedding, and laid out guidelines on punctuality, fees, marriage license requirements, and had places for the bride and groom to sign. 

A new form posted to the court's website Thursday highlights the judge's position on same-sex marriage, saying he prefers to "NOT conduct same-sex ceremonies, but will not decline anyone who chooses to schedule with him." 

The form also removes references to congratulations and bans photography during the ceremony, but offers access to the courtroom after.

Oh what a guy! Kind of like saying "Welcome to the happiest day of your life and oh how I wish I didn't have to play any part in it."

If I were getting gay married in Texas I would TOTALLY choose this guy to perform the ceremony just so I could get one of those forms.

Update: Well it looks as if Missouri will NOT be using the flags to demonstrate their irritation at the SCOTUS decision. This from HuffPo 

Leaders in Dent County, Missouri, are no longer planning to lower flags at the county courthouse to “mourn” the Supreme Court’s legalization of same-sex marriage, thanks to an overwhelming backlash from county residents.

Damn things are happening so fast these days that you can barely get a blog post out about it before it before it is already outdated.

Well good for the citizens of Missouri!


  1. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Wish our "leaders" would lead us through some real problems.

    Effing big ole babies - we need new leaders if this is all they bring to the table!

  2. Balzafiar6:53 AM

    Missouri is almost as backwards as Oklahoma.

  3. Olivia6:53 AM

    Just like a 2 year old having tantrums, they will kick and scream, hold their breath and bang their heads against the wall for a while. When it produces no results or unintended results, they will forget what they were having the tantrum about and eventually deny that they ever did it.

  4. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The folks of Dent County are smart enough to see all the benefits of welcoming gay weddings.

    Frankly, I think the economic benefits arising from the SSM decision will be easily measurable nationally and they will shock people. Marriage is good for business, and any town that becomes popular for gay weddings is going to do very well.

  5. Pat in MA7:08 AM

    "overwhelming backlash from county residents" Do these elected officials even know who they represent other than the handful of like minded bigots in their inner circle? Listened to Jindal yesterday talking about how Americans want to repeal Obamacare. Really? Really Bobby? Who are you talking to exactly?

  6. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Imagine a potential juror telling that Texas judge or any other having a problem with SSM they couldn't serve as a juror because the Judge was a Christian and clearly had impartiality issues.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      I plan on using that line here in Alabama next time I get my jury duty call. Last time I was called for jury duty I took my copy of Atlas Shrugged to read and kept it in plain sight.

    2. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Seems to me that having a judge admit biased feelings toward GLBT Americans his case file should be reviewed for judgements against those he feels are sinners.

    (of a person or their manner) childishly sulky or bad-tempered.
    "he was moody and petulant"
    synonyms: peevish, bad-tempered, querulous, pettish, fretful, cross, irritable, sulky, snappish, crotchety, touchy, tetchy, testy, fractious, grumpy, disgruntled, crabby; informalgrouchy, cranky
    "he's as petulant as a spoiled child"

  8. Jim in Texas7:32 AM

    It would be nice to think that the Missouri "backlash" indicated evolved residents, but it was really about "disrespect" to veterans and to the flag.

  9. Martha again7:50 AM

    Off topic:

    Andy does news satire. His latest article is that we're squandering our enemies.

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    "Supreme Court decision on gay marriage is giving Southern states a chronic case of the sads"

    We have two words for the Southern states


    and three words for Sarah Palin.


  11. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Tolerance wins in Texas! Watch Christians storm county meeting to censor LGBT books — and fail

    Religious conservatives descended on the Hood County Commissioners meeting in Texas on Tuesday demanding that LGBT books be censored or banned from the local public library, but ultimately lost out to those who argued for freedom of speech and tolerance.

  12. When the decision was announced on June 26, I commented at wonkette that I didn't feel any more married after 39 years, than when my husband and I did our ceremony in Maryland the last week of 2013, or when we became legal at home in Virginia the next October 6, or even much more with Obergefell.

    Certainly the mood that morning was euphoric and festive, but that afternoon I had homemade vegetable beef soup planned for our dinner, and even the most powerful Supreme Court decision does not make celery and carrots chop themselves. Had they wanted to stop by though, I made enough to warm Kennedy, Breyer, Kagan, Sotomayer & Ginsburg.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.