Sunday, July 19, 2015

Tennessee neo-Nazi members are proudly racist and admit that Charleston shooting has caused an uptick in recruitment.

(Watch for the Nazi salute at the 1:32 mark.)

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Claiming to be leaders in a growing movement made up of white people who believe they are “under siege,” Mike Schoeler and “Captain” Brian Culpepper explained that white people have had enough. 

“Whites are getting fed up,” Culpepper explained. “Whites are getting tired of being disenfranchised and neglected if not discriminated against by our own government.” 

“Does it make you angry that a black man is your president?” the two men were asked. 

“Absolutely, ” Culpepper replied. “Absolutely. We’re a white nation founded by and for the white man.” 

Schoeler explained that recruiting for the group has picked up considerably since the Charleston shootings, with members coming “from all walks of life, including “truck drivers, lawyers, retirees, and military” both retired and active.

So these racist assholes are afraid because they see the end of a white majority like the one they grew up under that allowed them to oppress and intimidate the other races. Well there's a happy thought for you.

However it is more than a little troubling to realize that even as the country mourns the death of nine innocent people at the hands of a radicalized racist that the numbers of white supremacists in this country are actually growing.

Hey at least these racists openly admit that they are angry that there is a black man in the White House. That is more than can be said by those other racists in the Republican party.


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Screw the Republican party! They are a detriment to our society and have been for years!

  2. Anonymous3:02 PM

    I saw a few threads back that a couple of people posted to "shoot Gryph some bucks". Who's the grifter now? Or should I say "Gryphter"???

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      @. 3:02 You're clutching at straws to make a point that doesn't work. But thanks for your comment. It made me lol.

    2. Anonymous3:43 PM

      It's cool that you let some of these kooks through Gryphen. But this prick ain't got nothing to say.

      Thanks for your continued effort G....It's hard not to bag lick such a great blog!

    3. Anonymous3:52 PM


      go fuk yerself, eh

    4. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Gryphen has never asked for a dime from anyone. No one is forced to pay to come to Gryphen's "channel".
      Now run back to SarahPac and donate because Cletus the Fetus needs someone to act as baby daddy.

    5. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Huh?? I don't get it. However,I would rather contribute to a good cause like gryph getting the word out and exposing slime and scumbags than supporting a bunch of unemployable BUMS.

  3. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Theses assholes may think their numbers are increasing but I think they are only fooling themselves.

    And to Anonymous at 3:02 PM, at least Gryph is using a lot of his time doing something that is important to a lot of people.

    1. Anonymous3:49 PM

      you could tell by his darting eyes he was lying his ass off on their "recruitment claims" ..

      pieces of shit ..

  4. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Josh Duggar now has a new daughter to diddle. Meredith Grace was born today. Let your curiosity run wild Josh!

    1. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Stupid comment.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Can you imagine if you were his wife? I'd be like "no honey, that's okay I'll change her diaper, no, no thanks, I'll give her a bath and put her to bed. Hey, how about you can just sit beside her on the sofa while we all watch TV together"?

    3. Giving all his kids M names? For Michelle or because his dad used up all the J ones?

    4. Anonymous6:25 PM

      M is for Molester, perhaps?

    5. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Josh Duggar never really got any help for his "issues." If you were his wife, would you really trust him completely around your little girls?

  5. Anonymous3:39 PM

    It's so sad the dogs that we humans chase. Too bad we don't realize that when we do, we catch them. I don't chase the fearful, paranoid, sick dogs.....but then, I don't watch fox.

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Check that inbred dumbfuk starting at 3:01 of the vid, hilarious, he was flinching, blinking, miss firing on the trigger and jumping like a dog pissin' prune pits through that whole "shootin' demo" - YEEHAWW .. probably the first time firing his gun - hopefully the dumb-ass'll have a self inflicted "accident" playing with his new toy ..

    And his four eyed inbred cousin, wish he would've smiled so we might've been able to of seen all three of his teeth ..

    gawd damned cousin humpin' inbreds !!

  7. Anonymous3:53 PM

    You would think that they would provide a more impressive specimen of a supreme white. Maybe this is the best they've got.

  8. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Imbreeding to produce a supreme white is not the same as selective breeding to produce the supreme white. Oops.

  9. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Oh goood....let's start another Civil War and show how stupid we are to the world. In on that AIP $arah? Of course you are.

  10. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Race to the bottom: These two photos illustrate perfectly how ugly and pathetic white supremacists are

    As they say: White pride goeth before the fall… onto your stupid face.

  11. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Hey Sarah ( yes we know you read here) look at those eligible trial baby Daddies, you could still get Brisket married off before she drops Cletus.

  12. How appropriate they've got the Nazi flag right next to the KKKonfederate flag.

    Personally I think they should merge the two and put a big swastika in the middle of the stars and bars. Then there would be no doubt exactly what it stands for.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      Good idea! These "men" are such a pair of losers. That is the nicest thing I can say of them.


  13. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

    This is not your father's kkk, These idiots, at least, don't hide behind hoods. How anyone can be so willfully hateful, I'll never understand.
    I saw a man on the train one morning, he had "White Power" tattoos and neo nazi symbols proudly displayed for the world to see, I have to wonder how or where he finds employment. But to his credit, at least the tattoos where spelled correctly. Getting one's face permanently inked with that crap takes profound ignorance.

  14. Anonymous7:58 PM

    "Whites are getting fed up." "Doesn't it make you angry that a black man is your president?"

    WTF??!? You don't fucking speak for me, you blubbering donkey-cock sucker, nor have you the authority to speak for anyone other than those illiterate, unwashed blobs of sentient drainage sludge you call friends ONLY because no one else on earth or in hell will have you.

    No amount of drugs, Jesus, or anal electro-shock therapy can ever undo this much Abysmal.

    I want to go home and crawl under my 60 year old parents' bed and cry.

  15. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Maybe somebody will go all 'Whitecap' on their asses.

    The Whitecaps were a Southern, splintered vigilante group in the late 1800s who hated on immoral white people. Unfortunately, it was a pretty extreme 'morality' imposed via midnight whippings in the whipee's front yard.

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Typical Chicks on the Right fan.

    Jennifer K


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.