Sunday, July 19, 2015

Donald Trump continues courting the Hispanic vote by calling for a boycott of Mexico. Oh yeah, that will help.

Courtesy of The New York Post:  

Surging in Republican presidential polls following his attacks on illegal immigration, Donald Trump is now advocating a US boycott of Mexico. 

“I’m not going to Mexico. And I don’t think anybody from this country [should],” Trump said on the Rita Cosby WABC radio show. 

“I think we should boycott Mexico, frankly.”

I swear if Trump had his way he would start a freaking war with Mexico. 

This of course follows on the heels of Trump's prisoner of war insult directed at John McCain for which he is still refusing to apologize:  

Asked by ABC News whether he owes McCain an apology, Trump said: "No, not at all." 

"People that fought hard and weren't captured and went through a lot, they get no credit. Nobody even talks about them. They're like forgotten. And I think that's a shame, if you want to know the truth," Trump said Sunday. 

"People that were not captured that went in and fought, nobody talks about them. Those are heroes also," he said.

So let's see. So far, just these last few weeks, Trump has managed to piss off the Hispanics voters, military members, and the supporters of other GOP nominees.

By the time he gets to the debates he may have virtually nobody left in his corner except his family.

Though one has to wonder if they don't find him more than a little creepy as well.

I swear that watching this Trump campaign careening off of the tracks is almost as much fun as watching Sarah Palin slowly imploding in on herself.

All in all it's been a great summer.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    What a creepy way to talk about your daughter.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      He might be related to Chuck Heath.

    2. Anonymous12:52 PM

      The real question is...
      Will he introduce her to Ted Nugent?

      Huckabee would introduce his daughter to Ted!

    3. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Good Lord.

    4. Anonymous2:09 PM The Donald is truly fucked up beyond repair!

    5. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Please, she is obviously too old for Ted the Ped.

      Practically over the hill.

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Oh no! Where's Meghan McCains outrage! This minute????

  3. Anonymous12:34 PM

    I have never liked John McCain!

    JHC! The man picked Sarah Palin as his running mate and LOST! He, in fact, did graduate at the bottom of his military class and only did so because of his Admiral father! He left a wife once due to the fact she was diagnosed with MS! He's been a horrible member of the U.S. Congress that currently has a near zero likeable rating in the country! And, he sang like a bird when in Vietnam and was not regarded well by the majority of the men that served with him!

    Plus, he is a pompous ass and is up for reelection in AZ. Hope like Hell he loses his seat!

    Donald Trump has been accurate in regard to John McCain!

    1. Anonymous12:59 PM

      Yes, he has been.

    2. aloha431:21 PM

      All of that is true, but....

      He was a POW for almost 6 years and beaten severely. He served his country and deserves that respect.

      I hate McCain also, but he at least gets that.

      When it comes to "the piece of shit Donald" he doesn't deserve ANY RESPECT.

    3. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Sorry! But, RESPECT is NOT a word that easily fits with the likes of John McCain!! Check his record and life. He's not smart and has been a first class failure throughout his life. He got by due to being from a rich family and having a father that was an Admiral in the military. He continues being a failure in the U.S. Congress that has the lowest likability in America's history!

      Trump is CORRECT about the man! He does not back our veterans today (meaning McCain!).

      Trump says things publically that the majority politicians have hidden for years! Keep it coming Donald!!!

    4. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Respect does NOT fit in regard to John McCain! I'd take Donald Trump over him any day. Trump says it like it is and Americans are not use to that.

      He is bringing out the lies about our country and politicians and creating open discussion!

      The clown car of Republicans being presented us are made up of jerks with most of them having no place in politics much less being elected POTUS!

    5. Anonymous1:51 PM

      aloha43, all well and good but I yet to see one thing good, one thing, that he has done to better this country in the aftermath. Hero Schmero.

    6. aloha432:00 PM

      Anonymous 1:47...

      "The clown car of Republicans being presented us are made up of jerks with most of them having no place in politics much less being elected POTUS! "

      Really? And this doesn't describe Trump to a tee? He is a egotistical, narcissist jerk having no place in politics, much less being elected president.

      He's worse than the rest of the clown car....excuse me, clown BUS. Not a one of them should ever be anything close to being potus, and especially not Trump.

    7. Anonymous2:21 PM

      McCain dumped his first wife, who stood by his side and raised his children while he was in the hanoi hilton, because she was in a horrific car wreck and was severely crippled.

    8. aloha433:06 PM

      And Trump doesn't have any baggage? Just look at his comments above about his daughter.

      Deferments, married 3x, 4? bankruptcies, etc. The only reason he is rich is because he knew how to work the system. Make lots of money, invest in other things, go bankrupt to clear his debt and then start over.

      They are both sleeze bags in every sense of the word. But, McCain served his country no matter how much pull his daddy had getting him there.....that is a whole hell of a lot more than the Donald has done.

      Yes McCain is a pig. But anyone who got beaten and tortured serving our country deserves some sort of respect.

    9. Anonymous3:06 PM

      2:00 PM Trump is far better than any of the current Republican clown car candidates. They all hide their true thoughts.

      At least, Trump says what he thinks, which some Americans are having a difficult time accepting. I'm rather enjoying watching Republicans squirm!

      Plus, am very eager to see what comes out of all this in the next few months.

      Don't forget though - McCain is an asshole and has always been. He's a very damaged man!! Plus, he is not a hero in my eyes and has never been!

    10. Anonymous4:02 PM

      1:42 PM:
      I agree, but that does not mean that Trump is fit for being POTUS.

      ps...Trump reminds me so much of Chris Christie.

  4. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Chin brought to you by Bristol Palin.
    How lovely....... /sarc

  5. Anonymous1:10 PM

    He is creepy but in the case of McCain he is dead right. McCain would never have married his rich wife, never been financed by her dad to be a senator, never have won a seat as a dog catcher let alone a senate seat, and never have been able to run for president if he had not been shot down and held captive as a POW. There would have been no Sarah Palin as a VP candidate either.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      That is not McCain's first wife to which he is currently married. He's had others and left one due to her having been diagnosed with MS. She didn't show well anymore! Plus, this last wife is very, very rich (inherited money)!

    2. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Isn't he lovely?
      SSM fares better.

    3. Anonymous8:47 PM

      McCain was married once before, to Carol. She was a swimsuit model. While he was a POW, she got into a terrible accident that left her four inches shorter due to the doctors having to rebuild her legs. He divorced her and married Cindy, a beer heiress.

      Ross Perot has nothing good to say about John McCain's treatment of Carol. Perot paid for Carol's medical bills after her accident and accused McCain of dumping Carol when he came home from Vietnam and found her different from the thin, graceful, swimsuit model he left behind. So he found himself a new model.

    4. Anonymous6:34 AM

      The Reagans also befriended Carol and would have nothing to do with McCain. He is a despicable man who has managed to live very "high on the hog" in spite of it. Much as I dislike Trump (he is one ugly ugly man, inside as well as out). I at last partly agree with him in his assessment of McCain.

  6. aloha431:18 PM

    That comment about his daughter......I can't think of a single reason that a dad would say such a thing that isn't a creepy thought.

    He is fucking gross.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Kind of reminds me of Sarah Palin's gross father! Something about her not wearing underpants? How the hell would he know? Far worse than Trump!

    2. Anonymous1:59 PM

      I'm thinking there was a lot of diddling going on with Miss No Underpants and why she lashed out in defense of Josh Duggar as she did. Creepy Chucks.

      Pluto to $arah, it's not normal.

    3. Anonymous2:01 PM

      No father I've ever encountered would say such a thing out loud, much less publicize it.

      Not only is it creepily incestuous, but imagine what his daughter must feel! And her husband.

      Of course, this is from a man who thought beauty pageants were something to enjoy and make money from. He and Palin: cut from the same cloth.

    4. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Chuckles, Jr. called his daughter "the hottest governor." He said his grandchildren were always losing their underwear.

    5. Anonymous8:41 PM

      *sorry, Chuckles, Sr (not Jr)

  7. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Hey, let the crazy train continue!!! This only helps Hillary!!!

    1. Anonymous5:44 PM

      It's going to be a kick in the ass when Hillary Clinton takes the election in 2016! I can hardly wait to see these asinine Republican candidates eat it!

  8. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Well. I didn't think it was possible to find another person on this planet whose freeze frames were more unflattering than Sarah Palin's. Proof dat now. Captchas Trump's cray cray and bray bray in all his inglorious buffoonery.

  9. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Yuk. What a sick thing to say about your own daughter. That doesn't say much for Any female that would date It. I wonder if ivanka grabs him by the dik like Bristol does two tone. I have to say the chin implant on Ivan is an improvement.

  10. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Well if she truly is his biological daughter there must have been some genetic engineering going on. She couldn't possibly be that pretty and have sprung from his loins.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Lots and lots and lots of plastic surgery for his daughter.
      Her mother, once, was quite long-legged and attractive.That was Wife #1, whom Sarah wanted so desperately to see in Anchorage, to give her a touch of "glamour."

    2. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Her head used to look like a bowling ball with no chin. Her head stopped right below her lower was weird looking.then.she was Plastic surgerized. Then there's brizzles with her can opener/Leno chin..

    3. Anonymous5:41 PM

      She has a very attractive mother!

  11. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Ivanka Trump is not beautiful. Her mother was a cheap-looking bottle blonde before all that surgery and that ridiculous painted-on updo and nobody remembers what Trump looked like before he started having all those facelifts.

    Even with all that money they were never a good-looking family.

    1. Anonymous8:39 PM

      Ivanka has had her share of surgeries.

    2. Anonymous6:36 AM

      + infinity

  12. Anonymous3:29 PM

    How can the Trumpster boycott Mexico....all of his clothing line has "MADE IN MEXICO" labels sewn into them!?

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      No - they are made in China - you idiot!

  13. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I'll offer a different perspective on Trump alienating Hispanics - he's probably not alienating as many as some of you expect. Here in southern AZ I've worked with lots of Mexican-Americans, and I've often heard some of them refer to Mexicans who are here illegally as border roaches, so temper your expectations about solidarity amongst Hispanics. Illegal immigration from Mexico negatively impacts those who are not here illegally, and there is resentment both ways.

  14. PalinsHoax4:56 PM

    Hey Bri$$tlie, look at the top picture! The Donald and you have the same lips - the same fish-like, twitchy, warped, mean-mouthed, ugly lips.

    Doesn't that make you proud?

  15. Anita Winecooler6:23 PM

    He'd "hit that" if she wasn't his daughter? Boycott Mexico? Why not boycott China, where your ex famous line of clothes and cologne were made using child labor, fixed money values by the government so you could import it and sell it to Americans for dollars on the penny.

    This idiot just keeps upping the ick factor every chance he gets. sells the same crap, but she weaves blog posts about how the elite live their lives. Her conversion to Judaism to marry a millionaire, and her "pearls of wisdom" from her mother, Ivana Trump, the inspiration for Sarah's fashion sense LMAO

  16. Anonymous7:21 PM

    Go trumpy dumpy......absolutely the best entertainment going today. Old azz mcnut is shitting down his pants. I bet he has some total meltdown very soon. The Vietnam vets against john McCain have been vocal from day one. Oh does johnny have a temper and what will he say? end of road for those on the gravy train of takers

  17. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Trump is a buffoon and I would never vote for him, but I think it is great he is giving the GOP a taste of their own medicine !!!

    It is just the beginning of the campaign and he has them scrambling like crazy. It was ok when all the crazies came out for McCain, it was ok when the teaparty shut down the government, it was ok when they smeared and swift-boated Kerry.

    Now they have a problem because Trump is using their own game plan against them.

    I can't wait to see what The Donald says next.

  18. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Yeah, let's boycott Mexico. Idiot.

    I live in Yuma where thousands of Mexican citizens come to shop every day. If these consumers can't shop here, many merchants will go out of business.

    Yuma is also a Snowbird destination where access to Mexico tourism and shops are a plus. Take this away and Yuma will lose much needed tourist dollars.

    Trump is not capable of understanding the consequences of his rhetoric. That's very dangerous, especially in light of his rabid racist supporters.

  19. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! So that's how it is in their family.


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