Saturday, July 25, 2015

In case you were wondering why Donald Trump always sounds like such a dick.

I know, juvenile right?

And yet it seems perfectly reasonable when talking about this assclown.


  1. Tanya Gray2:15 AM

    I'd love to see a photo of a mike pointing straight up his ass. That's where all of his "thoughts" seem to originate from, imho.

  2. Uh, because he *is* a dick?

    Was this a trick question?

  3. Anonymous2:36 AM

    He is really enjoying all the attention. He is such a SICK man, so full of himself. I wonder how his kids REALLY feel about him, making an ass of himself this way? If it came out that he was not as rich as he claims, would the media still follow him around? A person ranting about everything the way he does, would be considered mentally ill, if they were broke. He definitely is not NORMAL, by any stretch of the imagination.

  4. Anonymous3:17 AM

    Run, Sarah, run.

    RUN, RUN, RUN.

  5. Anonymous3:21 AM

    He just is what he is...

    He's not just a dick though...
    He's an asshole too...

  6. Anonymous3:48 AM

    It may be juvenile but it's funny....and he is a dick!

  7. Anonymous3:57 AM

    Donald Dick.....sounds like one, walks like one, looks like one, acts like one, and is one. The Donald, The Dick.

  8. Anonymous4:00 AM

    I think you give him too much credit if you get my drift.

  9. Anonymous6:16 AM

    I love his All-American baseball cap, to hide his fly-away orange hair. I wonder if he'll switch to a fedora inside for the debates.

  10. Leland6:21 AM

    Too bad it isn't a foot - heavily making contact! It may be the only way to shut this shit up.

  11. Anonymous6:22 AM

    It took me a while but that is so funny. Great picture.

  12. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Wouldn't it be great if the upcoming debate was held outdoors, where there just happened to be a 10-15 mph wind blowing.

  13. Anonymous7:26 AM


    Wonder if his campaign hats are manufactured in China with the rest of his clothing line.

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    That's very funny!

  15. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The notion that this man has a brain is only half true.......

  16. Anita Winecooler5:45 PM

    I think his winkie is far wiser than it's life support system, at least it's seldom seen nor heard, and probably has a matching toupee.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.