Friday, August 07, 2015

Apparently the consensus is that Donald Trump won the debate last night. Really? That's what winning looks like in 2015?

Courtesy of CNN: 

It was the most dramatic opening to a presidential debate in recent memory—and Donald Trump stole the show before he'd even said a word. 

Perched comfortably at the top of the polls and lapping his closest rivals by double digits, Trump was expected to do well at the first GOP presidential debate of the 2016 season on Thursday night. The onus was on his competitors to seize the spotlight, but none of them managed to change the dynamics in a race that Trump has dominated for more than a month. 

Many contenders delivered strong performances and polished answers. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio showed his formidable political skills and compelling personal narrative. Ohio Gov. John Kasich gave crisp answers as he played to his home state audience. And Rand Paul and Chris Christie slammed each other during an impassioned debate over government surveillance.

In the end however all anybody can talk about is Donald Trump. And since debate participation seems to be determined by poll numbers that does nothing but help him.

For his part Trump feels that he was treated unfairly: 

Trump complained specifically about Fox anchor Megyn Kelly's question about derogatory statements Trump has made about women. "I thought it was an unfair question," Trump said. "They didn't ask those questions of everybody else … Those weren't even questions. They were statements." 

And more: "The questions to me were not nice," Trump continued. "I didn't think they were appropriate. And I thought Megyn behaved very badly, personally."

But ultimately that doesn't matter to him because he thinks she is being punished for daring to confront him so aggressively about his attacks on women.

You know as it turns out many people are suggesting that she is the one who actually won that debate last night.

Perhaps that's why Trump has spent much of today complaining about her.

I thought Trump's behavior last night was indefensible and his refusal to promise not to run as a third party candidate is something that should really concern the Republican party.


  1. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Trump said that the only woman that he insulted was Rosie O'Donnell. And, there was the female lawyer who took a deposition and asked to take a break in order to pump breast milk. "That's disgusting, that's hateful. Trump insulted her, too. He objectives women in his beauty pageants and he claimed that he would date Ivanka if she wasn't he daughter.
    Trump is a sore loser. And, he has thin skin.

    1. Anonymous9:28 AM

      Sore loser? Everything I've read says he won the debate hands down and embarrassed fox to boot.

    2. Anonymous9:42 AM

      9:28, yes, just like Sarah won the debate with Biden. lol

      Really doesn't matter that you read everywhere that he won. It will all come out in the election.


    3. A US debate first: BJ's “You once told a contestant on Celebrity Apprentice it would be a great picture to see her on her knees,” Kelly said. “Does that sound to you like the temperament of the man we should elect as president..." Trump: "“I think the big problem this country has is being politically correct”

      Fox had Frank Luntz for debate's voter focus got hostile. (LOL!)

    4. Anonymous10:01 AM

      What does any of this have to do with Sarah Mildred? Is it possible for you to go one day without relating everything to Sarah? Or does she just circle your brain 24/7?

      If the debate doesn't matter why are you bothering to comment here? Face it, Trump won the debate. I'm starting to like the guy, he exposes the ridiculousness of politics by going so over the top.

    5. Anonymous10:16 AM

      I agree 10:01 AM! There is absolutely zero need to bring the name of the idiot Sarah Palin into this election cycle. She's not running, the Republican party wants nothing to do with her and she's more than worn out her welcome with America.

      This is about Donald Trump and the clown car full of Republican candidates and the fact it appears Jeb Bush might not be the Republican nominee!

      I truly think Hillary Clinton will more than likely be our next POTUS.

    6. Anonymous10:33 AM

      10:01 AM It has everything to do with Sarah Palin, she supports Trump and wants to be a part of his campaign. Why are you bothering to comment here, Palin troll? Your admiration of a bully and blowhard tells a lot about you.

    7. Anonymous10:40 AM


      Any moron that goes into a debate expecting the moderator(s) to be "nice" is not capable of winning.

      Fortunately for you, last night was not a debate, it was a panel show which also impossible to win. But Trump can claim "win" because, hey, why not, no one believes anything he says anyway.

    8. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Rosie mocked him out of the blue almost 10 years ago and it started a huge war. Definitely a bit weird to reference her 9 years later. Lol

    9. Anonymous11:05 AM

      Anonymous 10:01 AM wrote: What does any of this have to do with Sarah Mildred?

      Mildred was comparing "the consensus is that Donald Trump won the debate last night" with perceptions of the outcome of the Palin-Biden debate. If you can think of a debate that was a better parallel to last nights that doesn't involve Palin, please feel free to be constructive and state it, rather than just coming out with a kneejerk reaction to the name Palin.

      If the debate doesn't matter why are you bothering to comment here?

      Mildred did not state that the debate doesn't matter. She stated "that you read everywhere that he won" really doesn't matter, for the reason that she gave.

      Please, if you're going to dump on another contributor, take a little care to understand what they actually wrote.

    10. Anonymous11:33 AM

      10:01 What does any of this have to do with Sarah Mildred? Is it possible for you to go one day without relating everything to Sarah? Or does she just circle your brain 24/7?
      It was a comparison to a certain other debate where the right swore it was one by an idiot.

      No, I do not bring sarah into every conversation. Hardly. I think your "inner trump" is showing and you're just being mean.

      I also didn't say the debate didn't matter, I watched it. The subjective opinion of who won doesn't matter, except to Trump supporters like you who need to make comments everywhere about it.


    11. Anonymous12:34 PM

      Thank you Ted, I just noticed that you explained me better than I did!

    12. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Ted are you back from changing your adult diapers from weeks ago?

      I see you are back trying to be prince Valiant for all the old ladies... Trying to get you some silverbush you old fox.

      Ted. Really no-one give a shit what you have to say old man, so shut the fuck up and mind your own business.

    13. Anonymous1:46 PM

      1:31 are you The Donald? Just juvenile insults when you have no answers and can't deal with adult conversations?

    14. Anonymous2:19 PM

      1:46 you are the one that can't handle real world adult conversation. You probably got coddled too much by your mommy growing up.

    15. Anonymous2:26 PM

      I dunno... I might have to agree with 9:28 in a way. It really depends on how you see someone as "winning." They all made the same arguments, some were more polished than others. And Trump, like Sarah Palin before him, had a very low bar set. Trump is an arrogant megalomaniac who thinks he can do no wrong. Just because he was insulting to women "doesn't mean he was insulting them." (really, that says more about his personality than anything, but i digress).
      Fox tried to neuter the side show that is Trump. What happened was that he behaved like pretty much every other single candidate on stage ("The world/America is dangerous/terrible/a tragedy. I will fix it all! How? Well, I'm going to make it better obviously." (Thanks for that clarification, btw, guys). In my eyes, they showed that their entire party selection is full of people like Trump.
      So in that way, I suppose yes, Trump did embarrass Fox News(?) He's still a sore loser though.

    16. Anonymous6:29 PM

      I agree with Mildred. Palin&Biden comes to mind. Nobody won any debate. Trump was just the loudest and most insulting. He's hard to take seriously beyond his brashness. He's definitely got the rest of the clowns cowering with their tails between their legs. Hillary 2016

    17. Tanya Gray1:00 AM

      Knowing Trump, I am surprised he thinks having a daughter precludes him dating her. He is such a creep.

    18. Anonymous4:00 AM

      1:46 pm. Sarah made similar comments about our president. Rill class.

  2. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I'm so tired of conservatives, who when called out on their childish behavior and name calling, play the victim and scream that they refuse to be politically correct. Why does the party of God justify such nasty behavior?

    And what a joke that the candidates had to answer if they were god-fearing christians. Could have fooled me.


    1. Anonymous9:36 AM

      Always the voice truth you are, Mildred. I didn't even make it through the first half hour. The pee pond thinks $arah is holding out until the last minute, avoiding debates, and will enter to the "udder" relief of America looking for a true leader? It is to laugh!

      Let Trump and her run third party; I look forward to it. As for "Jeb!" I hope he realized last night that he is far from the "chosen one."

      It's the nightmare you never wake up from.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      I'm tired of an over-politically corrected country. Trump was right about that much. We don't need a politically correct neutered, weak, leader. Leaders don't apologize and fumble around trying to make everyone happy.

    3. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Which is why I am so enjoying President Obama now, 9:58 AM. I am sure he watched last night's debate with his favorite beverage lmaoing himself silly!

    4. Anonymous10:29 AM

      " over-politically corrected country. Trump was right about that much."

      Trump couldn't be politically country if he trained for a decade. His only option is to be an egotisical manic and surround himself with synchophants. He is neutered, weak, immature, rambling, clueless, etc. But politically correct, he will never achieve. It is beyond his limited intellectual capacity.

    5. Anonymous10:46 AM

      9:58, what exactly is "an over-politically correct" nation? You seem to think that the only choices for human behavior is either rude and mean or weak and neutered.

      How about strength in diplomacy. Intelligence with wisdom to see not just the entire country but each individual needs. How about a President who can deal wisely and competently with leaders of other nations of this small world without having to invade them?

      Trump is all that? Not even close. He is everything that is wrong with our politics-- he is already in the right profession, wheeling-dealing, womanizing, cutthroat, foulmouthed mogul.


    6. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Mildred, you made the point I was about to make. Even if we are "overly politically correct," there are other options than to degrade and defile women, minorities, and anyone who disagrees with you. It's not an either/or.

    7. Anonymous12:27 PM

      Anonymous9:58 AM

      I'm tired of an over-politically corrected country. Trump was right about that much.
      Hey dumbo. He said that is ALL that is wrong with the US.
      And if that is the CASE which it is not, he said that b/c of a question he was asked.
      There is so much wrong with this country starting with Repubs who don't want to feed or help the poor and hungry Seniors, disabled, Veterans but will jump up to rush to defund Planned Parenthood over fake videos?!
      Who are vowing to shutdown gov again!!!
      Who ignore climate change.
      Paid chump troll bug off!

    8. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Lol at all you politically correct pussies!!

    9. Anonymous1:50 PM


      Trump is the kind that resorts to terms like "pussies" when his lack of intellect and charcter is exposed. You are in the company you deserve.

  3. Wow. What a big whiny baby trump is! He can dish but can't take - just like someone else we all know of. I'm guessing trump feels he deserves special treatment at all times?

    1. Balzafiar12:49 PM

      You are so right about him not taking it. At one of the White House Correspondents' Association dinners someone made a jibe at Trump's expense, the camera cut to him and the look on his face was one of anger. He truly has a very thin skin.

    2. FOX big whiny host, Todd Starnes, is uber PO’d that Megyn Kelly had the giant chesticles to let the GOPers expose the endless war on women to the masses.

      LOL! Fans of Carly Fiorina venting their views were more likely to do so with proper grammar than fans of Donald Trump while Rick Perry’s commenters = rated second worst.

      GOP’s Debate – The Musical

    3. Anonymous7:05 PM

      Balzafiar, I think that was Obama that made the joke about Trump! ha ha, zing!


  4. hauksdottir9:25 AM

    If she feels THAT strongly about protecting women from arrogant male entitlement, she should have gone after the Duggars with even more intensity.

    She didn't.

    Her objective for the night was to cut into Trump's base by any means possible.

    She could have taken that same prosecutorial skill and asked JEB! why he has the same war-mongering advisors as his father and brother; was he already planning Iraq War III? Or she could have asked Walker if his attack on teachers, schools, and education in general has anything to do with his own academic insufficiency.

    She didn't.

    She is a good little minion, just following orders and getting a paycheck.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      hauksdottir9:25 AM
      Why are you so worried about "Trumps base" little paid minon?
      Or moron.
      I don't watch fox news and usually dislike, but she was right on last night. Megyn 100+
      Rumproast 1000-

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    I would think the Megyn vs Donald kerfuffle was a set-up to raise both of them, publicity-wise, if it weren't for the way people are picking on Ms. Kelly. So, this time, she gets the fame from her questions, and the Donster gets embarrassed. He's such a pig, it's too bad Megyn gets the glory for revealing his pig-side.
    I still don't trust that she's against li'l Donnie. She is part of the Fox News lies team. But she did good last night.

    1. Anonymous11:12 AM

      Our group of debate watchers thought the mods had gotten orders from above to take down the Donald. We all think Roger Ailes is worried that as Trump continues to say offensive and outlandish things and surge in the polls, moderate voters will become increasingly disgusted by the Republican base.

    2. Anonymous11:43 AM


      I agree that Trump is the target. With Trump neutralized, the real stars like Santorum can woo the middle of the roaders and sweep the Republicans to a 2016 victory that will stun political historians for the next century.

    3. Anonymous12:26 PM

      Yikes! Can you imagine the Republicans running our country again? Constant wars -not providng care for our poor or disabled - no money - further debt up to our eyebrows - hate - racism - fear - civil war within our country. They would be a disaster!!!

      I truly believe Hillary Clinton will be our next POTUS in spite of all the negative the media and the Republicans are running against her on a daily basis!

      We, the voters, can work against them and I believe will do so! Republicans suck and are not pro America or Americans!

    4. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Anonymous11:43 AM


      I agree that Trump is the target. With Trump neutralized, the real stars like Santorum can woo the middle of the roaders and sweep the Republicans to a 2016 victory that will stun political historians for the next century.
      Great snark there...LOLOLOLOLOL
      also,too take a look at rumps twitter timeline.
      You will see paid ass kissers but his tweets, omg if President Obama said anything half as bad as the sheet he tweets, the republs would be impeaching....
      I think the donald is fucking with everyone's head. He doesn't want to be potus.
      Or he is THAT out of touch with the "RILL" world...really out of touch....
      kookoo bird out of touch...

    5. Anonymous2:42 AM

      I believe it is our Patriotic Duty to support the effort of the Republican Frontrunner to become the GOP Nominee or run as an Independent...

      We know T-Rump will be easy pickings for either Hillary or Bernie with him running as an Independent especially...

      On a lighter note...

      And the 2015 Ultimate Troll Award goes to...

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    The never ending "war games "

  7. I'm 71 years old. 30 years a soldier. Born in SW Mississippi. As a college student in Alabama, 1960's, marched behind MLK and John Lewis. Vietnam vet.

    This is SO goddam embarrassing, discouraging, sickening, absurd.

    The most powerful nation on Earth -- people continue to brave death and hardship to come here, hoping for a better life -- and this is the best one of our two political parties can do.

    Don't call them clowns. That's an insult to clowns.

    Don't call them stupid. That's an insult to stupid people.

    WTF are they????

    1. Drones controlled by an unholy alliance of corporations and Christianists to advance an agenda of wealth and war?

    2. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Thank you for your service, sir, and I aqree!

    3. Anonymous10:32 AM

      My feelings and thoughts exactly, Old Redneck. Sad also that it makes too many good people want to run to other countries for a better life.

      Ironic, no?


    4. They are politicians. Think used car salesmen with bigger budgets

  8. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Wow. I wasn't aware of the tweet. I heard him complaining last night after the debate, but to feel the need to tweet about Megyn, and with his usual limited and classless vocabulary, says it all. He is living in another era and sees women as beneath him. Even when she’s a professional newscaster, he’ll say she wasn’t “nice,” as if because she’s a female her professional role comes a distant second to what he thinks all females should act like at all times. He was probably dying to say what was really on his mind while up there and use every sexist and misogynistic term out there. I bet he did that once in private. I’m surprised he didn’t even refer to her as “that broad” when complaining about her after the debate.

    He’s one of those leftovers that still refer to mature, intelligent, and enlightened thinking as being “politically correct.” Very few people still use that as a way to excuse behavior and not change and not discuss why what they’re doing is wrong-headed and stagnant and out of synch with a society that is moving forward. It kills me that he thinks he is so cool and so with it when he really comes across as old and the rest of the country has moved on and grown and found the fountain of youth, which is always being receptive to learning and change.

    He is so blind. He doesn't see that he is so completely clueless as to why so much of what he says shows him as living in some other era and that his view of women as second-class citizens is obvious and is going to be his ruin. He really thinks his blowhard persona is what people want, and that all he has to do is say is that something is "great" and he's "really, really rich" (he always has to say really twice) and that he can pretend with his "I don't even know the guy," suggesting that the person is a nobody, when someone says something about him that doesn't sing his praises. And he thinks talking about people with the wording he uses is okay for someone seeking the presidency. He thinks that blowhard way of his is going to remain a positive with voters. And he has so little to offer on the subject matter that matters. Everything is a generality with him and he always resorts to his list of Trump words that are supposed to make us believe he's some sort of authority on things he knows little to nothing about.

    But yeah, he’s one of those guys who will declare “I love women," but so much of what he says and does demonstrates just the opposite.

    1. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I love ot - "Leftover" Trump.

    2. Anonymous2:11 PM

      Excellent summary. It's obvious that nobody has told Trump "no" in a really long time. His money is his best feature; no one in his little world would risk losing access to it by telling him the truth. This (would be) Emperor doesn't have any clothes.

  9. Anonymous9:47 AM

    "Winning" in the Charlie Sheen way?? :-)

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    That was a "debate"?
    Have to give it to ole Meygan for exposing the Trumpster....She probably won some points on FNC for that.
    Someone had to do it.

  11. anon 9:40am
    >But yeah, he’s one of those guys who will declare “I love women," but so much of what he says and does demonstrates just the opposite.<

    No, like all too many men, he thinks because he likes pussy it means he likes women. It's his behavior that reveals no awareness that a genuine, live human being comes along with what he does like.

    One piece of consolation for us: if he had twice the wealth, it buys no man his way back to 25 again. If you're a sagging, dead-dick 69 year old hump now, it's only gonna get worse, and money don't change it.

  12. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Can't stand trump. His mouth is the worst that gets me. He looks like he just finished or needs to suckle on a nipple, or that every word is based on an oral fixation. Kind of freudian in every way.


    1. Anonymous4:04 PM

      Kind of have to agree with you there, tho I do throw up a little....

    2. Anonymous5:26 PM

      His mouth reminds me of a sucker fish.

  13. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Though his poll numbers don’t show it, John Kasich won the GOP debate

    1. Anonymous11:05 AM

      I think the Republicans and FOX looked awful in the thing they called a 'debate' last night! What a joke!

    2. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I agree.

    3. Anonymous4:03 PM

      I mean about Kasich.

  14. Anonymous10:36 AM

    It's 2015. Women do not have to be "nice" to men.

    Of course, it was also true in 1960, but Trump probably needs help catching on.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      It is 2015.... Everyone goeas on about equal rights, right?

      It goes both ways... men don't have to be "nice" to women either. You strong women can take it, stop being so offended by Trump, he is just saying it how it is baby.

  15. Someone made the comment on Wonkette:

    "Instead, Trump should have taken his hair out for a walk......"

  16. Anonymous10:52 AM

    He is nothing but a big cry baby.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I thought the oath taking was absolutely ridiculous and a childish stunt.

    Who is fox news to dictate whether the candidates support the nominee or not run as an independent? If Trump gets the nomination, will they all support him? I doubt it.

    As for going after The Donald for his misogynistic comments, if Megyn was really concerned about women, she could have gone down the line and asked each candidate about their voting record/views on women's issues such as healthcare and equal pay. They aren't any different than Trump; he just has a bigger mouth.

  18. Anonymous10:58 AM

    I thought the oath taking was absolutely ridiculous and a childish stunt.

    Who is fox news to dictate whether the candidates support the nominee or not run as an independent? If Trump gets the nomination, will they all support him? I doubt it.

    As for going after The Donald for his misogynistic comments, if Megyn was really concerned about women, she could have gone down the line and asked each candidate about their voting record/views on women's issues. They aren't any different than Trump; he just has a bigger mouth.

    1. Maybe she would have had time to do that if he actually answered questions when asked.

  19. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Any event that includes the question "Does God talk to you" is not a debate. What are candidates supposed to debate?

    -God talks to me louder than to anyone else.

    -God talks to me everyday instead of monthly like the rest of you.

    -God only talks to me when there's time on my calendar.

    -God gives me the best information.

    The Republican party not only can't run this country, they can't even manage to do an actual debate.

    1. Anonymous1:12 PM

      They should have answered, yes, God talks to me but I don't listen. After all he told George Bush to invade Iraq and that proved to b a bad decision.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      What kind of God could talk to Donald Trump? The bluster would all be one direction.

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    I thought FOX did a horrible job last night! Many of their questions to Donald Trump were a joke and he has called them on it today.

    I'm not a big supporter of Mr. Trump, but the FOX crew looked like idiots and were down and dirty. They didn't handle the other guys standing up there on that stage like that!

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      The candidates did a much worse job than the moderators. And Trump did the worst of them all.

    2. Anonymous12:21 PM

      I'd love someone else standing up there taking the crap that Donald Trump did last night. He's brought out the horror of the Republican party and I give him a huge thank you for having done so.

      And, remember FOX is the head of the Republican Party and they were a huge part of the mess last night!

    3. Anonymous1:03 PM

      Poor little the Donald taking crap instead of being fawned over. It must have been devasting. His twitter spew after the FOX show was over does indicate his feelings were very, very hurt. He might not be tough enough to handle questions and debate issues like a grown-up candidate.

      I am so embarassed that FOX didn't treat the Donald politely enough. I might never watch FOX again. I'll stick to print and media that is more respectful of Trump's sterling character and impeccable record. FOX should be forced to settle for just being mean to people like Huckabee, Christie and the other candidates, the ones that were handled way too gently last night.

  21. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Megyn, of FOX, conveniently forgot to point out all the things Donald Trump has done to support women throughout the years! There was no balance to her questions.

    She did a terrible job and FOX is taking the heat today!

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      Donald Trump and "support women" is an oxymoron.

    2. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Really, 11:28 AM? Name some.

    3. Anonymous12:19 PM

      Obviously, FOX and others did not FACT check The Donald.

      He has supported/encouraged/provided education, etc. to women for years! Plus, he helped raise a beautiful, educated, married and mother - daughter!

    4. Would you please enumerate all the "things Donald Trump has done to support women through the years!"
      I don't seem to remember any of them and would appreciate knowing what they are/were.

    5. Anonymous12:48 PM

      Do your own homework, 12:34 PM!

  22. Anonymous11:30 AM

    So, now it'd been shown that he was tweeting about Megyn until 4:30 in the morning. He was that bothered. Couldn't sleep. Couldn't think about anything else. And couldn't resist saying more asinine sexist things and he also retweeted the sexist comments of others about her. He's been asked a couple times about whether he can is presidential enough, and clearly he's not even close to it. Man, this guy is such a freak.

    1. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Put in your place by a "dumb" blonde, were you, Donnie??

    2. Anonymous1:17 PM

      But he's not the only one like that. If he perceives a woman to be rude or not nice,he takes it as a personal affront to his manhood. The State Trooper in Texas is another example of someone who over reacted when a woman wouldn't cow tow to him.

  23. He won something, but not a debate. He won Best of Show for the Circus Performance that Fox tried to pass off as politics.

  24. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Palin hasn't said anything yet that I can see. Except to ask people to take her poll on who won (and you have to register, of course). She must be having a hard time figuring out how to say something and avoid acknowledging his sexist comments. She's one of those people who call being evolved "politically correct" and she throws that phrase around all the time and it's one of the things she uses as a kinship with Trump. But after last night, now what does she say.

  25. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Again, who gives a flying fuck what Sarah Palin has to say about ANYTHING!

  26. Balzafiar12:33 PM

    "...his refusal to promise not to run as a third party candidate is something that should really concern the Republican party. "

    Any competition is to them, evil; but they built their organization, therefore they own their problems.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      The Republican Party is in a huge mess! They have to be nice to "The Donald" or he will bail on them and run as an Independent! Love watching their disgusting antics!

      Can hardly wait to cast my vote for our next POTUS Hillary Clinton!

  27. Wanna bet Megyn and the Donald hook up before the election?

  28. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Trumps desparate grasp towards Saving face by insulting megyn. Once again he proved he's a Pig.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      She deserved every bit of crap he shot back at her! Republican oriented and a huge zero for all concerned!

      Vote for Hillary Clinton as our next POTUS!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I think it is great. The more the talking heads get their bullshit thrown back at them the better. This is for leader of the free world.... not let see who insulted someone the most with a stupid tweet contest.

      Oh and fuck Rosie O'donell. She is a fat disgusting pig, Trump is right about that.

    3. Anonymous2:02 PM

      Donald Trump will never be the leader of the free world.

    4. Anonymous2:44 PM

      2:02 PM I'd like to suggest that you could be very, very wrong! Look at the support Donald Trump is getting across the nation. There are many in our world of today that would vote for him should he get into the primary.

      This coming election cycle is proving to be like no other that Americans alive today have ever experienced.

      I honestly don't think anyone is going to be able to predict any outcome (as to votes) on national, state and local levels!

      I've answered some poll calls and provided them with thoughts that do not reflect the way I'll vote. Wonder how many others have done the same thing? Guess I feel screwed and want to screw right back!!!

      I'm just totally disgusted with our government mess today and am one that does not blame President Obama!

      We have had a Republican led U.S. Congress that has done nothing but obstruct the current administration, spread hate, fear and pushing to go to war. Plus, they'd rather screw Americans than help or assist them. It's no wonder they are the most hated and distrusted U.S. Congress in
      history! I literally despise their asses!

    5. Anonymous2:52 PM

      Even if Trump became POTUS he would not be the leader of the free world. The world is not THAT stupid.

  29. Anonymous1:13 PM

    The clown show. the empty stage. the wasted, worthless and wrong. Since this was only on certain satalite packages and cable stations? I did not witness the show. but? I have heard and watched enough to say. It was a waste of time, money, debate and belongs in the sewage system at fox snooze show.

    1. Anonymous2:33 PM

      Both levels of the 'debate' were awful! FOX did a horrible job and will go down in history for having done so! They should be ashamed of themselves.

      But, I guess I have to admit that they helped our nation as to NOT voting in a Republican as POTUS!

      They are truly the Republican clown car! Their lineup consists of nothing but nasty people that are war mongers and racists!

      Hillary Clinton being POTUS is sounding more and more likely to occur!

    2. Anonymous11:58 AM

      I didn't watch it. the clips ive seen remind me of gryph's video of the preachers on stage,each one trying to out do the last. The more out rageous,the better.

  30. Anonymous1:44 PM


    Something on this blog, besides something about a Palin, is getting more hits!


  31. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Many people watched the FOX show or followed commentary on it for the sole purpose of getting the first whiff of new Trump clanger.

    Trump did not oblige.

    Disappointing but to be expected. He has very well-paid handlers.

  32. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Fox was out to get Trump from the very first question, which was obviously designed to isolate him. Kelly, and esp. Wallace, were bloated with their own self-importance, and I think Trump is right to call them out. I can't imagine how Hillary, who has actual skeletons in her closet, would have handled being so blind-sided.

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      I am so glad Fox was out to get Trump. It's great experiece for him to be "blind-sided". This will help Trump mature into a seasoned debater instead of simply resorting to personal attackts.

      It remains to be seen whether Trump has the intellectual capacity to learn from this experience. His past record doesn't make it likely, but Trump's handlers have their work cut out for them. Trump might blossom into an actual candidate instead of the joke he is now.

    2. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Fox out to get Trump reminds me of the evil media asking Sarah Palin what she reads. These politicians really do get blind-sided all the time.

  33. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I don't care what Kelly did, or Trump said. I'm nearly despondent over the behavior of the audience. Were these pigs recruited and warmed up and told when to boo and whistle and laugh uproariously? Did they do it spontaneously? Either way I'm disgusted.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I feel the same way. And I'm originally from Cleveland. The Cleveland I grew up in, though, wasn't like this. Nowadays when I fly there, the hotels have Fox on in the lobby and the energy is so conservative. Cleveland was once much more forward-thinking with the likes of Howard Metzenbaum there in the Senate. Loved him. And of course there was Kucinich, who was laughed at by conservative media but was ahead of his time. Thankfully there's Sherrod Brown today.

  34. Anonymous5:31 PM

    I saw all questions as fair. They asked Trump some things that are very much a part of his life and how he has operated. They don't have to always ask everyone the same question, geez. And questions about women are absolutely legit. Why is it that in this day and age some people still don't get that females make up more than half the population, and we have interests that are the same as men's and also ones that are, of course, more women-centered.

    Complains about the questions posed to Trump sounds like the same voices who don’t see why women complain about getting paid less for doing the same job—if you don’t get it, oh boy. Trump comes off as one of those guys who would never be able to pick up some Kotex for his wife at the store—he’s just too much of a boy to ever be able to act mature about such things. And the audience who found his childish answers regarding his treatment of women as funny came across as being the same way. Trump should have been prepared to handle very Trump-oriented questions. If he had any depth, he'd have seen the questions as opportunities to clarify some things--he'd have been able to handle the questions, period.

    We learned so much about who he is, and who he is not, last night. And all this hoopla about how he speaks truthfully. Puleez. He does not have the articulation and demeanor of a US president. He will never have what it takes. Since announcing his run for office, he's had weeks and weeks to work on what everyone knows is necessary for the leader of our country when it comes to certain important skills as the person who speaks for millions of Americans to the rest of the world and as the person who is expected to be there for Americans in times of national crisis.

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Where you get off saying, 'we learned who he is, and who he is not' is totally ridiculous. He is exactly what what everyone already knows him to be, Donald Trump the bloviator. He is the same old Trump he has been for the last 30 years.

      Not everyone thinks his demeanor is unpresidential. Some think it is just right. So basically your opinion of his chances is nothing more than a flaming pile of shit.

      If he really wants it, he could be the next president.

    2. Anonymous6:53 PM

      Saying a women had "blood coming out of her whatever" is certainly an interesting and unusual take on presidential demeanor. But maybe Trump doesn't really want to be president.

    3. Anonymous8:54 PM

      To 6:30:

      Wow. Take it easy or you might shit your pants.

      At first it sounded like you were actually in agreement with me, but I see that you’re a person who somehow thinks being called a bloviator is a good thing—you might want to get yourself a dictionary.

      Many of us have always known Trump to be a jerk, but some people finally saw this last night…and then they saw it all night and all day and evening today as he obsessively continued to say the most embarrassingly sexist comments in endless tweets and retreets and on TV. Overnight he has become a relic of another era.

      A relic.

      My Kotex comment sure was timely. Wow. Soon after, he just had to make the age-old remark about the only explanation for a woman’s behavior that he doesn’t approve of is that she must have her period. Wow. Wow. Wow.

      Go ahead and vote for him. Be a relic, too.

  35. Jesus Christ! Read this:

    1. Anonymous6:37 PM

      Trump saying "blood coming out of her whatever" is the kind of thing people were expecting from Trump during FOX's "debate" last night. They got 24 million viewers. The next Trump attended cattle call will probably get double that number of viewers. A train wreck is a certain ratings gold mine.

    2. Anonymous6:39 PM

      Trump needs a meds adjustment.

  36. Anita Winecooler7:08 PM

    IT was that damned lamestream media, dangit! They picked on poor Donald with the "tough questions". Megyn Kelly wasn't hired for her journalistic integrity, but she did come out as the winner in last night's beauty pageant. Her hair extensions were done perfectly, the coloring wasn't bad, but her highlights were all wrong. But enough about her, let's talk about the pig in the room.
    Is he so stupid that he thinks people didn't take screen grabs? I don't use twitter nor facebook, but my kids showed me pages of cached tweets that were removed, the famous spat with Rosie was ugly enough, but he said the most damning, horrible things about menstrual periods, subservience to men, and their inferior business acumen among other thing. There's some still on that speak volumes on this one issue alone.
    He lied about being quoted out of context, he never said a huge wall "With a door for legal immigrants", yet he said that was the case.
    Yes, he's no champion for equal rights, equal pay, social issues, global warming, racism, gun control, and anything else Bernie and Hillary stand for. He's a problem for the GOP, and if they aren't careful and kiss his ass till the cows come home, he'll run as an independent and give the election to the Democrats.
    Good Luck with that "party of inclusion" meme. He's your worse nightmare or possibly our sweetest dream.

  37. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I do think as Palin brought out the inner racist in people who otherwise would have cowered behind their confederate flags, Trump has given the ok to those who think it's ok to spread assholery everywhere. The hell with civil discourse.


    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Palin didn't bring out anything in anyone. She isn't and wasn't that important. 24/7 Mildred... got Palin on the brain. You seriously have issues. She is an almost nobody.

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      You seem to be stalking me 7:30. You have issues with women?


    3. Anonymous3:35 AM

      I agree with you Mildred. Palin had a lot to do with bringing out the racists and the pure ugly in folks these last 8 years. People like trump simply give a voice and shine a Huge light on what the gop has become.

  38. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The only difference between Trump's low opinion of women and the rest of the clowns on that stage is Trump is stupid enough to say it out loud. Look at his wife, he didn't marry her for her brains that's for sure.

    The rest of the clowns have no higher regard for women, just look at their voting record, they are really scarier because as senators and governors they can do more harm.

    How come Megyn didn't ask Jeb why he though it was ridiculous to spent a billion dollars on woman's health?

  39. Anonymous2:24 PM

    It is interesting to go to the Candie’s site and watch the Palin videos. How things change and how they still remain the same. A new chin and a new baby!


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