Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Newest fundraising email from SarahPAC suggests that Palin can help stop the Iran nuclear deal from happening. Update!

From my inbox:

Dear .........

Our world just got a lot more dangerous. Last night, Iran got the deal they have been dreaming about. The Obama Administration, lead by John Kerry, just allowed Iran to develop nuclear weapons. 

Congress must act within 60 days to stop this deal. They must set aside it’s petty arguments and unite to stop a bad Iran deal that gives Iran sanction relief, lifts the arms embargo, and nuclear weapons. 

As reported by CNN, intel reports have Iran making a nuclear weapon in at least a year. The Obama Administration lead by John Kerry just put our lives at risk, but there is one glimmer of hope. Congress can squash a bad Iran deal and it’s time to let them know how you feel! 

Donate $15 so we can use our influence to stop this bad deal! Congress needs a message and we need to deliver that message! 

This same regime exports terror all across the region and now they will have the capability to create nuclear weapons. Donate now to crush this BAD IRAN DEAL! 

At the end of the day our nation is run by the will of the people, only you can send a message loud enough that causes congress to act! Let’s send congress that message, together let’s crush this bad deal! 



So to be clear this e-mail is suggesting that the PAC supporting a woman who has been out of politics now for six year, has since starred in a poorly received reality show, and is no longer a contributor on Fox News, has some ability to impact the decision concerning a nuclear agreement with Iran?

And not only that but the only thing they need to help them leverage this great influence of theirs is donations of fifteen dollars each?

Why fifteen?

If Palin's last remaining supporters were to donate twenty five dollars each could the PAC repeal Obamacare?

For thirty could they overturn the Supreme Court decision supporting marriage equality?

For a fifty dollar donation could SarahPAC forcibly install Sarah Palin into the White House?

Seriously just how ignorant do you have to be to think that ANY money you send to Palin PAC will have ANY influence on ANYTHING?

I imagine that when the newest quarterly report comes out that the SarahPAC numbers will show that they won't have enough to cover their own expenses much less influence anything happening in Washington D.C..

Update: It looks like Palin dusted off her ghostwriter and chained her to a keyboard again.

Here is a portion from her recent contribution to Breitbart:

And by the way, politicians, any of you supporting this while still sending our sons and daughters to war under the pretense of fighting threatening regimes; any of you joining the left’s group hug around Iran’s intentions, I question whether you are fit to shake the hand of a single sacrificial veteran or active duty American.

Seriously, how does somebody who fully supported George W. Bush's decision to send our troops into Iraq say something like this with a straight face? 


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Liar, thief, grifter, con-artist, hustler, scammer .... Sarah Palin.

    1. While reading your comment, I had a mental image of her jumping out of a cake, tassels and all. Ta-da!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      You forgot geriatric pole dancer.

    4. Anonymous3:58 PM


  2. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Some fundraising study must have shown that $15 is the best amount to ask for -- the donor feels more pain than if it were $5 or $10, but also feels as though he's invested in the outcome.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      I will send $100 (monopoly $) for her to jump in that dead lake. Condition is she stays underwater til the bubbles stop.

  3. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Boxes of diapers and cute baby outfits cost about $15 each...

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      B I N G O !

    2. Anonymous6:13 PM

      May be that is for a hit of meth? $15!

    3. Anonymous10:46 PM

      I will give $15 for her to go away.

  4. Anonymous9:12 AM

    I thought the world just got a lot safer. It's far better negotiating and communicating with other countries; it sure beats campaigning for the presidency while chanting "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran" which, as I recall, is just what Sarah's running mate did in 2008.

    I knew she would reappear once the Iran nuclear deal was signed. What the GOP and their cheerleader Sarah seem to miss out on is that this is a deal among several nations and it involves the United Nations. So, frankly, not many people, and certainly none of the ones who matter, care what Sarah Palin thinks. She'd be far better off reining in her oldest daughter.

    1. Anonymous11:23 AM

      The r's and the pailn won't be satisfied unless there is all out war in the middle east. Sick fuckin' assholes, all of 'em, any of 'em. .

    2. Anonymous11:41 AM


      Well how in the heck is little baby Jesus gonna descend from the heavens in his little straw manger unless there is strife in the middle east that leads to a peaceful Israel.

      Hmm, just how else do you think thats a gonna happen without some all out war and bombin' and religious genocide in the name of great christian conversion? Geez.

      The r's love themselves some Israel but only because their bible tells them to. Also too, jews, don't forget that you can't help make the christian dream come true unless most of you die and the remainder convert to the way of jeebus.

  5. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Sarahpac has influence? What, is Timmy Crawford gonna flash Mama Grizzly's fake tits at the Bible squad?

  6. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Pls send 100 immediately, we can assure you that 7% will not be spent on consultants and fund raising expenses.

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The Iran Deal Is a Victory for Obama Diplomacy Over Bush Warmongering

  8. Anonymous9:15 AM

    even diehard sycophants at the pond are pooh-poohing this latest request for money.

  9. Ow, my head! Grammar and spelling errors, and then she gets the entire concept wrong anyway. Yes, Intel says Iran might develop a nuclear bomb in a year - WITHOUT this deal. That is the point of the deal!

  10. And yet, still no thankful word for the 'gift from God' presently kicking and punching the walls of daughter Bristol's uterus? But poor busy Grandmom is prepared to make time to stop the Iran deal in between rocking chair appointments crocheting booties? Let's all be impressed.

    1. Maybe SP is praying for a miscarriage and she won't have to comment at all.

    2. Anonymous10:46 AM

      Barbara, SP is more likely to be hatching another plan for a 'miscarriage'..

  11. Kathi in NJ9:17 AM

    When do the PAC filings come out?

  12. Anonymous9:18 AM

    What ever happened to the $10 bill naming contest? Results were promised to be announced last week, IIRC.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Who won the autographed hockey stick also, too?

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Money only flows towards Sarah Palin, not away from her.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      I bet the hockey stick winner had to make their way up to Alaska to claim way would Sarah have spent money to send it somewhere. If there really IS a hockey stick, of course. Maybe no one wanted it?

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Sorry, toots, but president Barack HUSSEIN Obama said that he will veto anything Congress puts before him on this matter.

    You lose. AGAIN.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Sarah has that covered, too, but only if you send her $20 instead of just $15.

  14. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I've figured out why the $10 bill promotion has been delayed! They were secretly planning to feature the father of Bristol's newest child on the bill, but they still aren't sure which man is the father.

    1. Anonymous10:48 AM

      Dr. Cusack may have insisted on signing his hockey stick and hence the delay in that contest.

    2. Anonymous2:13 PM

      I still say get any of them,all of them in a circle and play spin the bottle,you're IT. Kinda like how they named their kids. Whatever the bottle points to.... or,dna night at the mugshot bar.

  15. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Every time they loudly trumpet "She's not for sale!" I wonder what they think donation pleas are.

  16. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Dear Palin Supporters - Please send me $15 and I will promise to proofread Mrs. Todd Palin's insane and inane missives so you will not be subjected to lies, inaccuracies, misspellings, nouns and verbs that do not agree with each other and other morsels of word salad.

    Dear Sarah Palin: SHUT UP!!!

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Palin supporters aren't literate enough to notice misspelling or grammar errors and not worldly enough to catch her lies and bs.

    2. Anonymous1:10 PM better spent

  17. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Why of course, what can't a Heath/Palin woman do? She has learned from the best on the Alaskan frontier and she is a fiscal conservative so she can do anything for $15. All the while she is welcoming another grand baby, we are yet to learn what number this one is. Unlike Hillary Clinton who dared to spring off the stage Sarah Palin is in it for the long haul.

  18. Anonymous9:28 AM

    "They must set aside it’s petty arguments and unite to stop a bad Iran deal that gives Iran sanction relief, lifts the arms embargo, and nuclear weapons." How does one "lift nuclear weapons"? They must set aside "it's" petty arguments....

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Journalism major my ass.

    2. Anonymous10:51 AM

      They probably let her graduate elementary school because her pop was a substitute teacher that lacked credentials. It is had to believe she had much more education.

    3. Anonymous10:57 AM

      High school graduate my ass.

    4. Anonymous1:14 PM

      She would know about making life hell! When she cannot strong arm folks any longer she and the GOP foam at the mouth! Too bad you lose! Days of war mongering are numbered and labeled!

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Look, you stupid trollop! That's you palin .btw bristle is also a trollop. Anyway, you will at least know ,how stupid your followers are. You will able to measure that stupidity by how much $ you make on this latest scam/sting .
    They are getting wise to your scheming, slowly but surely.

  20. Anonymous9:32 AM

    A woman who professes to be a conservative Christian, yet both her eldest son and daughter have conceived children out of wedlock? She couldn't instill good Christian morals into her children, nor teach them to use birth control responsibl, but AIP PALIN think she can stop this Iran deal? Really?

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      Since Sarah (and her mother) were with child before marriage, I doubt she sees Bristol's pregnancies as anything bad. Sure, having a baby while Mommy wanted to run for POTUS was a little tiny bit humiliating, but Trig was there to take the cameras off Bristol's square chest and rounded stomach. They don't care. They don't parent; they don't believe in self-control, and the kids suffer.

  21. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Oh - my head hurts from all the grammatical errors. We're talking basis English here.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      "basic" - but you get a pass for suffering through it.

  22. Anonymous9:41 AM

    This will be an interesting waste of money. While they are at it investigate Todd Palin for trafficking and other misdeeds.

    House Committee to Investigate Planned Parenthood Organ Harvesting Video

    1. Anonymous10:52 AM

      What the world needs now is more 'Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi' investigations. Like they ever do anything significant other than waste time and money on crap they are not actually authentically investigating.

      They need to investigate the investigation racket.

      Mar 26, 2015. National Security: DEA agents had ‘sex parties’ with prostitutes hired by drug cartels

      May 22, 2012. DEA agents under investigation for allegedly hiring Colombian prostitutes

    2. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Cletus the Fetus begs INVESTIGATE THIS:

      Cocaine abuse affects areas that control emotions and decision making.

      Hookers & blow


      Colombia Secret Service Prostitution Scandal Spreads to the DEA

      High Crimes By Strawberry Fields
      "You have to ask yourself after reading Tripp's book is, who protects Todd Palin? Who protects Sarah Palin, who is also guilty of lying and criminal acts. Why aren't the local, state or federal authorities interested in pursuing the charges they so richly deserve? Who covers for them and why? Tripp has emails and other proof of Todd Palin's involvement right in the book. The Palins have bullying down to a fine art and almost everyone is very afraid of them and won't dare stand up to them or confront them."

    3. Anonymous1:16 PM

      Well that use to be the case! Now the hunted are now the hunters! We are locked and loaded too!

  23. LOL! Sarahskank couldn't even stop her Revirginized Bristoltramp from getting pregnant. How the hell does she plan to stop the Iran deal?

  24. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Looks like Sarah has fired up her ghostwriter for a round over at Breitfart. She's getting no attention from her shouty page on FB, so now she's whining on that despicable site started by the dead guy.

    EXCLUSIVE–Sarah Palin to Congress: ‘Stop the Madness’ of Obama’s Surrender to Iran

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      They certainly have low standards for who they let contribute to that sad site. But then what do you expect from a site named after a dead hate mongering creep like britefart.

    2. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Sarah is the dead guy. She said so.

    3. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Breitbart Lied About ACORN 'Pimp'

      James O’Keefe Insider Says He Plotted To Incite Violence Against Police, Blame Protesters

    4. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Excuse Me While I Save the World!

      Wadda corpse!

      Kathy Wilker
      Sarah Palin? Do you approve of Patheos? Is your Daughter part of or all of Patheos? Have you read some of their posts? They are Not of God...I love you to death...but if you are a part of this...I'm jumping off your band wagon...seriously!

      Links to political earthquaking activist, Bristol Palin "What If They Were Dead Puppy Parts Instead of Dead Baby Parts?" with picture of sad part of dog.

      Colleen Kippenhan
      Truth wonder if dogs were being beheaded what the out cry would be if dogs were kept locked up for 1000 days where is the outcry the moral compass is not working people praying for Christians to pray for divine intervention and for people to wake up

  25. Anonymous9:56 AM

    She will use the money to fund this movie:

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      She funded that one that sparked riots! Isn't she Special..

  26. Anonymous10:00 AM

    The world would be safer if Palin would keep her mouth shut and stay out of sight!

  27. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Oh look, Brancy's hubby is fearmongering his ass off.

    1. Anonymous10:24 AM

      The Frenches are such a pathetic couple. Horse-faced Nancy and Rick Scott look alike David throwing any ethics out the window in pursuit of the almighty dollar. To top it off they pal around with the trashy palin klan. My hamster is a better Christian than either of these two hypocritical opportunists.

  28. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Sarah who?

  29. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Here is what I read:
    "Send me money so I can be supported in the lifestyle to which I have become accustomed."
    Now she doesn't speak in language with that much clarity but you get the idea.
    Here is a thought for sarah, and brissypants also too:
    GET A JOB!

    1. Anonymous1:19 PM

      Well how can they have time for that? Why they are soooo busy stalking and tampering with vehicle! Then meth out and up all night...

  30. Anonymous10:14 AM

    First thing, Sarah. Would you please show us where Iran is on the map?

    Bonus points: Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Afghanistan.

    Extra credit: Lebanon and Jordan.

    No peeking at your dusty globe first!

  31. Anonymous10:19 AM

    the sea of pee is going nuts. they suspended comments yesterday? they are literally eating each other.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Now they need to eat Sarah!

  32. Steve Hawkings10:23 AM

    Sarah can't even stop her whore daughter from getting knocked up how does she expect to stop the President Bahahahahahaha stupid stupid woman.

  33. DailyKos had a nice slant on this phenomena too, which Palin is wasting no time proving. Since they're a party with no constructive ideas to move this country forward, the loss of another 'other' to foster fear about, cripples them all the more.

    1. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Perry is crying on CNN right now!

  34. "As reported by CNN, intel reports have Iran making a nuclear weapon in at least a year."
    This makes no grammatical sense. Quelle surprise.

    "Donate $15 so we can use our influence..."

    "Seriously just how ignorant do you have to be to think that ANY money you send to Palin PAC will have ANY influence on ANYTHING?
    Of course every donation will have influence. It will allow Sarah and Bristol to keep their cell phone accounts going for another month, so that they can continue to take idiotic selfies with asinine facial expressions and imbecilic hand gestures.

    1. abbafan11:30 AM

      Nefer - (a nightmare scenario) - if McCain won the vote in ' 08, and keeled over in the first month, and she had her bony digits on the nukular kodes, God help us all!!! The fuckin' dolt never possessed any modicum of intel(ligence)!!

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      You can bet that had McCain taken office, he would ave been dead in the first year due to "an unfortunate accident." The Palin Mafia would have seen to it.

    3. Anonymous1:26 PM

      Now they are down to a circus act!

  35. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Is this a fucking joke? Seriously, is it?

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Well, this is Sarah Palin, after all. So yeah...a very bad joke.

  36. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'll send Sara a hundred bucks when she posts her solution on her FB page. She doesn't have one; of that I am certain.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I'll see you a hundred, anonymous, and raise you another hundred.

    2. Anonymous1:27 PM


    3. Anonymous1:32 PM

      I dont know how to word it but ill see your two hundred as well?

  37. Anonymous10:42 AM

    $15 can buy a pack of condoms for Sarah's layabout daughters.
    Oh that's right, they don't use condoms. When is Trapp's projected birthdate? Will Bristol have a name to put on the birth certificate as the father? Christian born again virgin Bristol Palin has a whole lot of people to call 'giddy assholes'.
    Even Sarah Palin has not acknowledged Bristol's pregnancy yet. David French/dickhead and his horse-faced wife are typing their little fingers off trying to deflect the Bristol pregnancy saga. Bwahahahaha.

  38. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I will donate $15 to SarahPAC if she can post any photo of the Palin family attending any Sunday church service between January and June of this year.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I'd donate for a look at Trig's BC.

    2. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I'd pay 1k to hear CBJ state she induced Sarah at MatSu on 4/18/08

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      @1:34 PM Dr. CBJ would never admit to that lie.

    4. Anonymous5:17 PM

      LOL, they don't attend any church. Even in 2008 McCain run, only half the Palin family could wake up ( or were still tweaking) to make it to a church parking lot fro one photo and I doubt any actually went in for the service.

  39. Caroll Thompson10:52 AM

    I did a bit of reading and I finally figured out the deadlines for Super Pacs to report to the FEC. In off election year (like 2015, 2013, 2011, etc....), Super Pacs report semi annually and the reports are due on July 31 for the six month period ending June 30 and on January 31, for the six month period ending December 31. Since this is an off year, the Sarah Pac report we have been waiting is not due until the end of the month. In the 2013, the last off election year, the report was filed on the very last day of July 31. So, we can expect to wait another two weeks.

    In election years, like 2014 and 2016, Super Pacs have to file quarterly and only get 15 days after each quarter to file. So, for the three months ending June 30, 2014, the report was due on July 15.

    So, for those who said the report is due on July 15 and for those who said the report was due July 31, both are correct, depending on the year.

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Sarahpac is not a superpac.

    2. Caroll Thompson12:00 PM

      Whatever 11:05, the reporting rules still apply. Sarah Pac has until July 31, 2015 to report the first six months of activity.

      Stupid Pac, oh excuse me, Super Pac or not, we will all be here to read it when it is filed.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Happy Birthday to me !!

  40. Anonymous11:09 AM

    "sacrificial veterans?"

    I'm sorry, but that just sounds horrible. Wouldn't it be better to call them sacrificing veterans? Otherwise, it sounds like Sarah thinks they were nothing but lambs for the slaughter.

    1. That phrase hit you the same way it did me, evidently.

      See below for my comment.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      I think that the 'sacrificial' ones didn't come home alive.

    3. she flings dung11:35 AM

      Occasional word salad fail.

      Brain not completely in control of what mouth is saying.

    4. Anonymous11:42 AM

      She considers herself the sacrificial lamb, so that's probably what was in her head. Yeah, hasn't she sacrificed a bunch of love of her country. Not one damn thing!

    5. Anonymous11:43 AM

      Every now and then Sarah leaks what Sarah is really like. She knows they are lambs to slaughter. She is a warmonger and thinks and worships warmongering.

  41. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Sarahpac is a leadership pac.

    1. Which means she can coordinate activities of her PAC, and use its funds for anything she wants.

      Which is actually what she's been doing for 6 years.

    2. Anonymous11:32 AM

      And? What has she led? Oh, yeah, she's led the Tea Party into war with the US Government. Such a swell patriot she is.

    3. Anonymous11:40 AM

      $arah is no leader.

    4. "Sarahpac is a leadership pac."
      Really. Wow. I never would have guessed "leadership PAC.

      Sarah Palin could not lead head lice to her bits of actual hair.

    5. Anonymous1:57 PM

      Yep, she keeps leading men to Bristle but she can't get 'em to marry her.

  42. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Anyone up there in the Wasilla area (or is it Anchorage?) : have your cell phones ready JIC you happen to spot preggo Pri$$y and take her picture, and PLEASE post it here! (After that, sell it or a different one to the Enquirer or some other tabloid so you can make some $$!)

    1. Anonymous11:57 AM

      Definitely collect money. Also all the information you can. If the pic is from a distance, details matter a lot.

      I am thinking Barstool is in her own prison, thanks to parents orders or the peeps they pay to handle her.

      But you never know, she could slip out in a disguise or large jacket.

      Has anyone found out if she is living in Wasilla or Anchorage/ My guess is with Anchorage for the new place where someone tiled a kitchen. She may hide out around Wasilla or another BF.

      It is hard to imagine Barstool being alone, she is too weak and needy.

      Also, too, BFF


    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      No she's all methed out driving in circles!

    3. Anonymous3:43 PM

      Are they hiding her in Arizona?

    4. Anonymous4:02 PM


    5. Anonymous5:12 PM

      3:43 : only if she agreed to give Trippy to his dad for that time. I don't think she can get away with taking him out of state anymore.

  43. Caroll Thompson11:14 AM

    So I see Sarah got her ghost written propaganda on Breitbart. Other than that, no one is paying any attention to what Sarah the dumb ass is saying. Indeed, anyone commenting on whether this deal is a good one or a bad one has not read the agreement. How do we know until the agreement is released for all to read what the deal even is.

    Intelligent folks are waiting to know what is in the deal before they comment on its content. Of course, no one has ever accused Sarah Palin of being intelligent.

    But regardless of the content of the deal, how is giving Sarah $15 to squander on her high living expenses going to change one thing. Sarah's time of influence has passed. She at one time had a certain amount of influence, but she squandered that opportunity when she quit as Governor and cashed in her chips.

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      The right wingers seems to think that the Iran deal guarantees that they will produce a nuclear weapon when in fact the deal prevents that from happening in exchange for our lifting of sanctions. How can they not see this?

    2. Anonymous12:17 PM

      Breitbart Lied About ACORN 'Pimp' Of course they welcome Scarah's lies

      James O’Keefe Insider Says He Plotted To Incite Violence Against Police, Blame Protesters

  44. Sarah should release a new fragrance and call it the "Scent of Desperation".

    A heady mixture, with base notes of meth sweat, refreshing middle notes of Red Bull and vodka, and delightful top notes of cumin and moose chili with just a hint of gunpowder!

    Send $15 for the one ounce size, $25 for the 3.4 ounce bottle. Please! I'm begging you!!

  45. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Must be channeling her inner Major Garret. Sara is an idiot beyond redemption. Maybe she'll try to get on Fox and give her rebuttal. Nah, that would be too hilarious. I'll await her solution.

  46. Anonymous11:25 AM

    If any of those rubes are still giving this grifter money they deserve to be taken in.

  47. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Tool funny. Wasn't this before the divorce? To think Todd is back to hiding what he is up to in the shadows. He must be terrified of something catching up to him. It may not be only Scott Walkers children that are getting visits in the shower.

    1. Anonymous11:46 AM

      Didn't Gryph predict she'd start bringing up Trig's birth? Why would she post this picture now? IM owns her!

    2. Anonymous12:19 PM

      IM owns her!


    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      FFS, the commenters are all over "the rapture will be soon, hallelujah" Those fucking hypocrites don't realize that even if the rapture was real, that they wouldn't be ascending to heaven, they'd be firmly planted here on earth until the end of days.

      What a joke, that and bringing out the old Trigger pic, just hilarious.

      She knows that everyone knows that Trigger isn't her kid and she likes to rub it in people's faces because no one has been able to prove it, but we know, and we laugh.

    4. Anonymous12:40 PM

      Some at her Facebook think that she is holding Bristol's latest treasure. "So, it was a boy, congratulations Bristol"!

      Too funny!

    5. Anonymous12:58 PM

      The Palin Rupture won't be much longer now. It is coming! Let them have their last dreams of rapture. Eternity is a long time for them to spend in HELL!!!

    6. Anonymous1:32 PM

      No God doesn't want them! Too dirty!

    7. Anonymous4:04 PM


  48. Anonymous11:34 AM

    "sacrificial veteran"? What the HELL is she talking about. Her son was NEVER in danger when he wore the uniform, if he ever DID wear it. Probably spent the entire time in a psych ward somewhere. Donations must really be down!

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      Had Track Menard Palin been near a zone or combat we would be seeing the photos. Track made it to Indiana.

      Most of the time he was to be serving he spent returning to Wasilla.

      Not one thing the propaganda mill wrote about him was true or near factual.

  49. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Grovel, Sarah, grovel!

    Cry, C4P, cry!

    I hope this chit never ends. Sarah and the bots are the best troll food ever.

  50. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Donate $15 so we can use our influence to stop this bad deal! Congress needs a message and we need to deliver that message! 

    WTF? Sarah you need money? How about pawning Bristol's engagement and wedding rings?

    1. Anonymous1:00 PM

      That is why Sarah needs $15. With the $5 she put down and the $15 she may get from some sucker she can pay the darn thing off.

  51. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Sarah Palin will you be using everybody's $15 to hire a private investigator to search for and find out where Todd disappeared to?

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Gives new meaning to the phrase "Todd, have you seen Todd?"

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      No, she has to hire a PI to track down all the potential baby daddies for Cletus the Fetus and try and nab some DNA from all of them.

    3. Anonymous2:19 PM

      12:51p.m. you are cracking me up!!!!

  52. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Donald Trump‘s run for president is now truly official, having filed a financial disclosure statement with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

    The disclosure of Trump’s $10 billion dollar fortune means that not only has he proven, once again, how he is “really rich,” but Trump will now be eligible to participate in the Republican debates that will be hosted on cable news television stations. This announcement came amongst speculation that Trump’s run was merely a publicity stunt, as well as those saying he was secretly trying to help the Democratic Party by making controversial statements tarnishing the GOP’s relations with Latinos.

    After the filing the Trump campaign released a statement bemoaning the fact that the FEC’s forms were “not designed for a man of Mr. Trump’s massive wealth.”

    You can read Trump’s statement below:

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      I am always inclined to cast my vote for the filthy rich, who can relate to my suffering. Especially those who flaunt their wealth and brag about it! A true man of the people! Trump/Palin 2016!

  53. Anonymous11:46 AM

    "The Obama Administration, lead by John Kerry, just allowed Iran to develop nuclear weapons. "
    Certainly she realizes that Iran didn't need our permission to develop nukes. This treaty gives them incentive not to. Without this deal, what's to stop Iran from developing nukes? Is she suggesting economic sanctions? They haven't worked. Does she want us to preemptively go to war with Iran? Ha.

  54. " to shake the hand of a single sacrificial veteran or active duty American."

    WHAT is "sacrificial veteran" supposed to mean?

    A veteran would be ANY person who'd served in the US military, but to have sacrificed, you'd think, they'd be DEAD. Anything less than that, you'd think she'd say "veteran" without the embellishment.

    1. Anonymous12:26 PM



  55. Anonymous11:57 AM

    News flash Sarah, that horrid stench following you is the last decaying remains of your political career. You have NO influence so quit begging for cash and get an actual job.

  56. Sgt. Preston of the Yukon11:58 AM

    Well, the Denali-level of illiteracy exhibited in the first rant is a dead giveaway that Sarah wrote it all by herself with absolutely no help from a competent English speaker.

    This strongly suggests that she can't afford to pay a ghostwriter any more.
    Is the end finally near?
    Will she have to go on welfare?
    Will Bristol have to sell her trucks, houses, and $300 sunglasses?
    We'll know in two weeks.

  57. Anonymous12:01 PM

    President Obama Holds a Press Conference (starts around 1:09)

  58. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Okay Sarah, your's and Tim Crawford's other fundraisers still stinks to high hell. You never told us how much money you collected, where that money was used for and who actually won the hockey stick that's if one was actually given away

    Then there's the :

    Sarah Palin can stop the nuclear deal fundraiser.

    CHIP-IN to support SarahPAC and help support these young Senators fight the LIBERAL MEDIA’S SPINELESS LIES!

    The SarahPac Ready for Hillary magnets to anyone who donated money

    SarahPac Ronald Reagan bumper sticker fundraiser

    Courtesy of an e-mail sent by SarahPAC treasurer Tim Crawford and posted over atUS4Palin the heading of which was "We Need $10,000 Before Midnight!:

    Need $10,000 by midnight? They never mentioned how much they pocketed.

    There are numerous other fundraisers.
    Enough already.

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      We'll find out soon enough!

    2. Anonymous2:38 PM

      Wasn't that the letter he said something about legally collecting $10,000.

      I want to know what his illegal methods are-money laundering between all the palin llcs?

    3. Anonymous4:06 PM

      238 same racket different day

  59. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I don't seem to remember any Republican outcry when Reagan sold Stinger missiles to Iran in a trade for hostages, then took the money to illegally fund terrorists in Nicaragua.

    1. Anonymous1:10 PM

      You don't argue with a Saint...

    2. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Saint Alzheimer's?

    3. Anonymous2:41 PM

      but, but Reagan only had Ollie North take a birthday cake and bible. no missiles.

      Yes, the republicans have a very short memory, too bad we don't have anyone in the media or the democratic party willing to remind them.

    4. Anonymous4:07 PM

      122 haha!

  60. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Congressional Republicans aren't pleased with the historic Iran nuclear accord. As soon as the deal was announced on Tuesday, many war hawks condemned it for being too soft on Iran and claimed it would fuel more instability and violence in the Middle East.

    In a video Funny Or Die pokes fun at hawk senators threatening war with Iran, in a mock trailer for "The Dealbreakers," a parody of the movie "The Expendables."

  61. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Another SarahPac fundraiser? Sarah Palin you claim to be a follower of God so be honest because we know the answer.

    Are all these desperate SarahPac fundraisers is so that you can meet SarahPac's payroll?

    Isn't Tim Crawford in charge of your SarahPac fundraisers? This is the same guy who made tons of money and then some from SarahPac.

    Admit it, Tim Crawford has a vested interest in coming up with these different fundraisers if he wants to collect his exorbitant SarahPac salary he has become accustomed to.

    1. Anonymous12:55 PM

      Tim has to be paid in order for the PAC to exist. He's grasping at straws now. I have a feeling he's probably the last on the payroll that she can afford to pay so she just lets him do what he wants because really, at the heart of it, SarahPAC is his vanity project, and another paycheck for him.

  62. Anonymous12:57 PM

    No more FOX paychecks

    No more speaking engagement paychecks

    No more Sarah Palin Channel paychecks

    No more pancake and bbq appearance paychecks

    No more Sarah Palin’s Alaska paychecks

    No more nothing!

    Sarah Palin’s facebook isn't bringing in a paycheck

    Hey Sarah how about another ghostwritten book?

    Hey Sarah how about a Sarah Palin can stop the nuclear deal SarahPac scam?

  63. Anonymous12:59 PM

    You know, ordinarily I'd heave an extra-fatal does of "Fuck off and die" to Palin. But you know, I want her to live long enough to endure every bit of ridicule due unto her, and her sorry excuse for en eldest daughter. I hope they both writhe in agony for all of the stupidity they have proffered to this point.

  64. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Another Sarah Palin fundraiser? How about getting a job? Run for the 2016 presidency or get a job as a sportscaster in Alaska or run for Wasilla's dog catcher?

  65. Anonymous1:12 PM

    This is a fairly heart retching story about a henchman of sorts, like a dude that would be hanging with Todd Palin, only it is another TV star.

    Just have some heart for these folks, it is a hard road they travel when they have so many secrets to hide.

    'I felt like a pimp'

  66. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Obama Eviscerates Netanyahu and Republicans For Trying To Provoke War With Iran

    During his press conference on the Iran deal, President Obama annihilated Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and Congressional Republican talking points by calling them out for supporting military action against Iran.

    The President said:

    For all the objections of Prime Minister Netanyahu, or for that matter some of the Republican leadership that’s already spoken, none of them have presented to me or the American people a better alternative.

    I’m hearing a lot of talking points being repeated about this is a bad deal. This is a historically bad deal. This will threaten Israel, and threaten the world, and threaten the United States. I mean, there’s been a lot of that. What I haven’t heard is what is your preferred alternative.

    If 99% of the world community, and the majority of nuclear experts look at this thing and say this will prevent Iran from getting a nuclear bomb and you are arguing either that it does not, or even if it does it’s temporary, or that because they’re going to get a windfall of their accounts being unfrozen they’ll cause more problems, then you should have an alternative to present.

    And I haven’t heard that.

    And the reason is because, there are really only two alternatives here. Either the issue of Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon is resolved diplomatically through negotiation, or it is resolved through force. Through war. Those are the options.

    The President followed up his answer by destroying the Republican talking point about negotiating a better deal.

  67. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Is it Duhkota's fault for Sarah Palin’s, Bristol's and SarahPac's financial woes. If Duhkota would have towed the Sarah Palin line, then Sarah, Bristol and SarahPac would have financially benefited from Duhkota's Medal of Honor.

  68. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Willow come home and work in Wasilla. Your family is broke and needs your paycheck.

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Willow doesn't need the money, she can do whatever she wants.

  69. Anonymous1:38 PM

    And send ME $15 and I will keep an eye on the nearest comet and keep it from crashing into mother earth. Make about as much sense,don't it? Get a fucking job,ya bums!

    1. Anonymous3:03 PM

      Where do I send a check to?

  70. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I smell DESPERATION. Why not just get a job. It's easier.

    1. Anonymous2:08 PM

      That or sucking cock: it's also much more moral.

    2. Anonymous2:57 PM

      To the PayMe family WORK is a four leter word, doncha know?

  71. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Donate $15 so we can use our influence to stop this bad deal! Congress needs a message and we need to deliver that message!
    Ok we know SarahPAC is her personal slush fund, but have any of her cult members every asked themselves why it takes $15/ donor to contact members of Congress?

    Email is free and a postage stamp is 49 cents. Do they get a copy of the receipt for the letter Sarah sent to Congress?

    I guess Sarah will have to put on her thinking cap and come up with better ways to con people, her contests haven't worked and no one is buying her books. Has she tried the investment Ponzi scheme yet?

  72. Anonymous2:51 PM

    O/T Red State Arizona Goes Gaga Over Bernie Sanders As Demand Forces Rally To A Bigger Arena

    The demand for tickets for a Bernie Sanders campaign rally is so high in the red state of Arizona that the campaign has been forced to move the event to a bigger arena.

    The Sanders campaign announced that the 7 PM local time rally in Phoenix has been moved, “With turnout projections mounting, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ campaign has shifted the location of Saturday’s rally in Phoenix, Arizona, to the Phoenix Convention Center.”

    The need for a bigger venue comes on the heels of the campaign discussing their wave of small donors that are opening their wallets for Sanders:................

    1. Anonymous4:02 PM

      IMO most of these people won't vote for Bernie as a Democrat.

      But even if it becomes the in thing this summer to go to a Bernie speech, it's a very good thing.

      Bernie is shitting all over Donald Drumpf (I understand that's his real name, like Don Draper but with more German).

  73. Anonymous3:01 PM

    A person has to be a dumbass fuckwad to give SarahPac or Sarah Palin one penny.

    Sarah Palin was supposed to run for president in 2012 , then 2016 and now Sarah Palin refuses to tell her fuckwads that she has no plans in running for 2016 president.

    The only thing Sarah Palin does is to repeat her sorry ass line that she's not closing any doors.

    That's why Sarah Palin is going to hell.

  74. Anonymous3:06 PM

    We'll see just how much these money grabs took in come next month! Methinks she's in some trouble.

  75. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman recounts a moving moment at the close of the historic Iran negotiations, speaking at the 6th Annual Generation Prague Conference at the Department of State, in Washington, DC, on July 15, 2015.

  76. Anonymous3:31 PM

    How come this horse face man is wearing running shoes while laying in bed wearing lingerie?

  77. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Sarah Palin is a multimillionaire. Why is she asking America for $15?

    1. Anonymous4:09 PM

      Just like trump...she's worthless!

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      Because SarahPac is losing funds.

  78. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Sarah Palin here's another creative way to raise funds to fight the nuclear deal.

    How about asking Bristol's porno friend in Anchorage to create a calendar for you titled

    The Shrinking Wrinkly Old Quitter Governor’s Calendar

  79. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Didn't Piper sell lemonade outside the Alaska governor’s mansion? Selling lemonade was good enough for Piper to make money, that should be good enough for Sarah to raise money for her personal slush fund.

    1. Anonymous4:06 PM

      That was a fake lemonade stand, just a Sarah stunt.

      Piper's real job was guarding Sarah from questions from Alaska voters instead of going to school.

    2. Anonymous8:16 PM

      School attendance was not a priority for Sarah Palin, and their lack of education shows.

  80. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Anonymous3:31 PM

    How come this horse face man is wearing running shoes while laying in bed wearing lingerie?


    Me thinks she's wearing running shoes in bed so she doesn't lose traction on her wet spot in bed while she's doing her Aftadark homies

  81. Anonymous3:56 PM

    You mean multi-millionaire Sarah Palin refuses to save America without being paid for it?

    1. Anonymous5:10 PM

      Well someone, anyone, has to pay for Bristle's latest fetus with no baby daddy.

  82. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Speaking of Aftadark homies, if Bristol's unborn baby's daddy is an Aftadark homie then Bristol and Marina will have something in common.

    They would both be single mothers to 1/2 African-American kids.

    1. Anonymous4:13 PM

      Isn't Bristol Palin part Yupik? Why does everyone seem to forget that Bristol Palin is only half white?

    2. Anonymous4:47 PM

      Bristol is 1/8 native.

    3. Anonymous5:09 PM

      @anon 4:13 pm
      Only if Tawd Palin is really her Dad and that is a big if.

    4. Anonymous7:50 PM

      She and Willow both look native, so I've always thought they were Todd's but Piper does not look native and Track def. not Todds.

    5. Anonymous8:13 PM

      Track Menard and Piper Hanson.

    6. Anonymous8:14 PM

      @4:47 PM That is a no-no in Redneck territory.

  83. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Where's Track? Is he still counseling PTSD veterans out of Sarah's airplane hangar in her Wasilla compound?

  84. PalinsHoax4:13 PM

    " I question whether you are fit to shake the hand . . ."
    - - - - -
    This - from the Ol' Concave Chested One who cannot decide from day to day what size of falsies to stuff into her withered bra.

    This - from the Ol' Barren One who strapped on a faux-pregnancy-belly to pretend that she was "with child".

    This - from the Ol' Loopy One who came up with a "Wild Ride" fantasy.

    This - from the Ol' Repulsive One who was married to a pimp.

    This - from the Ol' Conniving One who met campaign staff at the hotel room door, wearing nothing but a towel.

    This, THIS, is the one questioning whether others are fit to shake the hand?

  85. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Meghan McCain has just landed the hosting job on a nationally syndicated radio show, America Now.
    The topics the show will cover include business, entertainment and politics.
    Meanwhile, Palin is reduced to posting gibberish
    on FB and Breitbart . The far right has stone cold dropped her in favor of their new love, Donald Trump.
    And poor Bristol must be so jealous of Meghan.
    How come Limbaugh or Hannity or the rest of talk radio never asked Palin to fill in when they were on vacation ?

  86. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Says Sarah who grifted from that HUGE account...audits not going well?

  87. Anonymous10:26 PM

    She doesn't say a word about how my $15 is going to keep Iran from going nuclear. How much do people have to donate before she reveals her secret plan to save the world from nuclear Iran?

    What if some scientist said he'd found a cure for cancer...but he won't share his cure until enough people donate $15 for more research grants. Such a person would be rightfully crucified

    How is $arah able to get away with saying "Send me enough money and I'll make sure Iran never goes nuclear.

    I think this proves once and for all that $arah is more concerned with lining her pockets than she is with keeping her beloved America safe

    $arah dear, this is why 97% of Americans consider you a phony, money-hungry, attention-hungry ATTENTION WHORE!!!!


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