Sunday, July 05, 2015

You know perhaps Dakota Meyer does belong in the Palin family.

Courtesy of Meyer's Facebook page: 

Celebrating 4th of July and wanted to make a toast with all of my brothers and sisters on social media. 

Here's to all the men and women who have sacrificed for our great nation. May we never forget why we are able to live in the greatest nation on the planet. For those who gave all.

Yes let's honor the military men and women who gave their all, by disrespecting their flag and getting wasted on the 4th of July.

Perhaps somebody should remind Dakota that he is the recipient of a freaking Medal of Honor! Deserved or not, certain people look up to him.

You know in this whole pregnancy brouhaha I really want to be on Meyer's side, after all I know what the Palins can do to people. But you know he is making it really, really hard to give a shit.


  1. Anonymous4:34 PM

    He should be stripped of his MOH for this "outfit" alone! How embarrassing for our military families :(

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Seriously? You don't think they're probably too worried about living on paltry military incomes, not to mention when and where what senseless war-contractor-benefiting conflict their miltary members are going to be sent to risk their health/lives next, to worry about a former soldier wearing flag pj's?

    2. Anonymous6:31 PM

      6:12, you certainly have an anti-military agenda.

    3. Anonymous6:40 PM

      6:12 PM Is a prime recruit for ISIS.

    4. Anonymous6:46 PM

      Well, 6:12 PM, you would never fit in at c4p because they bleed for military to be sent while they sit behind their keyboards bitching for someone else to put their life on the line for them, and hate the black man that seeks resolution peacefully.

    5. Anonymous7:19 PM

      You're right, 6:31 - I am anti-military. I do feel for the poor saps who got hoodwinked into enlisting by being called "heroes" only to return from risking their lives for no good reason to be treated like political footballs. Sadly there is no shortage of willing cannon fodder, which is a sad commentary on our educational system.


    6. Anonymous8:27 PM

      True that, 7:19 PM
      I lived that era, Notice how poopie pants Nugent has been silent? Baby boy tough guy MOH is an immature opportunist.

    7. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I totally agree with 6:12. The gov't (GOP) have done nothing to help the military men and women and everything to help the corporate grifters who thrive on war. I was married to a military officer and I know how it is. So those of you who criticized 6:12 and especially the one who said 6:12 was a prime recruit for Isis can STFU, you ignorant asses.

    8. Anonymous1:50 AM

      Perspective is lacking here.

    9. Anonymous3:09 AM

      agree with 6:12. But the ones who will/should be concerned are those very warmongers who sit behind their keyboards vicariously thinking that simply by being American, some MOH glory reflects on them. And this type of behavior diminishes that shadow of glory.

  2. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Is there a gun on the table?

  3. Anonymous4:40 PM

    I believe they each had met their perfect match, so of course they couldn't stand each other.

    1. Anonymous6:49 PM

      the smell alone.

    2. Anonymous1:50 AM

      Both good, selfless people

    3. Anonymous2:04 AM

      Intellectual equals. No apologies to Nancy French who is Bristles' "brain"!!

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Just goes to show you, there are no good guys in this little group! But, what did we expect from a guy who beds a Palin?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      and knowing the risk? gee whiz dude.

    2. Anonymous1:51 AM

      i feel sorry for you. You're so black inside. Happy people don't tear down people. We know Gryphen isn't happy and that is why he lies.

    3. Anonymous5:41 AM

      Anonymous1:51 AM

      i feel sorry for you.
      Yeah troll you fill sorry for everyone you are on the intertubes 24//7 to defend the punka$$ palin family from "lies". You are happy because you are on speed.
      You are up all night b/c you are on speed! Defending the liars.

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    So real men wear footie pajamas?

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      That is one big baby, wearing one ugly onesie

    2. Ummmmm.... Why is "Dumbkota" dressed as a giant baby?? Please tell me that he's not wearing Pull-ups under that getup?? Shouldn't that bottle of whiskey be a baby bottle??

      Anyone else see that Dr Phil where those weird white guys wear diapers and their wives treat them like babies including changing their shitty diapers!!

      Did "Dumbkota" expect Beefy to change his poopy diapers and that's why she took off???

      Damnit!!! I need answers! LOL!!

    3. Anonymous7:36 PM


    4. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Is this Brissys baby? Wow! She was farther along than I thought!

    5. Anonymous8:03 PM


      Like Senator "diaper" Dave Vitter from Louisiana that got caught in a diaper, in his own children's playroom, with hookers!

      BTW welcome back, you have been sorely missed :)

    6. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

      Oh my, a man with a onesies fetish? Does he have an "Edith Ann" rocking chair????

    7. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Well, now we know why Bristol called it off -
      she didn't want to wipe, powder, and diaper her husband.
      I can't say I blame her, the 'adult baby' scene is definitely not for everyone.

    8. Anonymous8:47 PM

      2 drunks trying to raise an 8 year old and some other guy's baby?

    9. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Fluffy Dakota Meyer jammies instagram, flag furry fetish advertisement?


    10. Anonymous1:52 AM

      Doesn't Gina have kids?

      I feel sorry for them

    11. Anonymous2:09 AM

      8;24 Well, Brissie does not bother changing her own babies, she passes them off to other people to raise. Looks like she ran out of relatives willing to take over this latest one.

  6. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Gryph - Wonkette has posted " $arah Palin Declares Independence from pretending to be employed" and a teaser about an upcoming Fartknocker report that is HAPPENING"

    Please post it! And isn't this the week for $creech's FEC filing??

    And yes, DUHkota is a putz who drinks too much.

    1. Baldy just posted on her Fakebook page one of the most god awful pics of herself! She must be hella drunk or RAM has locked her out of her own page! She looks like an old Barbie doll that was left outside in the snow and was found after the thaw!

      She's grinning like an escaped convict...wig is askew on her pumpkin head....she's wearing that smelly black ensemble...and like Pigpen I swear I see a cloud of dirt dust around her feet! And those hands!!! The lobster claw hands need to be hidden at all times!

      Here's the pic...

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM

      re Gina's post: and NO Belmont's on display!

    3. Anonymous3:14 AM

      that's an old one.

  7. Anonymous4:42 PM

    So, the American flag can't touch the ground, but your sweaty balls, dick and asshole are A-OK? Good to know.

    1. LMFAO!!!!!!! You nailed it!!!!

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      don forget old sour sarah wrapped her sweaty fake boobs and skanky skin in a USA flag. Where is the military on this issue. Where is the proper respect for Our USA Flag?

    3. 4:42pm....hopefully he's wearing underoos...otherwise the skidmarks might show through the red white and ewwww! LOL!!

    4. Anonymous2:12 AM

      Well, he was taunting ISIS, telling them he is waiting for them, ready with his guns. They can all have a good laugh when they see THIS photo!! He will be easy to find in those jammies. Too drunk to aim his gun, also too.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    At least he's not cross-eyes and giving duck lips?

    1. Anonymous6:56 PM

      No. Flush face, drunk, in flag pj's, looking for his match. Brissy. Howz come da ko ta does not move quickly to brassy and his baby coming? guess? December?

    2. Anonymous5:42 AM

      He's not flashing fake gang signs, either!

  9. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Holy crap! Whatcha smokin? Yikes! Krazy!

  10. It's not like The Lesson Of Levi hasn't been out there for all smart young men to learn from. If that child is really Dakota's, it's only because he willfully threw caution to the wind, and yes, then our sympathy should be measured. And it also means that he and Bristol, before any ceremony, maybe even before any proposal, said to hell with birth control. Thank goodness for DNA though; only the correct fool will pay.

    1. Damn bustol is a little nasty thing. She is going around having unprotected sex with random guys. Now she wants us to believe she has learned her lesson...AGAIN.

      If she wants to go around being the biggest hypocrite about not having sex with random guys that's fine but to have unprotected sex is just a lack of common sense, low self-esteem, immaturity and poor judgement.

      I wouldn't be surprised if she has contacted a STI.

    2. Anonymous1:53 AM

      Yes, Levi=lying piece of shit with no moral center. He let democrats turn him into a bigger liar.

  11. You know, when I was 16 years old (in 1970) I actually had a loud pair of jeans like that and I would put them on my ass. There's at least one family photo remaining of me in them that's good for making me cringe these days.
    But I was 16, and had no better apparel taste than any typical 16-year-old. Dakota, however, is a bit on the sundown side for clothing choices that serve no purpose but demand "Look at me!"

  12. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Finally! A picture were we know he isn't packin'!

    1. Anonymous6:47 PM

      All potatoes and no meat.

    2. Anonymous7:57 PM


    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      MASHED potatos, apparently.

  13. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I'm a little disturbed that I have that same rug in my back entryway.

    1. Anonymous5:21 PM

      Don't worry, they wear out.

      But if you feel like changing it you now have a good reason. You don't want to be picturing the above just from looking at your rug.

    2. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Target /tarjae/ isn't it? But where is he living? That sure doesn't look like a 150 year old farmhouse.

    3. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Bristol Palin apt?

    4. Anonymous3:17 AM

      That house looks to be about ten years old. My sister's house, if you reversed the picture and put a window in the door, would look identical.

  14. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sgt Meyer, I'm ashamed of you.

    And you should be ashamed of yourself.

    My Late daddy was wounded in battle under that flag that you now wear over your penis.

    1. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Well said. He's disgusting.

    2. Anonymous6:10 PM

      You should be incensed that your father was wounded in a senseless battle that benefited only the military industrial complex, not that somebody is wearing flag pj's.

    3. Anonymous6:29 PM

      So WWII was not worth fighting? You are an idiot.

    4. Anonymous6:38 PM

      6:10 PM They fought for the freedom that you now enjoy, traitor.

    5. Anonymous7:24 PM

      I am anti-war and anti-military, so if that makes me a traitor, so be it. I'm not patriotic, that's for sure. I blame the military and blind worship of it for many of this country's ills. I do think it's very sad to try to get sympathy and bask in reflected glory over something that happened over 70 years ago. I mean, didn't the late daddy risk his life so that Dakota Meyer could wear flag pj's?


    6. Anonymous7:37 PM

      You certainly are free to feel as you do and even publicly express those feelings, but whether you acknowledge it or not, those who currently serve or previously served are or were willing to die to protect your freedom. I do not worship the military, but it is a necessary force in an evil world. My dad also served in WWII, as a draftee and he went through hell. He hated war, but saw it as necessary. He paid one hell of a price for your cavalier sanctimonious attitude.

    7. Anonymous7:59 PM

      Google War is a Racket

    8. Anonymous8:24 PM

      Well said, 7:37.

      WWII was not a choice, America was attacked, even the Lower 48, as Dr Rachel Maddow has demonstrated.

      And can we just remind people that the US was in WWII for a long time and lost of a lot of good men before the war dragged to its conclusion.

    9. Anonymous9:22 PM

      8:24 et al

      America was Alaska. And even occupied by the Japanese.

    10. Anonymous1:55 AM

      I am ashamed of potential democrats here who lie like they breathe

    11. Anonymous3:18 AM

      7:37 - and therein lies the difference between WWII Vets, even N'Nam vets and what ocmes after. Most peopel think the Hitler was a real threat. Much credible evidence to show that.

      Korea and after - not so much a just war.

      But why/how the military worship has changed is an interesting read:. GREAT article:

    12. BlueDragon4:24 AM

      @9:22 - Thank you for that father was in both the battles of Attu and Kiska - U.S. Army Signal Corps setting up ship to shore radio communication. He never spoke of it. I only know because my mother kept a written record of all the WWII battles he was in, and I have a bag full of medals that includes those battles.
      Interesting to read about it.

  15. Anonymous5:21 PM

    This certainly cheapens the MOH, he didn't have to post this obvious drunk pic. Maybe we need to go back to giving the MOH to deceased military members.

    1. Anonymous6:02 PM

      Well he is brain dead.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      Spot on 6:02!

    3. Anonymous10:42 PM

      Yes, yes perhaps the 'honor' of the war metal remains intact posthumously. No drunken idiots, no absentee parenting, no signs 'fuc anybody,' no NRA gun lobbying, no hanging around with ignorant and arrogant bigots, no conscientious stoopity on display via social media.


    4. Anonymous1:55 AM

      How do you know he got drunk?

  16. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This is NOT in the flag code. Ridiculous and utterly disrespectful to the flag.

  17. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Call me old fashioned, but Miss Manners says you toast with a GLASS, not the whole bottle.

    Tsk, tsk.


    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      "But I'm going to drink the whole bottle Miss Manners! Not just a stinkin' GLASS. Only pussies toast with a GLASS! I'm a MARINE!"

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      5:49 pm A pissy drunk marine?

    3. Anonymous10:43 PM



  18. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Still no mention of his impending fatherhood. The silence speaks volumes.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      Non-disclosure forms.
      The wagging finger in the face said everything.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      nah... she was taking a photo. non-disclosure - uhm he has as much to non-disclose about and they were about on equal status.

    3. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Maybe because there is no impending fatherhood to speak about. Bristle's new abstinence bay daddy is none of Dohkotas business.

    4. Anonymous1:56 AM

      NDA dont exist

  19. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Holy fuckin' shit! I dont know who or whom dodged the bullet.
    And he belittled his fellow PTSD brothers. What a Jagoff.

  20. Anonymous5:37 PM

    You forgot the AK-47, Dakota.
    Is it on the end table?
    GROW UP.

    1. Anonymous1:56 AM

      To liberals lying here,

      grow up

  21. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Medal of Honor deserves everything OnHer Back's going to give him. And Levi saying OnHer Back is a good mother to Trip, yeah, he doesn't know much. Both these dicks deserve what they got themselves into.

    1. Anonymous1:58 AM

      Bristol is the best mom and no one who knows her would say any different. Tripp has always been the best, most loving kid

      That fact alone is proof Bristol is above all the lies written about her in manipulative ways.

      Parents love her

  22. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Ease up. He's had a rough few months, and the jammies are cute!

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      His dear Grandma probably got them for him for a laugh, thinking no one would see them.

    2. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Disrespecting the flag is not cute. Only a wingnut thinks it is.

    3. Anonymous6:14 PM

      I am not a wingnut. Bernie Sanders isn't even liberal enough for me. And I could not give the teeniest tiniest crap about the flag.

    4. Anonymous6:34 PM

      6:14 PM Are you AIP?

    5. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Wow. 6 14......where are earth might you be from? It is clear you are either very ignorant or from some other zone. The USA Flag best mean something to you or you should move your stupid azz out of this country quick.

    6. Anonymous7:16 PM

      I was born in Washington DC, which is where I still live. I had no say in where I was born, so since I did nothing to "deserve" being born in the U.S., I see no purpose in feeling any particular pride in it. I am simply glad I was born in a comfortably well off and educated family. Too many Americans are not as lucky.

      Grew up during the Vietnam war era and have witnessed various administration's attempts ever since to claim the flag to support one set of political beliefs over another. So to me the flag is nothing but a divisive symbol. I could not care less about it. It's a fucking piece of material generally used in the same way fundies flaunt their "faith" - to show how superior its flaunters are. I say bullshit to that.


    7. Anonymous8:00 PM

      634 no I think its API

    8. Anonymous8:11 PM

      "I am simply glad I was born in a comfortably well off and educated family."

      Whoop dee doo, and why $arah Palin will NEVER be president of this country. Flout that crap somewhere, we do not care how high falutin' you think you are.

    9. Anonymous8:25 PM

      6:14: "... So to me the flag is nothing but a divisive symbol. I could not care less about it. It's a fucking piece of material generally used in the same way fundies flaunt their "faith" ... "

      You forgot to mention, that our flag nowadays is 'Made in China'. Saw the sticker on one...

  23. Anonymous5:41 PM

    OK....Have the standards changed concerning displaying the USA flag? I must have missed something. Perhaps Mr. MOH Meyer has a different set of rules to follow - since he is an MOH and all.

    Pat Padrnos

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM


      Look at the cheap ignorant family he was ready to marry into.

      I'm so disappointed that the wedding was called off at the last minute. Those two really deserved each other. I dunno who would have done more damage to whom but the fallout would have been so entertaining.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      5:51 p.m., the fallout would have been entertaining if there wasn't an innocent 6-year-old (or however old he really is) caught in the middle. The heavy-drinking, gun-toting adult idiots were perfect for each other, but Tripp could too easily have been collateral damage.

  24. Ever since an embedded journalist had the following to say about Dakota Meyer I've questioned his 'hero' status;

    "He concluded that it was not possible for Sgt Meyer to have saved 13 US troops because only 12 Americans were ambushed in the battle, including the reporter, and four of them were killed.
    The article claimed helicopters eventually secured the survival of the remaining Americans, not Sgt Meyer's vehicle, and that there were no statements from fellow troops confirming the Marine killed eight Taliban.
    The driver of his vehicle reported seeing him kill one insurgent.
    According to McClatchy there were also no sworn statements confirming how Sgt Meyer leaped from his gun turret to pull the 24 wounded Afghans into the truck. It also claimed there was no evidence to support the official account that he had defied orders.

  25. Anonymous5:50 PM

    If Duhkota is Bristol's baby's daddy then he deserves the hell he has stepped into.

    Duhkota has to know the hell Levi has been through. So why did Duhkota believe Bristol when she told that dumbass she can't get pregnant? Everybody knows the Palins are fertile.

    If Duhkota prays, he better pray with all he has that some other poor bastard is the father of Bristol's baby.

  26. Anonymous5:50 PM

    These two, Dakota and Bristol, would have made some couple.

    "Power couple". I still can't believe anyone was serious about that.

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Bristol and Dakota had a lot in common. Neither of them have any self-awareness when it comes to what they look like. They are both the creations of image makers. There is no substance under the image. Nancy French writes Bristol's blog comments for her. All that Bristol uses her Facebook for is to link to the Nancy French written posts. Dakota thinks that posting the quotation of the day is really a morning motivation. When he tries to paraphrase the clever comment,he shows how limited his education is-- about the same level as Bristol's. They are both immature people who have been thrust into positions called "public figures" without having anything worth while to say or write.

    2. Grrrr !8:34 PM

      A "power couple"??

      Yeah, about 2 watts.

    3. Anonymous10:49 PM

      Probably KY 'political power couple wannabes.


    4. Anonymous1:59 AM

      Is there a reason people are pretending to know those they will never meet?

      Deranged. And hypocritical considering there are bots who don't hide who've met the Heaths and are legit friends with them. Good people

  27. Anonymous6:00 PM

    I think Bristol probably had valid reasons for leaving this nutcase, but Mom decided to "manage" the press, via blog and a stupid fb post. Bristol, being just generally a troublemaker by nature, went rogue on her instagram in defiance of all the stupid messaging, and now she's had her wrist slapped. All we have now are Brancy's fake blog, Sarah's fake unity with Dakota the creepy guy capitalizing on his military career. My dad, a WWII Navy Vet, would have sooner died than exploit his military career the way that Dakota is. It's all gross. These people are ALL disgusting.

    1. Anonymous6:18 PM

      I don't give one tinker's damn over their stupid blogs, Facebook, nor Instagram photos. They have shown us who they are all on their own, and Gryph has been over the top in kindness and tact to say, "I'm tellin' ya!," with just the right amount of snark, and they've proved it.

      You're a good man, Gryph!

    2. Anonymous7:54 PM

      Of course Bristle had good reason to leave Kentucky, she had to go on a tour of Alaska to try and track down her basta's baby daddy. BTW this pic is no worse than Sarah Palin stomping around in flag hooker shoes.

    3. Anonymous10:55 PM

      YUP. Honoring your father's service informs you what military service involves; for those who do not receive a medal of honor, many, many were honorable.

      It seems that David Patraus did a real job on the American military and ordinary citizens by recommending (forcefully), the promotion of Dakota Meyer as a Marine MOH recipient.

      Lord have mercy on us all.


    4. Anonymous2:00 AM

      No use in adding to the lie pile created by democrats 6 years ago

  28. Anonymous6:00 PM

    A short Pillsbury Doughboy wrapped in a flag and holding a bottle of bourbon.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM


    2. Anonymous8:15 PM


    3. Anita Winecooler8:15 PM

      And he's "toasting" before it's even poured into glasses, anyone wanna swig???? Stay classy, Dah!

    4. Anonymous4:07 AM

      He's a desperate wannabe who never deserved to receive the Medal of Honor... and, deep in his heart, he know it.

  29. Mr Meyer, please don't continue to drink--you will be sorry.

    1. Anonymous2:01 AM

      You don't know him

    2. Anonymous2:01 AM

      He is a good, hardworking man. It's YOU you should be concerning with. As well as the people here who obsess over spreading lies about Bristol et al

  30. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Copy that pic and send it to the Whitehouse

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      6:05 Are your fingers broken?

  31. Anonymous6:09 PM

    As a teenager during the 60's and college student in the early 70's, during the height and before the conclusion of the Vietnam war, I regarded the flag as a divisive symbol. That's how it was used -- if you had the Reader's Digest provided flag decal on your car window, it pretty much meant you'd voted for Richard Nixon and you supported the Vietnam war. If you had a peace symbol decal on your car window, it meant the opposite. My parents were in the former camp, and while I was a conventional and obedient offspring in most respects, I soon came to be of the opposite political opinion. I cast my first vote for George McGovern and never became comfortable with flag waving (yes, I had a peace sign flag on my car). To this day, I am not comfortable with flag waving or any big expressions of patriotism, really. To me the flag is just a piece of material and has no meaning beyond that. I really couldn't care less if anyone "desecrates" the flag. How can you desecrate a piece of material? It's people and how you treat them that matter. So I just don't care if Dakota Meyer is wearing flag pajamas. There is too much else that truly is outrageous.

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      Although I share your feelings, I jumped on this (see 4:42), only because both Dakota and Sarah recently did a big thing about flag day. From Sarah's Facebook page:
      Sarah Palin
      June 11 at 11:25am ·
      On June 14th, America celebrates Flag Day. We’re celebrating more than just a bolt of cloth with stripes and stars. Our flag was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in the middle of the American Revolution, and it symbolizes the hope of our nation!
      At a time when some are purposefully pushing so many things to divide our country, we can gather around our shared symbols and stand strong through unity – especially embracing that which represents our American soul. Every day should be Flag Day! On June 14th, let’s display the red, white, and blue with honor and pride; and together, we can marvel at this “emblem of the land we love, the home of the free and the brave.”
      Please share photos of the celebration that is Flag Day – whether it’s respectfully draping the flag over your front porch, wearing flag t-shirts or pins, waving it from your car, truck, boat or bike, displaying it in the garden or office cubicle, maybe decorating a cake in our colors... however you want to show your pride in ol' Glory! It will do our country's soul well to celebrate together!
      - Sarah Palin

      So, for that reason, I find this a bit hypocritical.

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Link to a Stars and Stripes story about Dakotas outrage over disrespectful treatment of the flag:

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Yes, 6:09...I'm from your era and feel the same way about the "sacred" flag. I don't mind seeing it on hats or shoes or underpants. I think his jammies are kinda cute. And I suspect that some of the "outrage" about the design of his pj's is a bit faux.

      I'd sure prefer this image to the photos of him teaching a little kid to use a machine gun, diapering a baby in a room with a carelessly placed gun, holding a sign with crosshairs and FU to Michael Moore.

      Although I am rather neutral about the use of any flag, I certainly respect the real people who DO risk their lives at the call of this country (whether I agree with the war or not).

    4. Anonymous7:17 PM

      you should read up on the history of that flag. Somebody had a reason to sew it together, stars and stripes. Every road you drive, every landmark you see, every penny circulating is due to our HISTORY. That Flag means more than a piece of material. It means blood and guts spilled on usa soil and around this globe. It is the only reason that you are free to be a ungrat asshole.

    5. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Get it through your head, 7:17.


      You can wave it until your arm falls off. I won't stop you.


    6. sallyinMI8:02 PM

      7:17 You sound just like the Southerners and their Civil War pride. Perhaps if we all stop worshipping pieces of cloth, and start treating each other better, America might return to better days.

    7. Anonymous8:07 PM

      What's an ungrat?
      You talk JUST like Queen Heifer, 7:17 PM.
      Don''t tell us we don't love our country.
      FUCK YOU very muchly.

    8. Anonymous8:14 PM

      That's precious, 6:27. Duckota says you can wrap Old Glory around your dick but you can't step on it.

      Can you wipe your ass with it or IOKIYAR?

    9. Anonymous9:30 PM

      To 7:17...please read and comment.

    10. Anonymous10:36 PM

      "It is the only reason that you are free to be a ungrat asshole"

      The ONLY reason?

      Tip of the day:

      Exaggeration is akin to talking out your poop shoot.

      Also, too, spraying shit out of your poop shoot is just gross.

    11. Anonymous3:23 AM

      The usual issue here, why we may not worship teh flag, Dakota and his followers (and many Palin followers) do. Thus, once again, it is nto the behavior itself, IT IS THE HYPOCRISY.

  32. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Wonder if any ISIS members want to drop by and join my book club @ScoutMedia
    Dakota Meyer Responds to ISIS Warning

    It's not too late for him to pack his bag he can catch a flight to meet up with Sarah, Marina and Bristol on their mini vacation.

    At one of the biggest events in the swinging calendar

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM


    2. Anonymous1:48 AM

      he really is a good man

  33. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Clearly the marriage had to be called off when Bristol discovered Dakota was her brother from a different mother.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      More like Dakota discovered that Bristol was having a baby from a different Trial Daddy.

  34. Anonymous6:20 PM

    I'm beginning to think the Marines arranged for Dakota to receive the MOH just so they could get rid of him. Lesser of two evils and all that. A Marine (once a Marine, always a Marine, yes?) in a onesie ... shudder.

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      would not be the first time

    2. Anonymous9:23 PM


      It was all carefully arranged based on his tale of heroics in Afghanistan, a tale that unfortunately had not been adequately fact-checked. By the time the upper echelons of the military and POTUS found out the truth it was too late to rescind the offer so they went ahead and gave him the MOH. In the end it's good PR especially when recruiting offices needed fresh meat for the ongoing conflicts, having a living MOH to rah-rah the troops-to-be and get kids just like him excited about enlisting was just what the military needed.

    3. Anonymous9:33 PM

      Church lady SNL......

    4. Anonymous11:01 PM

      David Patraus, the General's revenge; Dakota Meyer.


  35. Paul in Minnesota6:23 PM

    At least they were USA flag pajamas and not confederate flag pajamas. So I'll give me a thumbs up for doing the correct flag.

  36. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Talk about disrespecting the country and the Marines.

    Listen here, DUHkota, my Dad RIP was a WWII and Korean War Marine Corps vet. He would never spit on you nor swear at you, because he was that kind of individual, but he would give you one good piece of his mind and not mince words.

  37. Anonymous6:32 PM

    It does make you wonder who broke up with whom. If Bristol saw a drunken Dakota wearing an outfit like that, then she would be lucky to dodge that bullet.

    The idea of Dakota toasting people by holding (and maybe drinking) a bottle of Kentucky's finest is not exactly the honorable image for a MOH recipient. If that's supposed to make him look macho, his silly one-piece pajamas counteract the message.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      is this duh co da reaching out to his drunk baby momma to get together for a good old fashion brawl and invite everyone?

    2. Anonymous1:47 AM

      Bristol did date the king of immature assholes in high school. Dakota isn't that. And that onesie is cute. I saw a flag suit worn by some A list celebrity that looks like that, only formal wear

  38. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I am curious. Dakota's grandparents seemed to be good folks. The comment that they kept repeating. WE do not talk about Bristol palin. Somethings stinks really really bad. Did brassy try to pin Dakota with a pregnancy? when in fact she was already prego by some stray scab with zero going on or? did brassy find out that mom banged da ko ta? Regardless. If he has half a brain he will run fast and hope he is not the father of that bump or pillow.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      It would certainly be a reason for a marriage to get called off just days before the set date.
      I think most people think that is exactly what happened, Bristle's pregnant belly popped out a bit too soon to fool him.

    2. Anonymous1:46 AM

      She called the wedding off. Sure, she's still kosher with Meyer relatives but there are obviously going to be a few who don't want to discuss the person who called off a wedding to their kin.

      Not like this is Sunny, who isn't liked by her inlaws.

    3. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Oh, more jealousy of Sunny, 1:46? She really is pretty, I know that bothers the Palins.

  39. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Why oh why did Bristol let this guy get away? He's so hawt!

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      I know!

    2. Grrrr !9:01 PM

      Don't know whether to do him or diaper him ...

    3. Anonymous9:27 PM


    4. Anonymous11:03 PM

      YUP. Neither is the correct answer.


    5. Anonymous1:44 AM

      he is a much better man than her high school bf

  40. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Did we read that he is mentally unstable or was? He is a time bomb. He needs mental help now. Let us hope that he is not the father. Sarah arranged this fiasco. It smells of her and her messing with peoples heads like the entire Dakota family.

    1. Anonymous8:17 PM

      Oh for God's sake go take a chill pill!

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM


      Of course he's unstable, he admitted in his own book that he was an alcoholic with PTSD who once tried to commit suicide...I'd say that qualifies as mentally unstable, and then some.

    3. Anonymous12:46 AM

      Anon 8:17 read anon 9:18's comment. Anon 8:17 you must feel like a pecker head after reading that

  41. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I'd like to see Gen Douglas MacArthur, or General of the Armies Dwight Eisenhower -- or Gen'l George Washington --in that get-up. Does Dakota have no sense, no honor, no brains?

  42. Anonymous6:57 PM

    The image that bsmp2 instagram last posted is the worst photo-op for her to leave as she goes on hiatus. Her mother's peeps are Palin stooges. Is Dakota going to slack or man up about the situation with his unwed ex-fiance's unborn child?

    That photo looks like it is from the month Bristol was in Kentucky. She is standing in a trash heap in the country, no one has organized for the shooting range to be kept well.

    Is she shooting at trees?

    It is not clear, she has bad public communication. Not a good photo at all.

    dakotameyer0317 For those of you who know who Audie Murphy is will truly understand how powerful this statement is.

    dakotameyer0317 Another sad time in out country; 9 lives lost in a shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in downtown Charleston, South Carolina.

    dakotameyer0317 I don't always drink but when I do it's Leadslingers Whiskey (@leadslingerswhiskey). Thank's to the guys at @art15clothing.
    #DakotaMeyer0317 #LeadslingersWhiskey

    1. Anonymous1:44 AM

      You are a stalker.

  43. Anita Winecooler8:01 PM

    Thanks, Gryph. I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. I thought that was photoshopped, but then my son showed me his page. Bwaaaaaahhha. Do they have the butt flap like union jsck undies? Or is it an adult onesies? Add Sarah's flag shoes, accessories and perhaps a wig and someone might mistake him for her mommy!!!

    He thanks the troops for their service, but does he thank Bristol for her cervix? noooooooooo Hmmmm wonder why? Any ideas???

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      "Thank you for your cervix."


  44. Anonymous8:03 PM

    The boy ain't exactly "packing". No wonder he needs all those guns, and why Barstool left.

    1. Anonymous2:55 AM

      I admit...I .uhh...... "went there" as well and thought the same thing.

  45. Anonymous8:14 PM


  46. Anonymous8:26 PM

    I'm old enough to be this character's parent. I'd hate for my son to turn out like that, a useless drunk without respect, self-awareness or a sense of responsibility.

    1. Anonymous1:42 AM

      Dakota is more mature and more responsible than everyone here. He works hard and is selfless. HE doesn't tear people down or lie about them (like a Wasilla father who was led by immoral democrats to grift off lies years ago)

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      Yeah that is what they use to say about Levi---until....; just wait Dakota they will soon turn on you too.

  47. Grrrr !8:58 PM

    Thank you, Anonymous @ 6:27 PM for posting that link!!

    I'm mentioning it here only so it doesn't get lost in the flag discussion -- it's a very short "Stars and Stripes" article posted just this past May 7th:

    "A recent online flag-stomping campaign prompted Medal of Honor recipient Dakota Meyer to issue a challenge of his own last week.

    "Meyer, the Marine Corps' first living recipient of the military's highest honor since the Vietnam War, posted a video on his official Facebook page urging viewers to post images that 'mean something to you, something that represents this country … and show them that we’re stronger than they’ll ever be.'”

    Bwahaha! What Dakota's patriotic p.j.'s show "them" is that he has a stronger STOMACH than they'll ever have ... also that the bottle he's holding may not have been the first of the day.

  48. Anonymous9:38 PM

    How about all you smartasses bury a young loved one in a flag-draped coffin and then say the flag is a piece of junk with no significance.

    Better still, go fuck yourselves instead.

    1. Anonymous10:09 PM

      Is that you Sain't Sarah? I love you hooker high heels decorated with the USA flag.

  49. Anonymous9:47 PM

    He sells a lot of shit. Now he is selling Whiskey. Is it marketable for someone with his history regarding PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, suicidal tendencies plus all the issues the public doesn't know yet?

    dakotameyer0317 I don't always drink but when I do it's Leadslingers Whiskey Read more at

    Such a fun project and we have only gotten started. Working a lot on this project with the guys from @art15clothing and @rangerup. #Range15 #DakotaMeyer0317 Read more at

    dakotameyer0317 Wanted to invite everyone to check out the newest issue of Recoil Magazine 2015-06-08 Read more at

    1. Anonymous12:22 AM

      Well, there is probably nobody better to advertise alcohol than an alcoholic. At least he can say he enjoys the product. I can't believe how trashy the dude is!

  50. §176. Respect for flag

    (d) The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free. Bunting of blue, white, and red, always arranged with the blue above, the white in the middle, and the red below, should be used for covering a speaker's desk, draping the front of the platform, and for decoration in general.

    1. Anonymous6:08 AM

      I think that refers to actual flags, not flag motif fabric.

  51. Here they are.

  52. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Walt Monegan's father (Walt Jr) was awarded a Congressional Medal of Honor. He was killed in action knocking out a tank attack in Inchon, Korea, seven months before Walt was born. Walt and his mother and father all made a sacrifice.

    What has Dakota Fucking Meyer done besides dress up in a baby suit and pose with a lot of guns? An entire news network investigated his claims and found them unsubstantiated.

    Meyer drags down with him the memory of every noble soldier who gave all. I truly hope he's the last person ever to lie his way into a CMH. Let's save it for those we KNOW are heroes, not the ones who TELL us they are.

  53. Anonymous12:32 AM

    Sunday, July 05, 2015

    You know perhaps Dakota Meyer does belong in the Palin family.

    If Duhkota is stupid enough to get The Chin pregnant then he must be a retard and will fit in with the Palins.

  54. Anonymous12:41 AM

    If Dakota's grandparents and relatives hasn't said it out loud yet, in their minds they are thinking about that stupid moron:

    Why didn't Dakota marry or impregnate a nice decent girl instead of impregnating one whose has been around the block a few times, around Wasilla a few times, around Alaska a few times and around some parts of the lower 48 a few times.

    I forgot, they have to be thinking about it since they do not talk about "THAT" girl.

  55. Anonymous1:41 AM

    There are celebs who wear flag suits, yet you attack this good man for cute PJs?

    And you're still ignoring all the people who've victimized certain Palins, and all the liberals who lie like they breathe to attack.

    Despite lies, Sarahs kids are still nice people who know their good and honest truths.

    Many here cannot say that.

  56. Anonymous1:43 AM

    Gryph is jealous because Dakota is a real man who lives a good life.

    Gryphen is just another liberal who lies about nice people and has no real life

  57. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Is there a reason you stalk good, hardworking people only to destroy them?

    Look at how many lies have been written by democrats in the last 2 months, 2 years, 6 years.

    It really cannot be denied liberals are the biggest bullies

    Gryphen is only responsible for a small percentage of lies, but most of what he says is deceptive

  58. Anonymous2:39 AM

    That's a very unfortunate picture. He may regret that sooner than later!

  59. Anonymous4:01 AM

    How about "Let's honor" all Americans including those whose ancestors left Europe or anywhere for a better life and made it here in America. They were frequently all but penniless when they left families and traditions behind to find freedom from political and economic tyranny. The Fourth of July is for all of us, not just for the military.

    And MOH looks horrible in that "defamation" of the flag outfit. He must have been drunk as a skunk when he put it on. He would have been perfect for Bristol. I hope his grandparents do not see that photo.

  60. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Bristol fucked up by not marrying America's Medal of Honor Recipient. Just imagine how much free whiskey Bristol and her family could have had access to. Oh well, the Palins still has Piper to send over to Kentucky.

  61. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Just thought about it. The Palins fucked over the Dakotas not just once but four times.

    First time is when Bristol ran away from the wedding at the last second and left Duhkota embarrassed not only to his family but to the world.

    Second time the Palins embarrassed the Dakotas is when Duhkota gave his future sister-in-law P.I.G Palin a piglet and she accepted with glee, but shortly later the P.I.G. Palin gave the piglet away.

    The third time the Palins embarrassed the Dakotas is when Sarah Palin showed up to the bbq reception. The Dakotas did not want to see any of the Palins but Sarah Palin showed up. Sarah, Bristol and the Palins, leave the Dakotas.

    The fourth time the Palins embarrassed the Dakotas is Duhkota's fiance is pregnant and no one knows for sure who the father is.

  62. Our Lad5:08 AM

    This young man willingly donned the uniform of his country and fought in a war in which he could have been killed or injured. He was awarded The Congressional Medal of Honor and returned to the United States to great fanfare. That someone would then behave in the fashion that he has, say the things he has said, align himself with certainly the most ridiculous Confederacy Of Dunces he could find find and finally, in a photograph which will haunt him to his boozy grave, reveal to all and to history his legacy, that of a fool and a goat, a man-child to be pointed at and mocked is humorous but pretty fuckin sad as well.

  63. Anonymous6:09 AM

    Couldn't agree with you more...Our Lad.
    The guy is a loose canon and I think the Palin's found that out just in time. I'm sure they are praying he is not the father!

  64. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I would MUCH rather see Sunny in Playboy than Mercede no s ANYDAY.


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