Tuesday, July 07, 2015

The Duggar family gathers to pray over their daughter before she flees the country. I'm sorry, I mean leaves to become a missionary.

Who talks like that to each other? The whole thing was so scripted and phony.

Here is more courtesy of The Daily Mail:  

A month after Jill Duggar came forward as one of her brother Josh's molestation victims, she and her husband Derick Dillard have said farewell to the US. 

The Duggar family posted a homemade video on Monday of the couple and their son Israel departing for a missionary trip abroad. 

The emotionally charged home footage not only depicts the family breaking down in tears, but even the unseen camera operator can be heard sobbing in the background. 

The video appears to be a mini-episode made by the family after TLC suspended 19 Kids And Counting on May 22 following Josh publicly apologizing for having 'acted inexcusably' when he was aged 14 to 15. 

Speaking of Josh Duggar you probably noticed that he is missing from that video.

That is because he is currently in hiding in Arkansas: 

The former reality star has also kept a low public profile, cancelling an appearance at a home schooling convention in Sandusky, Ohio. His sisters, Jill Duggar and Jessa Duggar continued to keep their commitment to appear. 

According to TMZ, Duggar told organizers that his presence would cause too much of a distraction. The event planners, in turn, commended him and his TLC reality family for how they handled the matter.

A lot of people are of the opinion that this trip to work as missionaries is really a smokescreen to hide the fact that there are more allegations coming down the pike and that Jill, who is on record as admitting that she was one of Josh's victims, simply wants to get out of Dodge before she is subpoenaed to testify against her brother.

At this point I'm not sure about that, but I certainly think we should all pay attention if any other Duggars suddenly get the urge to leave the country and minister to the "savages."


  1. Anonymous5:02 PM

    They would only have to leave the state, not the country.

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    They already minister to 'savages' the quiverful Duggars are savages.

  3. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I agree with the staged aspect. As they all 'hugged' her, it was so flat and unemotional, especially the little ones, they barely made body contact. Other than that long, tearful hug with her sister victim, it was creepy how cold they all were. I suspect that they are running from the law, thinking that if they are out of the country they can't be touched. Well, that remains to be seen. There is such a thing as extradition. It will become known where they are at some point, and the media will track them down. It's a very small world these days and there aren't too man places to hide. AND unless they are leaving the US forever, they WILL face legal repercussion at some point, most likely the very moment they decide to return to this country.

    Speaking of coverups, this is the mother of them all!

    Shillers for killers

    Revealed: How the tobacco industry paid journalists, scientists, activists and lawyers to cover up the most deadly crime in human history.

    ...Now it’s time to look at some of the accessories to the greatest crime in human history, which killed 100 million people last century and with one billion expected to die this century from smoking. Every one of those deaths preventable.

    To rack up this many human kills for so many tens of billions of dollars in profits over so many decades and not wind up in prison, the tobacco industry has had to pay off an incredible number of people and institutions over the years.


  4. Caroll Thompson5:27 PM

    Your headline said it all G. No need for me to comment. Perhaps all the Duggars will end up leaving the U.S. Good for us if they do; bad for whoever lives where they go.

    1. Anonymous2:29 AM

      It is so arrogant to barge into someone else's country and tell them they're doing religion wrong. That's the shocking thing to me--that people think this is acceptable behavior.

  5. ibwilliamsi5:31 PM

    They scheduled their home-schooling conference in "Sandusky" and asked Josh "Likes 'em Young" Duggar to be a keynote speaker? What could possibly have gone wrong?

  6. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Well, that was perfectly nauseating.

  7. Anonymous5:32 PM

    I'm not surprised that a known pedophile won't go to Sandusky.

  8. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Looking at this video, it occurred to me that statistically at least one of the Duggars is gay. As fucked up as that family is, that gay child will have a miserable life. I feel sorry for him/her.

  9. Anonymous5:48 PM

    OMG this was so staged. Look at the younger kids; this is one messed up family. In front of cameras to show how pious they are when they are nothing but? They don't even hug like families do who truly love each other.

    Matthew 6:6

    But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

    DANG that Sermon On The Mount!

  10. Anonymous5:59 PM

    I suspect a couple of those youngins...the boy in the front of JimBob, in the blue shirt, and his sister in the layered-skirted pink dress in front of him, are going to be HANDFULLS in just a very few years! what was with their phony eye-rubs? pretending to be sad at the departure of their sister's family?


  11. Randall6:12 PM

    "Praying" = wishing very hard
    "missionary work" = forcing your sick superstitious delusions upon others
    "ministering" = sanctimoniously withholding help until the mark succumbs to YOUR brand of religious nonsense

  12. Eeewww. Just eeew. I have never watched their show or heard these people speak, but WTH. They get married at 18 and immediately start reproducing?? ...and what conditions will they be taking their small child into ? ...and are the females not allowed to wear pants??? They are brainwashed like any other cult ! (sorry - venting). Eeeww.

  13. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Jim Bob's reference to several months, when he said he'd not be seeing them for that long, seemed like a goof he corrected by suggesting that he'd be going there in several months, so I have to wonder if the so-called long-term mission trip (suggestive of a year or two or more, a year minimum, away) that has been published this past week has been a lie and they think the civil suit filed by the babysitter victim will be over with in several months.

  14. Anonymous6:39 PM

    She was a victim. I don't blame her if she doesnt' want to testify. She may not be ready and it's another violation.

    I don't blame her if she doens't want to testify against her brother - she can't control the response of her family who might not support her and I don't know what inner resources, and outer supports she has, and I imagine her family may be somewhat of a burden in this (I don't know, but it's possible).

    I don't blame her for not wanting to testify in a case that is making national headlines - and critiquing her family unfavorably. She may not have the inner resources to deal with what is happening.

    People are asking an awful lot from her, a victim.

    Would it be good if she could stand up to all that. Sure. Does that mean she should be able to do it all now. No. It takes time.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      I do and feel I can blame her. I was the 8th victim of a serial rapist and spoke out. Unfortunately it wasn't until the rapist killed his 9th victim( the sister of one of the officers supposedly investigating my rape) that they took it seriously. Like it or not, each unspoken victim adds to her rapists body count. We are not numbers, we are victims/survivors.

    2. Anonymous12:22 AM

      Well the "victim" sure knew how to laugh while her husband abused a cat on video last yr.

    3. Anonymous6:50 AM

      I'm not saying she is or isn't a nice person.
      I'm not saying she is or isn't a strong person.
      I'm not saying her inability to speak her story doesn't hurt others who would benefit from her story - immensely.
      I'm not even saying it might not be helpful for her to tell her story.
      I'm still in support of victims being able to control whether they must subject themselves to more. None of us have to live with the consequences of the victim speaking up and speaking out. It isn't easy.

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      I imagine that took a great deal of courage to speak out and that it helped other women. I'm not sure that allows you to be the spokeswoman for all victims. I agree - victims and survivors of rape are not nuumbers. They are women (and sometimes children). And each is different in how they experience it and decide to handle the aftermath.

  15. This just enrages me. Supposedly they are going to Nepal. In Nepal 81% of the population is Hindu, another 11% are Buddhist, then there is an indigenous religion that I've forgotten the name of, and just over 1% are Christian.

    The Duggar couple have nothing to offer. Do they know how to dig a well and bring potable water to a community? No. Do they know how to speak the language, could they open a school to teach the children? No. Are they trained as doctors or nurses, any type of health professional

    1. Anonymous7:16 PM

      According to the Duggar Family News: Life is not all pickles and hairspray Facebook page they are now in El Salvador.

    2. They're young. Maybe they can still be taught, and the Nepalese would be good teachers.

    3. Good grief! El Salvador has one of the highest murder rates in the world, and they're an epicenter of gang violence.

      It sounds like just the place for two unworldly, naive, unsophisticated young know-nothing's to go. Do either of them speak Spanish? I highly doubt it. The only "foreign" language they go in for is speaking in tongues.

    4. Anonymous9:08 AM

      Ah, so all this talk about going back to Nepal was just talk. They had only talked about Nepal and had talked as if they'd be away for at least a year or even two. They'll be a much shorter plane ride away.and just far enough away so as to avoid going to court when the babysitter's case is handled

    5. Anonymous1:09 PM

      I am NOT a Duggar fan, but I believe this going to Nepal concept has absolutely nothing to do with the present scandal.

      The fact that they may now have an additional reason to want to become more independent from the core family is just icing on the cake.

      Jill officially met her husband in Nepal where he was a missionary and they discussed being missionaries in the future. He returned to Arkansas, they married, had one child and I believe always planned on returning.

      In my opinion the ppl of Nepal nor of any country are served well by having smiling missionaries insert themselves into society and try to erase its religious & cultural traditions.

  16. My point is this couple have nothing to offer the people of Nepal. And this is a country facing a lot of problems, and this couple has nothing but a book of outdated silly superstitions to offer people who have real, practical needs.

    Some little village will undoubtedly get saddled with these two freaks and they'll just be more mouths to feed. They'll be a drain on the community but they'll think that because they're Christians that people should feed and house them. I hate religions that proselytize. How do you think Jim Bob would like it if someone in a saffron robe knocked on his door and tried to teach him the Four Noble Truths? Of course Buddhists are too well mannered to do that.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      They can show them how to breed like rabbits!

  17. Enjay in MT (no longer E MT)7:15 PM

    I have another thought on the departure - how about she is legally married and no longer under her parents roof, so to speak and is not willing to remain in Duggar-ville with the person who molested her. I agree having to appear in court to disclose the dirty laundry would also be a reason. However, now she is free-er to make decisions based on her own family, and living in the same time-zone with her brother may not be the most serene place. Also suspect this means the TLC spin-off is no longer on the table

  18. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Comment with 183 likes in the comment section:
    They're submitting their own home videos now...? Jeez, they really want to be seen. Go away.

  19. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Gryphen, this is totally off topic, but I just ran across this article and found it so informative and thought you and your readers might find it the same. Perhaps you could do a post on this, since that would really bring some attention to it and those that tweet and FB could also get the information out. It's stunning now much misinformation and downright lies have not been challenged by our illustrious media!

    The Real Story of Obamacare's Birth

    One reason for the continued resistance to the Affordable Care Act is a badly distorted narrative of how it became law.

    The U.S. Supreme Court’s remarkable 6-3 decision in King v. Burwell saves the Affordable Care Act from evisceration, although Obamacare will undoubtedly face a continuing pattern of guerrilla attacks from Congress, the courts, and Republican governors and state legislatures. Still, as many observers have pointed out, the core elements of the plan, including the exchanges, the subsidies, the individual mandate, the expansion of coverage in family plans to children 26 and under, and the elimination of lifetime limits and of preexisting conditions as bars to coverage, are almost certainly here to stay.

    This is, of course, a huge victory for President Obama. But the passage, implementation, and ratification of Obamacare continue to be plagued by a widespread belief that it was tarnished by the way it was proposed and debated. A raft of reporters, commentators, and politicians argue that the president made a huge mistake in taking up healthcare at the beginning of his term, before building relationships of trust with Republicans, and then compounded that error by jamming it through quickly without any Republican input or efforts to find common ground.

    In the aftermath of King v. Burwell, it is worth going back and recounting what actually happened leading up to the enactment of Obamacare, and reflect a little bit on what might, and what should, happen going forward.


    1. Anonymous5:51 AM

      if i remember correctly, the AFA was based on legislation proposed by Bob Dole (Republican) years ago.

    2. hedgewytch7:10 AM

      If the POTUS had NOT rammed through the ACA when he did, we'd still not have any kind of health care reform. Republicans find common ground with President Obama? Please. Obstruction on levels NEVER before seen -STILL in the last innings of his 2nd term? I thank God he did what he did when he did it!

  20. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Are they saying the "I'm sorry I fingered your vagina dear sister prayer?"

  21. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    I'm sick of seeing this dysfunctional, sick, twisted,brainwashed and hypocritical bunch of morons parading themselves and their sick lives everyplace they can. Good for the escapees! God and missions are as good an excuse as any to distance themselves from the perp and his perverted enablers.

  22. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Gryphen, did you catch this article?

    One Simple Infographic Shows How Bloodthirsty The ‘Pro-Life’ South Really Is

    One of the fundamental tenets of the Republican Party creed is the “right to life.” They shout from roof-tops that they value life above all else, but we all know it’s just more bull from a party who just wants to deny women their very basic rights.

    This map is a demonstration of just how “pro-life” the Republican Party isn’t.


  23. Anonymous12:20 AM

    But have no fear, they could teach Sarah a lesson in grifting for dollars. They incorporated themselves as a "church" before begging for money, thus insuring they will not have to pay taxes.

    1. Anonymous5:33 AM

      I knew that they were pandering to the public for money for this venture. Why couldn't Mom and Pop fork over some funds to pay for the flight to wherever. Money earned by begging from the internet public should not be tax free and one should not be able to "incorporate" oneself as a church to avoid paying taxes.

  24. Anonymous4:16 AM

    If you haven't seen it watch this documentary and learn a bit more about all the "good things" evangelical missionaries bring to the world. They should be stoned to death as they step off their jets and onto the tarmac in every country they make an appearance. Their message of hate is further from the truth than their grasp of reality. Peace in the world has no chance as long as assholes like these people show up anywhere in the world.


    1. It's appalling to think that a group of homophobes from Kansas City Missouri could travel to Uganda with their message of hatred and encourage the Ugandan government to enact a law that makes death the penalty for being gay. This is what evangelicals wanted to see happen in the United States, they still do.

  25. Anonymous5:20 AM

    Smart move to leave the country. Hopefully Josh Duggar will be too far away to molest their baby now.


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