Friday, July 24, 2015

The gun of one of the ammosexuals "guarding" the military recruiting offices accidentally went off. Seriously who could have possibly predicted that?

Courtesy of Lancaster Eagle-Gazette:  

No one was injured in an accidental shooting near a U.S. Armed Forces Recruiting Center on Thursday. 

An armed volunteer guarding the U.S. Army Recruiting Center accidentally fired a shot just after noon, according to Lancaster police. 

Christopher Reed, 28, of Lancaster, is one of the volunteers who have been guarding the Lancaster recruiting site following the shooting and killing of five service members at an unguarded recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee, last week. 

"I was out here and was talking to a guy who wanted to look at my AR-15," said Reed in an interview with the Eagle-Gazette. "I was trying to clear the weapon and hand it over to him when it went off. I thought it was empty and must have missed it."

Wait, he was just going to hand some dude his gun? Who in the hell does that?

Hey you know how it's really rude to say "I told you so?"

Yeah well tough shit, "I told you so, I told you so, I told you so!"

There I feel better.

I don't think these morons will be satisfied until one of them accidentally murders an innocent bystander, after which I am positive they will simply blame Obama for it.


  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    "I was trying to clear the weapon and hand it over to him when it went off. I thought it was empty and must have missed it."


  2. Anonymous4:46 PM


    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Fixed it for ya ( lol)

    2. Maroons.

      Fixed it for both of you.

  3. Anonymous4:48 PM

    "Hey dude, cool gun. Can I check it out?"
    "Yeah, dude, no problem. Here ya go."
    "Woah, sorry dude."

    1. Anonymous5:01 PM

      ROFL! (Except it's not really funny... it's potentially very tragic. One of these inattentive, full-of-themselves morons are bound to shoot and kill somebody by mistake.)

  4. Anonymous4:59 PM

    And he was convicted of the exact same thing in 2013, paid a $50 fine, and they let him keep his gun. Amazing.

  5. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Conviction on the fourth-degree misdemeanor is punishable by a maximum of 30 days in jail.

    Reed was convicted of the same offense in 2013, and was fined $50, court records show.

    Some armed civilians have been guarding military recruiting stations in Ohio and elsewhere after the fatal shootings of five service members at a military recruitment center in Tennessee.

    “I’m nobody special,” Reed said in a telephone interview on Thursday. “I’m just a guy doing my job because my own government wouldn’t do it.”

    Reed said he is not a military veteran. He described himself as an active gun enthusiast who makes a living working side jobs.

    1. Anonymous5:14 PM

      In other words, he's a unemployed Tea Party fanatic. Lazy ass. At least the mall owners told these losers to vacate their property after this incident.

    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Well, the recruiting office is right there. Why not walk right in and sign up?

    3. Anonymous6:23 PM

      FIFTY DOLLAR FINE FOR SHOOTING A GUN?! Christ, I've had parking tickets bigger than that from being 10 min late off the ferry -_-

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Well, the recruiting office is right there. Why not walk right in and sign up?

      I had that exact thought myself. Loud-mouthed cowards.


  6. Anonymous5:11 PM

    So all it takes to disarm one of these knuckleheads is to start chatting them about about how masculine their firearm makes them look, ask to pet it, and then have it handed over? What if I am now the bad guy with a gun? Exactly how is that supposed to make these places more secure?

    Archie Butt

    1. Well, I'm sure it helps if you're white. Better yet if missing some teeth.

    2. Not to mention, they are "guarding" the office with supposedly empty guns.

      In what way is this effective.

      No ammo and you'll hand over your weapon to a perfect stranger?

      If they were loaded, the stranger could then turn the gun on you.

      The pentagon has issued a request that these bozos cease and desist guarding the military. I guess recruitment numbers are down.

  7. SallyinMI5:40 PM

    So if I'm the guy in the car who fired on the recruiting station, and I see two overweight guards in tee shirts, guns at their side, who do you think I'll take our first? The guys behind the plate glass window, or the two in front of it?

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      But, but, but they are the militia, the bad guy is suppose to be scared and drive off.

      And they keep telling us we are suppose to be worried about ISIS taking over America, I am more worried about these dimwits.

  8. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Fucking retarded mouth breathers with deadly weapons, what could possibly go wrong?

  9. Anonymous5:50 PM

    If a Muslim came up to him and wanted to look at his gun, this would have been a whole different news story.


  10. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Wonder why he thought his gun was empty? Just in case he needed to protect the recruiting office from a bad guy with a gun, was he planning on quickly loading his gun?

    1. Anonymous7:52 PM

      No, he was going to hold it by the barrel and swing it like a club.

  11. Anonymous6:39 PM

    The profile of man who LEGALLY bought a gun in America in 2014 that was used to kill in a Lafayette movie theater.

    1. Anonymous3:29 AM

      Yep! A Teabagger Terrorist!

      We really need to get the guns away from these RWNJ's...

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    The comments are hysterical and so valid!

  13. Our Lad6:58 PM

    A moment of grand dipshiterry.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      In my world. asshaterry but same thing.
      THIS is what your AIP wants, $arah?
      You stupid bitch. Go lick your lips in the mirror.
      Or fish lips like your knocked up daughter.

      Cruel? You BETCHA!
      But you are SO complacent in all of this.
      Bullshit on your upcoming devotional book.
      It's just a matter of time, toots.
      Feel the heat??

  14. Anonymous7:09 PM

    Make. This. Shit. Stop.

  15. Anonymous7:23 PM

    What does Dakota Meyer say about this? My guess is...nothing.

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      Where the #%&* is Wayne LaPierre?

  16. Anita Winecooler7:45 PM

    And when it DOES happen, he'll probably call it an accident.
    Sorry I shot a bystander, I was showing my metal penis extender to someone who wanted a look see, and I cleared it, thought it was empty, before I handed it to him, but obviously I missed one..... My bad, accidents happen.

    And this guy supposedly has a license to carry a gun???? I wouldn't trust him with a piece of bubble gum.

  17. Anonymous7:51 PM

    Who did he think he was going to protect with what he thought was an empty gun?

  18. Anonymous7:52 PM

    This is the picture with the comment "you're going to be a great dad."

    1. Anonymous1:06 AM

      dakotameyer0317 I don't always drink but when I do it's Leadslingers Whiskey (@leadslingerswhiskey).

      Thank's to the guys at @art15clothing.
      #DakotaMeyer0317 #LeadslingersWhiskey

      dakotameyer0317 Even though we were in the middle of nowhere Alaska. We put this up and watched the UK game!! @bsmp2 is definitely a fan!!

    2. Anonymous3:34 AM

      I thought it was those AK Aftadark Boyz that was the Baby Daddy...

    3. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Who cares, Alicia? Dakota isn't the father of Bristol's newest mistake and he's damned glad about it.

      This thread is about an idiot with a gun, not an idiot with a bun (in the oven).

  19. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Bristol is complaining about "sexual freedom". I kid you not!

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Bristol Palin has more sexual freedom than one of Todd Palin's prostitutes.

    2. Anonymous12:52 AM

      What kind of sex freedom? To whom is she complaining? If Todd lost contact with her she may be on her own now to find her own partners.

  20. Anonymous8:47 PM

    off topic.

    A$$hole Joe Arpaio in deep shit now.

    Today: Judge sends marshals to seize evidence from Sheriff Joe Arpaio

  21. Anonymous9:40 PM

    How much longer before we get to see FB pics of Trig Palin shooting a gun? Sarah, show us what you've got!

  22. Anonymous12:48 AM

    What happened to this guy?

  23. And I was expecting the fool to have shot off his dick with his penis extender.

    These guys are beyond stupid.

    Guarding the offices with supposedly empty guns and then handing over their weapons to friendly strangers who ask for them?

    No wonder the Pentagon is requesting they all please go home.

    If I were a potential recruit, I wouldn't go near those offices.

  24. Wow! So if someone wants to shoot the place up, they don't even need to bring their own gun.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.