Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The not so subtle racism of Paula Deen is back on display.

Courtesy of CNN:  

Paula Deen has some explaining to do, again. 

An image posted on her social media accounts Tuesday showed Deen and her son Bobby dressed as Lucy and Ricky Ricardo from the classic 1950s TV comedy show "I Love Lucy." 

It might not have been so bad if Bobby Deen's face was not clearly painted a darker shade of brown than his hands. 

"Lucyyyyyyy! You got a lot of esplainin' to do!" read the caption on the photo, which has been deleted from all her social media accounts. 

Deen, in a statement issued by a spokeswoman, apologized "to all who were offended." She blamed a social media manager for posting the image from a Halloween episode of "Paula's Best Dishes" that aired in 2011.

Yes firing your social media manager, that will absolutely make everything alright again.  Especially considering what we already know about Deen.

The thing to keep in mind is that this episode aired in 2011, and apparently NOBODY said a thing about it.

Which I think just goes to show how ingrained and accepted racism is in this country, especially among those from the South.

By the way on what planet was Ricky Ricardo that dark skinned?

He is a light skinned Cuban. In fact I think I might be darker than Ricardo and I'm a pasty white Alaskan.


  1. Desi Arnaz was white, just like his Spanish ancestors.

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      I grew up in south Florida. The early Cubans who fled Castro were wealthy, educated whites. Think Ted Cruz' father. The later refugees were made up of the darker persuasion, especially after Fidel opened the prisons to get rid of the troublemakers.

      Little Havana is populated by mostly white/light Cubans. If you really want to piss off a Cuban, suggest they're Puerto Rican, or God forbid, a Mexican.

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM

      "The later refugees were made up of the darker persuasion, especially after Fidel opened the prisons to get rid of the troublemakers."

      @ 1:45 PM are you referring to the Marielitos?

    3. Anonymous4:11 PM

      Anon 2:30 -- Yeppers. I went to school with several children of the '60s refugees. Pretty much as insufferably arrogant & entitled as Teddy is now. Considered themselves to be the true Cubanos, not the mixed indigenous & Afro-Carribeans.

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Nothing particularly racist about this!

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      No? Maybe if we didn't already know Ms. Deen's views on non-whites, but since we do, I call it racist.

    2. Grrrr !12:49 PM

      Anonymous 12:15 PM

      You're every bit as racist, stupid and/or stubborn as Paula Deen is.

      (Hint: that's nothing to brag about.)

    3. Anonymous2:52 AM

      Sorry that I offended your predjudices, but you seem to be a bit unhinged, don't you think?

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'll tell you who should have done more 'splaining. If you call this racist then you have to equally call Mitt Romney racist for browning his face at the univision Latino Town Hall! Screw Paula Dean. A politician who runs for president is 10,000 times worse when he paints his face brown to get votes! Where was the outrage then?!!? See for yourself and his face is darker than his hands:

    1. Anonymous12:38 PM

      That was pointed out at the time, and Mitt caught hell for it.

    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Yes it was pointed out that he painted his face brown. But did media call him a RACIST? NO.

  4. angela12:17 PM

    No words. . . . .

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      I'm not excusing her, but at least she had the good grace to pull this & apologize. Shows a lot more self-awareness than a certain Quitter Governor & just about any member of her family.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Does goofy redneck paula know what "Ricky"does not look like that or is she the next inline to make a total "REDNECK ASSHOLE out of her fatty azzhole self? So sick of and tired of ignorant redneck smelly repukklican morons in the year 2015. Even through the computer I can smell such disgusting dna and ignorance. paula get some help for your genetic problem and then cook something up healing for AMERICANS instead of fatty azzhole redneck clogging garbage..

    1. Anonymous2:32 PM


    2. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Sing 🎤 it out loud! I soo agree with you!

  6. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I think Rubio his darker than that, and no one ever mentions his heritage (or birth certificate.) And Cruz, half-Cuban, is a pasty-white who looks like he lives in cold Canada instead of sunny and sweltering Texas. Where's HIS birth certificate? Trump is slipping.

    1. Balzafiar12:50 PM

      Cruz == pasty-white == scary as hell.

    2. Maple2:06 PM

      @12:38 -- Oh puhleeeeze! Are you one of those ignorant Americans who comes up to Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver in July to go skiing? We have 4 seasons, just like most of you in the lower 48: they're called winter, spring, summer and fall. Yesterday the temp here was 85F.

    3. Anonymous8:28 AM

      You are wrong here in northern Wisconsin, we have two weeks of spring, road construction, summer, more road construction, fall, last minute road construction, winter, more winter and yet more winter! This morning I woke up to a crisp 38 degrees, yesterday's high was 62, currently it is 57 degrees.

  7. Anonymous12:40 PM

    militant stupidity.

  8. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Give it a rest you dumbass liberals.

    Everyone just has to be offended by everything these days. Everything is racist.

    Is it tiring to have to find something to be offended by 24hrs a day?

    Hey Gryph- how about something on the mob of black teens that beat a white Cincinnati man unconscious? Hate crime? Obama? Wheres the DOJ on this one?

    1. 12:57pm...DEFINITELY an escapee from Crazies4Baldy! Those nuts are on edge waiting to see when Baldy is going to announce that she will "NOT be seeking the nomination for President of the United States" because Beefy is bringing another bastard baby into the compound and she has no idea where this one will sleep!

      Amirite RAM or amirite!

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Baldy is too busy planning her attack on the baby daddy- just as as soon as they find out what his name is.

    3. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Gina how do you have time to post when you should be out in the world hating on whitey?

    4. 4:24pm.....hello RAM! How's it hanging penguin? Soooooooo....what's the 411 on why Baldy hasn't talked about Beefy's Oopsy? Spill know you want to! LOL!!

  9. Grrrr !12:58 PM

    O/T: I was just reading this ......

    "Twitter Primary: Bernie Sanders Has The Most Real Followers While 57% Of Christie’s Are Fake"
    I didn't know there was a site that estimates how many of one's Twitter followers are fake!

    So, NATURALLY I just HAD to queryt: how many of Sarah Palin's Twitter followers are fake?

    Answer: (as of -- apparently -- two years ago) 63%!

    1. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Read the twitteraudit again.

      That's how many of her supporters are RILL.

      I think that's a higher number than her Facebook fans, don't forget how popular Sarah Palin is in New Delhi.

  10. Anonymous1:13 PM

    "this episode aired in 2011, and apparently NOBODY said a thing about it"
    That's because nobody watches her shitty show.

  11. Anonymous1:32 PM

    It took me a long time to figure out why I always thought Ricky ws pasty white.

    Black and white TV.

  12. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Memphis City Council unanimously votes to begin removing monument to first KKK grand wizard

    The Memphis City council took steps on Tuesday to begin the process of removing a monument to Confederate War General Nathan Bedford Forrest, the nation’s first Ku Klux Klan “grand wizard.”

    In an unanimous vote, the council approved a resolution for the removal of Bedford’s remains from under a statue in his honor that currently sits in Health Sciences Park on Union Avenue.

    The City Council is expected to vote on an ordinance calling for the removal of the statute at a later date. Council rules require the ordinance to be read three times before a vote can be held.

    Before Bedford’s grave can be moved, a Tennessee court and the Forrest family must also give their approval. The next meeting of the Tennessee Historic Commission is scheduled for October.

    1. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I live in Virginia, & one of our former governors, George Allen--who was NOT a native of the Old South--was so enamored of NBF that he named his son for him. Said governor also had an actual noose hanging in the ficus tree in his office.

      And now news that his successor, Happy Gilmore, has thrown his beanie into the race. Gonna lose count pretty soon.

  13. G- Have you seen this? Her face is front page on HuffPo!

    From the article: "WASHINGTON -- Physicians would be paid to discuss end-of-life options with Medicare patients who want their wishes spelled out in advance under a regulation proposed by the federal government Wednesday.

    Medical societies and seniors' groups like the AARP have long supported so-called advance care planning as a way for patients to consider whether they want intensive medical care in the event of a life-threatening illness near the close of their lives, and to make their preferences known to their loved ones in writing. But Medicare has never had a mechanism with which to pay doctors for this counseling, except during a physical exam when beneficiaries first enroll in the program."

    1. Anonymous2:26 PM


      The famous Sarah who farted scowl also too!

    2. Anonymous2:30 PM


      Huff Post front page clickbait for medicare end of life planing.


      All caps with Palin the scowling quitter!
      Click through headline:

      Medicare Outlines End-Of-Life Planning Proposal That Will Make Sarah Palin's Head Explode


    3. Anonymous2:48 PM

      An early version of the legislation that became the Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama's health care reform law, would have established a way for Medicare to pay physicians who discuss end-of-life options with patients. The plan was derailed, however, when ex-Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee, falsely labeled these voluntary counseling sessions as "death panels" that would cut off medical care to older Americans against their wills.

      "The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil," Palin wrote in an August 2009 Facebook post.

      The "death panel" charge earned the dubious distinction of being named PolitiFact's "Lie of the Year" in 2009, but its power extended beyond the pressure that led Congress to remove the provision from the health care bill.

    4. Anonymous6:37 PM

      It's a service that people NEED to discuss and get in writing. I'm so glad they used Sarah Palin's photo, and hope she had that discussion before her head explodes. Black twiggy outfir, check, flag platform high heels, check, red white and blue flowers, check. Hope she foregoes the belmont, or they won't be able to close the casket. .

    5. Anonymous7:03 AM

      Regardless of age, people need to have the discussion of "If I am unable to speak for myself, would I want this course of treatment taken." My husband and I had that conversation when the Terri Schiavo case was in the news and we're both under 50.

  14. Anonymous2:37 PM

    I was rather surprised she and her son would pose this way. Obviously they figured the best way to 'imitate' Lucy and Ricky was to turn Ricky very dark. Why? What was that point? As you pointed out, Desi Arnez wasn't that dark! If the Deens wanted to portray Desi Arnez, why didn't they just dress Bobby in one of Ricky Ricardo's signature suits? Or a bongo(?)drum? He played those on that show. Choosing to turn Ricky Ricardo so dark is just kinda staggeringly ignorant.

  15. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Watch white people cry about white privilege in a new MTV documentary “White People”

    A new MTV documentary called “White People” purports to ask the “very uncomfortable” questions about white privilege and white frustration.

    It documents the perceived struggle that White teens and twenty-somethings have in coming to terms with their identity. Dakota, a 22-year-old from a small town in Virgina, for example, has a moment of awakening when he joins a historically black college. Another student by the name of Katy is convinced that being white prevented her from receiving a scholarship to Grand Canyon University.

    Are you a fan of the Pulitzer Prize-winning executive director Jose Antonio Vargas (best known for his work with the Virginia Tech shootings in 2007) or do you just enjoy watching white people cry? This one may be for you.

    “White People” airs Wednesday, July 22 at 8:00pm ET/PT on MTV.

    Watch the trailer courtesy of MTV below:

  16. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I suspect that part of the deal with Paula Deen when she was fired from the Food Network was that the network would keep Bobby Deen on. He's not very bright, has never been featured as a chef but he keeps popping up, most recently hosting a short series about finding the "best baker." Why was this photo resurrected if it dates to 2011? I hope that it wasn't Bobby Deen's idea.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    The woman's an idiot. She had type two diabetes and wrote three high carb, high sugar, and loads of butter/butter/lard/bacon grease/ and bacon, knowing full well it causes a lot of damage to everyone, especially diabetics.
    Then she uses the N word, gets caught, admits it, and gives the "But some of my BEST friends are Black, y'all" "I didn't mean to offend, but if I did, I'm sorry" apology/non apology.

    Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks (no offense to real dogs).... so she "allowed" her sons to do a series of lighter versions of her food, using Paula Deen as the taste tester and judge.
    Now this? While I'm aware it aired earlier, she did herself no favors in today's climate. She has no clue how offensive the "Sorry if I offended anyone" non apology is to those she offended. And no clue how privileged she is to build her brand and rake in millions.

  18. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Seems missy palin should be looking for quotes to steal.

  19. Anonymous7:39 PM

    brand? there aint no brand. smell? yes. brand? no.

  20. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Change comes from within:

  21. Irrespective of the previous controversy, I'm not buying this. Saturday Night Live has been doing this kind of thing for years, only they most often achieve their effect with wigs. If anything, the guy looks more like Adam Sandler. No outrage head from redheads. I'm no fan of Deen, but this a half-baked attempt to pile on.

  22. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Desi Arnaz was white. He was Cuban. Why is that so confusing? The ultimate stupidity here is that Dean thinks that anyone who speaks Spanish is not white.. Perhaps she's heard of Pablo Picasso? This type of ignorance reveals a complete lack of historical knowledge of the Americas, both north and south as well as the Caribbean... yikes...

  23. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Is PD still with Smithfield Foods?


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