Sunday, August 16, 2015

Donald Trump continues to attack the decision to invade Iraq, and Jeb Bush for defending it.

So first there was this exchange at the Iowa State Fair between Jeb Bush and a well informed member of the audience as captured by NPR: 

BUSH: First of all, the Iraqis want our help. They want to know that we have skin in the game, that we're committed to this. We don't have to... 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: They booted us out in 2011. 

BUSH: Excuse me? 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: We had to get out in 2011. 

BUSH: We didn't have to get out in 2011. 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: Your brother signed the deal. 

BUSH: It could've been modified and that was the expectation. Everybody in Iraq and everybody in Washington knew that this deal could've been expanded and now... 

UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: Your brother signed a bad deal.

Okay all on its own that is pretty damning stuff right there, but later Donald Trump was asked about the exchange: 

“He said ‘skin in the game.’ I don’t know if you saw his recent statement…We’ve spent two trillion dollars, thousands of lives lost, wounded warriors who I love all over the place. And he said we have to prove we have skin in the game. I think it may be one of the dumbest statements I ever heard.” 

Trump concluded that thought by saying Jeb should apologize to the families affected by the war.

I dislike virtually everything about Donald Trump, but the fact that he keeps calling out Jebbie and his brother over the Iraq War as a candidate currently vying for the Republican nomination is awesome and I LOVE that shit.

In other Trump news he actually did give those Iowa kids rides on his helicopter, after being told by the Iowa State Fair organizers that he wouldn't be allowed to do that.

I guess when you have billions of dollars people don't get to tell you what you can and can't do.

Which includes calling bullshit on Jeb Bush's defense of his brother's presidency apparently.


  1. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I hope that Jeb is harassed about Iraq wherever he goes, and I'm saying that as one who tries to avoid conflict whenever I can.

    I put the blame for Iraq, and subsequently ISIS, squarely on the shoulders of Dubya and Cheney. Dubya sold Congress and the public a bill of goods as Cheney's puppet, and I'll never forget that pic of Cheney with his feet up on his desk watching two WTC burn like it was some freaking sporting event.

    1. Anonymous8:21 AM

      They're psychopaths, without any sense of shame or responsibility.
      What we must elect is someone who's not a nasty, rich, know-it-all.
      These shameless has-beens are not only accepting huge government pensions, but they're also pulling down $100,000 speaking fees.

      Go back to your bathtub, W. and do some more finger painting. Laura will call and let you know when she's ready to read you a good-night story.

    2. In 1997 Jeb was already teaming up with Cheney, Rumsfield, Libby, advocating for pre emptive war. PNAC

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I never expected to agree with Donald Trump! Keep talking, Donald, if you are going to remind everyone of the 2 recessions we went through while Dubya was prez along with the needless deaths of our soldiers. Donald, you Maverick!

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Ya gotta love Trump...
    Not as a viable candidate for President in 2016...
    But as a "One Man Off-Script Wrecking Ball" ripping through the Republican Platform and Candidates...

    If he runs as an Independent it will be icing on the cake...

    The Republicans are in a no-win situation and the Koch Brothers don't know which trash can to throw their money in but it ain't Trump they'll be buying...

    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      But as a "One Man Off-Script Wrecking Ball" ripping through the Republican Platform and Candidates..

      A+ ROFLOL

    2. Anonymous3:20 PM

      I would like Trump a lot more if it wasn't for his crazy followers and supporters. It's people like Breitbart fans, Tea Party folks, low-info voters, and of course that oddball Palin clan (along with their clueless followers), that will ensure that I vote for whatever Democrat gets the nomination next year. Doesn't matter if it's Hillary, Bernie, Joe or TBA. They have my vote.

      That said, I'm rootin' for an Independent run. Trump needs to stay in it even after Jeb!, or whoever Fox chooses, gets the nomination.

  4. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Down the road America will be reminded that the oath Trump would take as POTUS is as worthless as his three marriage vows he violated. Trump is not running for Americans, he's running for himself.

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      That may be, but it sure is fun watching him take it to 'em. He has absolutely nothing to lose.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Trump is no different as to having multiple marriages - look at some of the other politicians currently holding seats in Congress. Begin with John McCain!

      Americans no longer care how many times someone has been married....multiple marriages are so prevalent! Just look around you, 6:37 AM!

    3. Anonymous9:40 AM

      I don't care either, but the religious right pretends to care., and then tells the east of us what to do based on their interpretation of the Bible. Do you not see the hypocrisy?

    4. Anonymous9:45 AM

      9:40 AM I'm 9:02 AM and I do see your point.

      The Republican 'religious' drive me nuts - they don't live what they were taught as to being Christians!

  5. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Trump's running mate (oh please oh please) Sarah Palin's c4p has an interesting scolding from the head mod to stop the fighting and bickering. Just as Sarah holds a grudge and has to go after every slight, so too do her fans:

    Do not rehash your past grievances with other posters on this site. No one cares who said what to whom two years ago, two weeks ago, or two days ago. We don't care who started it, or whose feelings were hurt. None of this petty nonsense belongs on these pages.

    Treat each other with respect. Period. If you see a comment that you feel you must respond to in an angry or hostile manner .. DON"T. Either report it, or ignore it. We expect civility.

    In other words, stop acting like Sarah! Ha ha, hypocrites!

    1. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Bristles added "Don't be giddy assholes also, too.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      Craziest group of blithering idiot fans I've ever seen.

      It's funny to watch them actually TRY to make decisions and choices of their own... That is, until Sarah tweets the opposite, then they scramble to "rethink" their position so it mirrors Palin's exactly.

      "Sarah, tell us what to think; tell us what to do! Here's $20.16 to help you tweet at us! Baa baa baa!"

  6. Anonymous6:51 AM

    "I agree with everything my brother did.

    Except for the agreement he made with Iraq to pull out our troops. Everyone knows that should have been changed because it was a really bad deal.

    But I agree with everything my brother did because he didn't make any mistakes."

    Contradiction? What contradiction???

  7. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Gryph: Please stop using qualifiers such as "apparently" as in this case:

    " Which includes calling bullshit on Jeb Bush's defense of his brother's presidency apparently. "

    Nothing "apparently" about it -- Trump called BULLSHIT as did the audience member in the NPR segment.

    It's imperative that we bloggers call it and call it without qualification.


    1. Anonymous8:14 AM


    2. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Corporations are people my friend. This will haunt him just like that statement by Romney. Trump is doing better at taking out these Republicans than any Democrat has done. Democrats are terrible fighters compared to these a-holes who will say anything. Absolutely LOVING this primary season. ROFLMAO.

  8. Anonymous6:58 AM

    I recommend two books:

    ISIS: Inside the Army of Terror, by Michael Weiss

    ISIS: Comprehensive Insight Into . . . . , by Noah Mason

    Both these are tedious reading, however, they describe in great factual detail:
    -- The complexities of Iran-Iraq-Syria-Sunni-Shia relations;
    -- Why "US boots on the ground" will solve NOTHING; and,
    -- How the Bush-Cheney-Wolfowitz Iraq War was complete fuck-up from the git-go.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Perhaps most succinct explanation of who is 2 blame 4 Isis. U get 2 guesses at the 2 culprits

    2. Anonymous8:40 AM

      A Sensible Grading of Obama’s Middle East Strategy, As Opposed to Republican Nonsense:

      ... If you can’t understand that Obama’s overall Middle East strategy is starting to work, you don’t know what you’re talking about

      By Brian E. Frydenborg (LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter @bfry1981)

      The cocks who crow “failure” every time the sun rises about the Obama Administration’s overall Middle East strategy—and we will be hearing their mindless crowing at its highest decibels since the competition within the Republican Party for the Party’s presidential nomination is now officially underway—have no sense of strategy themselves and dangerously substitute tactical-here-and-nows and pointless posturing for real strategy. That’s not to say some of the Obama Administration’s Middle East policies aren’t lacking, but overall the Administration has more progress and sound approaches to point to than failures and mismanagement. Below, all of the Obama Administration’s major Middle East policies are broken down and given a letter grade. Here, then, is a look at all the major efforts of the Obama Administration in the Middle East, and as it covers a lot of territory this has been broken up into two parts, this being Part I and covering the U.S.-Muslim world reset, Iraq, and Israel/Palestine.

  9. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Hillary was a supporter of the war and that should not be ignored...I am thinking of voting for Atrump over the war munger Mrs Clinton.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      What is a "war munger"? I think you're too transparent, Trump follower.

      A politician who can't be bought because of their morals is a far cry from one who has more money than anyone who might be looking to purchase. That does not make them safe from corruption. Careful, you might vote in the first King of America.


    2. Anonymous8:28 AM

      What is a "war munger"? I think you're too transparent, Trump follower.
      Sorry, Trump brings out the ugly in me. Also.


  10. Anonymous7:04 AM

    So, because HE decided to make a big splash and show off, he felt it was perfectly acceptable to ignore the rules of the fair and give helicopter rides after he had been explicitly told it was not permitted.. I'm sure he never bothered to consider the extensive liability conditions of the fair's insurance policies or the safety risks of bringing a helicopter into a venue that had not planned to accommodate such a dangerous vehicle. If anyone had been hurt by his actions, it could permanently close the fair and put all of the organizers in danger of catastrophic lawsuits.

    But HE wanted to do it so he did it anyway. Rules just don't apply to The Donald. Makes you wonder how he would deal with Supreme Court decisions he didn't agree with or international treaties he didn't like.

    And this is the person that people want to put in the White House???

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      The helicopter landed a mile away and I'm sure they worked it out to get approval before going ahead with it. Trump is not going to be deterred if he wants something. Too funny watching other candidates walking around while TRUMP helicopter circles overhead.

    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      " Makes you wonder how he would deal with Supreme Court decisions he didn't agree with or international treaties he didn't like."
      Why do you "wonder"? He would do whatever he wanted and would probably get away with it.

    3. Anonymous8:58 AM

      You could hear Trump asking (a couple of adults in the group with the kids) if the kids had their parent's approval to ride in his helicopter.

      He's not that stupid to have taken them up w/o approval. Trust me! Too much liability if any of them got hurt.

    4. fromthediagonal10:01 AM

      My sentiments entirely. While it is interesting to watch this rich man call out other rich men, we need to remain highly aware of the fact that Trump is a real estate con man, and this is just the beginning of it.

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    If WE (the royal we) are supposed to have skin in the game then the question must be asked what skin does the bush family have in the game? Crickets?

    1. Anonymous8:33 AM

      One really disgusting thing was Bush taking $100,000 (and Laura $50,000) to speak at a wounded warriors charity. They should be funding these facilities personally not taking money from them. I really don't know how these people live with themselves.

    2. Anonymous8:50 AM

      Agree totally. These two should have to pay to show their idiot faces to any veterans especially wounded ones.

  12. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Is Trump secretly hoping for a Democrat President?

    or is this performance art like the other guy whose name I forget but Rachel outed it


    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Lucy, that was Herman Cain.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Right. Herman Cain. So is this Republican Performance Art Part II?

  13. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Well, someone needs to bring this war boondoggle up and whom better than Trump. I agree with his comments to Jebbie and family. They and their cronies got rich off the war.
    As for Palin running with Trump, please just say NO! It would be so nauseating to have to listen/watch her crap again.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      I certainly dislike Trump less for bringing attention to this sad meaningless waste of human lives through an attack on Iraq.
      Keep it up Trump, they (bush/cheney)more then earned the world's disdain.may they die alone and painful.

  14. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Donald Trump Sits Down For Wide-Ranging Interview With Meet The Press

    On Jeb Bush

    “Look, when Jeb Bush raises $114 million, I know those people that gave him the money. I used to be one of them. I mean, I gave to everybody, okay? I know those people. He’s like a puppet for those people. He’s a puppet. Those people, they’ll take negative ads on me and on other people because they want him in there because they’re going to control Jeb Bush.”

    George Will: Do We Really Want to Give Nuclear Weapons to Donald Trump?

    “Those deemed least qualified to be president are most qualified to do what voters want done today… which is send a message,” Will said, comparing Trump to segregationist Dixiecrat candidate George Wallace.

    Will also compared Trump to primal scream therapy, a fad from the ’60s in which patients just yelled to make themselves feel better. “He’s one-trick pony. ‘I’m rich, everybody who disagrees me is stupid, and all our problems are simple. Put me in power.’”

    “Since we are at the end of this going to elect a president, people have to say, ‘Do we really want to give nuclear weapons to Donald Trump?’ at which point I think things change,” he predicted.

  15. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Best comment I've read this morning (from Huffpo):

    "Lots of slightly older American kids got rides in hellicopters from 1964-1975. Donald Trump was not one of them."

  16. Anonymous7:30 AM

    I guess when you have billions of dollars people don't get to tell you what you can and can't do.
    And how scary is that? Is that what the world needs to have in the most powerful position?

    I think this shows the danger of a corrupt government. Decades of lobbying, game playing and 'scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' and severe partisanship have allowed this 'elitist' to rise to power from the ashes. How American, the reality show/mogul with the Big Bucks gets to be the leader.

    I don't laugh at Trump. I worry at the hordes that follow him and defend him. I worry that so many want a bully and don't care that he is a liar and a cheat. Are they so terrified of non-white Americans that they think we need an omnipotent superhero to protect us? What about the importance of dealing diplomatically with the rest of the world, or fixing the problems we have in this country? Do they think Trump has the $ to fix all, or do they even care?

    We should change the name of the country to Potterville.


    1. Anonymous8:11 AM

      "so terrified of non-white Americans"
      I think you nailed it, Mildred!

    2. Anonymous8:55 AM

      What I like about Trump is the fact he cannot be bought due to using his own money for his campaign. The lobbyist will not be able to get to him as they do our current politicians.

      Republicans especially are bought and paid for and they are an awful bunch on all levels of government - national, state and local!

      People need to pay close attention for whom they cast their votes in the upcoming election.

      I see things changing! (fingers crossed!!!)

  17. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Sarah Palin speaks out of both sides of her ass along with Donald Trump

    Good for Trump for standing up to the Bush family but there's a but in this.

    "wounded warriors who I love all over the place"
    -Donald Trump

    McCain "is a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren't captured."
    -Donald Trump
    Republican Party Presidential candidate

    So Donald Trump loves wounded warriors all over the place but he doesn't like POWs because they were captured.

    Donald Trump is speaking out of both sides of his ass.

    Sarah Palin speaks out of both sides of her ass for calling Donald Trump a hero and supposedly Sarah Palin loves American veterans but Sarah Palin didn't speak up and defend our captured American POWs.

    1. Anonymous8:52 AM

      Many Americans do not see John McCain as a war hero! Plus, he's been horrible as a member of the U.S. Congress for the past thirty years!!!

      He's up for re election AGAIN and I hope the folks in AZ are paying attention to the negatives that are being written about him. He's a do nothing man, nasty in spirit, screwed his wives and is someone I don't respect at all!

  18. Anonymous7:31 AM

    There is a lot that Trump says that I like as he is bringing things to the forefront and we are talking about various issues!

    Watched him in Iowa and some of the press questions were ridiculous for which he actually called them out! Cracked me up!!!

  19. Anonymous7:58 AM

    There's something refreshingly honest with Donald Trump, yet there's something very dangerous. His candor induces masses to 'ooh and ahh' now, but, if he's given power, it would turn into a dictatorship.

    He is exposing the hypocrisies of the GOP war-mongerers. BUT, he also makes illogical statements like stealing the oil from Iran and Isis. These comments are the comments of a provocateur, which would put every ex-patriot U.S. citizen or Americans overseas in peril. He would clearly start an anti-U.S. campaign and start WW3, just because the man doesn't know how to tame his tongue.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I find him interesting to watch too! He speaks off the cuff, does not use a teleprompter and is bringing to the forefront items that the people are interested in talking about.

      He doesn't put up with the media/press either! They truly do ask him some asinine questions and he points it out when they do - i.e. Iowa!

      This race is going to be so interesting to watch!

  20. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The war is and should be the giant albatross hanging around the necks of the Bush family as well as Cheney. Sad thing is, they all manage to sleep at night perfectly well with it, day in and day out.

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Also Rice and Powell. They should never show their faces in public again.

    2. Anonymous9:17 AM

      I agree 9:05. Thanks for adding them to the list.

  21. Anonymous8:07 AM

    OT Sarah at Primp and Blow style and make up salon in Phoenix. On c4p.

  22. Anonymous8:10 AM

    My two cents on this issue:

    Secretary of State isn't a normal job. It's a high-profile, appointed position that requires high security.

    I think it's pretty evident that most people who work in general use a private email and most leaders in all 50 states do conduct their official business (varying degrees) on such private emailing systems. A lot of governors of both parties have admitted that their spouses are trusted advisors. That should be common sense since a spouse is a person's best friend.

    My only question is:

    Why does a SoS need a personal server for all emails?

    I don't even care if Hillary or those who worked with her face penalty. I don't think any one person in this country is a threat to anything or embroiled in threatening business.
    I just want a legitimate answer that involves no game playing so the country can learn from this.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Okay here's your legitimate answer.

      Todd Palin is not a pimp!
      Sarah Palin will run in 2016

      There you go.

    2. Anonymous8:46 AM

      Todd Palin WAS a pimp! Read "Boys Will be Boys" by Shailey Tripp! Proven and factual!

      And, Sarah Palin would be nuts to run for anything in 2016. The country already knows her as a joke and fraud!

    3. Anonymous10:12 AM

      Trump, Sarah and the whole group of them are jokes and frauds. But that doesn't mean anything Shailey Tripp writes in a book is factual.

    4. Anonymous10:55 AM

      Since the Payme's did not sue for defamation then I think Shailey's book IS factual.

    5. Anonymous2:07 PM

      10:55, many times a person(s) does not sue because "you can't get blood from a turnip".

      As for clearing ones name, the pros and cons of litigation must be measured against the risks and benefits of going through a legal process. And everyone places different value on the respective pros, cons, risks and benefits of any given situation.

  23. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Like the songs says:
    Put me in coach I'm ready to play today



    Donnie I'm so excited you said you will give me a job as your cabinet maker. I'm not only America's energy expert, I'm America's expert in cabinet building as well.

    I'm so so excited

    • I took took a shower
    • I got my my faced fix
    • Got new new hair
    • New makeup makeup (no more Bristol )
    • I'm wearing my my new throwback top
    • Don't worry about about my old granny breasts, I will get my pancake titties filled
    • I will will get my knees fixed unless of course you like em the way they are?
    • Don't worry about my old old looking hands. I will wear white gloves like like the elderly people do.
    • Don't have to worry about Bristol getting getting pregnant again and embarrassing me, she already is pregnant. We just need to find out who the baby's daddy is and will he step up since he's responsible for getting my abstinence daughter pregnant?

    Donnie so sorry for for my stuttering it is just I'm so so excited.

    Donnie I got my campaign speeches all ready, I'm just waiting for Piper to white out that black man's name, you know Obama, and and change 2008 to 2017.

    So Donnie the new Sarah Palin 2.0 DD is ready able and and willing to attack anybody you sic me on.

    ☆SARAH PALIN☆ & Donald Trump
    2017 Mavericks

    Resume and letters of recommendations from my my running mate John McCain and and from Lou Sarah and the citizens of Alaska is available upon request.

  24. ibwilliamsi8:20 AM

    What was Trump's position on the war in Iraq circa 2002 - 2008? Because true Patriots like me knew it was wrong and never supported one little bit of it.

    1. Anonymous9:21 AM

      Great question!

  25. Anonymous8:36 AM

    D. Inder Comar is legal director at Comar Law, a boutique law firm in San Francisco. We discuss the case of Saleh v. Bush in which he is lead counsel, currently in the 9th Circuit, seeking to hold George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, and others responsible under the laws of Nuremberg for the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

  26. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Why Trump Might Well Win The Nomination

    I have no doubt that Trump is a bigot, an all-round horrible human being, with not the slightest interest in anything other than himself. I have explained these conclusions elsewhere, but it is also plainly obvious that such traits are extremely attractive to the riled up Stupidparty base. Here in lies the delicious irony -Stupidparty will now be reaping what it has sown. After the first debate, all the political pundits said that Trump had lost. But Stupidparty voters said no. They are now even turning on Fox -who is just not extreme enough, too establishment. Since it unlikely that Roger Aisles’s new boss will allow Fox to get more extreme (evidently Lachlan Murdoch hates Fox News) -we are now due for a new outlet that will make Fox look moderate. Breitbart? Drudge? Beck? Some one else? Who knows. Zombie like supporters who are developing a taste for Zombie flesh. Let the games begin- because the race is now one for Trump to lose— as we enter into new Stupidparty land territory. I will now let Brian Frydenborg explain why Trump is better positioned the regularly understood.

  27. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Bernie Sanders Draws More People Than Clinton Or Trump With Crowd That Stopped Iowa State Fair

  28. Anonymous12:58 PM

    So Trump wants to build the biggest prettiest wall between the US and Mexico, but who on earth will be the general contractors... Of yeah his Mob buddies from New York and New Jersey so they can feast off the tax payers and also control the drug flow North across the US. Good luck, Donny! Goddamn scam artist just like Palin!

  29. Anita Winecooler5:21 PM

    After trying for weeks to deny/distance himself from his last name and his brother, George, whom he loves and admires, Jeb dropped the Exclamation Point, and just when he felt he could stretch his neck like a tortoise shell, someone in the audience OWNED him, and Trump was quick to snap back and double down. Good job, Donny, but let's not toot our own horn too soon, shall we? I don't hate billionaires, as a matter of fact I love billionaires, some billionaires that is, not the ones who buy votes by giving kids free heelycopter rides at a fairground.
    What kind of dick does that? What if, say, it sputtered to the ground and ruined that huge butter cow display? The entire butter molding into farm animals business is wiped out because you wanted to show off. And how about the kids? Not presidential at all. Just sayin.

    Here's where Trump takes a "self deport" lesson from another billionaire loser.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.