Saturday, July 25, 2015

Well Kim Jong-un's buddy Dennis Rodman is now supporting Donald trump, so you know he has that going for him.

Of course "The Donald" was quick to tweet his thanks to Rodman before he changed his mind.

And the reason for that? This: 

The reality television star has been lacking in serious endorsements, which campaign strategists point out are a key to winning the nomination. At this point, the only major public figures to endorse Trump are Rodman and Stephen Stepanek, a state representative in New Hampshire. 

Of course Rodman has a history of having controversial friends, such as North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

And most recently he has been coming to the defense of Hulk Hogan who is currently being accused of making racist statement on tape.

Well what can you expect from a sideshow freak like Donald Trump, but to have other sideshow freaks as his supporters?

I wonder who will endorse him next?  Ronald McDonald or Dog the Bounty Hunter?


  1. Anonymous9:13 AM

    "I wonder who will endorse him next? Ronald McDonald or Dog the Bounty Hunter?"

    Bill Cosby.

    And that Duggar sister raper.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I think Kim Jong-un would be more than happy to endorse "the Donald".

    Anything to destabilize the western world, remove all respect for us in the world of nations, and basically destroy this nation as a viable country would be right up his alley.

    And you all think I'm joking?

    1. Anonymous7:11 PM

      I don't Kim Jong-un needs to do any of that, the GOP is already doing it for him.

  3. angela10:01 AM

    Rodman would endorse a ham sandwich if it hung out with him and massaged his ego. The ham sandwich would do the same for him----thus, Trump.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Donald Trump is an actual fascist: What his surging popularity says about the GOP base

    The word "fascist" has been abused by the left over the years. But a look at Trump's rhetoric shows scary parallels

    In the political discussion of today, there always comes a risk of being discounted as a crackpot when using a word like “fascist” to describe a political opponent. The word, much like “socialist,” has been so abused since the fall of fascism that it lost its meaning quite some time ago. Comparisons of modern leaders to Hitler tend to be completely void of any substance, and there is even an Internet adage, “Godwin’s law,” that says, “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.”

    In a recent article by Jeffrey Tucker, however, it is argued, quite justly in my opinion, that Donald Trump, whether he knows it or not, is a fascist (or is at least acting like one). Much like Mussolini and Hitler, Trump is a demagogue dedicated to riling up the people (particularly conservatives) with race baiting, traditionalism and strongman tough talk — and, according to polls, it’s working — for now. Tucker writes:

    “Trump has tapped into it, absorbing unto his own political ambitions every conceivable resentment (race, class, sex, religion, economic) and promising a new order of things under his mighty hand.”

    No doubt about it, Donald Trump has decided to stir the pot, and, as Tucker says, he seems to be running for a CEO position, rather than president of a nation.

    Is Donald Trump a Fascist?

    ...I just heard Trump speak live. The speech lasted an hour, and my jaw was on the floor most of the time. I’ve never before witnessed such a brazen display of nativistic jingoism, along with a complete disregard for economic reality. It was an awesome experience, a perfect repudiation of all good sense and intellectual sobriety.

    Yes, he is against the establishment, against existing conventions. It also serves as an important reminder: As bad as the status quo is, things could be worse. Trump is dedicated to taking us there.

    His speech was like an interwar séance of once-powerful dictators who inspired multitudes, drove countries into the ground and died grim deaths. I kept thinking of books like John T. Flynn’s As We Go Marching, especially Chapter Ten that so brilliantly chronicles a form of statism that swept Europe in the 1930s. It grew up in the firmament of failed economies, cultural upheaval and social instability, and it lives by stoking the fires of bourgeois resentment.

    Since World War II, the ideology he represents has usually lived in dark corners, and we don’t even have a name for it anymore. The right name, the correct name, the historically accurate name, is fascism. I don’t use that word as an insult only. It is accurate.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Thank you for this: it is a reminder that no country is immune from fascism. Constant vigilance is the price of freedom and for all he is a joke, he is a fear monger who promises a new order just like Hitler -- he is a threat, riling up a resentful base that could easily take to the many mass shootings since he started campaigning? Just saying...

      How many people were at the rally you went to?
      What was their reaction to his rantings?

  5. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Napoleon Adolphus Trump and Mussolini Palin, American Fascists Party

    1. Anonymous11:48 AM

      If no one bought food or gas for a week? They would be lucky to get the street sweepers to listen to them!

  6. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Dennis Rodman?!?
    What hole did he crawl out of?
    As relevant as the Wasilla witch.

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM

    It’s not who he is, it’s who he hates: The secret to Donald Trump’s toxic appeal

    The media's attempts to take Trump down are doomed. The more they hate him, the stronger he gets

    Trump shocker: “I identify with some things as a Democrat”

    He may be running as a right-wing Republican, but The Donald has some surprising words in new interview

  8. Anonymous11:56 AM

    More Trump sideshow--a must-see gif of him fighting ringside at the WWE. Hilariously, his hair doesn't move.

  9. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Sandra Bland Was Murdered

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Social Media Users Believe Sandra Bland Was Dead During Mug Shot

      The more I look at it, the more I agree.

  10. Anonymous1:11 PM

    To the list of Republican rivals he has insulted, Donald J. Trump on Saturday added a new name: Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin, whom he accused of mismanaging his state’s budget and creating a disaster for its roads, schools and hospitals.

    Mr. Walker, who has been restrained in criticizing Mr. Trump’s controversial remarks compared with other Republican presidential candidates, is leading in the polls in Iowa, a fact that seemed to gall the golf course entrepreneur and former reality star.

    “I can’t believe I’m in second place,’’ Mr. Trump told several hundred people who filled a high school auditorium and an overflow room to see him. “Folks, will you please put me in first place so I feel better?”

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Saturday, July 25, 2015

    "Well Kim Jong-un's buddy Dennis Rodman is now supporting Donald trump, so you know he has that going for him."

    What about Kim Jong-uns retarded little buddy from Wasilla, who is she endorsing? The little retard already threw the man who made her a millionaire under the bus for the man who bought her a slice of pizza and a can of soda.

    Oh I forgot, he threw in a straw with the soda. That was the clincher.

  12. where is the juicy story we were semi promised while you were ~fishing~????????????????/

  13. Anita Winecooler6:49 PM

    These two entertainers are like two putzes in a pea. I'm sure Donald would love a photo op of he and D Rod , in his wedding gown and make up. Keep kissing D Rod's butt, Donald. I'm sure your target audience would LOVE and APPROVE of that photo.
    Man Up or shut up!


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It just goes directly to their thighs.