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Courtesy of Bristol's Pikore |
🙀 when people think I care about what they think though 😣😿
Okay first off that doesn't even really make any sense.
Secondly it caused at least one of her fellow Pikore users to respond with this:
If You really didn't care, you wouldn't comment like this!!😝
Which of course would be a good point to make to the entire Palin clan.
I have to admit that when I first saw Marina lurking in the background I thought that perhaps Bristol had bought a giant troll doll for Tripp.
Not trying to be mean, but come on you have to admit that there's a resemblance.
Bristol also posted this picture while waiting for Tripp to get a haircut at Sports Clips in Wasilla,
Which makes me wonder why she would pay to get him a haircut when they have hair school graduate Willow in the family?
Love the "joystick" topknots.
DeleteLol, you owe me a keyboard, witty stranger!
DeleteMatching ones at that!
DeleteHer trial daddies like that topknot; they can grab that instead of her ears.
DeleteBristol is working those pimples above her lip, and on her cheek, nose and forehead!! Gross!!!!
DeleteI knew Marina looked like someone...you nailed it!
ReplyDeleteAlso, Willow can't cut Tripps hair since she is in Seattle visiting Tracks girlfriend, J "flip you off" Lowe. That girl has a problem. Check out her pics on instagram.
Hmmm, wearing a jacket when no one else is. Very long scarf. Standing squashed between two other people so part of her is obscured. Where have we seen that photo technique before? Gimme a minute, I'm sure I'll remember. snort
DeleteAny girl that thinks Track is a good boyfriend-marriage candidate is certifiably INSANE.
DeleteJLoewe does look insane in her photos
That is JLoewe's schtick. Alleged she is in school and smart, you don't see that in her presentations. A pharm tech, how convenient.
DeleteI am waiting for Palin Brand to shut her down or edit. They will take her freedoms or do her accounts like they do for Willow. Willow's posts are often deleted, I doubt it is Willow who does that. Also, some comments do not sound like her at all.
8:07: that has been happening. Her account was private after the Kenfucky (sic) disaster, and once she came back out, several of her pics have been deleted...
Have you seen the video that she and Track posted about essentially eating and sitting on his junk? Says it all.
DeleteHow smart can she be if she's dating Track Palin?
Delete8:38, I saw that video. It was deleted pretty quickly...family values ya know! The Palin's are all frauds! I would have more respect for the kids if they weren't such puppets for their fucked up mother.
DeleteI've seen the pictures of Jordon Loewe on her Instagram. She usually makes that crazy face. I can't imagine why she is hanging around with the Palin family, palling around with Willow and Piper. And then there's Track, her boy friend. They drove down to the Kentucky almost-wedding BBQ. He sent her tulips in the middle of summer. Jordon is supposed to be in medical school? Her Instagram shows that she has traveled all around the world. Is she a spoiled rich girl looking for adventure (and trouble)? Willow also had a photo which was deleted showing the girls all holding whiskey glasses on their trip to Seattle. Is that where Jordon goes to school?
DeleteJordan goes to school in Alaska but was in WA for some type of reunion if I understand her postings correctly. She has just not travelled the world but has the world map tattooed on her back! Lovely...
Delete6:54 Your suspicions about photo techniques are working overtime. Willow is wearing a very light-weight fabric sports jacket which is a good idea to have in Seattle especially if you are down by the water or it's night time. Been windy & cool in the evenings here.
DeleteWillow is much shorter than the other girls which I'm sure was pre-planned at birth.
WIllow is not wearing a long scarf. The girl in the white t-shirt is.
She would have to be crazy to date that possessive borderline abusive idiot Track. He is insanely jealous, even of her friendship with his own sister. I can't believe anyone would put up with the shit he pulls. Good luck girl, you'll need it!
DeleteMedical school? Yeah, right.
DeleteTere is no medical school in Alaska, only nursing programs and certificate programs.
Delete9:09 AM
DeleteAGREE. jLow started out all badass and soon shrunk to be another puppet. She has continued to try and keep up appearances as being cool with all the finger luv.
I did not recognize Marina with her clothes on.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, WTH is wrong with her? It is not cute nor funny. She's as effed up merntally as her "mother."
ReplyDeletegobble gobble gobble
boring bristol
Is that Piper in the picture with Tripp?
ReplyDeleteWhy does everybody have those unnatural looking eyebrows?
Is that Trig with Piper?
DeleteYes, that's Trig. Obviously he isn't getting a trendoid haircut, perhaps he's there for their famous close shave.
DeletePiper is emulating Bristol who is very very proud of her unnatural face and tattoo eyebrows & tattoo eyeliner. If you look back at some pictures of Bristol her eyebrows were badly thin and over plucked. Now they are extremely over-arched. Bristol is addicted to doing stuff to her face. Zoom in on it - looks like she inherited a couple of warts from her mother. The ones Sarah got upset about because Newsweek didn't photoshop them out.
DeleteBristol obviously got a brow lift, as did her mother. That results in those over arched eyebrows.
DeleteThey're imitating the Kardashians with the super-lifted drawn-on eyebrows. Kylie is so fake and without her injections and drawn-on face is as plain and manly as Sarah. Bristol's following the Kardashian solution to looking female. None of the daughters have aged well and they're still so young.
DeleteBristol has the look of mimicking Kim. She does not have a glow, nothing about her appears pregnant. She may just be starving herself or too much Red Bull.
Face it.
Hayden Panettiere
Haven't seen her teeth in awhile... just the fish lips. What up?
ReplyDeleteHer dentures were sent in for a tune-up.
DeletePoor Bristol Palin. A twenty-four year old mom with the maturity level of a pre-teen.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that, and her children will grow up to be monsters. Excepting Trig.
DeleteBristol is crying out for attention now that Josh Dugger has dethroned her as the "number one dysfunctional attention whore". What a pathetic existence they all have.... if the whole Palin/Duggar clans weren't such assholes I could actually feel some sympathy for them...
Delete7:21 AM Why would Trig not grow up to be a monster, he is being treated like one?
DeleteI am struck by the same thing. Bristol has the maturity of a high school kid or younger. I feel sorry for her because her mother exploits her but at the same time, Bristol is very unpleasant.
DeleteAnd whatnot. Also too.
ReplyDeleteHere's a question . . . .Would the Palins altogether disappear if their smart phones got disconnected and Facebook accounts got taken down?
ReplyDeleteYes. They feed off all this attention, and wouldn't know what to do with themselves without it.
DeleteAre you telling us they're just virtual? Then we can hack them, right? Into oblivion?
DeleteYes, this must be one of those weeks Bristol doesn't want her precious 'privacy,' which she'll whining for again next week. We should hope that when her head stops spinning it's facing forward.
DeleteI finally figured out what or actually who Bristol's 'face-making' reminded me of, especially in this picture: anyone remember the old Carol Burnett show? Remember her spoof of All About Eve? That is the face she would make when she was playing up Eve's villainous nature.
ReplyDeleteFunny on TV.
In real life?....Someone needs to tell her that it is not a good look.
M from MD
Excellent analogy! I have that in a meme....I should send it to Gryph. LOL
DeleteHere's Bristol when she's 40.
Isn't that special? She doesn't care...
“Extended Foreplay/Teasing,” “Experimenting with Sex Toys,” One-Night Stands,” “Open to Experimentation,” “Good With Your Hands,” “Girl Next Door,” “Naughty Girl,” “Imagination,” “Discretion/Secrecy,” “High Sex Drive,” “Has a Secret Love Nest,”
“Likes to Give Oral Sex,” “Likes to Receive Oral Sex,”
What happened to her nose?
ReplyDelete2 surgeries too many.
DeleteWhomever said yesterday, "Yikes! Michael Jackson!" was right. She's morphing into a freak of nature.
DeleteAre you sure that isn't Trig?
ReplyDeleteIMO. That looks like Trig with Piper. Tripp may be getting his hair cut.
DeleteDefinitely Trig. That's his monkey, yes?
DeleteI bet Trig does not get his hair cut by anyone outside the family. DNA, baby, DNA.
DeleteThose eyebrows, bug eyes, and duck lips make her look, I'm sorry to say, like a fish in an aquarium.
ReplyDeleteI wish she could figure out that we don't "hate" her.
We thoroughly dislike the hypocritical Bible-thumping right-wing politics of her mother.
Her mother brought her out into the public eye, where Bristol has been happy to stay. What would she be doing if she weren't figuring out how to post bizarre pictures of herself, and blog about a world she knows nothing about?
Immoral Minority gives her a platform. We look and listen in horrified fascination -- 99% because we want to make sure that her wily mother's political influence keeps diminishing.
I have a 25-year-old daughter who worked hard to get her college degree, drove 1,000 miles on her own to get a job that has blossomed as she's put her all into these last three years.
She has friends, a boyfriend, a life filled with promise.
I'm sorry to compare her life with Bristol's, and to see that my daughter wouldn't ever know what a "hater" is, since she minds her own business and is occupied with a lots of love.
Bristol is stuck in a trap, partly of her own making, and her future seems like more of the same. Sad.
Mental illness. Pure and simple.
DeleteWho fertilized Bristol and why is he in hiding?
ReplyDeleteI think you mean they. There is a whole passel of men that could have fertilized Bristle, why would anyone step forward until all the DNA tests are done.
DeleteI was waiting at Walgreen's last night for a Rx for my husband, and noticed that for a mere $29.99, anyone can do their own DNA test. Surely Brissy has some hairs from her time with Dakota she can use. Or is the baby really a Duggar, in which case she will not be able to farm it out. Perhaps she thinks she will be invited into the fold and make her way back on TV with that loathsome bunch?
ReplyDeleteThe Troll Doll!! Yes, you nailed it G.
Not that we don't laugh at ourselves too. Marina and Bristol have no restraint. Bristol keeps pushing her ugly faces for anyone to come and gawk, and now she tells them she doesn't care what they think. She is emotionally stunted, that girl.
That chip she has on her shoulder must be so heavy it burdens her every waking moment. She's going to have to face life with it's ups and downs, and she's not the only one in the universe who has 'haters'. The girl needs to wake up and smell the coffee and realize the majority of the population function and work and survive with many more problems than she has.
What a bore she is, what a dull life she has. I don't know how anyone can raise the energy to hate Bristol Palin, she's such a nothing.
ReplyDeleteIt's not hate.....I just can't wrap my head around the psychoses of this family and what drives them to think they're God's gift to mankind.
DeleteI wish someone would (on camera), without any notice whatsoever, walk up and ask Bristol to comment about one of her recent (Brancy) blog posts. Dim-witted, lazy Bristol would be clueless. It would be so entertaining to watch her hem and haw and later accuse the questioner of a gotcha question (like Sarah does).
DeleteBristol's words may say "I don't care what you think!", but her actions (and yes, actions DO speak louder than words) say quite the opposite.
ReplyDeleteI suspect her low IQ does not allow her to self-reflect and realize this fact. I wish someone she respects would take her under their wing and mentor her to become the mature, responsible adult that's it's high time she became.
I doubt there is actually anyone she respects. I don't think that girl knows what respect is.
DeleteA responsible adult like her brother and mother?
DeleteA responsible adult like her brother and mother? Why does Bristol's forehead and face look spotted like her mother's spotted chest?
DeleteI can see she is not working. No uniform in the office and the same sweater there as in the barber shop. Why is she not working? Is that a maternity sweater? I don't think she is pregnant. Maybe she never was.
ReplyDeleteThat would be the new scam. False pregnancy announcement, so sad baby died announcement, new attention getting and money collecting grift.
DeleteI had the same thought. Neither are dressed to meet the customers. Office workers? NOT. Who would want Botox from that place?
DeleteWas the office closed and they were there to use the shredder?
She doesn't date anything, wouldn't be honest if she did. The pictures could have been last week or two. The barber shop taken first. It is impossible to know what was going on.
Bristol could be in Seattle now, giving birth, if she is preg. ??
What a strange story-line, she only points out her mental obsessions and problems.
Well she doesn't seem to have that pregnancy glow does she? Her mom's face looked chubbier when she was faking Trigs pregnancy.
DeleteInterestingly enough, a few days ago Willow posted a picture on her IG of her going away with some girlfriends. Under the picture, she wrote "#boyssuck" and "#sisterssuck." That would explain why Willow isn't cutting Tripp's hair. The sister that sucks is more than likely Bristol. Why take it down unless the caption rustled some feathers?
ReplyDelete...and Track thinks she's a slut!
DeleteI saw that photo too. Jordon has some photos of their trip to Seattle. In Willow's photo, they were all holding drinks. It sure vanished quickly.
DeleteIt's unfortunate that she's not as attractive as her mom.
ReplyDeleteAs her mom used to be, many moons ago.
DeleteShe was actually quite fresh faced in '08. Then came the Leno chin and she now resembles a gargoyle. Quite sad; so little self-esteem.
DeleteOh 9:00!! Don't insult the gargoyle gang like that. I have several. I'm looking at my gargoyle pen holder. He's a handsome guy and he doesn't look anything like any of the palin critters.
DeleteShe does remind me of Dudley Doright. I think it's the chin.
"It's unfortunate that she's not as attractive as her mom."
DeleteShe's heard that her whole life, probably even from her mother. Why do you think Bristol has butchered her face nearly beyond recognition.
Sarah forsakes her over Cletus the Fetus. Marina is her mother now.
DeleteI don't care what Bristol thinks. That's an oxymoron "Bristol thinks".
ReplyDeleteSo much confusion in the pea brain. She evidently thinks pointing and laughing is hating. Poor thing actually believes she's important enough to hate.
DeleteWhat is it that all of those hateful haters are hatefully hating her about? She doesn't get it, does she?
So Sarah farms out little Trig to his older sisters to take him for hair cuts and who knows what? Sarah's precious gift from God isn't getting a mother's attention, and there's no reason she can't bring her own child to get his hair cut. Who wouldn't want to participate in their youngest child's adventures and be there when they get fussy with the clippers, especially a special needs child?
ReplyDeletePiper looks like she may follow in Bristol's foosteps. It's very sad and there's absolutely no one can do to help that family.
Is Sarah even in AK? Probably not. Why bother? Trig you say? Trig who?
DeleteSarah's too busy rehearsing her gig on OAN.
DeleteKids are a burden to Sarah, so, she dumps 'em; only hauls 'em out when she's looking for votes, money, or sympathy.
Sarah's in Georgia giving a speech for grift dollars.
DeleteAnd then she has to get ready for her big week on the teeny tiny TV station...I can't imagine her hosting anything without spending the majority of her time talking about herself and how picked on she is.
DeleteThat looks like Trig in the background not Tripp.
ReplyDeleteTripp was Trig before he was Tripp...or something.
DeleteThis is a young woman who doesn't do a lot of deep thinking...or any thinking. She is extremely shallow and uninteresting.
ReplyDeleteIt makes me think Dakota Meyer dumped her because even Dakota Meyer needs someone with more substance and intelligence. And when I say "more," I mean "more than zero."
Nobody in that family is capable of deep thinking except Trig.
DeleteDeep thinking? Bristol can't even maintain a normal conversation. Complaining and talking about herself 24/7 drive all the men away.
Delete7:55 Also, too, watching videos of her Hollywood heyday days on DWTS and her reality shows must get boring as HELL. Those days are over, long gone. What happened to trial husband Gino? Trial husband Joey? Since she reportedly begged both of them to marry her, seems like it was more "trial wife" and she flunked THAT also, too. Self absorbed wanna be famous should try something else, this fame whore business is not working.
DeleteI don't think that Dakota is any more a "thinker" than Bristol is. But, he is a slave to duty. Now that he is a MOH, he has people advising him on presenting a military image. He raises a flag on his property. He posts an "inspirational" quotation every day, even though they just come from some website. He is constantly selling his outgunned t-shirts. He performs according to a military routine because that is probably the way that he functions best. He was a wild kid in high school, and military discipline is good for him. I can't imagine him and Bristol discussing political or social issues. They are both images without much substance, although Bristol's model is the Kardashian family and Dakota's image is military. That was not really a marriage meant to be.
DeleteWTH is it with the cookie jar lid look on top of her empty head?
ReplyDeleteIf You really didn't care, you wouldn't comment like this!!
I knew it!! Her lips are FROZEN into that fish lips pose. She was giving one of her many trial husbands a BJ one Alaska winter and her lips froze in that configuration.
ReplyDeleteAre those eyebrows tattooed on?
Are any of these clowns ever without an iPhone, snapping selfies?
If you REALLY don't care what people think about you, then why do you (1) continue to tell us how much you don't care, and (2) continue to make yourself as public as possible?
No doubt she's pregnant by one of Marina's clients, or, one of the guys from AKAftaDark.
She's 24. Why doesn't she take some of her money -- which she seems to have in abundance -- and go to school where she can be prepared for a meaningful profession. Or is she intent on spending her life popping out fatherless babies, flitting off to Vegas, and cruising around Anchorage/Wasilla from nail salon to hair salon to bar?
Trash ALWAYS floats to the top.
Speaking of floating to the top, so does that giant turd that is Barstool.
Delete"Or is she intent on spending her life popping out fatherless babies, flitting off to Vegas, and cruising around Anchorage/Wasilla from nail salon to hair salon to bar?"
DeleteI think you nailed it.
But she DID go to school..in Arizona. For about five minutes between her brief stints at the dermatology clinic in Anchorage. Or between home buying trips. Or trips to LA to try to find another show to trash. Or trips with Marina to give her fiancé the finger. Or trips somewhere to stash the newest baby. I can never ever forgive the RNC and MCCAin for foisting this bunch of northern hillbillies on the world.
DeleteSpeaking of the trip to LA to find another show to trash...Guess who was on stage
Deletewith Sarah last night at SCC. Kyle and Chris Massey's mother...Didn't Bristol have
a falling out with those guys?
So does she think she looks good posing like this? I realize she thinks that she is giving everyone here a big FU by doing the fish lips thing, but as a vain & spoiled selfish brat, I am surprised she is not posting photos that are more attractive.(maybe not possible) I'm never wearing my hair up again.
ReplyDeleteI think it's more Bristol's attempt to look like a Kardashian. They make money whenever they post their photos (product placement, you know) and Bristol mus think that posting photos brings in the big bucks. How incredibly juvenile. She's getting old for this behavior.
Piper's eyebrows somehow make me think she's not a virgin anymore, but then there's the braces.
ReplyDeleteSo here I was enjoying my coffee and outright laughing cause some comments are so clever and funny..and then I read what 8:11 has to contribute to the discussion and snap! the merriment is over
DeleteThanks a lot 8:11.
I thought 8:11 was funny in a lateral thinking kinda way, I mildly disagree.
DeleteAll in all a great morning read. Joystick, trollface, haters gotta hate. a little Joshie D and Piper's eyebrows that make her look insane.
The only thing missing from the comments is the state of that poor kid. The picture looks like he's being restrained.
Also too the Children's Aid Society (or whatever it's called in Alaska) is never mentioned on these pages. Where I live, that drunken brawl would have gotten Bristol a visit. 2 or 3 Palins might be better off in professional care.
Sure, anytime.
DeleteAgreed, 8:23.
DeleteUncle Gryph, you're so right, the troll resemblance is uncanny lol!
ReplyDeletePoor Bristle, always begging for attention. I guess no guys are willing to do her when she has a belly showing.
ReplyDeleteGryphen: that is TriG, not TriPP in the second picture.
ReplyDeleteSo, Piper has colored her hair back to her natural brown color, ready for school. Good choice. However, Piper: if you do not want people or your classmates to know that you color your hair during summer time, then don't post those pics online. Those pics are forever.
I doubt she cares whether her classmates know that she had pink hair. Non-natural-colored dyes tend not to last long, and when they fade, they can look pretty bad. (I say this as someone whose hair is currently teal.) If she didn't want to stay pink, dyeing it back to her natural color rather than waiting for it to wash out was a good choice. Maybe Willow is putting her education to use after all!
DeleteYes, that's Trig, but Bristol wrote on her instagram that she was waiting for Tripp to get his haircut.
DeleteWillow isn't even home..she's invocation again, this time in Washington. I tell you, when I was 20 something and working, I didn't have jobs that allowed me to be gone weeks at a time. The work ethic of these girls certainly matches their mother's...work as little as possible, and still bring in big bucks.
DeletePoor Trig. Mommy is too busy to take him for his pre-school haircut, so his sisters have to drag him there and then choke him into submission. Where was Tripp? Does no one in this family have a clue about anything remoting resembling real life?
9:42 AM Willow doesn't actually work. She does a little hair I guess. Mostly vacations. She lives for her master and also deletes what she wants to post.
DeleteMarina hasn't cared about her internet porn business for weeks now, months? She doesn't make much money at Jack Meoff's strip mall office.
ReplyDeleteIs she paid to baby sit Bristol and take care of her kid? Piper and Trig, also too. I saw a fasinating program on businesses like Marina's marina_exotix_llc. You snooze you lose. Marina is a slacker if she thinks the calendar next year is going to carry her ass in that profession.
She must have some secret accounts and much more going on if she is to survive in that world. She is in Alaska and the bar must be low in the porn industry there. She is way too old to be making enough money to live on. She may have a secret fetish stash of something that appeals to an oversea's market.
The Pregnancy Fetish, as Explained by Pregnancy Fetishists
I am unbelievably turned on by pregnant women. When my ex and I found out she was pregnant, not a moment passed that I didn’t feel the overwhelming urge to make love to her. I cannot explain this, and keep it to myself for fear of being scrutinized.
Well, since Marina has her account set to private now, she does not do her business anymore, unless she is advertising only on xxx-rated sites. How can you do business if you don't advertise your business? Word of mouth does only go so far in her type of business.
ReplyDeleteI guess, she is another part of the 'postage' on $carahPAC.
She does know Bristol's secrets
DeleteMarina has like 94 followers on Twitter, none of whom every like or comment on her tweets. Yet she behaves as if people will pay any kind of money for half naked pictures of herself. She is seriously a victim of some mental illness.
DeleteCom'on everyone. Marina doesn't need Twitter of FB. Too public for one.
DeleteShe has her connections to her johns. She knows exactly how to run her business. Those of us not in it shouldn't give her advice.
A few thoughts:
1) There are millions of men who would find Marina attractive. You are showing your "skinny / pretty woman" bias in criticizing her. Aren't we all suppose to be over criticizing other women, especial for their looks and their body shape?
2) There is such a thing as the Dark Net, where so much that most of us could not even fathom goes on. She could be plugged into that.
3) She likely has specialized "skills" that draw a select group of well paying men. Do the math. 10 guys at $50 each or 1 guy at $500.
4) It's quite possible as one person said that she knows so many Palin secrets she's on the PAC payroll.
There literally are too many possibilities to list. Who knows, maybe she's just taking a break. Getting older is no problem if you are doing internet sex because there are always countless men from around the world who will be paying customers for whatever she has to offer them.
Maybe the fish lip pose is her signature "middle finger" to people who do not give approval for everything she does.
ReplyDeletePointing out that she could not work in Anchorage full time even when living in California publicly translates to "hate" when she is corrected. Pointing out her sexual hypocrisy must be hating on her also deserving a middle finger. The reality distortions are dysfunctional.
When she back peddled that she planned on having more children explaining she thought she was getting married she believed that would be the only thing people heard and not charge her with hypocrisy.
She believes history can be rewritten and everyone forget she was an abstinence spokesperson preaching for marriage, two parents and no sex before marriage.
Miss Christianity said DWTS was her way of giving the middle finger to haters. How many years has that been now? Has anything changed? Nope, hanging around a BFF hooker and getting knocked up as usual. All in the name of the Lord.
DeleteYeah right. Check, please.
Miss Christianity/DWTS in shape dancer?
Why doesn't Bristol have friends her own age or friends with kids who go to school with Tripp? Why does it seem like her best friend (and, from what we've seen, maybe her only real friend) is an older woman who does "exotic modeling?" If Bristol is such a good Christian woman (as her blog suggests), where are her church friends and their kids?
ReplyDeleteWith the reputation she has, who wants to associate with her, except a porn actress? Certainly no young mother would want her child having sleepovers at Bristles place, since they never know how many drunks would be dragged home.
DeleteTrue. When my kids were in primary school, the whole world revolved around the kids, the parents, and the teachers. I helped with computer time, read to the kids, listened to kids read in the hall, helped score math papers...anything to be involved in my kids' educational experiences. They both were honor students, popular, and good at music. Both have college degrees, great jobs, and wonderful families. What the heck have the Palins' got? Each other, a bunch of cell phones, and lots and lots of social media accounts. Wow. I'm so impressed, Bristol. How about a photo of you and your precious son reading, or writing a thank you note for a birthday present? I'll wait.
DeleteSuch reasonable questions, but Bristol is a Palin, so...
DeleteMarina says she likes the Bible. She may be as religious as Bristol. She may have secret income but I doubt it is selling her body or self. She may produce video and sell it? There is a lot of free porn today and the porn that the public will pay for needs distribution. Many in the business sell to someone to distribute. Marina may have a small following in Alaska? The good business video business ppl can make $400,000-$500,000 a year. Straight sexy young women are not where the money is. You need to be gay or have something unusual. It looks like Marina failed as an entrepreneurial business woman. She may be loyal. That may be all she can be.
DeleteIt's not Bristol's reputation it's her personality that's the reason she has no friends. Marina is her only friend that she's not related to.
DeleteWhat's in it for Marina?
I'm thoroughly convinced that girl is incapable of taking a selfie without making a "duck face". Or, as the informed cultists at the peepond would say, "It's a sign Sarah is running for POTUS!"
ReplyDeleteYes, she said she could not help it. When the camera is in action mode she has no control with her face.
DeleteI thought someone has been playing Zoolander when she sleeps. She is unaware of what is being done to her subconscious mind.
Jesus Fucking Christ. Is there no occasion insignificant enough not to warrant some stupid act of self-indulgent idiocy on the part of this "woman?"
ReplyDeleteThat troll comment is beneath you.
ReplyDeleteDid he hit a nerve, troll? Actually, I think the Troll dolls are cute, unlike the Misses Palin..any of 'em, all of 'em. And Piper appears to be headed in the same direction as her juvenile big sisters: ugly selfies are so IN, and education and maturity are for 'haters' 'losers,' and 'liberals.' I'll take my maturity and education over their money and infamy any day.
DeletePiper is doing what normal teens do. Rainbow colors hair, check. Silly selfies, check, etc. "Adult" people who write crap about her on blogs are ugly POS, and I suspect pedophiles, since you all seem particularly interested whether she's having sex yet. Fuck you all with a red hot poker. And yeah, I hate Sarah and Bristol Palin so shove your troll accusations up your ass.
Delete@10:21 AM Fuck yourself, Bitch, check!
DeleteDoes everyone in that sorry excuse for a family have to 'choke' Trig to control him?
DeletePiper is post pubescent so there's that.
DeleteI say we all rise above it, take the high road, and practice what we claim to preach and leave. Piper. Out. Of. Discussion.
DeleteShe is an underaged teen. So comments about her are off-limit. Talking about her and possible sex in her life are off-limit.
Unless you feel she is being sexually abused, in which case it is your obligation to report it to a proper legal authority who can get her help.
I don't know that I've ever commented on Piper before this. I don't plan to comment on Piper unless it is in this vein.
Keep the kid out of it.
10:21 is right
Delete1:55 is correct. It doesn't help the discussion or the blogger's reputation if underage kids are the subject of prurient chit chat. I'm surprised Gryphen lets these through, but I suppose when comments come quickly it's not possible to scan them all.
DeletePiper's mother is fair game though, and I sure with one of the icebergs would take her and her evil protector McCain down for good.
Bristol look awful and if I were her, I'd keep personal commentary and photos off the blog! Plus, that haircut photo looks like it was a fiasco! Nothing cute or entertaining about it at all.
ReplyDeleteSad to say, but it looks like members of the Palin klan will do anything for attention.
So what's that thing sticking out of the back of her head? Is she trying to balance the Leno'esque chin so she can "keep her chin up" when all the h8ers dis her?
ReplyDeleteWhat makes her think ANYONE cares what she does, or does not do? No talent, brainless skank should just get on with her life, take care of the numerous fatherless kids. Looks like Marina is the paid "attendant" Is not too efficient, since the little skank snuck off and got pregnanat AGAIN. Poor Bristol Hollywood. Always the mommy, never the BRIDE.
ReplyDeletePoor Trig.
ReplyDeleteI have nothing against the kids...but to see her Mom parade around as a beacon of Christian values just makes me sick...almost feel sorry for the kids being in the family business of grift ,lies and loose morals.
ReplyDeleteI thought that Bristol took a class in skin care. Look at her pimples, even though she might have tried to cover them up with makeup. Selfies are not Bristol's friends.
ReplyDeleteIs there a Palin Family Doctrine besides "What's in it for us?"
ReplyDeleteBased on what we've seen, Bristol wants the world to abstain from sex until they're married while Bristol is popping out babies like there's no tomorrow and she's never been married. Can't forget Sally Heath and Sarah Heath were supposedly pregnant before marriage and same thing with Track and Britta. I think the Palin Family Doctrine is
"Bristol also posted this picture while waiting for Tripp to get a haircut at Sports Clips in Wasilla"
ReplyDeleteWho is getting a haircut? Tri-G or Tri-PP? I see Tri-G in the picture which made me wonder how come Tri-G's mother is not with him while he's getting a haircut and then it hit me, I see Bristol with Tri-G. Enough said.
That Bristol is a mess!
ReplyDeleteHockey puck for a chin
Bulbous forehead
Don't know what the fuck is going on with her new nose
Bass lips
Are those things on top of their heads used for the guy to grab onto when receiving head?
Piper is like Bristol, can't take a normal picture without making a retard face. Does this mean high school freshman Piper will be like her older duck face sibling and start camping in a canvas tent while downing wine coolers? If I had a son attending Wasilla high school I would get him fixed. No son of mine will get trapped into having a baby with a Palin.
ReplyDeleteOnly the most shallow, messed up parents would want their kids anywhere near a Palin at this point.
DeleteBut I'm sure Piper will have her share of hangers on and wannabes. Unfortunately, there is a contingency of people out there who only care about how many Louis Vuitton bags you have and how many people are following you on Instagram.
I'm still hoping she can rise above her parents and siblings and become a nice college-bound teenager who cares more about school than boys.
I always figured Piper would end up the worst.
DeleteTime will tell. What a hellacious bunch, and all because of mommy's selfish desires.
Look, I can't stand Sarah Palin and wish karma would jump all over John McCain. Sarah Palin also and too. But Piper is a kid, 14 right?, and kids do really dumb stuff. They color their hair and take goofy pictures and play at being adults (one of mine was in permanent time out as I recall) so let's let her be a kid, ok? Now her adult sister with 2?3?4? kids, that's another matter. Have at it.
DeletePalin Family Doctrine:
Sarah Palin Hates Selfies (That Aren't of Sarah Palin)
Hey young ladies, some instructions from Sarah Palin: Take a picture with a fish, not a selfie in a bathroom mirror. Because if there's one thing that Sarah Palin hates, it's selfies.
Palin's full quote, offered as part of a plug for her upcoming TV show, is that she is "convinced the world will be a better place, when we have more girls holding fish in pictures and fewer holding selfie cameras in front of the bathroom mirror." The show cleaned that up a bit, making the nice, Facebook-share-friendly image you see at right. Palin also posted a bunch of (mostly old) pictures of herself and her family with fish or fishing, so you know she's serious.
Curious if this was a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do situation, The Wire looked a little further back in Palin's Facebook photo gallery to see if she was helping to make this selfie-phobic world a reality. We've compiled a catalog of all of the pictures of Palin that would count as selfies, those that are borderline, and all of the photos of Palin with fish. You be the judge.
Sarah Palin is against selfies but look at the above website and see the Palin family selfies.
For a second I thought maybe Gryphen was exaggerating when he implied Russian Aftadark wannabe exotic model Marina Lupas looks like a troll doll.
ReplyDeleteMy apologies to Gryphen for thinking he was wrong. Take a good look at Marina's face, low and behold Marina's face does resemble a troll doll.
Knock it off. That's my bitch you guys are making fun of.
DeleteWhat I find amusing is that Bristol is the only one taking pictures of her. I am sure Piper is taking these pictures. No press or magazines pounding on her door for photos. How come no baby shower pictures? Why is the doctors's office always empty? No customers, just playing around. Bristol is not dressed for work. This is all a sham. Either the baby has already been born or there is no baby. The Palin family could care less. Maybe this is a coverup for Willow. Willow is out of town, maybe she is the real one having a baby. Come on, if Bristol was ready to give birth, Sarah would be celebrating with a party for her and the baby, what better way to show the world she is happy. No mentioning at all. This is all a big scam in my opinion like the wild ride. Either the baby has been born already or we will see a miscarriage. Do you suppose Bristol and family are holding out for big bucks for baby pictures and were told not to show any themselves. Hey, maybe a family celebration or pictures of Bristols full belly in the nude on People Magazine.
ReplyDeleteI think all of the pictures are to show she hasn't gained a ton of weight with this pregnancy like did with the others. i.e DWTS baby...
ReplyDeleteAnonymous9:40 AM
ReplyDeleteI thought that Bristol took a class in skin care. Look at her pimples, even though she might have tried to cover them up with makeup. Selfies are not Bristol's friends.
Maybe Bristol was home schooled and received her GED in popping pimples.
What's with those eyebrows? Is Bristol going through her "I want to look like a drag queen" phase?
ReplyDeleteSecondly nothing says "I don't give a damn" more than taking yet another retarded fish lips picture and posting it online with a comment saying "This is how much I don't care about what you say about me"
Hopefully Tripp and Trig are able to sit still long enough to get a hair cut without flashing gang signs and shouting obscenities to make themselves laugh.
Look at Bristol's jacked up hairstyle. Didn't Bristol's sister Willow graduate from hair school or was Willow home schooled? It is a reflection on Willow that her family looks like homeless vagabonds.
ReplyDeleteYou would think a 24 year old single mom and a who-know-how-old "exotic model" would be beyond sleepover party fix-our-hair-the-same-way-awesome! stuff.
DeleteThey are at the doctor's office where they "work". Doesn't look like they work to hard, huh?
Delete"when people think I care about what they think though"
ReplyDelete-Bristol Palin
Yup that is Sarah Palin’s daughter alright
Yes, Sarah Palin's daughter though.
DeleteSo Trig is left in the 'capable' hands of Bristol, Willow and Piper while his 'mother' and father are off rehearsing their next grift, hosting on OAN this week? Wow. What a wonderful 'full time, big time' mom.
ReplyDeleteBristol IS mom.
DeleteBristol always had nanny's when in LA and about. She couldn't live without Willow going with her. She has never parented a child. The closest she came was caring for Sarah's kids when growing up. Once Levi came along, he helped her.
DeleteShe has not been a mom.
Marina is the mom.
Barstool desreves every negative thing said about her. White trash thru and thru, sickening grifting useless sperm receptor.
ReplyDeleteAnd the world is supposed to believe that this Kardashian wannabe writes the Bristol blog? The followers are so stupid.
ReplyDeleteHey enterprising Alaskans, we folk in the lower 48 are relying on at least one of can-do types to get a picture of Brisdull's belly!
ReplyDeleteThese pics prove she's out and about ... so get crackin'!
DeleteThe black robe Marina has on looks like the same black robe she wears/takes off for her Exxxotic work. Hmmmm.
ReplyDeleteI find the picture of Trig disturbing.
ReplyDeleteOnce again he looks like he is struggling to get away from Piper, while she restrains him, smiling at the camera. We've seen pics like that before, even videos.
What will the girls do to control him when he gets too big to restrain or learns to hit back? It just seems to me that nobody is really helping that kid learn to function in society.
That family is such a dysfunctional mess - all of them. None of the Palin kids know how to behave in polite society.
I've thought about that and no doubt Trig will be institutionalized when he gets older. His "mother" won't want him around that's for sure. And just how long will his sibling's be willing to be his full time parents.
DeleteI also think that Trig will be institualized when he gets too big to control. He has not benefitted from any therapy or use of aids to help him see and hear and converse with the world around him. He cannot eat solid food and probably wears diapers. He probably would have been better off had he been institutionalized from birth. He would have had a chance to overcome some of his handicaps. Not now.
DeleteI wonder who actually takes care of his needs like bathing, toilet needs, feeding.... I can't see Bristol doing all this as she is way pregnant, or so she says.
To the two people who think that Trig will be institutionalized-- I wonder if Sarah's speech at the SW Christian Care Center could also have been a way for her to check out the facilities. The place seems to take care of seniors, hospice care and they office respite care for disabled kids, meaning, park your kid here????
DeleteDoes anyone worry that while Trig has been diagnosed with DS, that he might also carry some effects of too much wine cooler (and something else) FAS? Or, Trig still can't talk and tell the girls that he is bored. They aren't paying attention to him. It's more important to pose for photos.
It bears repeating oneself don't it?
DeleteMy little Autistic cousin was raised at home by my asshole uncle, I think he kept him as long as possible to collect some kind of government check. Well he got big and he got violent and he got institutionalized. Trigger has no chance.
Awhile back, a commenter Palmer mom, who supposedly had a daughter that was a friend of Willow's mentioned that the Palin's have been giving Trig medication to keep him sedated.
DeleteWho knows if it is true, but it certainly sounds like something they would do, since they have neglected Trig since birth.
Would any of us put it past the Palins to sedate the poor kid? Remember little Tripp laying motionless on Bristol's lap when she was interviewed with Matt Lauer. Tripp looked like he'd been drugged. Maybe benadryll.
DeletePoor Trig.
You know, if you think about it, that such a mental case reproduced the likes of one mini-me is quite tragic, and now she's repeating the cycle. Grow up, Bristol, and raise your kids to be educated, responsible adults. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteAlways so hard at work, that Bristol.
ReplyDeleteNose Job?
ReplyDeleteOnly 3, 4, or 5 nose jobs, next time it will fall off.
DeleteHmmmm. J. Leno chin. Karl Malden bulbous nose. Rita Hayworth eyebrows and Olive Oil's hairdo. What's next?
ReplyDeleteWhat's left?
Octomom porn career??
DeleteI know! I read some comments by plastic surgeons and they all think the chin reconstruction is so Leno. They've actually used his name when making the comparison. They all say there's no way she just had her supposed jaw alignment and that she had an insert as well as lots of liposuction in her face and neck.
DeleteAnd you have to wonder, too, about lipo elsewhere. She was a tub and she surely loves to eat garbage even still. For her to be staying thin means she either doesn't let herself eat the junk, always takes one of those fat-killing meds (and she'd better hope her organs don't get affected eventually), or she had tons of lipo.
>> Karl Malden bulbous nose.<<
DeleteOw! That hurts.
Bristol tries to send messages with her facial expressions. I think she's pissed that Willow is having a good time hanging with Jordan, Kat and friends while she's home preggers again! Only one willing to put up with Brissy is the exotic model and Piper only hangs with her when the big girls are out partying it up. There is a ton of dysfunction between those siblings.
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to figure out Jordon's attraction to the Palin family. The first time that we saw her, she and Track drove down to the Kentucky BBQ in the middle of May. (Why didn't Track pick up his sister's stuff when he was there?) People wrote that Jordon was supposed to be smart, going to school, a world traveler. Her instagram photos show a party girl making funny faces and acting like a wild child. Did she and Track meet in rehab? At least they would have that in common. Now, Jordon has attached herself to Willow and Piper. Lots of photos with them on Jordon's Instagram. What's her story and what's her attraction to the Palins when few outsiders seem to hang around with that guarded family.
DeleteOnce again, Bristol posts pics of her making that dumb half duck-half horse expression just like Kim Kardashian does. What is with the need to make such a freaky face? It's just so embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteAnd, hey, no baby bump pics? We know why.
Yes, Marina, looks like a troll. I'm assuming she's still in her 20's but she looks to be close to 50 and I feel sorry for a young woman who already needs to have her jowl taken care of and deep lines around the mouth filled in.
Still, it's Bristol's duck-horse face that makes me laugh and throw up a little at the same time.
I would not be shocked to learn the mall office is used for filming and photos. It was once a dermatology office, if the old doc can still do it, he may sell his cream, give shots and fix a little skin.
ReplyDeleteBy the look of things it is also used after hours or closed during hours for other reasons.
Medical fetishism.
CNN discovers pregnancy fetishism, America says “ew”
They all love roll playing and modeling. Alaska Dermatology Laser and Skin Center
Now where have i seen Bristol and Pipers eyebrows before? Hmm, I know! Vampira! the late night spook show hostess from the fifties.
Or Jack Nicholson...
DeleteCompare Ivanka Trump, Chelsea, the Bush daughters and Obama's girls. They are all highly educated. The ones married have children and we see them all the time in pictures with their grandparents. These were all girls who parents top job was to educate them and make them role models for other girls. No out of wed lock babies, no who could the fathers be, and at Bristols age, no rolling eyes, tongues out and hanging with just one girlfriend, a porn queen. Need I say more? Sarah you did a great job raising your children.
ReplyDeleteMaybe god has plans for The Bump and her Toll Doll, like sarah.....
ReplyDeleteDeeDEEthree carolhaka • 2 hours ago
Sarah follows GOD's will for her life,if GOD tells Sarah to run she will.
All the money that other candidates have will mean nothing,GOD will supply everything Sarah needs,Money whatever.
Pregnant and on the prowl
Whatever is going on with Bristol Palin it is sad, pathetic. She has severe issues that she will keep in denial.
There is barely any hair in Bristol's eyebrows. They are tattoos. Before that she had stick-on brows which apparently she passed down to Piper.
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that Marina, Bristol, and Piper all have the same exact shaped and sized eyebrows.