Wednesday, July 08, 2015

The Simpsons take on Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

While Fox News has been rallying behind Donald Trump, Fox’s The Simpsons was not as generous, releasing a short skit online getting inside the Republican presidential candidate’s head — or rather, his scalp. 

“Trumptastic Adventure” opens with Homer being recruited as one of Trump’s campaign extras with the promise of $50 for his services. 

Unfortunately for him, he gets too close for comfort to Trump’s famous hair, only for it to end up showing him more about the candidate than anyone has gotten to see. 

“It’s so wispy — it’s a gravity-defying combover,” Homer muses. “I can’t believe that this was once on his ass.”

One of the things I love about the Simpsons is that they are always sticking it to Fox News, and their conservative icons. 

Did you see the "America you can be my ex-wife" sign on Trumps podium?

Gotta love that.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I don't think America can be Trumps ex wife, since we are AMERICAN. I believe we would have to be eastern European to find Trumps appearance (money) attractive. We could have an adulterous affair with Trump, get knocked up and trap him, but that seems pretty desperate to me. Let's just trap that thing on his head, instead.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      " We could have an adulterous affair with Trump"

      Speak for yourself, Strumpet, if that's even your real name, which I seriously doubt!

    2. Anonymous3:41 PM


    3. fromthediagonal3:49 PM

      Naw, it has to be the long-missed Beldar Conehead! Hi there, Beldar!
      Good to see you are still keeping up on that epic comb-over!

    4. Anonymous4:00 PM

      Darn! Beldar is good, but Marla, well, now, that would be impressive!

    5. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Hi Inge. Nice to see you, too

    6. Anonymous4:42 PM

      OK, I am 3:03, 3:41 and 4:00. I know who I am (I think), and I am aware of the illustrious Beldar, but who is Inge?

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

  3. Anonymous3:06 PM

    I have witnessed Homer do some pretty disgusting things, eating spoiled meat, choosing the NRA over his family, alcoholism, but pandering to Trump for a mere $50.00. I am beginning to think Peter Griffin is the better man!

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM


    My favorite comment...
    "Great news. Now if Medicare will require Bristol to get beginning of life counseling and how to avoid that until you are ready."

  5. Anonymous3:29 PM

    OT. But quick, get a load of the current headliner on Huffington Post entitled, "Sanity Prevails", and one of the ugliest photos of Palin ever published. Article about Medicare end of life planning proposal. Sub-head says the proposal "will make Sarah Palin's head explode." When the old gal finally crashed and burned, it has been glorious to watch. Hopefully she will totally fade from our vision soon after she has been totally trashed by all. Looks like that time may be getting close.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Newsmax TV is proud to bring you "The Undefeated," a critically-acclaimed documentary on one of the Republican Party's most dynamic and controversial figures — former vice presidential candidate and governor of Alaska Sarah Palin.

      This epic two-hour feature — which chronicles Palin's rise from obscurity to become one of the most honest and refreshing voices in American politics — airs Saturday, July 11, at 8 p.m./Eastern Time, 5 p.m./Pacific Time, only on Newsmax TV.

      'The Undefeated' Reveals the Palin America Never Got to See

    2. Anonymous4:17 PM

      Yeah, Sarah can claim that the American Medical Association and the Association of Retired Persons are librul fronts that want to kill her gift from heaven.
      Note that this is voluntary and always has been.
      The difference is that now the physician gets a small stipend if this topic is brought up by the patient and time is spent in discussing the patient's wishes.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      3:45 WTH

  6. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I liked the play on words in the clip that instead of saying "numb skull", it said "trumpskull". Dump trump!

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      I like tRump.
      (JIC you don't know: Rump=a$$...)

  7. remember, Fox is only in it for the money. nothing else matters.

    1. Anonymous3:42 PM

      Seriously??? Shocking!

    2. Anonymous4:25 PM

      That is all programming, you just choose to believe the ones that suit you.

  8. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Uh oh Gryphen,

    MJS • a few seconds ago
    Good"Internet trolls face up to two years' jail in New Zealand under a controversial new law which bans “harmful digital communications”.
    I am reporting Immoral Minority, Daily Kos and Wonkette to have them arrested.2 years in the cooler with some large samoans willdo them a world of good.
    NB did you see the Samoan/AB's Haka I posted?

    1. Anonymous3:54 PM

      He is such an effing arrogant blowhard POS. Every day, "This is what I tweeted here, this is what I posted here!" He's an attention whore just like all of them are over there! Does he not understand international law?

      Let him try. Asshole prick.

    2. Anonymous4:21 PM

      If you ever get into a direct conversation with him rub it in his face that his son is a rather well known writer for a very well known Democrat website. His son can't stand him and refers to him as a traitor. His wife can't stand him as well and technically doesn't even live with him.

    3. Anonymous4:45 PM

      4:21, the wife situation explains the pathetic need to flirt with a 70 yr old and get overly excited over the Muse's avatar.

  9. Anonymous3:42 PM

  10. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Gryphen, Be very of our NZ C4Pers is gunning for you!
    14 minutes ago
    "Good"Internet trolls face up to two years' jail in New Zealand under a controversial new law which bans “harmful digital communications”.
    I am reporting Immoral Minority, Daily Kos and Wonkette to have them arrested.;2 years in the cooler with some large Samoans will do them a world of good."

    1. Anonymous4:00 PM

      LMAO. Let him.

    2. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Well, in MY book, that means that idjit from NZ will have to do some 'hard time'!

    3. Anonymous4:46 PM

      That was my thinking, as well. All the NZ C4Pers should be worried!

  11. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Meet the Bizarre Fringe Candidates Running for President

    According to the Federal Election Commission, more than 470 people are running for president of the United States in 2016....and most of them make Donald Trump look sane

  12. Anonymous9:21 PM

    When I was an insurance broker, I was often asked to provide a BOND for people who wished to do maintenance work, in buildings owned by large corporations, or the government.

    One of the questions on the application, was: Have you ever declared bankruptcy?----and if the answer was yes, the bond would not be issued.

    So, we have before us a guy who would not qualify to clean the toilets in the White House, much less USE them, as its occupant.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.